Sin fractures relationships, but God’s first response is pursuit, not punishment. Step toward the perfect love and restoration that he's provided through Christ!
Genesis 3:1-24; Psalm 139:23-24; Romans 3:23, 12:2, 12:10; 2 Corinthians 13:5; 1 John 4:18
If you’re looking for a church in Smyrna, TN that is focused on Loving Big, Living Truth, and Healthy Family, we’d love to connect with you. We are home to a vibrant children’s ministry, powerful middle school and youth ministries, and incredible ministries for men and women of all ages. Our local and global outreaches include partnerships with missionaries in the US and abroad, Isaiah 117 House, local retirement communities, and more.
Additionally, we are home to Springhouse Theatre, an award-winning theatre in the Nashville area. Through the theatre, we serve both the greater Nashville theatre community, and thousands of patrons each year, and we are expanding our vision to impact the culture through the arts into additional mediums and through an expanding network of relationships.
We would love it if you would consider joining us in person for one of our Sunday gatherings.
Springhouse Church
14119 Old Nashville Highway
Smyrna TN 37167
CCLI License 2070006
- Don't you guys love Michael Frazier?
Speaker:Thank you, Michael.
Speaker:We have such jewels in this house,
Speaker:such gifts and treasure that the Lord has given us,
Speaker:and man, I never want to take it for granted
Speaker:how the Lord has blessed us.
Speaker:Are you guys good this morning?
Speaker:Well, praise the Lord.
Speaker:I'm excited about today.
Speaker:We are continuing our series,
Speaker:The Greatest Stories Ever Told,
Speaker:but before we do, we're not gonna have
Speaker:vision casting tonight, as we announced,
Speaker:if you've gotten our announcement.
Speaker:We're not gonna do our vision casting
Speaker:because the snow's melting and we figured
Speaker:you want to watch the Packers beat the Eagles tonight.
Speaker:And so, we're gonna do that on January 26th, okay?
Speaker:We're gonna do that at the last Sunday of the month instead,
Speaker:and that was a call made due to the weather,
Speaker:and so still, if you'd like to be a part
Speaker:of the Chili Cook-Off, you can still register.
Speaker:That'll be at 5.30.
Speaker:6.30 will be vision casting.
Speaker:Guys, we want you to come and be a part of that.
Speaker:We have a lot to share.
Speaker:Make plans, mark your calendars for that very special event.
Speaker:And then I've been asked to announce
Speaker:that our 50-plus group is going to have a conference here.
Speaker:It's the Legacy Seniors Conference
Speaker:for Individuals and Couples of 50-plus years age.
Speaker:Cost is $15 for individuals, $25 for couples.
Speaker:The event will be the weekend of Friday,
Speaker:February 28th through March 1st.
Speaker:It'll be held in the fellowship hall,
Speaker:dinner on Friday evening, lunch on Saturday.
Speaker:There'll be worship before the sessions,
Speaker:and t-shirts will be available.
Speaker:Deadline to register is February 9th,
Speaker:and I'm assuming they can register on the app.
Speaker:Is that correct?
Speaker:All right, so, I want you to register for this.
Speaker:This is gonna be really, really great, okay?
Speaker:So, make plans for that if you fit that demographic, okay?
Speaker:So, the greatest stories ever told.
Speaker:Look at your neighbor and say,
Speaker:you are a part of the greatest story ever told.
Speaker:(congregation murmurs)
Speaker:But it ain't all about you.
Speaker:(congregation laughs)
Speaker:Will you stand with me this morning?
Speaker:We are gonna read the entire
Speaker:Genesis 3 chapter this morning.
Speaker:(congregation laughs)
Speaker:And you're gonna read it like I just gave you
Speaker:the best news on the planet, all right?
Speaker:Here we go.
Speaker:Now the serpent was more crafty
Speaker:than any other wild animals of Lord God had made.
Speaker:He said to the woman, did God really say,
Speaker:you must not eat from any tree in the garden?
Speaker:The woman said to the serpent,
Speaker:we may eat from fruit the trees in the garden,
Speaker:but God did say, you must not eat fruit
Speaker:from the tree that is in the middle of the garden,
Speaker:and you must not touch it or you will die.
Speaker:You will not certainly die, the serpent said to the woman,
Speaker:for God knows that when you eat from it,
Speaker:your eyes will be open and you will be like God,
Speaker:knowing good and evil.
Speaker:When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree
Speaker:was good for food and pleasing to the eye,
Speaker:and also desirable for gaining wisdom,
Speaker:she took some and ate it.
Speaker:She also gave some to her husband,
Speaker:who was with her and he ate it.
Speaker:Then the eyes of both of them were opened
Speaker:and they realized they were naked.
Speaker:So they sow fig leaves together
Speaker:and made coverings for themselves.
Speaker:Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God
Speaker:as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day,
Speaker:and they hid from the Lord God
Speaker:among the trees of the garden.
Speaker:But the Lord God called to the man, where are you?
Speaker:He answered, I heard you in the garden
Speaker:and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.
Speaker:And he said, who told you that you were naked?
Speaker:Have you eaten from the tree
Speaker:that I commanded you not to eat from?
Speaker:The man said, the woman you put here with me,
Speaker:she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it.
Speaker:Then the Lord God said to the woman,
Speaker:what is this you have done?
Speaker:The woman said, the serpent deceived me and I ate.
Speaker:So the Lord God said to the serpent,
Speaker:because you have done this, cursed are you
Speaker:above all livestock and all wild animals,
Speaker:you will crawl on your belly
Speaker:and you will eat dust all the days of your life.
Speaker:And I will put enmity between you and the woman
Speaker:and between your offspring and hers,
Speaker:he will crush your head and you will strike his heel.
Speaker:To the woman he said, I will make your pains
Speaker:and childbearing very severe,
Speaker:with painful labor you will give birth to children.
Speaker:Your desire will be for your husband
Speaker:and he will rule over you.
Speaker:To Adam he said, because you listened to your wife
Speaker:and ate from the tree which I commanded you,
Speaker:you must not eat from it, cursed is the ground
Speaker:because of you, through painful toil you will eat food
Speaker:from all the days of your life.
Speaker:It will produce thorns and thistles for you
Speaker:and you will eat the plants of the field.
Speaker:By the sweat of your brow, you will eat your food
Speaker:until you return to the ground,
Speaker:since from it you were taken for dust you are
Speaker:and to dust you will return.
Speaker:The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife
Speaker:and clothed them.
Speaker:And the Lord God said, the man has now become like one of us
Speaker:knowing good and evil.
Speaker:He must not be allowed to reach out his hand
Speaker:and take also from the tree of life
Speaker:and eat and live forever.
Speaker:So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden
Speaker:to work the ground from which he had been taken.
Speaker:After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side
Speaker:of the Garden of Eden a cherubim and a flashing sword,
Speaker:flashing back and forth to guard the way
Speaker:to the tree of life.
Speaker:Father, I thank you for your word.
Speaker:I thank you that it brings life
Speaker:and I pray, Lord, that you would minister to us today
Speaker:through it, in Jesus' name, amen.
Speaker:You may be seated.
Speaker:Good job reading that whole chapter.
Speaker:I know that was difficult for some of you, including me,
Speaker:but we made it through.
Speaker:I hope you're following the Bible reading plan
Speaker:that the team gave out for you
Speaker:and I just want to encourage you,
Speaker:if you haven't started the plan
Speaker:or maybe you started and you stopped,
Speaker:I want to tell you it's not too late,
Speaker:ever too late to get in God's word.
Speaker:It's never too late to start again.
Speaker:God is a God of start again.
Speaker:And so start today, start today, get into the word.
Speaker:Pick up where we are in the plan.
Speaker:I believe today's Genesis 11.
Speaker:So get into the word.
Speaker:If you need a copy of the plan,
Speaker:you can see Pastor Justin.
Speaker:He'll make sure you get one, okay?
Speaker:You are part of the greatest story ever told.
Speaker:But the greatest stories are only great
Speaker:if every significant part of the story is present.
Speaker:And our stories, and our story begins
Speaker:with one of the most tragic moments in human history,
Speaker:the separation of God from his creation.
Speaker:To admit the fall and not talk about sin
Speaker:when it comes to our story is like watching a movie
Speaker:and starting 15 minutes in
Speaker:after the problem has been illuminated.
Speaker:Has anybody ever seen the movie Finding Nemo?
Speaker:If you wait 15 minutes into Finding Nemo
Speaker:and you see Nemo's gone
Speaker:and some dad fish is trying to find him,
Speaker:you won't really understand what happened.
Speaker:You have to watch the part where he goes off
Speaker:and tries to touch the boat, right?
Speaker:He tries to touch the boat.
Speaker:And you see this up here.
Speaker:Bruce, you gotta know all of the parts of the story
Speaker:in order to fully understand or bring meaning
Speaker:to the resolve at the end.
Speaker:And so we cannot dismiss the part of our story
Speaker:that we are part of a broken world
Speaker:and we are sinners fallen from God's grace,
Speaker:fallen from God's glory.
Speaker:And we need God's grace in order to be in relationship
Speaker:and be in connection with him.
Speaker:Now sin is not a fun topic to talk about.
Speaker:It's not something that we enjoy talking,
Speaker:it's something we enjoy doing,
Speaker:but it's not something we enjoy talking about,
Speaker:especially when it comes to the conviction
Speaker:that the Holy Spirit uses to change our lives.
Speaker:Why would we wanna change our lives?
Speaker:Why would he want to change our lives?
Speaker:Well, he wants to change our lives
Speaker:so that we can be more like him
Speaker:because sin always leads to destruction.
Speaker:Sin always leads to destruction.
Speaker:The story of Adam and Eve is the foundation
Speaker:of humanity's brokenness.
Speaker:One act of disobedience didn't just affect Adam and Eve,
Speaker:it fractured three vital relationships,
Speaker:a relationship with God, a relationship with others
Speaker:and a relationship with ourself.
Speaker:And today we're gonna go through those things.
Speaker:But even if their failure, God's response
Speaker:was not to abandon Adam and Eve,
Speaker:it was to initiate a redemptive plan, hallelujah.
Speaker:Sin, Romans 3, 23 says, "For all have sinned
Speaker:"and fallen short of the glory of God."
Speaker:Would you say everybody?
Speaker:Everybody has fallen short of the glory of God,
Speaker:that includes you and me.
Speaker:Sin did not just usher in bad actions.
Speaker:We see a list of some of these actions
Speaker:in the book of Galatians.
Speaker:But it also caused us to question the purity
Speaker:of everything and everyone around us.
Speaker:Every relationship is tainted by sin
Speaker:because all of us are tainted by sin.
Speaker:And because of a tainted relationship,
Speaker:we need the Holy Spirit to dispel from us,
Speaker:to extract from us, to eradicate from our being
Speaker:our sinful desires, our sinful ways
Speaker:so that we can operate in perfect unity
Speaker:and harmony and intimacy with first the Lord
Speaker:and then one another.
Speaker:It's only when Jesus is the center of your relationships
Speaker:that he exposes and eradicates sin and restores intimacy.
Speaker:I was on the West Coast just a little while ago
Speaker:with my friend John and we were out in the desert
Speaker:and I was wearing these boots.
Speaker:And these boots were one of my nicer pair of boots
Speaker:and they were brown.
Speaker:They were really good solid color brown.
Speaker:Well, when we left the desert,
Speaker:they were a solid color white because of all the dust.
Speaker:And we were going to go to this nice restaurant
Speaker:and I said, "Hey, we're gonna have to swing by the hotel
Speaker:"and change these boots because I can't just wear
Speaker:"these dusty boots into this nice restaurant."
Speaker:Can I tell you guys that sometimes we are walking
Speaker:into places with dusty boots and we don't even realize it?
Speaker:Do you know that whenever if I had worn those dusty boots,
Speaker:I would have left a trail and everybody else
Speaker:would have known about it?
Speaker:Do you know that when we have sin in our lives,
Speaker:the residue of our sin is apparent sometimes
Speaker:to everybody else when it's not apparent to us?
Speaker:I needed to change the boots.
Speaker:I needed to change the boots because the boots were dirty.
Speaker:Can I submit to you guys that we live in a fallen,
Speaker:broken world that's saturated with sin?
Speaker:See, I was out in the desert.
Speaker:I wasn't trying to get my boots dirty.
Speaker:The environment around me caused my boots
Speaker:to turn a different color.
Speaker:What I'm saying to you is we are saturated
Speaker:in a world of sin, so it stands to reason
Speaker:that the dust particles of sin will be on us
Speaker:at the end of each day.
Speaker:That's why every day we're supposed to acknowledge the Lord.
Speaker:Every day we're supposed to pick up our cross
Speaker:and follow Him because if we don't,
Speaker:if we don't acknowledge, if we don't examine ourselves
Speaker:every day, then we will eventually wake up
Speaker:and we will have dusty boots and have no idea
Speaker:that we're wearing them.
Speaker:Sin is like a film that we walk through,
Speaker:but we have an agent of grace, Jesus Christ,
Speaker:that allows us to eliminate that film,
Speaker:that nastiness, that dust away from our lives.
Speaker:Sin is deceiving, but the deception isn't
Speaker:will you choose the Lord or will you choose Satan?
Speaker:The deception is will you choose the Lord
Speaker:or will you choose yourself?
Speaker:Will you choose the Lord or will you choose yourself?
Speaker:See, we don't have to be excited about the fall
Speaker:and that it happened.
Speaker:We don't need to be excited.
Speaker:We don't have to be excited, but let me tell you something.
Speaker:In it, we get to see an extraordinary beauty
Speaker:and witness the love of a powerful God in a way
Speaker:that we never would have seen had the fall not happened.
Speaker:So let's look at three things that sin does.
Speaker:The first thing is this.
Speaker:Sin fractures our relationship with God.
Speaker:The Word tells us then the man and his wife
Speaker:heard the sound of the Lord God
Speaker:as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day
Speaker:and then they hid from the Lord God
Speaker:among the trees of the garden.
Speaker:How many of you are hiding this morning?
Speaker:How many of you are hiding from your creator,
Speaker:the one who loves you, the one who pursues you,
Speaker:the one who provided Jesus to die on the cross,
Speaker:the one who has a plan and a purpose?
Speaker:How many of you are hiding from the Lord God this morning?
Speaker:Adam and Eve were created for intimate fellowship with God.
Speaker:I want you to imagine walking side by side with your creator
Speaker:knowing him fully and being fully known,
Speaker:but sin changes everything.
Speaker:And instead of walking toward God,
Speaker:they hid from him in shame and in fear.
Speaker:The Word tells us that perfect love drives out all fear
Speaker:and you have a God who is perfect love.
Speaker:It doesn't say that your perfect obedience drives out fear.
Speaker:It says his perfect love drives out fear.
Speaker:Sin separates us from God.
Speaker:It convinces us that we're unworthy of his presence
Speaker:and tempts us to run from the very one who can heal us.
Speaker:But I want you to notice God's response
Speaker:in Genesis chapter three, verse nine.
Speaker:He says this, "Where are you?"
Speaker:That's a poignant, profound question that God asks.
Speaker:"Where are you?"
Speaker:Do you realize that this is not a question of geography?
Speaker:That God Almighty knew exactly
Speaker:where Adam and Eve were geographically?
Speaker:God already knows where they are physically.
Speaker:The question, "Where are you?"
Speaker:is an invitation to self-reflection and honesty.
Speaker:It is as if God is saying,
Speaker:"Do you see where your sin has taken you?
Speaker:"Do you see the distance between us?
Speaker:"Will you come back to me?"
Speaker:This shows God's heart that even in their rebellion,
Speaker:he initiates the conversation seeking to restore them.
Speaker:Where are you?
Speaker:This question is the beginning of God's redemptive plan.
Speaker:He doesn't wait for Adam and Eve to come to him.
Speaker:He comes to them and it reflects the gospel itself.
Speaker:While we were yet sinners, God pursued us through Jesus
Speaker:in Romans chapter five, verse eight.
Speaker:I want us to understand, church,
Speaker:that God's first response to sin wasn't punishment,
Speaker:it was pursuit.
Speaker:God's first response to sin wasn't punishment,
Speaker:it was pursuit.
Speaker:And can I tell you, any time you sin and you run
Speaker:and you hide from God, God's initial response is not,
Speaker:"How can I punish you?
Speaker:"What is the consequence?"
Speaker:It is that he misses you and wants to be with you.
Speaker:But your sin separates.
Speaker:Your sin separates and your God wants to be with you.
Speaker:So he asks the question of all of us, "Where are you?"
Speaker:God is not up in heaven with a magnifying glass
Speaker:looking down to smite you at the first stench of sin.
Speaker:Our sin is present.
Speaker:God wants to illuminate it so that we can be with him.
Speaker:He does not want to be separate from us.
Speaker:Sin fractures our relationship with God.
Speaker:Sin also fractures our relationship with one another.
Speaker:It fractures our relationship with one another.
Speaker:The man said, "The woman you put here with me,
Speaker:"she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it."
Speaker:Adam and Eve's relationship, if we examine it,
Speaker:was designed to reflect unity and partnership.
Speaker:But sin introduced blame and division.
Speaker:Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent,
Speaker:and humanity's relationships have ever been marked
Speaker:by selfishness, pride, and conflict ever since.
Speaker:Motivations and intentions are all called into question
Speaker:when we try to love and build deep connections
Speaker:with others because of sin.
Speaker:Because of the tainting of the world
Speaker:when you try to move in pure love toward one another,
Speaker:it's about, "What's that motive there?
Speaker:"What are they trying to do?
Speaker:"What's going on here?"
Speaker:Purity is question because we live
Speaker:in this tainted, broken world.
Speaker:The Word says in the book of Psalm,
Speaker:"Search me, God, and know my heart.
Speaker:"Test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Speaker:"See if there's any offensive way in me
Speaker:"and lead me into the way everlasting."
Speaker:When was the last time you asked God to search your heart?
Speaker:See, here's the thing.
Speaker:We can probably come to mind real fast those obvious sins,
Speaker:those sins that are kind of the big ones.
Speaker:But guys, there's probably some low-level things
Speaker:that the people who love you most
Speaker:are gonna see before you see.
Speaker:God, search my heart.
Speaker:Lord, would you illuminate, would you give God permission
Speaker:to illuminate areas in your life that you need to change?
Speaker:That's a hard prayer because it means
Speaker:that you've gotta do something with the information.
Speaker:When God illuminates something, you've gotta choose
Speaker:whether or not you're going to change.
Speaker:Here's the thing, we like to get up here.
Speaker:I talked last week about exotic sin.
Speaker:I talked about, I named a few.
Speaker:You know the exotic sins.
Speaker:But what about selfishness?
Speaker:What about pride?
Speaker:What about unkindness?
Speaker:There's a whole slew of little sneaky booger sins
Speaker:that stick to our life quite figuratively and literally.
Speaker:(congregation laughing)
Speaker:And they taint our relationships.
Speaker:Yet we walk around and smile and say,
Speaker:"I'm not getting drunk.
Speaker:"I'm not doing X, Y, and Z, so I'm good."
Speaker:Yeah, well, your righteousness is like filthy rags.
Speaker:You need Jesus every day.
Speaker:Everyone needs Jesus.
Speaker:And there will always be layers for you to address.
Speaker:There will always be layers for you to address in your life.
Speaker:Because we're on a journey to become like Him,
Speaker:to look like Him.
Speaker:Sin damages our ability to love and to serve one another.
Speaker:It turns unity into competition and harmony into hostility.
Speaker:But God's redemptive work transforms
Speaker:our relationships with others.
Speaker:Romans 12, 10 calls us to a different way.
Speaker:It says, "Be devoted to one another in love."
Speaker:That's not, "Oh, I love you, let me hug your neck.
Speaker:"Oh, yeah, you're so good."
Speaker:No, be devoted to one another in love.
Speaker:That means, "Hey, you're headed to be hit by a Mack truck
Speaker:"and I'm gonna push you out of the way.
Speaker:"Your sin is destroying you
Speaker:"and I'm gonna call that out in your life.
Speaker:"I'm gonna be devoted to you in love."
Speaker:Then it says, "Honor one another above yourselves."
Speaker:What does that honor word mean?
Speaker:It means I find out that Zach is moving in sin.
Speaker:I don't go to Doug and James and Robert and say,
Speaker:"Let me tell you what Zach's doing."
Speaker:(audience laughing)
Speaker:Let me share with you what's going on.
Speaker:Ooh, look what he's doing.
Speaker:No, I honor that person.
Speaker:And I'm devoted to them in love.
Speaker:And when I call them out for their sin,
Speaker:I should be doing it with tears,
Speaker:because my heart is breaking.
Speaker:Because when you love someone
Speaker:and you see them in destructive patterns,
Speaker:it should break your heart.
Speaker:Remember the prayer, God, give us tears for the loss.
Speaker:Give us a broken heart for what breaks yours.
Speaker:And we need people in our lives calling each other out.
Speaker:We need intimate relationships.
Speaker:We need people in our life who will say,
Speaker:"Hey, listen, let me encourage you in this.
Speaker:"This may be an area where X, Y, and Z."
Speaker:I shared the story about the sugar smack on my face
Speaker:for three hours.
Speaker:Nobody tells me there's a piece of cereal on my face
Speaker:at school until I reach up and got a midday snack
Speaker:and I ate it.
Speaker:(audience laughing)
Speaker:That's not love.
Speaker:Tell me I got sugar smack on my face.
Speaker:The Lord has blessed me with some really incredible friends.
Speaker:One of them is this guy.
Speaker:And we were having a conversation,
Speaker:I asked him earlier if I could share the story.
Speaker:We were having a conversation, I don't know,
Speaker:probably a year ago or something like that.
Speaker:I don't remember when it was.
Speaker:And we were on the phone.
Speaker:And I don't remember what I did to frustrate James.
Speaker:And I probably frustrate him daily.
Speaker:But at this particular moment,
Speaker:I frustrated him about something, he got agitated.
Speaker:And out of his anger, we were on the phone,
Speaker:he yelled at me and we hung up.
Speaker:And it didn't end well.
Speaker:And I never experienced that kind of response
Speaker:from James before.
Speaker:And I'm shocked.
Speaker:And literally 15 seconds later, he calls right back.
Speaker:And he says, "Kevin, I don't wanna ever yell at you
Speaker:"like that again.
Speaker:"Would you forgive me?"
Speaker:I responded out of anger.
Speaker:I responded out of frustration.
Speaker:Now the reason I share that story is to say
Speaker:that in your relationships, I'm gonna tell you something.
Speaker:If you've got real connection, real deep relationship,
Speaker:there's gonna be conflict, first of all.
Speaker:There's gonna be conflict.
Speaker:But as you grow closer to people,
Speaker:you're going to see people at their best and at their worst.
Speaker:And can I tell you something?
Speaker:And maybe James remembers,
Speaker:I have no idea what that conversation was about,
Speaker:but what was impactful was that the Holy Spirit
Speaker:brought immediate restoration.
Speaker:Because James walked in humility
Speaker:and he called me right back and said,
Speaker:"Wait a second, this is not how I'm to respond
Speaker:"to situations like this."
Speaker:And can I tell you, I told James this morning,
Speaker:and I believe that.
Speaker:Listen, he knows a lot of my flaws and a lot of my best,
Speaker:and I know a lot of his flaws and a lot of his best.
Speaker:This man exudes Jesus Christ.
Speaker:And the people closest to you are the ones
Speaker:who can actually say he is the real deal
Speaker:and this guy's the real deal.
Speaker:You need people in your life who love you enough
Speaker:that will call you out, that will call you up,
Speaker:that will say to you, "Hey, this is not how we handle this.
Speaker:"This is not what this looks like.
Speaker:"Let me help you become more like Christ,
Speaker:"and you help me."
Speaker:There's an invitation, it's a two-way street
Speaker:that's being devoted to one another in love.
Speaker:The Word says this, "Examine yourselves
Speaker:"to see whether you are in the faith.
Speaker:"Test yourselves.
Speaker:"Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you
Speaker:"unless of course you fail the test?"
Speaker:Listen, I don't wanna be a selfish person,
Speaker:but I'm living in a world saturated by selfishness,
Speaker:so it stands to reason that if I'm not reflecting
Speaker:and examining my life, I will operate in a selfless posture.
Speaker:I don't wanna be a prideful person,
Speaker:but I'm living in a world saturated with pride.
Speaker:So if I'm not paying attention
Speaker:and I'm not examining my heart
Speaker:and following the Holy Spirit
Speaker:and allowing him to move in my life,
Speaker:I probably will start to operate in pride.
Speaker:I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be a liar,
Speaker:but if I'm saturated in a world of lies and deceit,
Speaker:so if I don't constantly examine myself
Speaker:and I don't get before the Lord Jesus Christ
Speaker:and allow him to do a work in my life,
Speaker:then I may become a liar.
Speaker:Do you understand what I'm saying?
Speaker:You become like what you're saturated around
Speaker:and who you're with, right?
Speaker:And guys, we're saturated in a culture of sin.
Speaker:But we have this Jesus.
Speaker:We have the gift of the Holy Spirit who will help us.
Speaker:Can I tell you, if you ever get caught up in a sin pattern,
Speaker:there is always a way out.
Speaker:There is always a way out.
Speaker:Now, it might pass through like a kidney stone,
Speaker:but there's a way out.
Speaker:(congregation laughing)
Speaker:There's a way out.
Speaker:Let's look at God's response here.
Speaker:First of all, he goes and he says, "What have you done?"
Speaker:He says to Adam, "What have you done?"
Speaker:Why does he go to Adam first?
Speaker:Goes to Adam as the leader and he says,
Speaker:"Hey, what have you done?"
Speaker:And what does he say?
Speaker:She did it.
Speaker:All right, he goes to Eve.
Speaker:"What have you done?"
Speaker:He made me do it, the serpent.
Speaker:And he goes to the serpent.
Speaker:Here's something interesting I want you to notice here.
Speaker:God is always about getting to the root of the issue.
Speaker:He's always about getting to,
Speaker:see, we like to address symptoms and move on.
Speaker:Adam blamed Eve.
Speaker:He said, "All right, let's get to Eve."
Speaker:Eve blamed the serpent.
Speaker:Okay, let's get to the serpent.
Speaker:The serpent was the root, but he didn't stop there.
Speaker:He addresses the serpent and then he goes back to Eve.
Speaker:Then he addresses Eve and he goes back to Adam.
Speaker:Can I tell you right now that God wants to get
Speaker:at the root of the sin in your life?
Speaker:He's not, the symptoms, sometimes those vices
Speaker:and those things we go to and we pray,
Speaker:"Lord, I wanna stop doing X, Y, and Z."
Speaker:Those are just vices and God says,
Speaker:"I want to get to the root
Speaker:because if I can uproot what's going on, then it will die.
Speaker:It will die."
Speaker:I don't know how many times I've gone out
Speaker:into my flower bed or garden and pulled out things
Speaker:and weeded and weeded and weeded and guess what?
Speaker:Weeds come back unless I get it at the root.
Speaker:The weeds come back and guys, your sin,
Speaker:have you ever noticed whenever you pull something out
Speaker:and you don't get at the roots,
Speaker:at least my experience has been it actually comes back
Speaker:bigger, it actually comes back worse?
Speaker:'Cause the root has had an opportunity to get stronger,
Speaker:to get stronger.
Speaker:God wants to uproot some things in your life.
Speaker:You must get to the root in order to be healed.
Speaker:We love to address the symptoms, we love to numb the pain
Speaker:and use excuses to get by for a little bit longer,
Speaker:but God wants to eradicate the sin in your life.
Speaker:Lastly, sin fractures our relationship with ourselves.
Speaker:Do you know you have a relationship with yourself?
Speaker:Some of you need to realize
Speaker:you got a relationship with yourself.
Speaker:You got a relationship with yourself.
Speaker:It says then the eyes of both of them were open
Speaker:and they realized they were naked
Speaker:so they sewed fig leaves together
Speaker:and made coverings for themselves.
Speaker:Before the fall, Adam and Eve were secure in their identity
Speaker:as God's creation, but sin distorted their self-perception,
Speaker:replacing peace with shame.
Speaker:They tried to cover themselves with fig leaves
Speaker:in an inadequate attempt to hide their brokenness.
Speaker:And listen guys, sin does the same thing to us.
Speaker:It distorts how we see ourselves.
Speaker:When was the last time you looked at,
Speaker:I'm being very like serious here.
Speaker:When's the last time you looked in the mirror
Speaker:and you said, man, I am the beauty.
Speaker:I'm so beautiful, I'm the essence of the king.
Speaker:Most of us look in the mirror and we say,
Speaker:man, I got a pimple here, crevice here, right?
Speaker:You look in the mirror and you don't like what you see.
Speaker:Some of you look in the reflective mirror of your inside
Speaker:in your in-being and you don't like what you see.
Speaker:Do you know that you were wonderfully and created,
Speaker:you were wonderfully and fearfully made by your creator?
Speaker:He created your inmost being, he knows exactly who you are.
Speaker:Do you know that it is okay for you to look at yourself
Speaker:and say, I'm a son, I'm a child of the most high God.
Speaker:I'm a son and a daughter of a king.
Speaker:Guys, when you can walk in the freedom of knowing
Speaker:that he's got you and that you belong to him,
Speaker:there's nothing that will stop you here on earth.
Speaker:It's incredible the extraordinary things
Speaker:that your king will do in you and for you.
Speaker:God does not leave us in our shame.
Speaker:Romans 12, two offers hope, it says this,
Speaker:do not conform to the pattern of this world,
Speaker:but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Speaker:Do you know what that tells me?
Speaker:It means the renewing of my mind can actually happen.
Speaker:It means that it actually can happen.
Speaker:You know that thought that you continue to have,
Speaker:you know that thing that's in your brain that you're like,
Speaker:I just can't get, I can't stop thinking about this,
Speaker:I can't stop going back to this.
Speaker:Listen, the serpent planted a thought.
Speaker:The serpent didn't grab, he didn't have,
Speaker:I don't know, maybe an arms, I don't know,
Speaker:he was slither after, he didn't grab the apple
Speaker:and shove it in Eve's mouth.
Speaker:He planted a thought, and this is what the enemy does to you
Speaker:this is why the ultimate deceit isn't choosing the Lord
Speaker:or Satan, it is choosing the Lord or yourself
Speaker:because guess what, you're in the driver's seat.
Speaker:And the serpent, the enemy, will plant this idea in your,
Speaker:if I just do this, it will numb this for a little while.
Speaker:I'm just gonna tell this little white lie,
Speaker:I don't, it doesn't matter.
Speaker:I'm just gonna be a little bit,
Speaker:I'm just gonna have a little bit untruth
Speaker:because I don't need to explain the whole thing
Speaker:so I'm just gonna tell a little bit of a white lie
Speaker:in this explanation.
Speaker:It's a thought.
Speaker:And then you give birth, it gives birth to action
Speaker:and you choose to move.
Speaker:But if we renew our mind,
Speaker:we can't renew our minds on our own,
Speaker:but if we allow the Holy Spirit to renew our mind,
Speaker:then we begin to operate in the truth and with the truth.
Speaker:Renewing is possible and it's a daily task.
Speaker:Sin is the genesis and the heartbeat of pain and isolation.
Speaker:Through Jesus, God invites us out of the hiding
Speaker:and into his presence.
Speaker:Listen, hiding from God deepens the pain.
Speaker:Stepping toward God begins the healing.
Speaker:Hiding from God deepens the pain.
Speaker:And guys, can I tell you,
Speaker:there are people sitting under the sound of my voice
Speaker:that you have been in severe pain for a very long time.
Speaker:Guys, are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Speaker:God has healing for you.
Speaker:The whole point of let there be light
Speaker:is so that Jesus can enter your story
Speaker:and be a part of your story
Speaker:and that you can experience God
Speaker:in a way that you've never experienced him before.
Speaker:Can I ask you, do you need healing today?
Speaker:I don't mean do you need something
Speaker:to temporarily override the symptom.
Speaker:I'm talking about everlasting healing.
Speaker:You see, in the garden there was this tree.
Speaker:It's called the tree of life.
Speaker:And some of us would think, man,
Speaker:it's kind of mean of God
Speaker:to kick Adam and Eve out of the garden.
Speaker:Has anybody ever thought that?
Speaker:Man, that's kind of like mean of God
Speaker:to just say get out of my presence.
Speaker:In fact, you know, Kevin, you keep saying
Speaker:he wants to be with us,
Speaker:yet he was the one that chose to banish them from the garden.
Speaker:Do you understand why he chose to do that?
Speaker:You see, in the garden there was a yes, a yes, a yes,
Speaker:a yes, a yes, a yes, a yes, do this, do this, do this,
Speaker:name this, you can do this, you can do this,
Speaker:you can do this, don't do that.
Speaker:And we focus on the one dope.
Speaker:Can I tell you there's so many more yeses
Speaker:in the kingdom than there are nos?
Speaker:So many more yeses than there are nos.
Speaker:But there was this no in the garden
Speaker:and they broke that rule
Speaker:and there was this other tree called the tree of life
Speaker:and when they broke the rule, they became broken.
Speaker:Adam and Eve were broken and here's the thing,
Speaker:had they gone and been able to stay in the garden,
Speaker:had they eaten from that tree,
Speaker:then they would remain in their broken state for eternity.
Speaker:And so God banishes them from the garden
Speaker:to protect them from themselves.
Speaker:I want you to understand this,
Speaker:God's responses are always fueled by perfect love.
Speaker:We don't always understand because it doesn't feel good
Speaker:when God responds to our choices.
Speaker:Sometimes there are consequences that are necessary
Speaker:because of what we've done that we have to feel
Speaker:and we have to walk through.
Speaker:But it's all birthed and fueled out of perfect love.
Speaker:And when we trust him with that, when we can trust him,
Speaker:we understand there is a redemptive plan right off of Eve.
Speaker:God is always one step ahead.
Speaker:And so for Adam and Eve, God had a redemptive plan
Speaker:and that redemptive plan has moved all throughout history
Speaker:to 2025 here in January for Springhouse Church.
Speaker:He has a redemptive plan for your life.
Speaker:God's responses are always fueled by perfect love
Speaker:and preparing for this message,
Speaker:I wrote this poem that I'd like to share with you.
Speaker:In Eden's glow where life began,
Speaker:God walked with man hand in hand,
Speaker:but whispers came a serpent's ploy
Speaker:to steal their trust, their peace, their joy.
Speaker:Did God really say the tempter lied?
Speaker:And with that doubt, their faith untied,
Speaker:the fruit was taken, the line was crossed,
Speaker:and all creation felt the cost.
Speaker:They hid in shame, their hearts laid bare,
Speaker:a chasm formed, no bridge was there.
Speaker:The blame was cast, the cure was sown,
Speaker:and sin's deep roots were fully grown.
Speaker:The tree alive now kept from sight,
Speaker:its gates were barred by flaming light,
Speaker:a mercy wrapped in judgment's guise
Speaker:to spare the world from endless cries.
Speaker:Yet God in love would not let go,
Speaker:a seed of hope began to grow.
Speaker:Through toil and pain, through thorn and strife
Speaker:would come the one who would bring new life.
Speaker:For in the garden, truth was clear,
Speaker:the fall brought death, but grace drew near.
Speaker:A promise spoke of Satan's fall,
Speaker:of Christ who crushed the curse for all.
Speaker:And on a hill, the tree would stand,
Speaker:a rugged cross by sovereign hand.
Speaker:The weight of sin, the shame, the loss,
Speaker:redeemed and healed upon that cross.
Speaker:The veil was torn, the way made new,
Speaker:eternal life came into view.
Speaker:The tree alive now ours to see,
Speaker:through Christ who died to set us free.
Speaker:So come, O sinner, lift your gaze,
Speaker:no longer lost in Eden's haze.
Speaker:For where sin grew, his grace abounds,
Speaker:and in his love, new life is found.
Speaker:There is another tree.
Speaker:There is another tree, and in the book of Revelation,
Speaker:the word tells us because of the blood of Jesus Christ,
Speaker:there's gonna come a day that we are gonna partake
Speaker:of that tree of life and live forever.
Speaker:But we are not gonna live forever in our broken state.
Speaker:We're gonna live forever perfect, just like him.
Speaker:And we're going to worship Jesus Christ
Speaker:around the throne for all eternity.
Speaker:Are you ready to go there?
Speaker:Are you ready to be there?
Speaker:Sin has been washed away.
Speaker:The curse of sin has been put to death.
Speaker:The curse of sin no longer has a hold on you.
Speaker:Saints, lean in to the Lord.
Speaker:Eradicate the sin in your life.
Speaker:Know that you are not alone in what you walk in.
Speaker:And if you wanna be proactive,
Speaker:which I encourage you to do, come on out worship team,
Speaker:I encourage you to get with people in your life
Speaker:who you love and say, help me examine my heart.
Speaker:What can I do to change?
Speaker:And if you find somebody who's willing to actually go there
Speaker:and have those conversations with you, you have found gold.
Speaker:You have found something that the Lord supernaturally,
Speaker:someone supernaturally God has put in your life.
Speaker:That is what community is really about,
Speaker:getting a relationship.
Speaker:This is my daughter Lucia.
Speaker:I've told this story before, but it fits today.
Speaker:We lived in Nolensville a long time ago,
Speaker:and there was an evening where I had gone downstairs,
Speaker:and I'd like to check on the girls every night
Speaker:just to make sure they're okay and they're tucked in bed.
Speaker:And I went to Hadassah and I'd gone to Ruby.
Speaker:At that time, Nora wasn't born,
Speaker:and I'd gone to Lucia's room, and Lucia wasn't there.
Speaker:She wasn't in her bed.
Speaker:And so I figured, okay, she went to the bathroom
Speaker:or something like that.
Speaker:And so went into the bathroom and she wasn't there.
Speaker:And so I went downstairs, and when I got downstairs,
Speaker:I saw that the back door was open.
Speaker:And Dad's heart starts to go whoa.
Speaker:So I go, Lucia, Lucia, where are you?
Speaker:Nowhere to be found.
Speaker:So I run from that door all the way to the front door,
Speaker:and I open it up, and we've got dogs.
Speaker:And listen, Lucia loves our animals,
Speaker:and she takes care of them.
Speaker:And I'm thinking maybe she's taking them out.
Speaker:I mean, it's close to midnight.
Speaker:Open the door, and I'm trying to be quiet in the house,
Speaker:but there comes a point where you don't care
Speaker:how quiet you've been if it's your kid.
Speaker:Is that true?
Speaker:- Yeah. - Right?
Speaker:Sherry comes running down the stairs.
Speaker:Why are you screaming?
Speaker:What's going on?
Speaker:I can't find Lucia.
Speaker:Well, she's probably in the back.
Speaker:No, I checked the back.
Speaker:Well, she's probably, no, I checked there.
Speaker:And so in a flurry, I go and I get my coat and my shoes
Speaker:'cause I'm like, she's outside.
Speaker:The door was open, and I'm freaking.
Speaker:And so as I'm sitting down quickly putting on my shoes,
Speaker:I hear this sound coming from our front entrance bathroom.
Speaker:And I stopped for a second,
Speaker:and I thought maybe I heard something.
Speaker:So I go in there and I look, and she's not in there.
Speaker:And I turn around and I go,
Speaker:and I go to go outside the door,
Speaker:and I hear something again, and I get real still.
Speaker:And I back up, and I turn back around,
Speaker:and I go into the bathroom.
Speaker:And I stand there.
Speaker:The light was on.
Speaker:It didn't dawn on me.
Speaker:The light was on until this moment.
Speaker:And so I bend down, and I open the vanity doors.
Speaker:And inside the vanity sits Lucia
Speaker:with chocolate all over her mouth.
Speaker:And as we say, sin leaves residue.
Speaker:And she just busted out of tears.
Speaker:But can I tell you, her daddy busted out in tears as well.
Speaker:Because in that moment for me,
Speaker:it didn't matter what she had done.
Speaker:My daughter was lost, and now she was found.
Speaker:And can I tell you, friends,
Speaker:some of you are running around and hiding
Speaker:with chocolate on your face with the residue of sin.
Speaker:And your father, your heavenly father, is opening the door.
Speaker:And you're so scared,
Speaker:because you don't know what's gonna happen.
Speaker:And all he's saying is, I found you.
Speaker:Come out of hiding.
Speaker:I have found you.
Speaker:There's an invitation today to come out of hiding.
Speaker:And it's a bold step.
Speaker:Would you raise your hand this morning
Speaker:if you've ever had to come out of hiding
Speaker:in some shape, form, or fashion?
Speaker:Raise your hand.
Speaker:Keep it up.
Speaker:Everybody look around the room.
Speaker:Why am I doing this?
Speaker:Because the enemy's saying to you, you're the only one.
Speaker:You're the only one.
Speaker:That is a lie from the enemy.
Speaker:And you know what the enemy says?
Speaker:I don't want you to be free when you leave today.
Speaker:But God wants to liberate you.
Speaker:God wants to do something in you
Speaker:that you've never seen him do before.
Speaker:He wants to set you free
Speaker:in the most supernatural, extraordinary way.
Speaker:And the people who are about to come up here
Speaker:and pray for you, they're not perfect.
Speaker:These people are the most jacked up,
Speaker:messed up people we have on leadership.
Speaker:Come on, join our leadership team.
Speaker:But they know this God.
Speaker:They know this Jesus.
Speaker:They know who to point you to.
Speaker:And they'll walk with you.
Speaker:And they'll say, hey, get you a James in your life.
Speaker:Get you somebody in your life that you can go,
Speaker:hey, I need to look more like Christ.
Speaker:So I've done my level best,
Speaker:hopefully with the Holy Spirit's help,
Speaker:to convey to you that sin separates you from God.
Speaker:It is your choice to continue in your sin.
Speaker:It is also your choice to be liberated.
Speaker:And this morning, the invitation is here.
Speaker:Would you stand with me?
Speaker:Some of you may be here and be like,
Speaker:man, Lord, I just need to,
Speaker:I've not asked you to examine my heart.
Speaker:Maybe that's the prayer this morning.
Speaker:God, would you examine my heart this morning?
Speaker:Because everyone in this room, that is a command.
Speaker:That is what we all should be doing,
Speaker:is examining our heart.
Speaker:And truth be told, if Jesus Christ was standing right here,
Speaker:every one of us would be down on our knees and face.
Speaker:If you were gonna minister to people,
Speaker:would you come forward?
Speaker:And with those of you,
Speaker:don't let the enemy talk you out of it.
Speaker:If you need to come and you need to confess,
Speaker:you need to pray, you need to,
Speaker:maybe it's just I wanna agree with somebody
Speaker:to examine my heart.
Speaker:I wanna be free.
Speaker:Come this morning, come right now.
Speaker:Don't hesitate, don't wait.
Speaker:These people love you.
Speaker:Come, spend time in the altar space.
Speaker:Let's worship.
Speaker:(gentle music)