Artwork for podcast Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe
ASK THE BOSS - Episode 4
Episode 49th January 2020 • Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe • Core Nutritionals LLC
00:00:00 01:11:20

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12:05 - How far in advance do you plan Black Friday & Arnold Classic?

13:45 - Do you guys have a Black Friday sale going up?

13:56 - Any old ABC flavors coming back?

15:57 - Any more info on the fat loss challenge?

16:41 - Will ‘Merica and ARN have more products like Core?

17:54 - How do you balance work life and family life?

22:21 - Thoughts on the supplement industry currently...Do you see more regulation like Australia?

24:00 - Thoughts on CBD in the supplement industry?

25:54 - What is your “why”?

29:43 - Are there any plans for the Nutrition Corners to open up in Norfolk or Chesapeake (VA)?

30:26 - Do you think it is a good idea as a young natty in my early 20s to push my body weight up?

31:25 - When will we see ‘Merica Labz in the Arabic Gulf?

32:19 - How can I become a Core Elite Athlete?

34:08 - What do the macros look like on the ‘Merica Snax bar?

36:12 - Do you periodize your training?

37:24 - Do you need to cycle Ashwagandha?

37:56 - What is your opinion on Rhodiola as an adaptogen?

38:16 - Do you feel like I am losing gains over lack of sleep?

40:01 - What product impact surprised you the most?

40:58 - Can you make progress on bro splits forever?

41:56 - When is the ARMS Dealer Program launching?

42:37 - What is the timeline for the Nutrition Corner in Blacksburg (VA)?

43:31 - How come ‘Merica Labz & ’Merica Snax can’t be ordered

at the same time?

44:18 - Why are dairy products frowned upon in the bodybuiding industry?

45:06 - Blueberyy lemonade ABC???

45:45 - Any thoughts on revamping Core Flex to make it less than 8 tablets?

46:39 - Any chance for the DMHA Version of Boom Original to come back?

47:34 - If you could change 1 thing in the fitness industry what and why?

48:55 - What is your best tip for a tall guy?

49:42 - in your opinion what is the best amount of cardio to do to burn the most amount of fat?

51:01 - How much different do you think your physique would look if you didn’t take any supps?

52:18 - What are your thoughts on yohimbe/alpha yohimbine will it be in any products from the brands?

52:56 - If you had to touch one person’s PP, who would it be?

53:28 - What are the key movements for your back?

54:25 - Vegan protein soon? Flavors?

55:26 - Shoulders...high rep or low?

55:35 - When are the big tubs of iso dropping and any new flavors in the works?

56:35 - Does Meaty every touch your bicep?

59:36 - Who is the best Bird you know?

59:49 - What do you do on Thanksgiving?

1:00:36 - How are you able to continuously add muscle after years of lifting?

1:01:54 - How do you keep putting on muscle?

1:02:17 - Clocktower or Ashburn Gold’s Gym?

1:02:35 - what are your thoughts on Generation Iron filming a documentary on Natural bodybuilding?

1:03:23 - Will Core Test Remain the same?

1:03:53 - Favorite Thanksgiving Dish?

1:04:44 - Why is there no Core in the Scandinavian Countries?

1:05:36 - Does your Core Test booster mess with your endocrine system?

1:07:32 - Plan for RTD Preworkout?

1:08:53 - Do you have any official distributor in India?

1:09:30 - Can you stack Burn Ultra & Shred with big poppa stack?

1:09:37 - Any new flavors of ‘Merica Energy coming?

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