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Worry vs Wisdom: Navigate Uncertainty With More Ease l S2E072
Episode 726th August 2024 • A Call For LOVE • Linda Orsini
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Worry vs Wisdom: Navigate Uncertainty With More Ease

Change and uncertainty can feel like an emotional rollercoaster.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to recognize your fears and anxieties and shift your mindset toward greater ease and self-compassion.

Acceptance of Uncertainty:

  • Life is filled with unknowns, and feeling uncertain is a natural part of your journey. By embracing uncertainty, you can move from anxiety about the future to being present in the moment.

Seeking Guidance and Support:

  • Reach out to friends, family, counsellors, or coaches for support. As illustrated in a profound Zen story, the wisdom and support from others can illuminate your path during challenging times.

Exploration and Experimentation:

  • Finding clarity often involves trying new things and learning from each experience. Whether you’re navigating a career change or exploring new interests, experimentation can help you identify what you truly want.

Remember to hold space for yourself and others with compassion. Each step you take, no matter how small, is a valuable part of your journey.

Whether you’re facing uncertainties in your career, personal life, or future, this episode aims to provide solace and guidance.

Let’s walk this path together, learning to trust the journey and find peace amidst life’s uncertainty.

Linda's website: Global Wellness Education

FREE 💛 Soothe Your Tender Heart Meditation

About Linda:

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact. 

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.  

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else? Join a call for love. 

Website - Global Wellness Education


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Linda Orsini:

I have a question for you. How do you navigate life's uncertainties? That's what we're talking about today on a call for love. And I'm your host, Linda Orsini, welcome to this podcast. A call for love is shifting, knowing where you are living and vibrating and feeling. Are you in a place of fear, stress, anxiety and certainty. And if you are, that's okay, that is part of life. But it's noticing it, and then shifting, shifting to a higher vibration of love and light. And so today I want to talk to you about navigating life's uncertainties. I do feel that I noticed a big shift with people, there is this longing for change. And with change, there are uncertainties. And so today we're going to dive deep into that. And it actually came about one from my life, but two from my son, he has graduated school and he's looking for a job and he's feeling very in limbo. Life is full of uncertainties. It's really hard to wait until the dust settles until things pan out until you can see the light through the fog or the light through the trees. And I want to begin here with a Zen story. And so the story goes like this, I love this story. And I was telling my son about it because I think it really holds the essence of how when you are going through uncertainty, how others respond to you. And hearing what others have to say is not always consoling. So the story goes like this. There once was a widower and he was you know, grieving his wife had passed away. And he was grieving big time. He was wailing and he was crying and his friends were really concerned about him. And they suggested that he go to visit a wise monk, this wise monk was full of great wisdom and knowledge and he would guide them, guide him in the healing process. So he went to the monk and the monk did consoled him he offered him words of wisdom and support to help the widower come to terms with his grief, and stop the continuous loud wailing. But then lo and behold, some years later, the Witter happened to be passing by the monk's house and heard loud wailing coming from inside. And he really paused and stopped in his tracks. And Curious, he entered the home of the monk, and found the monk himself crying uncontrollably. And he asked, he asked the monk, why are you crying? Dear monk, when my wife died, you helped me to stop crying and find peace. How can you be in such sorrow now? And the monk replied, Well, when your wife died, it was your loss. And I could be strong for you. But now I am mourning my own loss. And this is different, because it is my personal grief. And it affects me deeply. I love the story, because it really illustrates the profound truth that understanding somebody else's struggle is so much more different than experiencing it ourselves. And so my son navigating his own journey of uncertainty, you know, I have to be the observer and watch this and offer guidance and support. But ultimately, it's his path to walk. And it's a big weight to carry. Now, the funny thing is, is my brother had said to me just a little while ago, he says, When I pinch you it doesn't hurt me. And I was like, Oh, my goodness, I love that. You're right. It's my experience, not his experience, or it's his experience or their experience, and not mine. And so when we are in the depth of uncertainty, how do we navigate this journey? Now, I want to say that it is very interesting, because my son who says, I don't know what to do with my life. Well, it was just a couple of days ago. I said these exact words to somebody else. I said them to a friend, because I feel a level of uncertainty in my life. Where do I want to go? I had a full and vibrant career as a school teacher, and I am in the wellness journey. I'm podcasting. I have courses I teach. And I have coaching clients. Then sound and Reiki healing, but I'm thinking, there's something else that I want to do. I feel like there is uncertainty. And I'm just pausing, I'm slowing down and waiting. And I feel like it's coming about I feel like writing even though I'm a co author of two books, I feel like writing is a new direction for me maybe creating my own book, but it's a time of uncertainty. And so when I said, I don't know what to do with my life, like how to move forward, and then when my son said the exact same words, I was like, Oh, this is mirroring. This is the, the concept of mirroring. People are reflecting back. Now, because I am a spiritual seeker, a seeker of wisdom and life. I know that when I was going through a divorce, my sons and I had this real upheaval. And one of the counselors that we were going to, to help my boys get through the process, he said, Put your oxygen mask on first, so that you can be the support for your boys, the better you do, your boys will follow. And so here's my message here. Uncertainty, there's uncertainty with my son, there's uncertainty with me, can I really change my son's life? Now I can love and support him be a voice when he needs it, and be a listener when he needs it, and ultimately love him and hold space for all his emotions, all hints, all have his uncertainties. But ultimately, it's his life. The way that I can support him best is when I had said those exact same words, and he mirrored them, and he repeated them to me just today, I know that I need to navigate my uncertainty, and getting my feet on the ground with a new trajectory of where I want to go. as I record this, it is the end of July. And so this is a summer, this is the season of growth, but it's also the season of vacation things kind of slow down, people are going away. And so I've decided that I'm really going to take this time and find stillness and decide where I'm going to go. Now you might say, well, that's you. But what about for your son? Well, it's the same thing as the oxygen mask, when I put on my oxygen mask, really get grounded to listen to the stillness inside silence within me, which helps create clarity, then my clarity and my vision, and my trajectory will help. If you want to use the word heal, I use the word heal, it will heal those around me, because everyone is a mirror to us. And so the best that we can do is we could hold space for other people with loving kindness. And then we can do the same for ourselves. But really being true to ourselves and noticing if somebody is sharing something, uncertainty, asking yourself, where in my life, am I experiencing uncertainty? How can I find clarity and be the light for that special person in our life? And so that is my goal in this moment in this time, is to hold space for this uncertainty for my son, as he navigates. I mean, he's young, he's young. The job market is very interesting. Right now, the economy is very interesting. And I'm using the word interesting. But it's really important to possibly accept uncertainty is so key not to have all the answers right in front of you, and to embrace the unknown. And just really noticing that it's a part of our growth, you know, seeking advice, just like the widower sought the monks advice, or going to friends or going to a counselor or coach seeking advice, in order to have that support to help us through it. And finally, we need to explore an experiment when we have uncertainty of directions of where we want to go. clarity comes with trying new things, exploring different interests and activities and learning from each experience. You know, I said to him, he applied for a job and it really wasn't what he wanted. I said, Well

Linda Orsini:

Maybe it's process of elimination. What don't you want if you don't know what you want, and this could be even for people in midlife, for instance, myself, who are people who are retiring and creating a new world for themselves a new life for themselves, especially as we will be heading into a new season soon, you know, really exploring and experimenting with what you don't want in order to create space for what you do want. And always always practicing self compassion. Remember, it's okay to feel lost, being impatient, because you are feeling lost, or just not knowing what's going to happen next. And that's the big thing. When we are uncertain, it creates anxiety, and anxiety is focusing on the future. So if we can become present in the here and now, then we will not have that same level of uncertainty. It's kind of like trusting and surrendering, being present and walking the path, always taking one step forward, one foot at a time, until, of course, the path becomes more clear. And so to my son and anyone else, feeling like there's shifts going on, there's a new journey awaiting them. The path will unfold in its own time and each step you take is a valuable part of your story. I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences have you dealt with life's uncertainties? Please share that if not with me with somebody who loves and supports you in your life because we are on this journey together. No man is an island as they say. And so if we can be there for each other, walking the path of uncertainty, trusting and surrendering, but keep them moving forward, then we can then the path like the yellow brick road will just unfold in front of us. And then remember, you're not alone. Every step you take is a step forward towards clarity. Always holding space for you, as a listener of a call for love. I appreciate your time. I appreciate the energy you just hold while you listen here. Please share this with somebody who could use this message. And until next time, sending you much love, peace and joy. From my heart to yours. Namaste




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