Commanding Premium Fees: Energetic Secrets & Pro Tips
Episode 5311th June 2024 • 7 Figure Spiritual Leader • Danielle Rama Hoffman
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Uncover the secrets of commanding premium fees and embrace the delicious concept of 'Yummy Money.' This episode is all about aligning your financial gains with your life's mission and recognizing that abundance flows from an infinite source. Danielle explores the transformative power of creator consciousness and how stepping into this mindset can manifest extraordinary results in both your personal and professional life. 

Join Thoth and the Council of Light as they explore empowerment, abundance, and the energetic exchange at the heart of financial transactions. Through the lens of self-love and collective collaboration, you can come to see money as a transformative tool for consciousness and crafted with care, it becomes an extension of your highest aspirations.

Do not miss these highlights:

00:29 - Commanding premium fees and manifesting abundance through an energy vortex.

02:57 - A look at the Manifest Stage that your legacy work moves through.

04:24 - Recognizing source of money as infinite and shifting focus from self to client.

09:02 - Aligning your being with your doing.

13:44 - Mastering manifestation skills for consistent results.

16:03 - The importance of connecting your now moment to your inspired vision for manifestation.

18:39 - How premium programs support transformation and command higher fees.

21:17 - Pro-tips on commanding premium fees from a multi-abundance perspective.

24:30 - Thoth and the Council discuss loving oneself, the neutrality of money and encourage the alignment of being and doing for manifestation.

Resources Mentioned

Discover the Magdalene Manifestation Cards with Bonus Yummy Money Workshop

Explore these life changing masterclasses with the Guides at

  • Visionary Heart: Mission 
  • Visionary Heart: Divine Relationships 

For your free gift, visit for INSTANT ACCESS to The Spiritual Leader’s Treasure Chest! 

About the Host:

Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose.

Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine.

Instagram: @danielleramahoffman

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Danielle Rama Hoffman: Welcome to the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader with Danielle Rama Hoffman. Your fast track to partner with source to create your legacy business without overworking. If you haven't already, be sure to claim your free gift, the three energetic shifts to seven figure consciousness, go to to unlock your seven figure money consciousness today. Now let's dive into today's episode.


Hello and welcome to this episode on commanding premium fees, the energetic secrets and pro tips. So to prepare for our podcast today, I opened up an energy vortex using our Magdalene manifestation card deck. And so I went through the deck and I pulled out the yummy money card, which is all about your thriving mission. And the caption on the card says money is designed to champion your mission. Let money do things for you and watch your mission thrive. Then I pulled a card from the deck, a second one to really add to the energetic secrets to this topic all around yummy money and commanding premium fees, whatever that looks like in your life, that may mean in your business, that you have programs that are at a premium fee or a high ticket program. It may be in your career where you are asking for a raise or you're receiving a larger bonus. And it may also be really in all the areas of yummy money in which you reside that you're receiving, and having and pulling more money in larger units of consciousness and alignment with what matters most to you and your mission. And so the second card that I pulled is the infinite love Meridian infinite supply. All abundance comes from the infinite supply of source, play bigger and claim your highest good. All abundance comes from the infinite supply of source, play bigger and claim your highest good. And so now that we have the energy vortex open, I wanted to also set the stage from our five stages that your legacy work moves through the five stages to manifest your extraordinary work in life. And that in this particular podcast, we're going into the manifest stage. So the first stage is clarity, then we have activate, then we have manifest then we have embody then we have legacy.


So the manifest stage. And of course, because divine transmissions is really about elevating consciousness and that we are embodying higher consciousness, into, into into form embodying our divine selves, that to look at manifestation and the manifestation stage, really from a perspective of an evolutionary stage in consciousness. So this is a creator consciousness stage, where yes, it is about your mission requires resources. And in the Magdalene codes, we talk about multi abundance. So abundance in multiple areas at once here where we're mostly talking about yummy money and it's all interconnected. And, and at the same time, there's a recognition of when you're in an evolutionary stage of being a creator being your capacity to to take something from idea into form from inspiration into form from a vision into into actualizing it or physical icing on on the physical plane. It is an evolutionary stage in consciousness that you that you have the opportunity to master. And there's a lot that happens in who it is that you become when you step into your Creator consciousness energy or when you're in the manifest stage. And that is also on a practical pro tip level. What I've noticed, as I, as I did add to my business model, as we're talking about kind of from the entrepreneurial perspective, I did add to my business model in what when was it? Maybe 2011 Where I added in a premium program. And so rather than trading dollars for hours I had a program which folks could step into Who and it was at a at a premium fee. And it was much more than I'd ever received before or commanded before. And, and what I noticed, which really is kind of the pro tip to this, is that there were already individuals in my field who were looking for it like clients that were waiting for me to step up. And how I showed up and how they showed up was was different. There was a more creator consciousness, energy in that in that container at a premium fee, because the everyone was was invested. And one of the mistakes that I see a lot of entrepreneurs making, when they go to add in a premium program, or they they raise their rates is that they make it about them, they make it about them, and then make it about their, their client. And so this card of really that that infinite supply, recognizing that the source of all money really comes from source. And it does come to us through different pathways, like a premium program, or giving yourself a raise, or having a bonus, or your investments getting larger, like there are these different pathways, and also through other individuals. And yet, the source of money is still source, and then it It just shifts things from making about you like, is what you do worth it? Who are you to charge these fees. And, and, and also to make it about the client, like, where they're the ones that decide how much their transformation is? How much they value their transformation. So in the in this manifest stage, some of the thoughts that you may notice that you have is like, will I be safe to be this visible? What will people think? And they're also there also is this in the manifest stage, some of the thoughts, like as you're really bringing your vision into the world with an abundance of support, some of the thoughts that you may have, is also like Will I have the resources, the support the energy, the time the money to do this. Another another thought that I often see folks really having when they're in this manifest stage is a thought it's an illusion lie of like, in order to, to command a premium fee, in order to call in more financial resources, I have to work harder. And, and actually what I often see with those spiritual high performers that we work with it divine transmissions, like conscious experts in your field, you may be a practitioner, or have an established or emerging business, you may be a spiritual growth adept. And your contribution really is, is taking a form that's unique to you. And yet, what I often see with the clients that we work with, is that they do take 100% responsibility for the results like there is that sense of I am creating my reality and, and I'm taking 100% responsibility for my results, as well as that, like real devotion and dedication to be making a difference on the planet to be making a difference on the planet. And so our clients and and if you're tuning in here,


I bet this applies to you as well. They're not they're not afraid of getting their hands in the clay or taking action or, or doing the work. Like there's most likely already in overworking that that even though that can create results and you can create more financial influx more yummy, yummy money from overworking. It's not the new paradigm way. And it usually comes when there's an over a usually comes with an under. So what I often see is that there's an overworking there's an overdoing and there's an under receiving and and sometimes an under an under charging. So in the manifest stage just to review again, you're in your evolutionary stage of being a creator, the creator consciousness stage. You're bringing your vision into the world with an abundance of support. So the vision that we're talking about here is commanding premium fees, having more yummy money to do things for you, and your to really champion your thriving mission. So those thoughts again can be like, will I be safe to be this visible, what will people think, and also that illusion live, I have to, I have to work harder. So the number one thing to focus on when you're in this manifest state manifest stage, and I, it's, it really can, can be mission critical to becoming fully realized. And also to be able to make a difference on the planet. Because I do feel like there's an old paradigm of, of, of survival consciousness that has a lot of individuals who are heart centered and who are here to make a difference with amazing gifts and skill sets, just running on fumes and being an overextended and, and working 80%. Like, applying 80% of their energy into their, their career or in into their business. And, and unless, unless this manifest stage is really mastered, it can really make a big difference into whether you can make the difference that you're here to make. And so the number one thing to focus on in this stage is aligning your being with you're doing for amplified results. And when you align your being with you're doing to amplify your results. You're you're bringing together your connection to Source your connection to higher consciousness, the higher planes working with non physical energy, your your recognition of some of the spiritual truths, which which is that abundance is your is your birthright and the spiritual truth that we're talking about here. That money is designed to champion you and to champion your mission and to do things for you.


I remember when the money Muse panel, and it's probably been 1920 years, where I channeled the money news panel, and I will bring in the guides here towards the end, to see what they have to say on this topic. And they really brought through this phrase like money is here to champion you to champion your purpose. And, and also, that's why the Magdalene is talk about yummy money, because there could be just such a stressful relationship around money and fear and all these overlays rather than this beautiful, beautiful partnership. And so what I often see as the breakdown when somebody's in this manifest stage, is is that they quit on that you quit on your vision before it's actualized. And there is a lot that happens underground, if we use the analogy of a plant that is growing from a seed underneath the ground, there's a lot that's happening that you don't see something is always happening, something is always happening. And really, what it's important to to channel at this stage is channeling your highest creation. It is it's channeling you as a creator being in your highest creation. And so that's another thing on the physical plane of what I love about premium programs, or having having a higher tear in your, in your business or in your consulting or whatever it is that you're up to, is that it does call out within you to be bringing your your, your A game to be bringing your highest creation to to be in that level, the Opus level work because again, when when we look at the five stages and talking about it more and more and more, because it's just, it's so apropos of what I see in so many of our clients and on the planet is that like, we're often primarily in one of these stages. And until we master the aspects of the stages, then we're not then we can't really move on to to having our extraordinary work and life. And so here are the skills to master a really predictable and consistent manifestation and not just wishful thinking. And there, this is where it's aligning your being and you're doing because sometimes when there's too much focus on on the being state. And, and again, the number one illusion lie here that the guides talk about is like, I have to work harder to create more yummy money, where it's actually I can receive more without doing more is the spiritual truth that, that sometimes when somebody has been doing their affirmations and their meditations and really focusing on the being state and the non physical state without aligning that with the action, then then it looks like wishful thinking. It looks like wishful thinking. So a really good example of this that I want to share. And you probably heard me talk about this before. And it does play into a lot of things is we're talking about money, I feel like this is a 30 minute podcast, but I could jam like 20 years on manifestation in here. And yet at the same time, just really trying to keep it to, to the essential. Yeah, in 2012, my beloved Friedman and I, we moved to to southern France, and we bought a house and we actually had two mortgages at the time, our house in Seattle and our house in France. And it was definitely one of those, those divine knowings. Right, I was we were following the beings state, it was very clear that that was the guidance, and I'm all about if I choose this, how much will I grow in the next five years, and if I don't choose this, how much will I grow in the next five years, and I just got all green lights of moving to France would definitely be a rapid acceleration and consciousness, which I'm all about. And at the same time, it was a it was a stretch for us, we were earning in, in dollars and spending in euros. And so we had a 25 year mortgage. And there was just a part of me that had this vision where I was like, Okay, we're gonna pay this, we're gonna pay this off faster. And it was related to like a larger, larger, what the guides call Akashic manifesting milestone like to me owning our home free and clear. It was really tied to also past lives, and also as a woman, that it's not that long ago that we couldn't have our own bank accounts or own property or those kinds of things. So it was really, it was like a lifetime, it was a lifetime milestone for me. And, and so I had this vision, and I would write it on my new year's thing. And, and I would talk about it, and yet it was it was in the realm of wishful thinking, in the sense that my now moment, like I wasn't actually taking action to be to be bringing that into fruition. There is a disconnect. So that's what I mean by you know, predictable and consistent manifestation, not just wishful thinking, because my, my vision was owning our home free and clear, which we we do by the net, by the way now. And it was much, much, much, much shorter than 25 years, that it was a vision, it was an inspired knowing. And yet at the same time, I wasn't connecting my now moment to bringing that into fruition. And, and so that's what was making it wishful thinking and sidebar, having premium programs as a part of our offerings of divine transmissions really supported that, and being able to happen. And so there's so many things I love about it for for the client as well, that that they're showing up in a way that's very powerful, that it's focused on transformation, that it's it's very new paradigm, the sense of collapse is time and energy. And there's so many things on the physical plane about commanding premium fees that I love. And the other skill, the master here at the manifest stage is really to receive more fully on every level.


And that's where the Magdalene is talk a lot about multi D abundance, the support energy, time and money. And that is something that that premium, premium fees. It it has multi D abundance in it, because it also just depends and this is again talking from the entrepreneurial side of things, but if you have a mastermind, and you're working with 10 clients at a time rather than one on one then that's all that that's also giving you multi D abundance of time, you're able to make a bigger difference. And there's a dynamic energy to a group that comes together or somebody that's in a premium program, they're showing up in a way that's at a very high level for their own transformation, they're showing up as a creator being, which is very different than someone that is coming to you for your service that wants you to fix them or do it for them or is giving is trying to give away their power to you or they want you to save them or their and all of that like that, that power under and then putting you in the power over position is also an old paradigm. So if you've been thinking about commanding premium fees, or adding like giving yourself a raise, or having a high end program, I really encourage you to, to go for it to try it out to deepen into it. And for those of you who who have had them. And they're not filling, this is where the energetics come into place. This is where the energetics come into place. Yeah, so speaking of energetics, let's bring in the guides and see what they have to say about this. And when it comes to energetics, I do really feel that in the manifestation and the manifest stage, which is we do have the Magdalene card deck. And then we also have the Magdalene wealth codes program where you activate the codes, there is a lot and we also have a the first code that you can grab on the website. And I'll put all this in the show notes. That as one of the master classes of the birthright of love, there is an energetic component, where where you're where you're opening to receive more, where you're willing to, to stand in your seat of power. And, and if there is any old trauma or feelings of unworthiness or those kinds of things it it does slow down your capacity to to receive. And that's why not making it about you. And are you worthy or unworthy because that separation consciousness that survival consciousness, that's the old paradigm, and really making about the the container, and the transformation. And, and, and also, like, wow, I'm just going on a little rant about this, you know, it, it's so fascinating to just what seems to command premium fees in on the planet. Like and it is one thing more valuable than another thing. It to me there there is the recognition that that what's aligned for you and for somebody else is, is what really creates the value. So it's not that a teacher who generally makes less, then let's say a movie star, it has less of a contribution than the movie star does or that the massage therapist who's working by the hour and is very skilled that they are making less than a consultant for a CEO and a corporation is not that that contribution is is less valuable than somebody else's value. And that goes back to you know the visionary heart activation that is in the activate stage, which I also really feel like we're talking about here which is coming from a place of equality and equanimity. So let's bring in the guides and hear what they have to say about commanding premium fees, energetic secrets and pro tips from a multi abundance perspective.


Thoth; Council of Light: Hello dear ones, this is Toth with the Magdalene love being counsel as well as the money code of love moving more into the forefront of this domain transmission. So where we would begin is that we do want to acknowledge that you may be making yourself wrong for not creating in the physical plane, the financial resources that you desire and that your mission requires. And making yourself wrong for that are wondering why you haven't been able to do it yet, even though you may have tried everything is, is actually creating a kink in your receiving line. Now we know that that seems like a double negative, or we're saying Don't make yourself wrong. And you're, and you could interpret what we're saying is you're doing something wrong. And by us pointing it out, but really, we're pointing it out to, to really invite you to love yourself to, to bring in that birthright of love that you are loved, you are loved. And and that's a given, it's your birthright to to be loved. And, and with that, then you can have a new canvas, you can have a new beginning. The second thing we want to point out, is that money is a very charged subject on the planet. It is it's got charges, or overlays all over it from many generations. And so we want to share money is money. Money is money. Money is money, money is money. Some of you may be accidentally, undercharging are repelling money, because you're sensitive. And we talk about this in the Magdalene card deck and in the Magdalene codes program. And that let's say someone it is going to pay you $20,000 or $5,000 or $100,000 or whatever the the premium fee is to you for your services, whether that's a real estate commission or whatever it is, and, and you feel their stress or their fear or their worry. And, and then you bring in the money. And there's a sense of like being indebted to them or that you're that you're taking on their fear that you're responsible for them. And whereas actually money is money, money is a vehicle and you can choose to really receive money from a place of neutrality from a place of circulating energy. That money is a way of the the the universal principle of of exchange of flow, just like the breath, the inhale the having in the exhale. So the first thing that we wanted to share was to love yourself up if you're if you feel like you've been doing something wrong. The second is money is money. And you receiving money from someone doesn't mean that you're not going to do your best and show up powerfully and and rock it out whatever it is it you're not indebted to them. They also have their freewill and conscious choice. They have everything within them that they require to transform and you come together for for the the joy of it for the the acceleration of it for what becomes possible when two are or more are gathered. So that is our energetic transmission on this and we are going to step aside at this time. We do want to remind you that there is as a part of the Magdalene manifestation card deck. There there are some bonuses available. When you go to the website at Daniel Hoffman Ford slash cards and you enter in your purchase number From wherever cards books are sold, then you get access to a yummy money workshop and you get access to meeting the Magdalene. So our energy adapts and can be a part of your manifestation team as you're applying and aligning your being and you're doing state, so, you are loved, money is money and receiving more without doing more is something that you can choose is something that you can choose. The key here is to align your being with your doing to bring your vision into the world and to energetically command or be a stand or be a steward of larger units of money consciousness and to have money pool in your field is also a contribution to the elevation in consciousness. For as money is in your field with higher consciousness, it also can can be circulated in ways that are, are opening up more higher consciousness for others as well. We thank you and acknowledge you for your contribution to the elevation in consciousness. All his light and love and we are all.


Danielle Rama Hoffman: Thanks for tuning in today. Join in the conversation over at the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader Facebook group, sending you much love and appreciation for your contribution to the evolution and consciousness.




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