In this powerful and insightful conversation, I sit down with Karissa Dean, a transformational coach, to explore the journey of self-awareness, reflection, and personal growth. We dive into how our reactions to life’s challenges shape our experiences, the importance of shifting perspectives, and how curiosity can lead to transformation.
Karissa shares her thoughts on overcoming self-judgment, breaking generational cycles, and stepping into our most confident, authentic selves. We also discuss the power of coaching, the significance of mindset shifts, and how to embrace life’s lessons as opportunities for growth.
If you're ready to expand, evolve, and create a new version of yourself, this episode is for you!
✅ The importance of self-awareness and tracking personal growth
✅ How to reframe challenges as opportunities for learning
✅ The impact of judgment, triggers, and limiting beliefs on our mindset
✅ Why curiosity is the key to transformation
✅ How coaching can help shift perspectives and elevate personal growth
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Hi, welcome back to the Rise, Shine and Redefine podcast. I'm your host Karen Meininger and I am here today to talk all things confidence with Karissa Dean. I am so excited to have her on the show. She is a ICF certified life and business coach and has so much wisdom and magical nuggets to share today, and I cannot wait to dive in.
Hi, Karissa. Welcome to the show. How are you today? Good. Thank you so much for having me, Karen. I really appreciate it. Um, it's really fabulous to be connected across the world, um, and be with you today. Yeah, it feels like that. You're, you're calling in from Oregon and I'm in Florida, so it's so cool that technology can connect us from so far away and meet such beautiful, like minded people and just share our wisdom with our listeners and hopefully changing the world one, one, entrepreneur, one wife, one partner, one child at a time, however you identify, um, we are here to just help and serve and show up in a way that feels really good and aligned for you.
Yeah, I love it. So why don't you tell us a little bit about how you got into coaching and anything that kind of really got you on that path? Yeah, I appreciate it. So I was born into an entrepreneurial family. And married an entrepreneur and when I got married, I was teaching dance for Portland public schools and, you know, it really was just kind of like, this is what I was good at, this is what I went to school for.
and emotional body. And so in:Things really started to not feel good. The discord really started to come out. And I was really angry in life. And I didn't really like myself. And I Was looking at my husband and blaming him for a lot of my own discomfort in life. And I finally just went to him and I was like, I'm going to hire a life coach.
And he was like, what is that? What does that mean? Like, what is coaching? Yeah, what is this thing you speak of? You know, and at that point I had gone to talk to him. therapy, you know, I've worked through, um, you know, at that point I wanted multiple children, but we were, I hadn't been on birth control for five years.
Like it wasn't in the cards and I didn't want to chase the IV, IVF, you know, formula. And so there was just so many things I'd gone to talk therapy. And it, and it didn't really work for me because as a manifesting generator, I'm, I'm really about the movement and the action and I like to be busy with a lot of different things.
Um, and so, yeah, I went to him and I was like, I'm going to write this check. And I'm going to do a group coaching program and it changed my life. That first call, um, really helped me see where I was my own issue. It held up this mirror for me that allowed me to see, Oh my God, I'm the fucking problem. And, and I just, I spiraled from there in the most beautiful way.
I, it's probably, you know, Even though I danced my whole life, got a degree in dance, dance semi professionally, it is the only thing that I wake up passionate to do. And it's the one thing that has really kept me grounded and motivated. I've, it's, I just went on a deep dive and the obsession of it became so real.
So in:Um, and yeah, my husband and I have about 10 different businesses between the two of us, um, that we've kind of cultivated in the last, um, 15 years or so of being together. Oh, wow. Okay. How is, how is that working with your husband on businesses? I know you said you married into entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship's your jam. Yeah. Cause for me, no fucking way is my husband working with me, like, it's just not happening. So, I'm re and it's not that I'm against it, it's just, it doesn't make sense for me. Totally. So, so, the ones that you I'm assuming your coaching business is yours. That's mine, yes.
Right, that's your baby. Don't touch it! Beautiful. That's my baby too. Totally, yeah, and you feel that in your soul. What other businesses do you have or what's your favorite business that you have with your husband? Um, so the favorite business is we, um, purchase and operate. So we purchase and I operate the, uh, properties.
So it's a property management business. And so we have, um, I think we have six different properties right now where really we found the partnership in the collaboration of how are we, uh, remodeling this home doesn't need remodeling. And then I really take the creative direction of how we're going to market it.
You know, are we doing short term or long term renters? Um, and then I'm the day to day operations and then he's kind of available for some of the bigger, bigger pieces. Part of my journey into entrepreneurship was when teaching no longer felt good after I had my daughter, I started dabbling in You know, working with my husband and kind of helping him with marketing and helping him with the bookkeeping and the back end of the business.
And what we did learn in that path was his baby needs to stay his baby. When I started to kind of bring in things, he was like, but this is my thing. This is how we've done it. And so I think. Working with your partner is possible, but it does take a very delicate balance, and I would say that finding your roles and understanding how to communicate, and then it's the separation of like, you can't bring your marriage into the business, and you can't bring Your business into the marriage.
And so you do have to isolate out those things and make sure you're still making time for each other. So there was definitely periods where we would be on a date night and we are only talking about one business. And I'm like, Holy fuck. Can we talk, can we talk about something else? Can we talk about our dreams?
Can we talk about. You know, anything else, because otherwise it would consume us and it would consume the conversation and, you know, then you're looking at your sex life dying and all these things, right? And so I think, you know, partnerships are hard, no matter what you do, and it really does take the right kind of pair for it to work.
Um, so when I say we work together, we have very defined roles, and he's really good about letting me be in my zone of genius, and I'm really good about defaulting to his zone of genius. You know, an example would be We have a property we're remodeling. I was like, let me take over this piece of the remodel.
I'm really excited about it. I want to like rehab the bathroom and bring it back to life and I dropped the ball like a hundred percent. I dropped the ball. I completely hired the wrong people Um, I I'm definitely too trusting when it comes to contractors. Um, I think people are always going to do what they say.
And unfortunately, that's just not always the case, especially in some of those trades. And so I didn't babysit them the way that you should when you're a project manager. And, um, it's cost us a lot of extra money and heartache, um, because. I didn't, I didn't listen to his advice. And so I think when you can take ownership of where you fuck up, where you drop the ball and be like, yeah, I really, really blew that one up.
And then also it takes the, the counterpart. He didn't get mad at me. You know, was he frustrated? Yes. Was he like, not super thrilled that it was going to cost twice as much? Absolutely. But he didn't yell at me. He didn't come at me. He didn't blame me. It was this collaboration of you tried something. You failed, and now we know you're not the babysitter type.
You're not gonna sit there and keep your eyes on the plumber every minute to make sure that he doesn't drill a hole where he shouldn't drill a hole. Yeah, it's all about accountability. I totally relate. I have two properties. I've remodeled four homes. I've hired the wrong people. It costs me lots and lots and lots of money.
And what happens, right, it's so beautiful that there wasn't the blame and the judgment because it's like, when, when we feel shame, it's like, for whatever, we feel shame and guilt, right? And it's like, if you're, if you're saying I am bad, right, that there's this shame piece, and then there's a guilt piece of, well, my behavior created this guilt.
Right, so I know especially with renovations hiring the wrong people You tend to feel this guilt of oh my god I cost us so much money, but everything's a lesson, right? Everything's a learning and if it's like, okay. Yeah, I fucked up I'm gonna take accountability for my fuck up. I should have researched them better.
I'm the same as you i'm very trusting I hire people i'm like they're gonna be the best and then And then they're disappointing Yeah, and then and then it's like Oh, wait, now I have to navigate my fuck up in my nervous system. I need to learn how to regulate my nervous system in this fuck up. I just had an awful experience with a guest at one of my Airbnbs.
I got yelled at. I got attacked and it was. I did everything right and, and it was like I had to remind myself, like, okay, there's something going on in, in their life that is projecting onto me and it has nothing to do with me. And I think a lot of times we feel like if we're being attacked by somebody or something, there's a sense that there's something wrong with us when really everything, like you said before, life's a mirror.
Yeah. It's like if, if they're coming at you. It's like, okay, wait, let's show them the mirror and, and then it softens and, and the same thing, your husband not being in judgment or blame and you being able to take accountability, I'm sure you were able to find solutions a lot quicker to move through it, to get to the next step.
And I think it's the same in entrepreneurship, it's the same in marriage, it's the same in parenting. It's, it's like, okay, let's take accountability. Let's have the awareness of, okay, how can I change this to be a better version or it be different so that same mistake doesn't happen, right? I don't, I think there's no coincidences.
Everything's a synchronicity. You are supposed to be where you are and, and it's okay to be exactly where you are in this moment. Definitely. we lose sight of, and we lose sight of it. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So. I really want to dive into confidence. Yeah. In your opinion, or in your biased opinion, what, what is confidence?
What does that mean? I think that confidence is your ability to be your authentic self in situations that require you to hold yourself. To a different standard and what do I, what I mean by that is the version of me before I got into personal development. Would not have taken accountability for the fuck up in the bathroom, remodeled.
I would have blamed everyone else around me. I would have blamed my husband and confidence is the ability to, to own where your shortcomings are, identify them, say this maybe wheelhouse. And that's okay. And not having that shame or guilt associated with those. With those points. And I think for me, confidence looks like a muscle.
It's, it's no different than going into a yoga class for your first time. It's a practice. It's something that you have to really understand. And if you don't know who you are, if you're not feeling good in your body, right, you talk about nervous regulating your nervous system. If your nervous system isn't regulated, you're not confident.
And so I think confidence is that ability to to know yourself. So intimately that, you know, when you're unregulated and being reactive to the world around you, when you're blaming, when you're holding on to shame or guilt, and when you're not in alignment and taking the action that's meant for you, you know, I mean, You're in a very similar line of business.
You probably run your business very differently than how I run mine. And that's the uniqueness of once we start to identify who we are, we build our confidence through trial and error and realizing I can have a unique pathway and that serves me. And you Karen can have a unique pathway and that serves you and it's the freedom and permission that I give you to be who you are and you give me to be who I am that allows me to make those decisions, but it's confidence.
a muscle that we have to flex and it definitely comes through trial and error. Um, and, and I think that you can't be a truly confident human unless you know who you are and you're tapped into that aligned, um, inner being. Yeah, and I think a lot of people don't know who they are. They don't, and that's where inner work, that's where, it's work, it's work to be you, unfortunately.
It, it, because we're, we're, um, by external factors. Right? We're trying to be something we think somebody else or society wants us to be, instead of, and we're programmed, right? Like, from childhood, it's like all these programmings and unconscious programmings and patterns that keep repeating themselves over and over again, that it's like, wait, who am I?
And like, when you take off all the external things, The house, the job, the career, the marriage, the momhood, whatever it is, it's like, wait, who am I, what is my essence, instead of the ego and the inner critic kind of getting in your head and talking you out of who you are, because we think society wants us to be that way.
Yeah. And then it's also with confidence, it's like meeting edges. It's like doing the thing you're afraid to do. Yeah. Absolutely. The more you go and do the thing you're afraid to do, I was terrified to start a podcast. You know, I'm a year in and now even this getting on our calls, like, Oh, I'm nervous. But it's like, you keep doing it and you get in flow.
And then it's like, Oh, wait. It's not that hard. If you keep doing it and you keep practicing like you said a muscle And you go to the gym you have to have resistance. You're gonna have resistance in being who you are It's like okay. How do I create? resistance that I can bust through So that I can now be more confident.
It's like in dating too, right? Have you dated a guy? I mean, I know we're both married, but let's just for fun You're dating a guy and you're like, oh you can tell somebody's confident or you can tell if you're confident in that circumstance Why? Like what about it creates the confidence? It's experience Yeah, well, and I think confidence, too, is the familiarity of being uncomfortable because The reality is, is your edge is in your discomfort and most people are unwilling to be uncomfortable and that's, that's the thing that you're saying, do the thing anyways.
That's you being in your. Discomfort and saying, I'm going to keep stepping forward. And I think a lot of people get overwhelmed by life in business and personal development. And do I hire a coach or do I stay the same? Do I go to the gym or do I stay the same? Because we think that it has to be this big, giant leap when it's not in reality, the sustainable change comes when you take baby steps.
And so that's why I say. It's these bite sized pieces, you know, I'm mid, uh, group program called Confidence to Create. And the women who are in there are doing such magical work because they're practicing these small stackable habits. And it's reinforcing new neuropathways that are allowing them to see themselves differently.
And they're gaining new information from the world around them around, Oh, it's safe to be who I am. Oh, look, I was really uncomfortable. I did it anyways. And wow, it's okay. I survived. And so confidence is really a practice skill. And I think a lot of the women we see, even the men we see, there can be this egotistical confidence, which is masked by the need to look and be a certain way.
And then there's the real confidence where You are who you are, whether you've got up, done your hair and makeup, put on a killer outfit, or not. Um, and I think those are kind of the subtle areas where, can you look at yourself the same no matter how you're dressed? That's confidence, and it's different than just looking at really polished person in a boardroom, right?
Um, because that person could have zero confidence but be really good at acting, right? And so when I'm talking about confidence, and I think when you are too, it's really about that aligned authentic version where whether you're naked in the boardroom or you have the most beautiful pantsuit from Saks.
You are wearing the same inner being, and that inner being is really what, what your audience is seeing. Yeah, it becomes this essence versus ego. And it's like, okay, wait, once I know my essence, Oh, there, there is confidence within there, and it is continuously meeting the edges. Also, I love what you said about your group programming, because, or group program, sorry, is Is celebrating the small wins, too, because there's a gap in the game, right?
It's like if, if you're trying to be somebody that you're not yet. Right? It's like you want to be the it girl, let's just say, right? It's like, Oh my God, but I have so far to go. I have so far to go to get there. And then, then it becomes, you become resistant. You don't want to do it. You have no momentum.
But like you said before, it's. Those small wins, they don't have to be these big leaps and bounds of like breakthroughs, little micro breakthroughs, is what's going to help you lead to the confidence. It's okay, wait, I had a small win. I said, even just creating, trusting, committing something to yourself, right?
It's like, okay, I'm going to commit to write in my journal five minutes. Let's keep it super simple and you did that it's a win like right that way down I did something to celebrate myself I did something that I committed to and I'm gonna celebrate that in your Reticulated activated system is gonna start showing you more ways that you can start trusting yourself And you create that safety in your nervous system, right?
It's like Yeah, discomfort sucks. It's so offensive. Nobody likes it. Nobody likes it. And then what happens is we try to avoid it. We try to avoid the discomfort. And so instead of, like, it only takes 90 seconds for an emotion to move through us. But we loop it. It's like, oh, we have this feeling. Now let's create the story.
Of why I have this feeling and now that feeling's back and we're just like in this hamster Wheel of the loop of the emotion and the feeling and we can't let it go through And so just sitting with the discomfort. It's the same with confidence just sit with the discomfort and then and then Celebrate.
Celebrate yourself for showing up, and yeah, it does come down to safety. We think we're gonna die. Like, when I go on stage, I, my body, when I was getting attacked by a guest, thought it was gonna die. Like, I was like, why can't I regulate myself? And I'm human. I've done dysregulated. It is okay. It's just how can we quickly recover?
When it happens, and as you get more uncomf as you become more comfortable, Comfortable becoming uncomfortable. Yes. Yeah. No, you got it. Comfortable being uncomfortable. You got it. You got it. It doesn't last as long. No. Like you're not dysregulated as long. You're human. We're emotional human creatures.
We're gonna get dysregulated. We're gonna feel unsafe at times, and it's like leaning in To the discomfort. Yeah, in my biased opinion is how you do create more confidence in that way Yeah, definitely. And I tell my people all the time, all my clients, I have this one client and I love her so much and she's a super woo out there and I'm like, yes, be there, but understand we live in a 3d world and you're in a human body, which means that there are systems that you have to play and you can either be played by them or you can learn them and play them to be in your favor.
And so I love what you say there, you know, yeah. The reality is you're gonna have moments where it's not going to feel good. You're going to break down. It's going to get fucked up. It's going to get shitty. It's going to be chaotic. That's because we're having a very real human experience and we're multidimensional multifaceted and there's so much complexity to it.
And that's where we, that's where I think confidence is, can be so powerful and beautiful is because you pull away from the shame and the guilt. You create that separation through the awareness and the understanding. And you can move yourself, you know, the more you practice this, the more you get the negative feedback from guests, the easier it is for you to find your flow to move through it because you're going to understand that experience from a different lens because you chose a different pathway.
And so you just keep practicing that and over time it's just, you know, it's water on the duck's back and you don't, you don't even know it's there half of the time. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I. I also love, I think what happens with confidence, our inner critic comes up a lot, right? And it's like, it gets so loud.
And so a hack I like to do is name, name the critic. My inner critic's name is Cruella. And I'm like, okay, so it's like when you can separate, you are not your critic. And when you learn to separate, okay, my critic, Is just a piece that's trying to serve me and keep me safe in some sort of way And when you recognize oh corella, you're just there because you're trying to keep me safe, but I got it You can go in the passenger seat now You don't need to be in the driver's seat and it's like once you create that awareness it's like Oh, I can do something with it.
But a lot of times you're not even aware. It's so programmed into look at my fat on my belly or look at my ugly toe or my hair's not good enough or I speak funny or I have a lisp or whatever it may be. All these things that make us feel that we're not good enough. It all comes back to where confidence is a sense of worthiness.
Yeah. And it's okay how and How do we start feeling worthy is having self compassion It's like how do we create compassion for ourselves in the shame and the guilt because a lot of times it's like Hamster wheel it. Yeah, we hamster wheel it and so it becomes a little bit on a, um, on a loop that we can't get off of.
And, and, you know, I was wondering what are your suggestions or tips of, okay, now I recognize I'm looping, I'm dysregulated. I'm feeling bad about myself. I'm feeling unworthy. What, what is a tip or something that you would do to kind of get yourself off the wheel? Yeah, so I have a methodology that I've come up with and I teach it to all my clients.
It's something you can utilize for literally any situation in your life. Or in your business. Um, and it's called the ARC approach. So basically, you start with the awareness. I'm aware that I am feeling X, Y, and Z. I'm aware that I'm in my loop. I'm aware that Cruella is here. And from that awareness, you move to the R, which is reflection.
How did that work out for me? How did that make me feel? Did it get better? Did it get worse? Did I go further into it or did I make a change and do something different? And then you get to the C, which is the creation of, of what happened. So you kind of take that time to, to notice, to reflect, and then to kind of really take, take the moment of what do I want to happen next?
So then you go back to the A. And you become accountable to your awareness. I'm aware that Cruella is here. Okay, last time Cruella was here, I did this. I really didn't like that outcome. What's another pathway? What's another choice? And then you open yourself up to receive something different. You know, and you're creating more of what you want in life.
So the ARC approach is, is how I move myself through. I think a lot of people are afraid of reflecting because they think they're going to get stuck there In the shame in the guilt, and I think that if we can find a way to look back On our choices and understand there's different pathways Okay, I see the one pathway that I chose What's a, what, what, what, what is something that I could have done different?
And then the next time it shows up, you choose something different. Um, and you see how that works out for you. That, I believe, is a simple Formula to really change your life and feel differently because you are becoming accountable to your actions and your choices. And that awareness allows you a pathway to choose differently.
And when you take that time to reflect. I think that's when you build confidence too, because you're looking at it and you're saying, Oh, I did something a little bit different here. I felt a little bit better. Wow. Let me reinforce that positive behavior by choosing the same thing or something similar, or, or let me, you know, 360 it and do something completely different.
I mean, but I think. The awareness, the understanding of who, what, where, when, how, and why. Um, and then understanding there's a choice that you can choose a different pathway and create something different for yourself. I love it. I love it. Awareness, reflection, creation, and just something even more to add into there is like, okay, I have the awareness.
How can I accept myself? Right. Acceptance is such a big piece of becoming more confident. It's like, oh, I can accept that part of me. And most of the time, it's innocent. It's really innocent. It's something from your childhood that is a small T trauma that isn't nourished. And it's like, wait, how can I go back and nourish that part of myself?
I have this awareness. Cruella is loud. I'm going to choose again. Right? I'm gonna choose a new, a new way and reflect on how, how did it become different? It's such a good way of tracking. I love it. I think tracking is so important. It's also really hard because it's like, it's like, again, putting the mirror back on us.
Oh, wait. Okay. I'm tracking what just happened. And I don't like the, the, I don't like it. It's going down instead of up. And then we start criticizing ourself. That's what happened to me with this Airbnb situation. I've done all this work. This guest left her watch at my property and was blaming me for it.
And, and it, and then because my nervous system wasn't regulated in that situation, then I was starting to feel. All the negative thoughts about me not being good enough. I've just done all this work I've just done this whole year long program on like all the inner and i'm being dysregulated by some Bitch, I don't even know excuse me, but she was a bitch And it's like, okay wait What have I even done anything differently in that moment?
I think a lot of times we're really hard on ourself too. It's like, oh, I should have said that. I coulda, you shoulda, coulda, woulda, but the reality is, I don't know if you're familiar with Byron Katie work, but she says, um, if you argue with reality, you will lose a hundred percent of the time because the reality is you didn't do it.
And it's like beating yourself up over something you should have done differently isn't going to change it. Now, if that happens again, you know, Oh, I have the awareness has happened. How did I learn? How can I reflect? And then how can I create this ARC method in order to expand myself and be the 2. 0 version of me?
That's going to take me to the next level, be more confident and show up fully in my authentic self. That's beautiful. I love it. Well, and I think it's important to highlight too if you can't reflect if you're looking back through shame or guilt, so you do absolutely have to have that lens of it is what it is, I can't argue that's I mean, that is confidence is looking back and being like, I didn't fucking handle that well, or I fucked up like that is the acceptance right of the moment that was the moment I really didn't like The way I handled that or really didn't enjoy that experience.
I don't like being yelled at. Why don't I like being yelled at? Right? It's like that awareness piece is so critical and they kind of like you bounce between the awareness and the reflection because You can go, Oh, this, this person yelled at me and it made me feel this. Why did it make me feel this? Oh, there's an inner child in me that doesn't feel good, that doesn't feel good enough.
And so then you go back to that awareness of, I have more work to do here. And so to create more of what I want, I have to heal that inner child. And if you can't do that without. The shame and the guilt, you're not fucking ready for it because you have to be willing to say that was a moment in time. And because I'm drawing awareness to that moment, and I want that moment to be different next time, there has to be the detachment to I'm, I can't change it.
And I'm not going to feel bad about it. I'm just going to be aware of what happened, how I showed up in that moment and what I would want to do differently because I want a different experience. And just to add, it's also really interesting, uh, based on past experiences, our brain distorts the reality of it too.
Oh, yeah. So it's really, right, it's just your lens. It's like, this is my lens. This is a story that I'm creating about something that happened. You look at a car accident, five different people witness it, you're gonna get five different stories on what happened. Yeah. And it's like, what story? Are you telling yourself about what happened?
And that's where the shame and the guilt comes back in. It's like, yeah, you have to be able to look, this is a reality. Take the emotion, even take the story out of it. It's just this, this happened. Like. Yeah, there's a car accident that happened. That's the reality. How it happened is the lens, is the lens.
If we only have pink glasses on all the time, we think everything is pink. Right? It's like, it's like, wait a minute. Okay, let's take some filters off and be able to, to like, just see it from different perspectives. I think, I think that's probably one of your superpowers. It's one of my superpowers is, okay, wait a minute.
This is one perspective. This is one lens. Let's come up with multiple lenses. I know I do that with my friends, like, if they're fighting with their, or disagreeing with their partners. It's like, wait a minute. Let's see it from a different lens and let's reflect that back to you. Like, you're mad at them and judging them for doing whatever they're doing.
It's like, wait a minute, let's turn it back on you, which is really hard for people. Really hard. It's really confronting. Judgment. Judgment is really triggering. Yeah. It's really triggering when you turn it back on yourself. Yeah. And it's challenging. It's hard not to judge, right? It's like. Oh yeah. But if we're judging.
It's because there's something about us and it's, it might not be like the exact same thing, but it, there's some, there's some wound there that needs to be healed and we just haven't been able to do it. Yeah. So it's like, life is going to keep showing you these triggers and these judgments until you heal it.
Yeah, it get louder and louder and louder until it's really, really hard to ignore. And I think, you know, like you said, that's your superpower, that's my superpower. I think that's the superpower of, of coaching. I think that's the magic of coaching, is you have this human who's looking at your circumstance, hearing you, validating you.
You know, if they're doing a good job, right. They're able to take you and say, I'm sorry, that happened to you. Are you ready to look at it from a different perspective? Because I'm a big believer life is happening for me. And I could sit here and wallow. I mean, there's a million reasons why I should not be married.
There's a million reasons why I should be bankrupt and living on the side of the street. And I could get stuck in those narratives or I can find the, the lesson in it, the, why is this happening for me? And I can hold on to that opportunity of growth. And I think that is. That is the work of every human if they choose to look at, at what isn't going well for them.
Yeah, everything's a lesson. Like, how did this happen for me? How is this helping me grow? How is this becoming, helping me become better? It, it is, it's such a, a good mindset hack, you know, God bless Tony Robbins, right? And it just, it is, it's such a beautiful, It's a beautiful way to think of when life feels like shit, it's like, okay, wait, this is happening for me because I'm going to be growing.
I'm going to learn and I'm going to grow and I'm going to be better because of it. So beautiful. It's yummy. I mean, it's really hard. It's really hard and chaotic and messy, but it's actually. It's some of the best work you can ever do. And I think we're the generation, um, that's healing it for the next generation, breaking the generational cycles of all of those traumas that our parents went through that we can now bring into parenting.
We can bring into our relationships. We can bring into coaching. We can help raise the vibration of the planet. And I am obsessed with coaching. I love it. I know you love it. And I am so grateful that we got to connect today. This is such a beautiful conversation. How can people find you if they wanted to work with you?
Yeah. So I have a website, which is my name, CarissaDean. com. It has links to my podcast. It has my email. Um. And I also have a blog on there. So there's lots of, you know, resources for people who are just getting started or curious about personal development or coaching. Um, and I'm on social media, most active probably on Instagram.
Um, and that tagline is coach Carissa Dean with the underscore between each word. Beautiful. And I will put that in the show notes so people can find you very easily. Also, let's just leave with one takeaway. What's something that entrepreneurs, women, um, really anybody that can start implementing right now or within the next 24 hours to be a step closer to changing their life or becoming more confident.
Get curious, just grow your muscle of curiosity and stay curious. Um, I think curiosity is not what killed the cat. I think it's what gave the cat the opportunity to live a very adventurous, fulfilling life. So yeah, I mean, I think get curious because the more curious you are about, how could this be different?
How could I have shown up better? Where, where is there an opportunity I'm missing? Where am I not paying attention to this? You know, it's like the more you look at things with the open lens of curiosity, just pure curiosity. Your whole world will start to change because you'll see that there's multiple pathways for each thing that you've been thinking very linear about.
. You got this. Time to crush:I loved it Awesome. Okay. Bye