Artwork for podcast Your pet business content your way
10 creative ways to use awareness days to make sales in your pet business
Episode 2263rd December 2024 • Your pet business content your way • Rachel Spencer
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Have you ever considered doing something special around an awareness day to grow your pet business?

From pitching to the press to running events and sales on relevant products, there is so much more to awareness days than a simple social media post.

Used in the right way, they can help you connect with your audience, build relationships, and grow your business in creative ways.

And help you make sales. Niki French, creator of Don't Walk Your Dog Day, made thousands of sales of her book, Stop Walking Your Dog, after going viral in the press.

There are so many ways you can use the days too, and in this post, I’m sharing 10 ideas for you to use awareness days that go beyond just posting online.

I’ll also introduce you to my Pet Business Content Planner and Companion - packed with ideas and space to plan your content - and the Pets Get Visible Membership, which provides coaching and support to help you stay consistent and confident.

Key topics and timings in this episode:

0.20 - Introduction and episode overview and how awareness days can help grow your business

2.00 - How my Your Pet Business Content Planner and Companion can help you

3.44 - Delight your customers with surprises or gifts

5.18 - Bring together your clients and community

7.13 - Partner with local businesses for cross-promotion

9.27 - Share personal stories inspired by awareness days

11.30 - Offer exclusive discounts and VIP experiences

13.19 - Provide educational resources and content

14.52 - Share the “why” behind an awareness day

15.56 - Host in-person or virtual events

17.20 - Launching limited-edition products or services

18.49 - Making surprise donations tied to awareness days

19.45 - Your options if you'd like support with this and want to work together

Links mentioned in this episode:

The Pet Business Content Planner and Companion is packed with ideas and prompts to help you plan your content and visibility efforts.

You can get a copy for just £30 plus postage here:

Combine it with the Pets Get Visible Membership for coaching, resources, and support to put these ideas into action and grow your business.

This costs £30 a month and you can get the membership and planner together here:

Further reading and listening

Is my Pets Get Visible membership right for you?

How Niki French went viral on Don't Walk Your Dog Day

In the spotlight with Sarah Jones from My Anxious Dog

How to harness the power of community to grow your business with Sandra Emmons

Kerry Jordan on the impact of National Dog Photography Day on her business

How Kim O'Donnell from Leo Charley and Me turned her hobby into a global business

How to create a social media calendar for your pet business

How to write a press release for your pet business





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