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Christmas in Crowden
Episode 2921st December 2023 • Longdendale Tales • ASFB Productions
00:00:00 00:27:23

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Back in March (episode 8), Clare Savory visited an almost forgotten chapel on the hillside between Woodhead and Crowden... Now a group of volunteers from across the Longdendale valley (and beyond) have rescued St James' Church.

In this special Christmas episode, Clare invites Longdendale Tales listeners in for a sneak peek of the first concert at the chapel in years.

Music is provided by Adrian Loader and Arnfield Brass Band. Tintwistle-based celebrant Steph Baker leads the service.

You can support the volunteers repairing St James by donating to their crowdfunder campaign here:

If you've enjoyed this episode of our podcast, make sure you visit our digital interactive map for more of the valley's fascinating history at

Special thanks to Holly Close (assistant producer), Harry Heart (series theme music ‘Begging’), Lauren Riley (logos and artwork) and Kate Raine (Glossop Heritage Trust research library).




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