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18: The Joys of Magical Mentoring With Heather Hanson
Episode 1826th April 2023 • Mystical Sisterhood • Maureen Spielman
00:00:00 00:58:44

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Heather Hanson is an intuitive, healer, Magical Mentor, creativity junkie, and creator/owner of the Creative Sage Cottage, a healing destination in Union Pier, Michigan. Heather shares with us how she didn’t come from a fairytale background or grow up with affirming messages and for many years, wore masks of her survival self until she hit a very difficult time in 2017. Following this period of darkness, she emerged stronger than ever, with more commitment to share her gifts, talents and healing abilities with the world. Heather’s work includes serving you as a “Magical Mentor”, tarot card reader, Hebrew Aleph-bes expert, and leader of workshops, amongst many other things! Heather supports humans in untangling what has held them back and illuminates light on the shadows to create new possibilities in their lives. Heather continuously asks playful questions and comes to this life with a “Why not?” attitude! She is incredibly inspiring and her energy is contagious! Listen in and let me know what you love! Um, everything!

EPISODE TAKEAWAYS (what you’ll learn):

  • What if this was all true? Nature, plants, tarot, any tool we have ever been given
  • We don’t all come from fairytale backgrounds
  • What if you could use your heartbreak for your own transformation
  • The remarkable gift of using your voice and experiences to support one another
  • How the Tarot and Hebrew alphabet complement each other
  • The idea that there is a commonality amongst the tools we access for healing
  • The importance of sharing our spiritual experiences
  • Appreciation for the humans walking alongside us as a foundational principle of being
  • The importance of saying yes to the journey
  • How to name the shadow in the dark

About the Guest:

I’m Heather Hanson, and The Creative Sage Cottage is my magical Queendom. The Cottage is one part store and one part Magical Mentoring space. A few of my favorite and most consistent hats to wear are that of an intuitive, Magical Mentor, mixed media artist, spiritual interpreter, Magi-crafting facilitator, creativity junkie, writer, teacher, student, wife and mother to Sammy our “Pitador” Rescue pooch. For the last 25 years or so I have extensively studied and taken more classes than I can count in Theology, Religion, Alternative Healing, Jewish Mysticism, Kabbalah, herbalism, psychology, crystal therapy, Tarot as it relates to healing and the Hebrew Alef-bes, Astrology and energy healing. I am an intuitive since long before I took my first breath. I am also a perpetual student and teacher of life and spirituality. Heather founded Creative Sage Cottage, and finally at age 53, I am living from a place of authenticity and truth. During all that darkness I found my way into a deeper relationships with a few old loves; Tarot, the Hebrew Alef-Bes, Jewish mysticism and several other tools that I had always relied on to help me feel closer to God. As I was allowing myself to heal and slowly putting myself and my marriage back together, I fell very intentionally down a deep and magical rabbit hole where I wound up meeting my most authentic self…she was way down there at rock bottom. And that is how my ascent began…I ripped off every band-aid, took off every mask, fought like hell to silence every internal nay-sayer and for the first time in my life, I invited my truest self to rise up out of the ashes. I leaned in whole-heartedly and decided it was time to honor my SELF by using the burdens I had carried as a sort of spiritual healing elixir for others. This is the path of the wounded healer; and it is why my company; Creative Sage Cottage was born. I have an intimate relationship with the darkest night of the soul and it has lead me to know that my souls greatest calling is to remind you of your divine origin, to introduce you to your soul again. I now rely on my intuition in partnership with our Creator to assist you on your journey back to your most authentic self. I am a work in progress holding space for healing and the cultivation of divine memory and magic.

See full story here:

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About the Host:

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

Connect with Maureen:

● Check out her Instagram @maureeenspielman

● Learn more about her work at

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Maureen Spielman:

Welcome back to mystical sisterhood. Today's

Maureen Spielman:

guest is Heather Hansen head there is an intuitive healer, a

Maureen Spielman:

magical mentor, a creativity junkie and creator owner of the

Maureen Spielman:

creative sage cottage, a healing destination in Union pier

Maureen Spielman:

Michigan. Today, Heather shares with us how she may not have

Maureen Spielman:

come from a fairy tale background or grow up with

Maureen Spielman:

affirming messages, and for many years wore masks of her survival

Maureen Spielman:

self until she hit her own rock bottom, just a few years back,

Maureen Spielman:

and how she cultivated that period of darkness to look

Maureen Spielman:

within and see where pieces of her needed to be tended to from

Maureen Spielman:

her childhood, and she emerged stronger than ever. Heather

Maureen Spielman:

truly is a magical mentor. And you're not gonna want to miss

Maureen Spielman:

this episode. It's filled with so much magic and so much beauty

Maureen Spielman:

that I can't wait for you to listen. So here we go. Hey

Maureen Spielman:

there, welcome to mystical sisterhood. This is your host,

Maureen Spielman:

Maureen Spielman. I started the show to highlight the

Maureen Spielman:

intuitives, healers and other courageous women that I've met

Maureen Spielman:

along my journey and continue to meet. Through amazing

Maureen Spielman:

interviews, I seek to ask insightful questions to uncover

Maureen Spielman:

ways in which you the listener can apply the wisdom and

Maureen Spielman:

knowledge to your own life. I believe that we're all in this

Maureen Spielman:

together. So sharing healing and joy, and bringing community

Maureen Spielman:

together is both my passion and purpose. If you'd like to learn

Maureen Spielman:

more about the mystical sisterhood community I'm

Maureen Spielman:

building, please visit www mystical See you

Maureen Spielman:

in the episode. Welcome back to mystical sisterhood podcast.

Maureen Spielman:

This is Maureen and I'm here today with Heather Hansen. I did

Maureen Spielman:

a longer bio for Heather in the intro. But Heather, I was so

Maureen Spielman:

greatly honored to meet probably about a year and a half ago at

Maureen Spielman:

her creative sage cottage in new buffalo or Michigan that might

Maureen Spielman:

be union pier, actually. But just this beautiful, energetic

Maureen Spielman:

space feel filled with healing arts, and also attend a workshop

Maureen Spielman:

at your farmhouse which was such a beautiful event for me and

Maureen Spielman:

experience. And I guess the way that I'm going to introduce you,

Maureen Spielman:

Heather, is that you are an intuitive a healer I just told

Maureen Spielman:

you, I consider you to be a mystic other kinds of monikers

Maureen Spielman:

that you have gone by our magical mentor, mixed media

Maureen Spielman:

artist, spiritual interpreter, creativity junkie, writer,

Maureen Spielman:

teacher, student, wife, and mother to your rescue pooch. And

Maureen Spielman:

I know our conversation today will probably span a lot of

Maureen Spielman:

different areas that you sort of specialize in. And we had a

Maureen Spielman:

conversation preparing ourselves for today. And in it, I was

Maureen Spielman:

really struck by what you called the unseen worlds and your

Maureen Spielman:

fascination with unseen worlds. And this idea of what if all

Maureen Spielman:

these things in front of us the nature the flowers, the plants,

Maureen Spielman:

these tools we have like the taro or the Hebrew alphabet.

Maureen Spielman:

What if they were these magical just tools waiting for us to use

Maureen Spielman:

them? They were they they've been part of our cultures for

Maureen Spielman:

centuries. And and just the discovery of these tools is like

Maureen Spielman:

wow, these these aren't just made up things that some people

Maureen Spielman:

can access and some people don't have access to. So that was

Maureen Spielman:

really striking to me. And then I'm just gonna say a quote that

Maureen Spielman:

you said yesterday, that I think is really important. And that

Maureen Spielman:

was, we all want to know we are holy, and how are we going to

Maureen Spielman:

support one another? In knowing this? Amen. Right? Yeah. So with

Maureen Spielman:

those, I'll just start, you know, whatever struck you with

Maureen Spielman:

what I just said, or wherever you want to start about

Maureen Spielman:

yourself. I welcome it.

Heather Hanson:

Oh my goodness. Well, first of all, I'm so

Heather Hanson:

beyond honored and thrilled and humbled to be a part of this

Heather Hanson:

because I feel like what you're doing is opening a container for

Heather Hanson:

people to be able to hear in whatever needs to come through

Heather Hanson:

this sacred thing that we call life and all these different

Heather Hanson:

moving parts. You give us a space where we can listen and we

Heather Hanson:

can listen without can tendency without judgment, we can share

Heather Hanson:

our experiences and sort of come together as these remarkable

Heather Hanson:

human beings that we are. So whatever I can contribute to

Heather Hanson:

this part of the journey, I'm so grateful. So thank you for that.

Heather Hanson:

I appreciate the opportunity. I think one of the things that is

Heather Hanson:

the at the forefront of the work that I do and that I hope to

Heather Hanson:

continue to do for as long as I am here, is this idea that,

Heather Hanson:

like, what if this is all true? What if all these guideposts and

Heather Hanson:

signs and little intuitive nagging things that we get and

Heather Hanson:

these things that show up for us? What if it's all real? What

Heather Hanson:

if that there really is this divine supreme being who, for

Heather Hanson:

whatever reason, decided to breathe all of us into

Heather Hanson:

existence, and now our greatest responsibility, and what I hope

Heather Hanson:

is our deepest and most profound joy is being able to reflect

Heather Hanson:

back to God, what he has created through our eyes. So it's a

Heather Hanson:

Yeah, it's a profound honor to be here in this space on the

Heather Hanson:

planet at this particular time, just to be in observance and

Heather Hanson:

celebration of what's happening right now.

Maureen Spielman:

I love the way that you say that. And I, what I

Maureen Spielman:

hear from people over and over and over again, is was what you

Maureen Spielman:

just said to about how we're all this divine representation.

Maureen Spielman:

Like, that's not just, you know, we can look at social media and

Maureen Spielman:

say, like, Oh, they're saying that they're saying that, but

Maureen Spielman:

no, no, no, that's one of those. Those gifts, like, what if what

Maureen Spielman:

if it were true that each one of us was instilled with these

Maureen Spielman:

gifts, this myriad of just this cocktail or alchemy of? Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

what we're what we're here it is to serve and support? And what

Maureen Spielman:

if it were true?


Well, and I feel like, you know, not all of us come


from fairy tale backstories, some of us have really chaotic,


oftentimes horrific, traumatic. backstories. And what if we're


able to, instead of sitting in that space of these tragedies


that were a part of my life? What if I could figure out a way


to use them as medicine for someone else? What if every


experience is holy and sacred? And somehow, we get to alchemize


it and say, How can I use this to help the next person? How can


I shine a light a little bit brighter for the next person


that comes along. And so my greatest burden, perhaps can


become a blessing for you. And that's one of the things, gosh,


it's kind of become like one of my missions to make sure that


everybody understands, there's an opportunity here for the


divine to be a part of all of it, if you choose to see it, if


you'll receive it, it's not reserved with the idea that you


have to have a certain degree or you have to have gone through


the worst of it or nothing at all. It just is. Because you


were, I believe a prayer on the heart of God before you ever


took a breath into your humanity. And what are you going


to do with that knowing how does every single thing change? If no


matter what your backstory here, backstory is, you're here with


intention and divine purpose. Now what? Right there's no



Maureen Spielman:

No, there's there's no limit and to have

Maureen Spielman:

someone like you and as many of us who can be a reflection for

Maureen Spielman:

the others who need that, at a particular time, it can change

Maureen Spielman:



Yes, I think that's one of the most remarkable gifts


that we have is the opportunity to use our voice and use our


experiences regardless of what that looks like. I in the work


that I do with one on one mentoring. I have a lot of


clients that come to me, and they want to heal, they want to


figure out like how do I put this burden down. But then it's


so comfortable. We don't even recognize that we're carrying it


half the time. It's like the sweater that's faded out and


it's pillowy and but you won't throw it away because you it's


the first thing that you see in the closet. You don't even give


it a thought. And I like the idea of shining a light into


shadows where we might not want to look because we're so afraid


of what's hiding there. And then realizing that it's not so scary


when it's framed in divinity. That yes, it was a horrible


experience. And I'm so sorry that it happened. But what can


we do with it now? How can we take The backstory and turn it


into a happily ever after for anybody else that you touch and


for your own experience. Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

I love that part of your work. Because just

Maureen Spielman:

bringing up, I really appreciate you bringing up, hey, we don't

Maureen Spielman:

all come from fairy tale backgrounds. And so there's no

Maureen Spielman:

bypassing care of what we've been through. And I think, you

Maureen Spielman:

know, you had sent me a beautiful, long, longer bio, and

Maureen Spielman:

I in the bio, you talk about how you had your own crash and burn

Maureen Spielman:

and kind of, I don't know, I forget what you had called it.

Maureen Spielman:

But that time where it seemed that everything was occurring

Maureen Spielman:

for you, and then you kind of had a awaking up or it sounds

Maureen Spielman:

like a gentle waking up out of that.


Yeah, I feel like, well, most of my childhood on


into adulthood was chaos. It was just my parents had a very


unique way of existing in the world. And a lot of it was not


cookie cutter founded on truth, it was more, they created their


own kind of reality in a lot of different ways. And so it took a


really long time to understand that this isn't the way most


people are raised. I started going to a therapist, because I


was afraid that I had a warped sense of reality. Because if


you're the one who's telling the truth, and everybody else has a


skewed narrative, the collective, even in my own home


was more like, Well, you're the one that isn't actually being


honest, we're the ones that are being honest. So it took a long


time to sort that out. And let be able to listen to my own


voice and the one that was deeper. And then just when I


thought I had figured it all out, 2017 came and my marriage


was blown to smithereens, my younger brother passed away


after a long battle with cancer, I was hit by a drunk driver. My


mother was I put her was actually coming home from


putting her in the hospital with end stage leukemia. And then she


passed away two weeks later, it was literally in the course of


2017 into 2018. And I was like, day after day, kind of in this


emotional, fetal position, like Oh, my God, everything that I


thought I knew, and everything that was certain for me, doesn't


exist anymore. What do I do now? Like, where do I go and what


I've never been comfortable in, like walking into a synagogue or


going to a girlfriend. Because I had a mother who used to tell


me, people didn't like me. So I kept everything very close to


the breast. So eventually, I had to sort of decide like, am I


gonna move forward? And somehow find my way out of this? Or is


this the end of the story for me, like, do I just kind of curl


up into a ball under a desk, start sucking my thumb. And


that's the end of it. And I decided that there was too much


at stake. Like there was too much life that I had come


through for that to be the end of the story. And so here I am.


And I turned back to the Hebrew alphabet, and taro and God and


all the tools that I had been accumulating in this amazing


spiritual toolbox, my whole life without even realizing that at


some point, they were going to step forward and essentially


save me. And now I get to use them as medicine for someone


else. So it was, yeah, it was a crazy time. And I, I think life


is an ongoing evolution and healing and uncovering and


releasing, and, but I'm still here. So as long as I'm still


breathing, then I'm still evolving, and it's a really good



Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, but thank you for sharing, you know,

Maureen Spielman:

that the trajectory of that year and, and the pain of it, and I

Maureen Spielman:

think a lot of people listening are going to relate to that,

Maureen Spielman:

because when rock bottoms come, they sometimes come really big

Maureen Spielman:

and heavy. And then it also strikes me that because I had

Maureen Spielman:

read that you had been a practitioner and a seeker and

Maureen Spielman:

just loved all these different kinds of tools that were out

Maureen Spielman:

there and and it really ancient, you know, modalities. And then

Maureen Spielman:

when you hit that place and you started to turn around is that

Maureen Spielman:

when you began to see it different differently, like wow,

Maureen Spielman:

maybe these even have more meaning that I ever knew they

Maureen Spielman:

and I can kind of see them sitting on your shelves kind of

Maureen Spielman:

waiting for you. Well,


yes, I love that. You just said that because I had


this book about the Hebrew alphabet this little tiny book.


And I'd probably had it for 10 years I've been accumulating,


like spiritual knowledge my whole life, I sample from every


face every back store every background, because I love it so


much this idea that we all come from these different experiences


and places religiously spiritually. So there was this


book and I kid you not. I looked over at this thing, and it


almost like lit up it was, it was brighter than I had ever


noticed it to be. So I took it off the shelf. And it was all


about the mysticism of the Hebrew alphabet, and how these


letters were actually God's tools to create the entire


universe and everything in it. Each one of the 22 letters


represents something in creation. And then it went a


little further when I realized Hold on a minute, the 22 Major


Arcana of the Tarot that I've been playing with essentially,


since I was six years old. This kind of sounds familiar, started


digging deeper, Kabbalistic wisdom and the sages, it all


starts overlapping. And each of the 22 majors are assigned a


Hebrew letter. There's numerology, there's astrology,


there's herbs, and I just allowed myself to literally


tumble down this rabbit hole, and was like, Okay, God, I'm


listening, show me everything, and show me how I'm going to put


this all together. And here I am. It's been quite a journey.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, has it ever right? And I feel like you

Maureen Spielman:

were in a higher consciousness. And we're able to see these

Maureen Spielman:

things almost from a mountain top down, and then we're able to

Maureen Spielman:

link them up. But what also comes to mind, to me in this

Maureen Spielman:

conversation, is that the way that society is set up are in

Maureen Spielman:

these different religions. And that, that the certain tools or

Maureen Spielman:

books or you know, ancient teachings are for that religion

Maureen Spielman:

only. But I hear what you're saying is like, oh, you know,

Maureen Spielman:

maybe we can share, maybe there are three lines from one to the

Maureen Spielman:

other. And it was never meant to be only for one group of people

Maureen Spielman:

and other people excluded.


Nope. And that's one of the things that I love the most,


is we it's kind of like what you and I were talking about


yesterday when I said, you and I will both stand in front of the


Mona Lisa. And we will both see different aspects of that piece


of artwork. You're going to see one thing, maybe it's the


colors, I'm going to see something else. Maybe it's a


twinkle in her eye. And rather than me say, No, Maureen, that's


not what you should be looking at. What if I looked at it also,


what if you shared it with me, and all of a sudden, I got to


experience the Mona Lisa, in a completely different context and


through someone else's eyes. And I believe this is what God


intended for us on a spiritual level. He created this unknown


limited body of humanity, not the same, but entirely


different. Every single one of us brings something else to this


story. And what if the way I experience God, I get to share


with you and all of a sudden, you have a different experience


of God? Oh, I didn't really think of it that way. Oh, that


hasn't been my experience up to this point. People are always


surprised when they come to me for intuitive readings. And I


quote scripture from the New Testament. Why do you know the


New Testament? Are you Jewish? Yes, but it's a beautiful part


of this whole thing. And I love that there are these keys and


these beautiful lines of what I believe to be divine hope. My


gosh, if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move a


mountain, there's no limit to that. Ask and You Shall Receive


knock and the door will be opened, that I was made in the


image of the one that made me not if I do things a certain


way. But as of being because it is it was designed that way. And


far be it for me to get in the way with my interpretation. I


just want to be able to share and hopefully when you leave my


presence, you and I are better people for having crossed one


another's paths. It's pretty simple. I think. It just gets,


you know, humanity. We like to take things and make it more


complicated. And I think the beautiful thing about God is he


or she made sure there's room for everyone at the table. You


don't have to do anything to be seated there.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, and you have this way of, I don't know,

Maureen Spielman:

the person that's sitting next Do you look at or looking at the

Maureen Spielman:

Mona Lisa with you, that's this beautiful kind of way we're

Maureen Spielman:

meant to relate to one another, there's an energy or a quality,

Maureen Spielman:

you hold a reverence, I feel like for the human being that's

Maureen Spielman:

in front of you, or you're speaking to, it's just a

Maureen Spielman:

different feel. And, and, and one that I'd say is so needed

Maureen Spielman:

right now.


Thank you. You know, I feel like I'm coming from a


place. I mean, honestly, most of my life, and now I really, I was


recently in Sedona on this private spiritual journey. It


was a an organization that offers, literally, it was a


private retreat. So your interview, they find out what


your intentions are. And then you are assigned these different


teachers, depending on how long you're going to be there. And I


said to the guy, the concierge that interviewed me, this is


what I do for a living. So give me your best, like I want I can


take it I, I did it over Yom Kippur war, because I wanted to


leave everything in Sedona. And I needed answers to questions


and I needed to come back, knowing that I was either going


to go full force into the spiritual journey. Or maybe I


needed a course correct. So the very first day, they sent me to


this lovely woman, and her name was Danny, the title of my


teaching with her was healing the childhood wound. And I went


into it kind of arrogant. I was like, my god, I've been in


therapy. Like for years, I think I got this. No, this woman, a


lot of the people, the practitioners were also


therapists. So they lent a very interesting perspective. She


started asking me questions. And the next thing I knew I was


sobbing, because I had this memory of being in third grade.


And I wanted to invite a teacher to come home and have lunch with


us. This was like a thing we did in elementary school. And my mom


said, yeah, she's not going to want to come, she's never liked


you. And you've never been somebody that she's really


wanted in her class to begin with. And I was like, Oh, my


gosh, I had this like lightning bolt moment sitting with this


woman, Denny, when all of a sudden, I realized that my mom


spent most of my life doing this, when I would say I want to


go after this job, my mom would have some weird reason why the


person who was supposed to hire me wasn't going to like me. And


I'm not saying this out of a place of, I don't come from this


as a victim. This is what I believe became one of my


greatest tools. Because I walk through the world very


intentionally, making sure I do whatever I can do so that nobody


ever feels the way I was made to feel. If I had known that God


just loved me, for me, and that I was created with intention.


And I didn't have to be anything more than who I already am. How


would every single thing have been different than and so it's,


it's the number one thing on the top of my, like, how can I serve


is just making I don't care if you're a Christian, a Muslim and


eight I don't does none of that. What matters to me is that you


know that you're here, because you matter, because you mattered


so much that you had to be created, in order for God to be


able to express this most holy aspect of his or herself through


you. There was no other way it could be done. Oh my gosh,


that's like,

Maureen Spielman:

why now what? Yeah. And so in the ceremony

Maureen Spielman:

that you had where this the memory was coming, and you're

Maureen Spielman:

seeing the patterns of the way your mom came to you, then was

Maureen Spielman:

there a time where then you went back to yourself with this new

Maureen Spielman:

messaging? Or how did she work?


Yeah, that was so I didn't realize at the time, so


that was on Monday, and every modality every teacher


throughout the rest of the week, was intentionally building on


each experience that you had getting to. It was supposed to


not happen till Friday, but on Wednesday evening, I had an


experience with a shamanic breath worker that I thought I


was dead like I it took me weeks after I got home to be able to


even talk about it. Because it was such a profound experience


where I literally I knew for the first time without doubt that I


was that I matter that what it was okay to put everything down


now that I can now free up that space be Because the way I heard


it, in this unbelievable, I was like, I can't even there's not


really words to describe. I just heard this beautiful voice


saying to me, you have been, you've spent your life trying to


intellectualize me. But if you would just get to know me from


your heart, we're already connected. This is already I've


been here the whole time. And it was like, I can set this stuff


down, I can literally set it down. And the next teacher had


me call up an image of myself in third grade, bring it up, what


did I look like, and begin to have a conversation with nine


year old me. And that little version of me has stayed with me


since. But now she's safe. Now she feels like, I want to do


this with you. And so you get to bring that childhood energy,


that innocence that wonder that curiosity. I get to bring it


forward now. And I don't have to keep her at bay where she can


feel protected and sort of out of frame. So yeah, Sedona


changed my life like I can't, there's no way to be the same


after that.

Maureen Spielman:

I know, I had read it when you said you went

Maureen Spielman:

through everything, you know, five years ago, that the one of

Maureen Spielman:

the lines, you said something like I learned to take all the

Maureen Spielman:

masks off. And you know, through your healing workout in Sedona,

Maureen Spielman:

you can see that. I think taking the masks off, it's all a

Maureen Spielman:

process with which being patient with ourselves and calling in

Maureen Spielman:

what we need are picking up that book we need to read at a

Maureen Spielman:

certain time. But then down the line. I love that it came to you

Maureen Spielman:

altogether within a week. And then you were it feels like you

Maureen Spielman:

really became freed you really became liberated, you really

Maureen Spielman:

became just your true self and ready to shine ready to share

Maureen Spielman:

from your essence. And then that's the gift that you give

Maureen Spielman:

back to your clients now. Oh, I


pray that's true. Because I feel like I tell


everybody, we're onions. We're like these human onions. And


just when you think you understand everything, oh,


there's another layer to me. And there's one more and Oh, I


totally forgot that happen. And only in hindsight, can we look


back and see this complete picture. But the the gift of it


all is not using that as a weapon or a shield, but instead


carrying it forward and alkalizing all of that into the


barrel? The very best of what's on the horizon now, like, what


can I do with this? Now, I've been given all of this. And I do


believe even the worst of it, it depending on how we choose to


frame it going forward can become a gift. But it's a


choice. Just like we wake up every day and we decide, how am


I going to experience the day, there could be 20 people that


come at you with their own stuff? Do you let it stick? Do


you alchemize it into something good to give back to them? What


is it? What how do you utilize that? And so I think when we


live our lives from this space of a holy intention, and make no


mistake that it's like an emotional chacha, we take a few


steps forward and always back. But as long as we're moving with


awareness, we're moving in the right direction. Yeah.

Maureen Spielman:

And you said to that you came back from that

Maureen Spielman:

retreat? Seeing yourself, I don't know, translator a

Maureen Spielman:

translator came out of that one. But you also said wounded

Maureen Spielman:

healer. And after we spoke yesterday, I was speaking to a

Maureen Spielman:

friend and I was so excited. And I said that, you know you had

Maureen Spielman:

used that term wounded healer, which I've heard before, too.

Maureen Spielman:

Would you explain that a little bit to the listeners to what

Maureen Spielman:

what you mean by that?


Um, I think and I hope this doesn't sound arrogant when


I mean it with the best of intention. I feel like if we're


going to step into a space of healing, where we want to heal


ourselves and then hopefully use that to heal forward. You can't


gain the depth of understanding from a textbook. It has to have


been lived. This doesn't mean that everybody's lives in order


to do good have to be born out of catastrophe, but a certain


sense of having walked in the shadows to know what the shadow


is because I believe very much that life is about duality. And


we can't know one thing without the other. We can't have a full


appreciation for light until we've been in the dark. So I


feel like you know there's that phrase healer heal thyself.


There was a lot of work to do. I had a lifetime of work that I


have been kind of adds easier not to do it and just be


protected. Add from it, and shove it under a box under the


bed somewhere in a box. And then when you take it out and you


look at it, it's time to fix all of this and start the process of


healing it so that I can draw on my own experiences. And not to


say your experience will be anything like mine. But I have a


certain level of empathy, because I know what it feels to


be broken. I know what it feels like when you literally feel


like there's nothing left to hope. Like, what am I doing


here? Why, where do I find value in the world? And so when people


come to me, and I have a very specific client in mind that


came to me and said, The world is just a horrible place. Why


would I want to be a part of this? And I, the only answer I


could give was like, give it a chance. If you're constantly


looking for devils, you'll always find devils. But if


you're looking for sunshine and light, and the good that's out


there in the world, it's there. Sometimes it has to come from


you. Sometimes that divine spark that was given to you, before


you showed up. That's where you have to dig into. And you have


to release that spark into the ether so that somebody else gets


the benefit of shining from it. So it's very much coming from a


broken place. And then using that to heal forward. Yeah, that


I would say that would be the wounded healer for me.

Maureen Spielman:

I think that giving the permission I love I

Maureen Spielman:

like the advice of its advice or the reflection of give it a

Maureen Spielman:

chance there reminds me of be willing just all you need to be

Maureen Spielman:

is just a little bit willing. I know yesterday you were talking

Maureen Spielman:

about you said something, it's time to up and everything as we

Maureen Spielman:

know it. And I was wondering, you know if we're a collective,

Maureen Spielman:

if everyone listening in today is leaning in and listening into

Maureen Spielman:

what's being said, you know, how can we all contribute towards

Maureen Spielman:

sort of being part of that recreation of what this was all

Maureen Spielman:

meant to be?


Oh, that's a big one, isn't it? Yeah. Go big or go


home as? Well, I sort of love that. Because don't you have a


choice as to what you're going to contribute to the world? And


if we literally decide, I asked the client last week, what would


happen? If in this moment, just while we're sitting here, forget


about when you leave here. But just in this moment? What if you


decided to believe that you truly are a divine being? What


if you decided to know that? What if all the stuff that


happened up to this point, the context of your family? Forget


about all of it just for a minute, put it on mute, put it


on pause? What happens then what happens when you know, I made in


the image of the one that made me this gets me every time I


tried to talk about it? Because how can your life ever be the


same? How can you not want to tell everybody? It's going to be


okay, you came from the same place? I did. And I'm so sorry


that up to this point. It may not be perfect. But guess what?


We have hope here we have an opportunity to remember who we


are not who my mom told me I was not who whatever judgment or


whatever the who the humanity, that version of the collective


decided. But the voice beneath the voice beneath the voice.


That's the one that's there. When you're sobbing on the floor


in a heap. And you hear that teeny tiny whisper, you're okay,


you're going to be okay, get up, it's going to be okay. That's


the divine. That's where I ultimately come from. That's


where you come from. And if we can start talking about that, if


we can start reminding one another that this is my God,


yes, we all started in the same place. And how can we grow this?


We that's hope on a level we can't even begin to understand


yet. And I think that's the other thing. There's a Hebrew


letter Samak, and its energetic essence is the reminder that you


and I cannot see around corners. So whatever has been up to this


point, there's something bigger at play here. And if we have


enough faith to know that there's a lot happening in the


ether that if it is meant for me is working its way to me. That


takes a lot of burden off of me because I get to just Out of the


way and say yes. And if we all decided to say yes, then what?


Can you even imagine how different it would all be?

Maureen Spielman:

Just the message alone, Heather, to hear

Maureen Spielman:

that and to have the permission to even begin to, to believe

Maureen Spielman:

that I loved what you're saying, too, because I've had a poll

Maureen Spielman:

recently to reflect back to people, all the things they are

Maureen Spielman:

doing, or just that reflection, because I think what you're

Maureen Spielman:

saying too, is based on what's gone on for us in our lives, we

Maureen Spielman:

we we just develop these stories and these limiting beliefs. But

Maureen Spielman:

so part of what I hear you saying is like advancing the

Maureen Spielman:

humanity, and the collective is seeing it in each other. And

Maureen Spielman:

reflecting back being the mirror that that we can't always be for

Maureen Spielman:

ourselves, and holding up the light. And I love the Hebrew

Maureen Spielman:

letter and the around the corner and the unknown, and can we let

Maureen Spielman:

go? Can we trust? Can we know that it's all going to be

Maureen Spielman:

working out in our favor? Well, I


mean, this is an easy, I think that that the big


misperception is like, Oh, I say yes to God, and my divinity. And


now, all the other stuff is just going to miraculously fall away.


I've been committed to doing this work for years, but never


was vocal about it. Because my story has always been, well, who


would I be to talk about this? My mom didn't even like me.


Like, if my own mother didn't like me, how can I possibly help


someone else. And then I realized, my mom was doing the


best that she could with where she came from. And it's these,


we have these generational limitations and understandings,


because we don't know better. And once we do to know better


means we have the opportunity to do better. And so if I decide on


Tuesday, that I'm going to begin to believe a different voice,


there's a lot of possibility there. And if you get to see me


doing that, or I get to see you doing that, and that makes it a


little more okay for me, now, we have a ripple effect happening,


that we don't even understand the limitation. I mean, there's,


it just keeps going at that point. But sometimes we have to


be able to see it in someone else, to know that it's okay to


do that.

Maureen Spielman:

I agree with you completely. And, you know,

Maureen Spielman:

people might even look at you and say, Oh, this is so easy for

Maureen Spielman:

her, but you are telling us your journey was not always stepping

Maureen Spielman:

into that. This is who I am, these are my gifts, this is how

Maureen Spielman:

I serve. It's been an evolution. But I love how, you know, a

Maureen Spielman:

couple of times today, you've pointed out, you know, no, there

Maureen Spielman:

is healing to be done. And I think that when I, you know, had

Maureen Spielman:

gone through my breast cancer journey, and then down the road,

Maureen Spielman:

when the idea of this podcast came to me, I always had, in my

Maureen Spielman:

experience that these two elements joy and healing could

Maureen Spielman:

co occur. And it's it was when I put the language together for

Maureen Spielman:

the podcast, it was joy and healing could co occur. And then

Maureen Spielman:

within community. And I think it's important what you're

Maureen Spielman:

saying, because we all have our painful places, and we are all

Maureen Spielman:

you know, we are here for each other to to be here for each

Maureen Spielman:

other to help the healing process how we can and largely

Maureen Spielman:

it's our own to do and, and and then there's the and I also love

Maureen Spielman:

yesterday, I think I don't think I said the words that you said.

Maureen Spielman:

But when you said, if all this is all this beautiful, magical

Maureen Spielman:

tools in front of us. You call it the show and tell. And I just

Maureen Spielman:

thought a lot of what you're tapping into reminds me when you

Maureen Spielman:

talk about the Divinity, and the show and tell it reminds me of

Maureen Spielman:

our childlike nature. It reminds me of how we used to play and be

Maureen Spielman:

in the sandbox and just the delight that we carried as young

Maureen Spielman:

young children, and that we see we witnessed in young children.

Maureen Spielman:

But that is a rediscovery of our inherent essence I believe, too.


It's a choice, because we can layer on. I mean, listen,


being human is tough sometimes. Like there's a lot of stuff that


gets thrown at us that given a choice, we would not have chosen


this for ourselves. So what do we do with it? It's already


here. I can't deny it. That hasn't served me in any way. But


what if the worst of it actually can serve me? What if there's


something good that I can do? Do with it. And oh my god, what


else is out there? Like, where's the rest of the story? If I


shrink myself down, keep my head down and don't look for it. All


that magic that's been tapping that's been trying to get my


attention is like, alright, well, I gave it a shot. I guess


I'm gonna move on down the road to Amy's house. Maybe she's


open. Maybe she's listening. So I feel like Yeah, I mean,


sometimes. Someone said to me, I think I told you this yesterday,


I was having a conversation with someone about God. And I said, I


truly believe at the end of the day, it's all about loving one


another. And this person looked at me and he was like, that is


that's from the mouth of a simpleton. Nobody, nobody talks


like that. Nobody actually believes that. And I was like,


Yes, but what if that's true? Why wouldn't it be so much more


exciting to live in that world and to come at life from that


experience? Because little kids, they bring like a certain energy


to things until we tell them not to, until we say like, no,


Johnny, that isn't how it's supposed to be, you shouldn't be


that joyful, contain yourself. And I feel like, it's so


interesting to me, because we start out like that. We go


through this grown up s aspect of ourselves, and then we become


older. And in our later years, we get back to that place. A lot


of times, they lose their inhibitions with age, because at


a certain point, you say to yourself, What have I been


waiting for? Like, why have I been keeping all of this joy in


a box? There's only so much time, I may as well enjoy it


now. So it's Yeah, meaning from a play. You know, when people


come to me, I create a lot of personal rituals for people to


just draw their attention to the present while they're setting an


intention, and a lot of times people will ask, like, what kind


of candleholders should I use. Now I always tell people to go


to a park, where a lot of children play and collect the


gravel or the dirt from around the swing, set the slide the


playground and anchor your candle in that. Because that


energy, that's pure joy. That's what it looked like when we were


kids before the world said it's not supposed to be that way. So


every time you look at that dirt, it's just some gravel, but


it's charged with this beautiful innocence that laughs when the


craziest things happen and doesn't care. It's just innate


joy. And that's what it should be.

Maureen Spielman:

And I feel like that's what you're

Maureen Spielman:

delivering to because if we if we talk about the creative sage

Maureen Spielman:

cottage, which you opened I've been there and when I walked in

Maureen Spielman:

it's it's it's got a little bit of something for everyone and

Maureen Spielman:

you feel like a kid in a candy shop. Because it's it's so so

Maureen Spielman:

magical and everything that you're describing today and the

Maureen Spielman:

different things that you turn to to assist your clients and

Maureen Spielman:

yourself. It's like this potpourri. And that's the way I

Maureen Spielman:

see that the cottage as well because someone can walk into it

Maureen Spielman:

and pick and choose pick up a journal and say like is okay oh,

Maureen Spielman:

is this one for me? Do I like the color? Okay, I'm gonna put

Maureen Spielman:

that back. I'm gonna go over here. Oh, she's got crystals

Maureen Spielman:

over here. So just talk about that create the creative sage

Maureen Spielman:

cottage. And how did that come to be? And it's just such a

Maureen Spielman:

magical place. And I know a lot of people are going to visit and

Maureen Spielman:

get joy from it. Thank you.


It's like a buy bubble. I always tell people, you know,


I've been doing this for a while and I had this little tiny


cottage that we had built next door. I'm super lucky because I


live on a piece of land we purchased that zoned commercial


residential. So this is literally in my backyard. And


when I started out, I just I mean, I've been I was afraid to


say like, Oh, I do tarot readings. And I'm an intuitive


but I'm not a fortune teller. I want to share my understanding


of God with you. And I didn't want to sound like everything


I've done. I've always, like held everything back. But then I


sort of started putting it out there like, this isn't for you


to have a winning lottery ticket. This is not for me to


wave a magic wand and change anything for you. This is for me


to offer awareness. And people started showing up at this teeny


tiny little cottage. And you would I'd have to like open the


doors and bring chairs and these beautiful conversations would


happen. And I my husband, thankfully is immensely


supportive and was like yeah, we have this isn't going to work.


We're going to need Need something else. So we decided


that I would have a bigger space, we would basically like,


I think we tripled it. Because I do new moon and full moon


workshops. And it's about community, and it's about sacred


community. And I have a waiting list people like wanted to be a


part of a conversation and community. And to be honest with


you, I had this, I'll call it a download, or during a


meditation, where I heard a voice very clearly saying to me,


I'm gonna go there, I'm gonna give you all the tools, I'm


going to make sure you have everything you need to show them


the tools, and then get out of the way. Eventually, everybody


will find their way to God, I hope and their version of the of


God, I feel like my job is to say there isn't a right or wrong


way to get there. You could try this, you could go to church,


you could go to synagogue, whatever feels right for you,


wherever you feel most comfortable in relationship with


God, go there. These are the things that I feel good sharing


with you do, I think that I'm going to hand you a piece of


Rose Quartz, and you're going to fall madly in love with


yourself. No. But I pray that when you hold that piece of Rose


Quartz, you remember what it means. And when you remember


that it's about unconditional love. It triggers you to start


thinking that way about yourself. So I feel like a lot


of it is I call them for better for lack of a better word like


holy props, because they really are. You know, I'm known for


these Mojo bags and intention candles that I create. But I'm


not doing anything other than putting things together that are


in direct spiritual and energetic alignment with


whatever your intention is for yourself. So I just create a


space for it. And then I hope to open a dialogue about it. What


you do is that when you leave, that's completely up to you. And


that's between you and God. I don't believe there's a right or


wrong way of taking that journey. I believe the most


important thing is that you say yes to the journey. Because that


to me is like there's nothing better.

Maureen Spielman:

Oh, I think anyone's stepping into the place

Maureen Spielman:

and you call them the Mojo bag. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. It's an

Maureen Spielman:

invitation. It's I can see though, that when people come

Maureen Spielman:

in, they're ready. They're ready to go. They're ready for the

Maureen Spielman:

conversation there. People are hungry were we talked about

Maureen Spielman:

briefly yesterday that most of us have been conditioned to be

Maureen Spielman:

brought up in the doing doing doing and we're all

Maureen Spielman:

deprogramming from that, I believe COVID. You know, COVID

Maureen Spielman:

handed us that lesson. And some of us may have gone back. And

Maureen Spielman:

even if we went back to the previous doing, we're still

Maureen Spielman:

being called to deprogram that and I think we know it.


So awareness. Absolutely. And thank God for


that. I mean, truly, I mean, I COVID was horrible. And so much


of what happened during that time was just catastrophic on a


million different levels. But it shattered a sort of sacred


vessel and scattered light everywhere again, and we came


back to our families, we came back to a place of quiet, we


came back to a place of understanding what it feels like


when we cannot be with community. So we figured out


ways to create community, even if we weren't sharing physical


space together. So yeah, it was awful on a million levels. But


then there was the, it's the beginning of something. And


sometimes the pendulum has to go to the worst place so that it


can swing back again. That's that duality. One of the things


that I love more than anything is the new moon. Because going


back to Biblical times, way back in the Old Testament, it was


essentially given as a god gave it as a New Moon is like a gift


for women. It's a moment for you to press pause on everything,


and be in this place of faith, that even though we can't see


the moon, it's there. And it's this opportunity to come


together and be still for a moment. Check in on our lives on


one another on what the energy of the season is on what the the


energy of the calendar day feels like. And try to get ourselves


in soul alignment with that. And I feel like that's the that's


the pendulum swinging back to that place of awareness. Because


we know we know that we can't keep running around like maniacs


at some point. We're all going to crash. Yeah. And so if it's


just one day and minds that you decide, today's the day I'm


going to be quiet. That starts something that's a seed for


something. And it's a pretty amazing place to begin.

Maureen Spielman:

And when we're recording this today, are we on

Maureen Spielman:

the eve of a new moon? Full moon, full moon, full moon.

Maureen Spielman:



we're like tonight into tomorrow night is the full moon.


And so this is the other part of this. So if the New Moon is all


about faith, and setting an intention for what we would like


to draw forward for the next 30 days, whatever your timeframe


is, the beauty of the full moon is full illumination, we get to


check in that light, that beautiful divine energy of the


moon, lights up all the corners where the shadows live. And we


get to ask ourselves, okay, how am I doing? As far as this


intention? I said, How do I feel about this? Do I need to tweak


anything, Are things going well, is there something that is in


the way that I can release in order to hold space for this new


intention that I've created for myself, so most of the time,


when we do workshops on the full moon at the cottage, I don't


know, if we did this, when I was with you, where we write down


what we would like to release, we then set it on fire and allow


it to go up into the smoke. But I don't like anything to be left


open ended. So we then take those ashes, and we mix them


with roses, and lavender and salt, and all sorts of energetic


organics. And now wildflowers, and we sprinkle them with the


idea that something that was a burden yesterday now becomes a


blessing. And it's sort of a seed now, we alchemize something


that felt negative, and we make it into something potentially


really positive. And now we have this new space, where something


else good can move in with intention,

Maureen Spielman:

you beautiful ritual I, I can and to be able

Maureen Spielman:

to have access to that through nature, you know, once monthly

Maureen Spielman:

for each of those events, it's, it's, it's right there for us. I

Maureen Spielman:

really love and appreciate sort of, as we're wrapping up here,

Maureen Spielman:

just the way that you approach life. And really, when you talk

Maureen Spielman:

about the shadow, because I was thinking of you and holding even

Maureen Spielman:

the light in the dark, you know, even when you talked about

Maureen Spielman:

COVID, and you said that, it was really hard times it's, I love

Maureen Spielman:

that you can name that and not have to bypass the reality of

Maureen Spielman:

what that was or how that affected people's lives deeply,

Maureen Spielman:

not always for the better. And in to be able to name it and

Maureen Spielman:

just be with it. And just, it kind of it's got an ease about

Maureen Spielman:

it. And a real grounding for sure. But just an honoring of I

Maureen Spielman:

think what I'm tapping into is honoring of each of our

Maureen Spielman:

experiences than we and to do that for another is such a big

Maureen Spielman:



It's sacred work. I believe it's 100% sacred work. I


always tell people, you know, kids, when they come to your


room in the middle of the night, because there's a monster under


their beds, there's some dark, shadowy thing that's terrifying


to them. And then we go into their bedroom, and we turn the


light on, and we show them under the bed that there's nothing


there to be afraid of. It's just a shadow. Yeah, I feel like this


is how if we choose to exist in the world, it could be really


bad, it could be a horrible, terrifying thing. But we still


have to look at it, we still have to be able to acknowledge


that it exists. Because if we are not willing to shine a light


on it, it never has an opportunity to heal. Some seeds


grow in the dark, but ultimately, they need light to


thrive. You know, the lotus flower, which is like one of my


sacred symbols, she starts out in the mud. I mean, it's the


very worst conditions for her to begin. And yet she knows if she


keeps climbing, there's light to be found there. But we have to


have the experience we can't do not pass go do not collect 200


at like you have to be able to walk through this because every


part of this process is for you. And if we decide to know that


this whole experience is here for us, we get to look at it


through a different lens. And even if it's scary, something


good potentially could come out of this. And what if that's


true. Now what do we do?

Maureen Spielman:

Oh, that's a great it's a great way to just

Maureen Spielman:

circle back around and and finish today. You've left the

Maureen Spielman:

audience with alimony, beautiful things to think about things to

Maureen Spielman:

explore. And I always ask at the end, where can listeners find

Maureen Spielman:

you either online or, you know, physically if they venture up

Maureen Spielman:

into your area? Or any workshops that you have coming up?


Yeah. So every month, I'm in Union pier Michigan, this


magical little lakeside town in southwest Michigan. And my


cottage is on the property right off Red Arrow highway by the


legendary skips restaurant. You can go online to creative sage

Unknown: and find out all about what's coming Instagram,


Facebook, carrier pigeon, I have a mailing list. It's all like, I


do the best that I can I have to tell you like social media and I


are not, we're not on the greatest terms, because I love


to communicate like this. So but if information about workshops,


and magical mentoring is definitely available there. I


also started sending out actual love letters to people. I kept


hearing that I needed to send mail like real snail mail,


because we don't all exist in this computer land. So I put out


a call like a year ago and just said, Hey, if you're up for


receiving a love letter, I would love your physical mailing


address. And I honestly thought like, maybe 510 people. So I'm


over 300 names on this list right now. And while I sit down,


I mean, people don't even realize I'm actually writing you


these letters. So I pray about it. I asked what name needs to


be like, Who do I need to write the letter to? And then I wait


for the address and the name to light up and sit for a minute


and I write this hand illustrated, handwritten letter.


Oh, my gosh, and then it goes in the mail. So if you're somebody


who craves mail, physical addresses or something I'm still


collecting. And the cool thing is I'm getting letters back now.


So I'm, I feel like I'm in day camp again. But I have like pen


pals. Yeah. So yeah, it's it's a good thing. There's many ways


for us to come together. But always here at the cottage. I've


open hours on Fridays, and Saturdays, and then the new moon


every month, it fills up very quickly, because I tried to keep


it very intimate. But hopefully it will be expanding at some


point. So I would love to hear from your people and keep


building this beautiful holy community that I know, has just


beautiful and tremendous and sacred work to do and whatever I


can do to support that. I'm here for all of it. So yeah, thank


you. Good thing. Thank you.

Maureen Spielman:

Yes. Okay, Heather. So thank you to the

Maureen Spielman:

listeners for being here today. And I know that you just are

Maureen Spielman:

walking away with so much. So I'll see you next time. Thank

Maureen Spielman:

you. Thanks for listening to this episode of mystical

Maureen Spielman:

sisterhood. If you love what you heard, please visit Apple

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friend if you're called to do so. To learn more about my one

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on one coaching programs, or join the mystical sisterhood

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Maureen Spielman: Thanks so much. I'll see you in the next episode.




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