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Featured Guest - Kate Culver
Episode 161st September 2022 • Podapalooza Podcast • Michelle Abraham and Kimberley Crowe
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Kate Culver is the owner of Song to Gaia; a mother, grandmother and life-long champion for women, children and planet. She's empowering women and children through deep nature connection and spiritual exploration to find their unique, powerful song.  Kate share her excitement as she saw the incredible potential of her doing a podcast during the Podapalooza event.

Don't Miss the Next Podapalooza!!

Our next event is October 19, 2022, and tickets are currently on sale! Grab your ticket now to learn from our featured podcasters on the main stage.

Or if you want to get your message on a variety of podcasts, get the VIP ticket and you will be matched with hosts to be interviewed on their show.

To learn more or get your tickets now, visit

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This is a great way to connect with more people and even batch record episodes for your show. You can apply now at

Podapalooza! It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun!!


Podapalooza Intro/Outro:

Welcome to the official Podapalooza podcast. That's right. We're the official podcast for the hottest newest podcasting event out there. You can take a look at more information about Podapalooza at It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun. Let me tell you about this podcast. So we are interviewing our particular is a featured podcasters That's right, I've heard of Lou's that are feature podcasters are gonna be interviewing VIPs all throughout the event. And each podcaster is going to be featured on this podcast. You can learn a little bit more about the show, what makes them tick why they started their show, and they're gonna give some great tips to how to be a great guest on their show. You too can be on their show when you go to Buy your VIP ticket. All right, let's do this.

Michelle Abraham:

Hello, Padapaloozians Michelle Abraham, your host, one of your hosts of the Podapalooza official podcast. We are so glad you are here with us today. Today I am joined by one of our attendees. Katie Culvers. Katie Hey, how are you?

Kate Culver:

Good. Thanks for having me on.

Michelle Abraham:

You're welcome. Well, Katie came to Podapalooza her first time I was this last part of Podapalooza that we had. She had a fabulous time, Katie, what was what was your favorite part of the day?

Kate Culver:

I think it's just the incredible potential that I saw. You know, I never had someone tell me I should start a podcast. And it was like, Oh, of course, not me. And by the end of that event, I not only saw how it was possible, I saw my self get excited about the potential doing it.

Michelle Abraham:

Who I love hearing that, because that's my favorite thing is to help people do their podcast. And so I love hearing that you were inspired that you not only like hurt, like thought that you could actually do it too. That's awesome. I believe everyone's got a voice and everyone should have a podcast. It's such a powerful, powerful tool. So I love that you got that out of the day. Was there a particular speaker that you saw speak that really touched you as well? There was so many speakers during the day. So many different things.

Kate Culver:

Oh my gosh, there were so many great speakers. And I think that, you know, if you had asked me that day, at any time along the way, I've given you one, but you know then they just piled on top of right.

Michelle Abraham:

And then it's like the next one. This one's my favorite then the next one's my favorite. The next. Too many to tell your favorite one is do you have a favorite moment from Panda palooza? How would that that might be a little bit easier question answer.

Kate Culver:

You know, I hate to say it's all about me. But really it was it was just how I felt inside. And, and how my whole world opened up to new possibilities. Yeah, it's all about me, baby.

Michelle Abraham:

Oh, I like that. It's all about you. Because you know what? Sometimes it's not we don't remember what someone said to us. But it's how they made us feel. So that's what's right remembering, which is good. And that's good for us. That's perfect. He loved that you felt like you had a world of possibility. So I appreciate you sharing that with us and appreciate you coming to Podapalooza as an attendee, and enjoying it. And I hope you're gonna come back again,

Kate Culver:

to our I'm already signed up for the next. So I love to hear

Michelle Abraham:

that. So tell us a little bit more about you. So what are you up to Katie?

Kate Culver:

Well, um, I am a nature loving edge dweller. And I love to help women transform their lives. It doesn't matter where we are in life, there's a new level to achieve, you know, there's growth to happen. And that's the wonderful thing about this time, I think just the raising of the consciousness and everyone being open to their, their personal growth. And goodness knows the planet needs all the help she can get. So my joy is getting people to particularly women, but I do work with them as well. Just come home to themselves to know who they are to find their voice to find their mission and purpose in the world. And and light up the world.

Michelle Abraham:

I love it. lighting up the world, one person in one voice at a time. And you know, I think that's really what you said is very profound. Like, are you kidding them to come home to themselves? I feel like there's a lot of people out there that are so far out from their home, their home bodies, their home selves that bringing them back to their home and how do you do your work the work that you do, Katie?

Kate Culver:

Um, well, I do it. I have one on one. Which is my main way of doing it.

Michelle Abraham:

Hmm, very customized and personalized. Right?

Kate Culver:

Right, because each woman is on their own journey, right? But don't tell anyone but a lot of the tools are the same tools. Right? But

Michelle Abraham:

you know, they're received on the different ways.

Kate Culver:

That's right. That's right. Everyone's got their own process. Um, but I also do group, I have circle women's circle that we do a full moon and a new moon circle. And I bring in a lot of astrology stuff and a lot of nature stuff. And, and then mindfulness. Meditation.

Michelle Abraham:

Sounds wonderful. It sounds like my favorite mixture of things. A little nature, as you know, I don't know if you know this, but I live in the woods. So outside of my windows here, I'm looking at forest and lake and nature. So I that resonates with me on a high level. Lovely. So healing. Yeah, it's a great way to bring you back home by walking through the woods and having that nature around you so awesome. So some of the other a particular type of shows that you're looking to get on as a guest skating?

Kate Culver:

Um, you know, I can't think of a particular kind of show, but if their audience has women, yeah, you know, then I've got a quite a nice toolbox of things that I can pull out and offer little tidbits and a lot of different ways for folks. And I know that's not really answering your question. That's great. Yeah.

Michelle Abraham:

So women, audiences who are gonna be open spiritually, they're, they're looking for a transformation. Maybe they're a pinnacle in their career, or they're stuck in life somewhere, or they're going through a transition of some sort? And the ministers, right, yeah,

Kate Culver:

I was imagining the third chapter of our law, right, yeah. And I find that

Michelle Abraham:

a lot of my podcasting, clients are actually going through that, like second or third phase of their, their life where it's a new chapter, and they're, this is the new them. And the, than this is the podcast is now a way for them to express that, that that new person or that new path, they're on so.

Kate Culver:

So love that we have that opportunity in this day and age, when I think about to my mother, you know, that wasn't really even in the cars, the idea that there was another life after, like, ah, sit on the couch, and, you know, wait for the grandkids to come. It wasn't like, I could be a whole new, I can do a whole new thing.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, absolutely. I love, I love that we have the permission to we've given ourselves the permission to do that. I remember my dad being harassed a lot by our relatives, because he was like, Well, what career is he doing now? And I always admired him. And he always just like, went after whatever he, he was his dreams were and, you know, I saw more happiness from him with the ups and downs of failures and successes of business, but more joy and happiness from him than they did of my other relatives that were, you know, at a nine to five job and didn't same thing, doing all the same things. And like you're supposed to have that freedom to kind of choose our own path these days is so it's so powerful.

Kate Culver:

Yes. And to be the Renaissance woman or the renaissance man. We can try on more than one hat.

Michelle Abraham:

Exactly. Yes, yes. And I'm sure like many of us have walked many lives before. And so something about different things and trying different things that resonates with you at this such a high level. So cool. What do you most looking forward to at the next part of Podapalooza ?

Kate Culver:

Well, I've already signed up for VIP. So it's gonna be a different experience altogether for me, and I'm just open to the joy.

Michelle Abraham:

That's so cool. So for someone who's coming for a first time ever, any words of advice now that you've attended before, and you're coming back again, the second time,

Kate Culver:

you know, I have yet to experience what the difference between being a VIP and not is, but I can anticipate that this is going to be a much deeper and more exciting experience going in as VIP and I would encourage anyone if they can do that. If podcasting is an all in your Inkling in their brain, you know, then then go ahead and jump in because I have a feeling it's going to definitely be worth your while.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, absolutely. So the difference between coming in being an attendee we get to see all the mainstage speakers and everything and being a VIP is that you then get to be interviewed on some podcast during the event that day, which I think is super cool. So Katie, you're gonna have a chance to be interviewed on up to five podcasts that day, as well as see some of the mainstage speakers and the ones that you miss, you'll get the recordings for so that's great, and you'll get to experience all that I get to hang out on the main HLD I think the speakers there are pretty fantastic. It's a lot of fun on the main stage. But I have had a bit of FOMO from what's happening in the auditorium where all the interviews happen. Yeah, I've heard it's a really fun over there. And everyone is always having a good time. So

Kate Culver:

Kimberly's involved I know it will be

Michelle Abraham:

right. She's always involved in so much fun, which is why I love doing this with her. So that's so awesome. So Katie, any last words from you as to, you know how you you want to, I would say let's get some last words from you have an advice for showing up to Panda Palooza to have the best day possible. pack lots of snacks, make sure you have round well rested. Bring your water with you, because not a lot of breaks during the day. So that would be my advice for people showing up? And do you have any advice for people showing up the bottom? Please?

Kate Culver:

Really, yes, come prepared, so that you don't have to leave and run to the procurement. I don't want to get your stuff. I want to leave. But really what I want to say is come with an open mind with an open heart. Because this is our space to create in any way we want to. And so be open to what kinds of space

Michelle Abraham:

and it's our time. It's our time. Absolutely. And Katie, I love how you are thinking that you were inspired, like the possibilities were opened up. I have a feeling with you, Katie that not maybe at the not at the next one, but maybe the one after that you might be a podcaster sooner than later because I think you got I think you caught a little bit of the bug and the first one, the inspiration. So maybe you'll become one of our Podapalooza babies, come to an event, get inspired, and then come back as a podcaster and join.

Kate Culver:

Now I like I'm open.

Michelle Abraham:

I love it. And I love your message too. So I think you resonate with a lot of our podcasters that are there. There's a lot of shows that you'll be able to connect with with your message. A lot of people that speak to the similar audiences you do, as well. So looking forward to seeing the matches need for you for being a guest on those podcasts. And for anything guys listening here today. And Katie says something that is resonated with you and you want to reach out to her to bring her on your podcast, please do reach out to us. And we'll connect you with Katie, right from this podcast here. And she can be a guest on your show, too.

Michelle Abraham:

So Katie, thanks so much for joining us. Where can we find out more information? If someone's interested in some of the things you were saying today? Where can we find more information about you?

Kate Culver:

Well, thank you, Michelle. This has been just lovely having this moment with you. And you can find me at song to so N G, EO, ga i

Michelle Abraham:

Sun to I love that. Lovely guys like Mother Nature. Right? So that's something that's great. Beautiful,

Kate Culver:

says my song to God.


Yeah, I love it. It's so great. Wonderful. A key. Thank you so much for sharing with us and potable museums. Make sure if you haven't got your ticket yet, make sure you go on over to probably Pick up your ticket. And hey, while you're there, as Katie says upgrade to VIP, because then you get to be on podcasts as well. All right. And if you're interested in being a featured podcaster or want to apply to be one of our speakers, please also reach out to us as we're taking applications for our next Podapalooza . All right, go out there. Have a fabulous day, guys. Thanks so much, Katie for joining us.


Thank you.


Thank you so much for joining me on the Podapalooza podcast today. It's been a blast. Next step for you is to head on over to where you can buy a ticket to join us at the next event. You can be general admission which means you get to come to all the great speakers during the day. Listen to them great, some great information network, meet a whole bunch of really cool people and introduce yourself or you can upgrade to VIP where you get interviewed on. Definitely one podcast if not more than one podcast throughout the day in the auditorium with the feature podcasters you've just heard on this podcast. So don't forget to head on over to That is Podapalooza that a sounds hard to say but it's also much fun at the




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