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Unlocking the Wild Feminine: Womb Wisdom and Empowerment with Zion de Castro
Episode 18822nd October 2024 • Amplified Impact • Amber Hagberg
00:00:00 00:25:49

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In this episode, we dive deep into the power of the womb and the wild feminine with special guest Zion de Castro. Join us as Zion shares her transformative journey of healing trauma and discovering the magic within the womb. She unpacks the concept of the wild feminine, exploring how it connects us to our most primal, untamed selves. Together, we discuss the liberating power of embracing our authentic feminine energy, how it impacts our relationships, creativity, and business, and what it means to truly honor ourselves. This conversation is an invitation to all women to shed the good-girl conditioning and step into their fullest expression, guided by their own intuitive, feminine wisdom.


  • 00:01:27 - Zion’s journey: From trauma to healing through womb work
  • 00:03:34 - The unique power of womb healing and its gifts
  • 00:04:44 - Connecting with ancestral and spiritual energy in the womb
  • 00:05:52 - The profound impact of womb healing on relationships, creativity, and business
  • 00:09:02 - Embodying a grounded, feminine spirituality
  • 00:10:16 - Tapping into playfulness, sensuality, and joy through womb connection
  • 00:11:17 - Embracing the wild feminine: The unrestrained flow of expression
  • 00:12:24 - Duality of the wild feminine and the conditioned “good girl”
  • 00:13:39 - The physical manifestation of being disconnected from the wild feminine
  • 00:15:47 - Integrating wilderness into our lives while thriving in society
  • 00:17:52 - Healing societal conditioning and embracing feminine power
  • 00:18:52 - Importance of a partner who honors the untamed feminine
  • 00:19:22 - Self-expression and magnetism of a woman in her power


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Amplified impact.


For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into assets, this is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.


I'm here to inspire you to take.


Take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and your business, one who stands out and thrives.


This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the inside out.




I'm so excited to be here today.


I have a really special guest, someone that I had the pleasure of meeting in Costa Rica.


It feels like decades ago, lifetimes ago.


Someone that has been growing and flowing together with me inside of the wave and the collective and really now, back in Spain, changing the way that women connect to their wombs, the feminine energy.


Zion de Castro, thank you for being here.


Thank you so much, Amber.


I'm so honored to be here and so excited for this conversation.


And I would love to know, like, for you, like, your story and your mission of, like, helping women to really connect to the wild, feminine and heal the, like, how did you get into this work?


Like, why?


Ooh, excellent question.


Actually, it was because of my own trauma and my own healing journey.


I experienced a lot of repression as a child and a lot of violence as well.


There was also sexual assault and other things that I experienced as a child and as a teenager, as an adulthood.


And so all of this started to show up in my life and in my womb, and I had really painful periods for many years.


It was debilitating.


I also had really strong emotional crisis during my premenstrual phase, PM's symptoms and PMDD, and I just really hated having a cycle.


And I didn't have a healthy relationship with my body or with myself or I also didn't really have the healthiest relationships with other people, got into abusive relationships as a reflection of my childhood trauma.


And so there were a lot of things that started to come up to the surface at some point, and I just realized that I needed to go in this direction.


And I was already into trauma healing.


So that was my foundation.


I got trained in emotional healing and working with the subconscious.


And there was a point when I really felt called into the womb and I felt called into embodiment.


And it was a really scary moment for me to say yes to that calling.


But it was in that moment when I had some of my biggest breakthroughs, and I literally fell in love with the womb and with my body and with all of this work.


And I realized that something that's really special and that makes womb work really different to other healing modalities is that.


And we're not just healing some issues that we have related to the womb, but the womb has medicine for us and magic and power.


And it really fascinated me, all the new things that emerged, all the gifts that I started tapping into, how grounded I started to feel, how connected to my truth and how much clarity I had and just all the connection with the more spiritual and ancestral information that is connected in the womb and in menstrual blood and all the magic that unfolds with that journey.


So, yeah, it started from the depths of darkness.


It started from the depths of pain for me, and that was my motivation.


And I feel like that's something that happens to a lot of women.


And it's really painful, and it's really scary sometimes to go there.


But at the same time, I feel like that for me and for many, it's like a really big gift to actually be called in, even if it's through pain, because then we access so much magic.


So, yeah, that's what I experienced.




And I love that you share.


You know, it's like going through the darkness to find and connect to the light.


And it's almost like, you know, the womb space being the solar plexus being the place that we birth babies and, like, identifying certain things.


Such as, like, I remember when you made the post about the painful period not being normal.


As someone who used to throw up and faint because the pain was so bad.


Like, not, like, thinking that that was normal and that being a sign, like, no, there needs to be womb clearing, but also how you're like, okay, once we heal the womb, there's magic and medicine here to help transcend and transform and take you to, like, greater heights within your life.


And I'm curious for you, like, how did that show up in your relationship?


How did that show up in your creativity?


How did that show up in your business?


And, like, what do you see happen when people do really start to clear, cleanse, and connect to this portal of energy here?


Well, I think the first thing is a sense of harmony and, like, being in this oneness and ease with yourself and with your body, living more in tune with the natural rhythms of your body, actually having a relationship with your menstrual cycle, you know, what's happening inside of you and honoring that.


There's also, like, a really big component of the womb that's about honor.


And I feel like, a lot of women, including myself, start to feel a deeper sense of self respect and self honor.


A lot of pleasure in every sense of the word possible, also unlocks a very strong sense of self, is also more deeply integrated in our beings, more connection to earth, feeling more grounded, feeling more safe, and a deeper capacity to receive.


I feel like that is one of the most magical parts as well.


Like noticing how there is an opening happening emotionally and energetically.


It's almost like this settling of energy in our bodies.


And then it's like a flower when it's ready and it blossoms and it opens and it reveals a lot of magic, but then it also is receptive to have magic come in.


So I feel like it's easier to attract beautiful experiences, to feel more nourished in relationships, more loved, more supported, to attract people who are also in that loving frequency.


Because it's like the womb is this guardian of our feminine energy.


So when we connect with the womb, we really open up to all of this beautiful energy with a softness.


And I think that we are so used to living in a world where we're running, running, running and taking care of all the practicalities of life and our obligations that sometimes we don't realize.


We don't even remember what softness feels like or how much we really need it.


And when we really start to feel it in our bodies and our muscles start to soften, and we're much more available to ourselves, to the wisdom that's ready to come from within us and to experience life, like, that's a very beautiful moment, and, yeah, it's just so many things also a deeper connection to that, like, spiritual realm that I feel is, like, very embodied.


And it's not so much of the masculine, high up in the crown spirituality, but it's, like, really descending down into the feminine crown.


Like, really the powerful wisdom that is in the body, the pleasure that is in the body, and the magic that's in the body.




And when I was hearing you speak, it's like this ability to start to open up, to receive more.


It's like in relationship, like, nothing changes.


You just feel more love.


You just feel more connected.


You just feel more compassion in any dynamic or relationship because you've allowed yourself open up to receive that.


It's like, I think about the times where we get compliments or we're recognized or we're told different things, and we.


Oh, it's this.


Oh, it's that.


We kind of deflect it.


But, like, the feminine allows yourself to be, like.


Like, you know, really receive the compliment and take in the praise and take in the grace and something, too, that I just feel like when I'm in your energy and you're speaking is.


It's like the sensuality and the femininity that comes from just, like, the play and pleasure of life.


Like, do you feel like when women connect to the womb space, there's more ability to play and seek pleasure and joy and, like, not do to achieve and not do to succeed, but it's like, I just want to have fun and play in the sand and dance with my sisters.


Like, that type of energy as well.


Oh, absolutely.


And also connected with that part of the wild feminine, like, the capacity to allow ourselves to just be messy and just do it for fun or just do it to express ourselves or just stop overthinking and start feeling more.


This is something that I notice.


It happens a lot with women.


Actually, just today, one of my soul sister clients, she was sharing with me, like, I'm finally able.


Able to just journal and make it messy and have fun, even if I make a mistake in my spelling.


Like, I'm just letting it all flow.


And it's so beautiful because it's this process of tapping into the unrestrained flow of energy of the wild feminine.


And, of course, it's super sensual, and it feels very abundant as well.


It's like the earth, right?


This, like, beautiful, feminine presence, and it's also in our bodies, and it's definitely something that we tap into with the world.


And when you speak of, like, wild feminine, like, is that, like, the, like, the messy, the art, the play, the, like, I just do it.


And it's not like I see ecstatic dance and free flowing movement and, like, there's no right way.


You know, it's like, you think about yoga asana, and it's like, stacking the posture of the bronze breath to movement.


Like, that's nothing.


Wild, feminine play, right?


And so, like, also, like, when I'm speaking this out loud, the thing I think about is, like, the wild feminine in birth.


Like, she roars and she moves and, like, gets into her hips and, like, that really wildness comes out of, like, no, you don't have to tame yourself.


You don't have to keep yourself quiet.


Like, just let it flow and be free.


And what is the polar opposite of that?


Like, someone that isn't connected to the wild feminine.


Like, show the duality of this, because I think this is new me and those that are listening, and it's like, paint a picture of, if you're not connected to the wild feminine and what happens after.


Oh, juicy.


So, for me, when you're not connected with your wild feminine, it's like the good girl, the domesticated girl.


And there's a really big conflict with boundaries.


Usually women really struggle to say no, to take up space, to show up, to say what they feel, what they think, what they really believe in.


Women who are really self conscious and really scared of making other people feel uncomfortable.


And women who are nothing sometimes capable of just being different.


Definitely a lot of issues in the premenstrual phase.


Because the premenstrual phase is really deeply connected with the feminine, with the enchantress archetype.


And also the bleeding phase.


It's very connected with the dark feminine.


That's also why so many women have issues during the premenstrual and the bleeding phase.


Because it's a reflection of their inner conflict with these archetypes.


With the dark feminine, with the white feminine.


So there's this inner restriction that also happens in the body.


Usually a lot of tension in the jaw from a lot of unexpressed things.


Rage, resentment, tension in the hips.


Relationships in which we don't feel honored or respected or nourished.


In the way that we really want to feel.


Sometimes feeling shame and disconnected from our bodies and unable to express ourselves.


And a lot of people pleasing, you know, with being the good girl.


Like, being more concerned with being seen as good and acceptable.


In all of those acceptable traits that we've learned in society that, you know, girls should do this, girl should do that, you should be quiet and sweet and make everybody feel comfortable and sexy, maybe, but not too much, you know.


So all these things that fit into this category of the good girl.


Like when we're trying to fit into that and we're not free and we're not authentic.


It's clearly a reflection for me that we're not allowing the wild feminine.


And when we are connected with the wild feminine, it's totally the opposite.


It's this very strong sense of self and this connection.


Not only with our boundaries, our truth, our emotions.


And our ability to express that and take up space in the world.


But also the more primal and instinctual parts of ourselves.


So we're not just operating from the mind.


And we're not.


Definitely not operating from what's socially acceptable.


We are operating from a much more authentic place.


Where there's actually space to move, to use our bodies, to use our voice, to feel and express what we're feeling.


Our emotions, our intensity, our wilderness.


The more erotic parts of ourselves, the more powerful and sometimes even confronting parts of ourselves that also carry a lot of value.




We have important things to say.


We have important things to say.


And the women who are connected with their wild feminine are actually bringing forth a lot of these important things to say and are allowing themselves to do what's authentic and honest for them.


They're also not scared to set boundaries, and they definitely find themselves in relationships where they are much more respected and honored.


And there's more space for our sensuality and all of the things that are taboo in our society when it comes to our sexuality and when it comes to our wilderness and our primal nature.


Because in the end, we are animals.


We are mammals.


And one of my favorite things about the enchantress and the wild feminine is that she's really at peace with that.


And she celebrates that the whole of herself, like the darkness within her, the messiness in her, the wounds within her, and also all of the power that she holds.


She just embraces everything.


So it's really beautiful to feel this within ourselves, to embody this and carry it through in our lives, integrating it in a way that also works.


Of course, living in society, it's not like we're just, oh, wild.


We don't care about anyone or anything.


No, but it's an integration of this wilderness back into our lives and into our bodies.


Does that make sense?


Oh, it makes so much sense.


And, like, as you're speaking, it was just, like, I was just thinking of how it's, like, healing our conditioning of, like, the masculine way of being in the world.




Like, we've tamed women so much that, like, it's.


We are apologetic and apologizing, wanting to show up and serve the men.


And, you know, it's like the old paradigm, whereas, like, now it's like, no, you get to be in the feminine energy.


And actually, it's a really powerful space to be in.


And I think that's probably why it's been conditioned this way, because it's like when you see a woman in that way, she is so powerful, so unapologetic, so confident that that can be intimidating, which is why it's like the women who are connected to this power, the womb within, it's like they need a man that's going to be able to hold that woman in her power and not try to tame ore, contain her.


Otherwise, it doesn't work that way.


And just as you're speaking, I'm thinking about, like, you know, even in sexuality, where it's like, the pleasure of it just being the man to, you know, to get off and not, like, what happens when you think about the women and the pleasure and how we've been shamed into, like, desiring that pleasure and not going to, you know, and that's a sexual realm of this work, but it's just like, what I was visualizing is, like, the untamed woman who's unapologetic to just, like, let her full expression come through.




And, like, that's so.


It's so magnetic, right?


Like, when a woman is in that space and place of, like, self.


Self convicted, I think you.


You use something similar to that as, like, knowing herself.


And what would you say, like, when, when someone comes to work with you, like, who are the people that are, like, I need Zion in my life?


Like, what is it that, like, draws them to you?


Is it, like knowing the pain that they feel in their cycle?


Is it feeling blockages around, like, their sexual life?


Is it, like, feeling like they can't be who they are?


Like, in a patriarchal world?


Like, what do you feel like you tend to attract?


And, like, what is that mission and movement that you're building from what you.


Shared that's so beautiful, what you just shared?


Usually it's women who have issues with their womb.


So physical ailments in their womb, or women who have issues with their menstrual cycle.


That's usually a big part of it.


Also, women with sexual trauma or women who have a history of abusive relationships or abuse in their childhood, either emotional neglect or any kind of.


Of violence and things like that.


I also tend to work a lot with women who are highly sensitive.


I would say pretty much all of the women that I work with are highly sensitive and deeply empathic.


And I think that's one of the things that really makes them feel drawn to me, because I take the emotional aspect into a lot of consideration, and I really take care of the vulnerable and sensitive parts of the healing journey and everything that's connected with the womb, everything that unfolds in that process.


So, yeah, it's women who really want to connect more deeply with themselves, heal their wounds, feel more empowered, and also work on boundaries.


I am definitely boundaries queen.


So this is a big conversation when it comes to the womb, because a lot of the issues we experience with the womb and the menstrual cycle are connected with issues with boundaries.


So that's also always a topic with the women who come in, women who want to feel like they can really trust themselves to honor themselves and respect themselves in their lives and their relationships.


So potent, so powerful.


I'm like, I am obsessed with, like, getting to know this part more.


Especially, like, I'm, you know, I wanted to say eight months pregnant.


I'm only four and a half months pregnant pregnant.


But I'm gonna have a girl, you know?


So it's like, feminine energy is so important to me right now.


And, like, the ancestral lineage and knowing, like, so much is stored within our womb, but it's like she's in my womb, but, like, she was also in my mother's womb and my grandmother's womb, you know?


And it's, like, the clearing that people do when they go on this journey of womb healing isn't just for self.


It's for before and after.


And I think that's a really powerful, like, job role, like, initiation to take on because it's a lot.


But also, like, with everything that you share, there's so much freedom, power, pleasure, magic, sensuality that comes from the work.


And I think that, like, when womb comes to you, like, when it's like, I need to do some womb healing.


Like, that's no accident, right?


Like, the people that get called into doing this work, it's like that was their destiny.




Like, that was pre planned before they arrived here.


Like, it was something that was meant.


So, thank you so much for just sharing.


I know that they were probably those listening right now.


I've, like, taken so many notes and got so inspired.


And just one question I always love to ask is, like, amplified impact is all about the ripple that you've had in your life and why it is that you do what you do.


But coming in for more, like, why are you here for so much more?


Like, everything that you've achieved.


Like, super grateful you have this beautiful work, you have this beautiful life, and you know that you're here for something so much bigger.


Can you repeat?


Because the connection cut off while you were asking the question, so I didn't hear the whole question.




No, no, it's okay.


I always love to ask at the end, like, amplified impact is about, like, the work that you do on your own life.


Making a ripple and then desiring to amplify that through, claiming more here for so much more.


Not out of, like, everything that you already have and created isn't enough, but, like, you know, the work and the mission that you have is so much bigger.


And what is your here for more?


For me, it's a world where women are free and they feel connected with their bodies.


They know deeply in their bones that they're safe and their sovereignty for themselves, their femininity, their children and the whole process of being a woman and actually being a part of that, having the honor of being a part of that, it's that next step for me and what I really want to claim, creating those sacred spaces for ourselves in our lives that are ultimately our birthright.


So beautiful.


Zion for those that are listening, where is the best place for them to come and find you?


Instagram Zion de Castro is a great place.




And for those of you that are listening, run and follow Zion right now.


I'll tag her URL in the show notes so it's super easy for you to just click and follow and then tag us on Instagram.


Amber Hagberg Zion de Castro, let us know your biggest takeaway from this episode.


I know that my heart is just buzzing from the conversation we had, and I'll talk to you in the next episode.


Thank you, Zion.


Thank you so much.





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