Roll For Intent
Special Part 5 - Tactical Geniuses
Whatever was defending that well has been cowed back to into the sea...What were they protecting - and will the party find what they are looking for?
Special Guests
Freeman Iceton
Just a cool dude from the frosty north. I like stuff and occasionally things too. Been around the block, but never crossed the street. I just keep on keepin' on and all that.
Also I play accordion.
Freeman's Website
@UnchartedNo on X
@unchartedNo on Instagram
Jason Klimchok
Jason started his journey with TTRPGs in 1998 with a homebrew system and campaign with a few friends. He soon moved on to D&D 3e, 3.5e, and even dabbled in a bit of 4e. It was in 4e that he first took the seat in the GM’s chair and has seldom left it since. He grabbed ahold of Pathfinder 1st Edition at launch, and kept going until 2e released with some minor dabbling in CoC, DBZ, Star Wars, MechWarrior, Shadowrun, and Starfinder.
Jason has two named credits with Paizo for monster creation in Shattered Star and Wrath of the Righteous.
Jason started Called Shots Entertainment with his first episode drop in July 2019, with his first bit of Actual Play content starting in November 2019. Called Shots Entertainment is active on Twitch and Youtube in addition to their podcast content.
Jason's Website
@calledshotsent on X
@calledshotsentertainment on Instagram
Jason's Facebook page
Jason on YouTube
@UnchartedNo on X
Cam started playing TTRPGs sometime around 2018 with D&D 5e, but soon moved to Pathfinder 1st edition to scratch that itch for a little more crunch and started streaming their game for fun. In 2023, they moved to Pathfinder 2nd edition and have been playing that ever since. Cam is a chef by trade and loves gaming and intro banter
Freeman's Website
@UnchartedNo on X
@unchartedNo on Instagram
This is a Pathfinder 2nd Edition actual play podcast focused on the Abomination Vaults adventure path, published by Paizo Inc.
Check out our website, follow us on twitter and join us on discord!
Roll For Intent uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. Roll For Intent is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo Products, visit
Copyright 2025 Roman Neville Productions
Mentioned in this episode:
Hey everyone - this is a special series of episodes we've put together to run concurrently with the main show for a few weeks as a thank you to all the listeners that have stuck with us - and a welcome to all the new ones! We've got some absolutely amazing Paizoverse creators that agreed to join us for this little shindig - Cam and Freeman from The Uncharted North network and Jason from Called Shots Entertainment have all agreed to play in this little arc, and GM Liam from Cardinal adventures has lent his voice to episode intros. Make sure you go down into the show notes and check out all the stuff they make too! Now, lets get back to the show!