What Kind of Research Should You Do to Determine if you are a Match for a Job? Hey it's Brian before we get into todays podcast ...The University of San Francisco’s Sport Management Master’s program has been educating industry professionals for 30 years!! Take the fast track to the career you’ve always wanted. ○ Earn your Sport Management master’s degree at USF in 23 months○ Learn from industry-experienced faculty○ Gain over 1,000 hours of internship experience○ Join a network of 2,500 alumni who are leaders in the industry — and mentors to you For more information go to the University of San Francisco’s Sport Management Master’s program WEBSITE at the WorkInSports podcast is brought to you by the Work In Sports Academy -- Look I get it, the last thing you want to do is take more classes, and read another dry textbook teaching you something you may never use in the real world. This is not that. I have created 4 different online courses that are not a dry textbook full of useless information. This is the stuff that will make getting hired in sports easier. Everyone tells you how hard it is to work in sports… but you want to anyway… well, if you’re going to do it, do it right. Our courses are designed to teach you how to get hired. Networking, Interviewing, Building your personal brand, gaining the right experience -- and I’m much more fun to learn from than some BS textbook that puts you to sleep. I am interesting!So come check it out --, let’s start the countdown…Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp VP of Content and Engaged Learning at and this is the Work in Sports podcast...A few weeks back… or maybe a few months, I don’t know, Time is a relative thing. A few weeks back I brought up the concept of searching for jobs based on the company you want to work for... A company first pattern. I’ll recap quickly -- rather than looking for jobs, looks for companies you want to work for and figure out a path from within. Most people say I want to work in sports marketing and then look for jobs in marketing. Nothing wrong with that, that’s how I did it, and that’s how millions of others have too. BUT, I propose that it is an alternative approach, that could work out better, in the long run, to start with the company that fits you and work your way into the role. So for example, if you say NIKE is my spirit animal, I love everything about them. Still, learn your passion in school...still focus on marketing and everything that goes into it… but start studying NIKE specifically, learn where their entry-level positions are, learn what qualifications they need and want, learn about their internship programs. And focus deep into what it will take to get hired there.Your first gig may not be in marketing… but that’s OK, because you are where you want to be, and you can work your way into the role you ultimately desire. That is the skin-deep version of a company-first approach, there is more detail out there in a previous podcast… but I bring that up because it was the spark for today’s question and you all listening needed some context!So the question from Monique in Ohio… “Hey, Brian I loved your prior podcast on having a company focused approach to your job search. I love all of your podcasts, but that one really resonated with me. Anyway, just a follow-up, what things do you look for in a company?”I love this question because it applies to the new version of me. When I was in your shoes… all of you wonderful folks out there...I was just happy to get any job anywhere. I didn’t pick CNN Sports Illustrated… I was thrilled to get a callback, interview, and job. Even my next role at Fox Sports Northwest… I didn’t really set out to work there. I got a call from a recruiter, regarding the Best Damn Sports Show Period… and ended up in Seattle. Long story for another day.BUT, I chose my next venture. I chose to work at for many reasons.