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Unapologetically Me with Katie Miller
Episode 6217th May 2022 • Just Breathe: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen • Heather Hester
00:00:00 00:33:10

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Creating a safe place for people to speak the truth, Katie Miller, the co-founder & assistant director of the Teen Suicide Prevention Society and host of Adulting Sucks podcast, is here to share her story of coming to live her life unapologetically herself and encouraging others to do the same. 

Do not miss these highlights:

04:07 - Keeping her bisexuality under the radar, Katie is now speaking up about it and holding space for people who have just have things they need to share

07:03 - We don’t need to meet the judgments, opinions, and expectations of others,  We just have to meet our own.

10:48 - Take your time to process what it is that others are saying because you might not know what's going on when you're not in the same room with them all the time.

15:66 - When others are under stress or distraught we need to show them the options they have as it is not always seeable and this is the concept used for the Team Suicide Prevention Society. 

20:39 - Embrace and reinforce the positive belief that you are capable, creative, and resourceful enough to figure out anything

26:49 - Listen without judgment and have a response based on love.

About our Guest:

Katie Miller

Katie is the co-founder & assistant director of the Teen Suicide Prevention Society.

She knows that every message matters.  Katie knows what it was like to be afraid to speak up. After launching her podcast “Adulting Sucks, but it does not have to”, Katie became more aware of the need for people to feel safe when speaking.  So, Katie has created that safe place with her podcast. Katie’s calming presence will let you focus on what you do best, sharing your message with the world.


Join the "How to Bust Your Limiting Beliefs" every Wednesday at 3:30 pm ET. 

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Digital Coming Out Course for Parents - Text Ally to 55444 to get Heather's "My kid just came out and I'm freaking out!" Toolkit!


JB Intro/Outro:

Welcome to Just Breathe, Parenting your LGBTQ+ Teen Podcast transforming the conversation around loving and raising an LGBTQ child filled with awesome guests practical strategies and moving stories host Heather Hester always makes you feel like you're having a cozy chat. Wherever you are on this journey. Right now, in this moment in time, you are not alone. And here is Heather for this week's amazing episode

Heather Hester:

Welcome to Just breathe, I am so happy that you are with me today. I have a really interesting guest. And I'm so excited to share her with you and share her mission with you and her brand new podcast, which is really fun and one that we all can relate to. It is called adulting sucks, but does not have to, which I love. And that's awesome. So I want you to know a little bit about Katie, before we start. She has some very interesting thoughts. And she says What if there was a place where you could just be yourself, a place where you can speak your truth, be heard without judgment, and be surrounded by love. Katie knows what it was like to be afraid to speak up to give voice to what she felt and who she was. This new podcast adulting sucks but does not have to was created to poke fun at being an adult, and to find the fun and everyday things. And sometimes to be used as a safe place where one can speak their truth. So I'm really excited to have Katie on today. So we can talk about our podcast and talk about some other things as well. Because we there's a little crossover here that I think everyone will find fun and interesting. So without further ado, Katie, welcome to the show.

Katie Miller:

Thank you so much, Heather, that was so sweet of you just say?

Heather Hester:

Well, you're welcome. Of course, I mean, it, it's I, you know, well, first of all, your bio is beautiful. And so it's you made it quite easy. And just, you know, being able to talk to you when we when we spoke a couple of weeks ago. And then listening to your podcasts just I love your energy. And I love what you're doing. So thank you for agreeing to, to be here today and to share that with all of my listeners.

Katie Miller:

I greatly appreciate being here. And thank you for all that you were doing with the LGBTQ and forgive me any other letter that I cannot think of at the moment? Because it's expanded so much from when. Okay, over 20 years ago when I was in high school, there were three.

Heather Hester:

Yes. Yes, it has. It is it's wonderful. And I do clearly feel very passionately about what I do. And you know, to speaking to what you do, it's important to, for everyone to have their voice heard. Right. And so that's what we're trying to do is just encourage, encourage everyone to let their voices be heard.

Katie Miller:

That and also how to listen without that instant knee jerk reaction to say the whatever comes out of your mouth before you have a chance to think.

Heather Hester:

Yeah, that is almost more important, because that's a really hard skill, isn't it?

Katie Miller:

It is a very hard skill. And I know from personal experience, and especially with the best example I can get is when I was in high school, I had three friends who came out to their parents. And all three were disowned and kicked out of their house while they were still in high school. Oh my gosh. I had several friends who waited till after they were 21 before they told their parents because they were afraid of the exact same response for sure. And for me. I am letter number three I bisexual. And my mom still doesn't quite understand everything about it because I've been married for 22 years to my husband. We're Right. And the fact that that part of V is kind of smaller. You know, I'm now speaking up about it. And holding space for people who have just have things they need to share.

Heather Hester:

Thank you. Thank you for doing that. That took a lot of courage. That takes a lot of courage to do that.

Katie Miller:

It does, but it also feels very free. Yes, it does. And knowing that you also have a safe place where someone can express what they feel and feel safe talking about it is also absolutely fabulous. It is,

Heather Hester:

and you're one of the things that you are doing for everyone is removing the need to have a box right to have a specific this I fit right here.

Katie Miller:

Yes, and nothing in nature is duplicated. Nothing in nature is perfect. Correct. So why should we all match?

Heather Hester:

We can't now.

Katie Miller:

And we are the best person for the job to be ourselves because nobody else could do it.

Heather Hester:

I love that. Yes, yes. And yes. And you the minute that you begin to step into that being you embracing a friend of mine, it says your your Eunice if it's a funny word, it's not really a word. She made it up. But you know, it makes total sense, right? Because it's like embracing all those things that make you you and, and loving every single one of them. That's it is the magic.

Katie Miller:

And it is and it was doing the interview with one of my sisters, that we both made the empowering decision that we were going to be unapologetically me. So she's going to be her and I'm going to be me. And if someone doesn't like it, they're allowed their own opinion. They're allowed their own judgments, they can set their own expectations. But that doesn't mean I have to meet their judgments, opinions and expectations. I just have to meet my own.

Heather Hester:

Right. Right. And that right there, I think we could end the interview right there. Okay, we're done. Because that was beautiful. That is exactly the what, that's what we want him not only our kids to embrace and to, you know, step into and and get used to, but all of us adults, wherever we are in our adulting land to write to to realize, like, I'm alright, I like me. And it doesn't matter if Joe Schmo down the street or on the other podcast or whatever, doesn't like me, that doesn't matter.

Katie Miller:

That's true. And with everything being online, now, it is so easy for someone to just take in the negative because the human is naturally negatively bias. Because that's what the caveman had to do to keep themselves safe, right? Because everything had to be a precaution. So with everything being online, and the fact that people judge you from somewhere else in the world without even knowing you, right? You have to realize that that's them expressing their own worries, concerns, and insecurities and you don't have to listen to it.

Heather Hester:

Now. Now, I mean, and the thing is, remembering that that's about them, not about you.

Katie Miller:

And it's very hard.

Heather Hester:

It is very hard to do that. It's very hard. It's very hard when it comes at you online. It's even harder when it comes at you from a loved one. A family member a friend

Katie Miller:

because once that trust is broken, even when my friends and their parents reconnected, two of the three reconnected, the third one still has not heard from his parents and it's been over 20 years. But for the two that connected there's still a sense of not quite right because there is no way to reestablish that trust that they had that they could talk to their parents without fear of, quote unquote being voted off the island. Right.

Heather Hester:

Right. Well, it breaks that. And a lot of these cases cases, the illusion of unconditional love, right? It cements that. Oh, okay. Definitely don't understand what that means. And, and that is a a very difficult I don't want to say impossible because I don't think believe anything's impossible. But it is a very difficult thing to reestablish and to repair.

Katie Miller:

It is, but it is possible. And that's why I have the my rules of open space and a judgment free zone. Because sometimes you need to know that. Okay, what come Wednesday isn't happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But in this case, you know, whatever's happening in the conversation. You know, take your time to process what it is that they're saying. Because you might not know what's going on when you're not in the same room with them. And that goes for parents with their kids do I don't know what my son does at school? Right? I and he's 18 Oh my gosh, promise this weekend. Oh, goodness. So he's graduating this year. And it's like, I've got no idea what's going on in his world other than when he talks to me. But he knows that he can talk to me about absolutely anything, and then I am not going to immediately yellow screen, punish him or whatever. In fact, if anything, I usually make a smart comment to try and make him laugh because he's so stressed out about, oh my god, what if this is the one thing that's going to cause my mom to freak

Heather Hester:

out? Right? Right.

Katie Miller:

Okay, he was with the had a girlfriend for about three years. He came home from school and was really down, I could tell something was wrong. And he said that he had something he had to tell me, but he didn't know how I was going to react. And my first response was, you're home safe. You're not bleeding. You know, I love you. Anything else we'll handle? Right? And he goes, Mom, we broke up. My first thought was, oh my gosh, I remember how devastating that was when I was a teenager right? And tried hard not to laugh. So instead of doing what I remember my mom doing about Don't worry, there's plenty of fish in the sea, blah, blah, blah, right? I looked at him and asked what can I do? Right? Do you want to talk about it? Let me listen. Do you want advice? Or do you need me to go to the store and buy breakup ice cream?

Heather Hester:


Katie Miller:

Right. And he just laughed, rolled his eyes and said I just need some time. I'll talk to you later. I'm like, Okay, let me know if you want the ice cream. I'll go that's it. Whatever.

Heather Hester:

All right. Oh, my gosh. Bothy, what you that was such a gift that you gave him because you just all of that stress and all of that, like, he just removed it. So he could just process what he was going through.

Katie Miller:

And he had options on how to process Exactly, exactly. And that's the one thing that when we are in a state of stress or negative energy, negative thoughts or whatever, we lose sight of options. And so just by you know, showing that there's more than one option helps people get out of a funk apps. And that's one of the things that I do with the teen suicide prevention society. Yes. Well, that

Heather Hester:

is a very good segue. Thank you, because I'd like to talk about that a little bit more. Okay. So just a quick for my listeners. A lot of you have probably listened to the episode with Jackie. And Katie is Jackie's daughter and she is the co founder of the teen suicide prevention society. As well as the assistant director, correct? Yes, yes. So I would love to know Yes. So much more about this because, of course I found the the talks that save lives to be so fascinate Eating. And you know, I've shared it with with my kids and just has, you know, created some very interesting conversations in our house, which is wonderful. And so I'd love to just hear your thoughts on that.

Katie Miller:

Well, I'll give a little bit of history first. I'm the oldest of three girls. And my mom is Jackie Simmons, and my middle sister, Stephanie gave a seven minute talk at a seminar that Jackie was teaching. And in that seven minutes, Stephanie not only talked about her first suicide attempt at the age of 13, but the several suicide attempts over the next decade or so. So needless to say, mom's face turned white, and tried to process everything, while everyone in the room was congratulating Stephanie because of her bravery, and that she still finds joy in living every day, even if she does have a suicidal thought that goes through her mind. And she wanted to get those tools into the hands of teenagers before they needed them. That Talk is what launched the mission. So it's myself, both of my sisters and my mom, who founded the teen suicide prevention society. And we have both to book of a book and that was released recently called Make it a great day, the choice is yours. And it's just a bunch of short stories of from people who had a bad day, but was able to find the good in it. Have that. And then for anyone who's listened to my mom Jackie's interview, they know about how she worked on creating the talk that saves lives that naturally works with the teenage brain.

Heather Hester:

Right? Which is absolutely. So fascinating. And and I found it to be not only make it that much easier to just have conversations, because you know, as we know, you know, you can build something up to be like, a big conversation, right? Or you can have just in conversation, talking and, and her approach and her suggestions, and what you all are doing really lends to the let's just have a conversation. Let's just, you know, and I have used that at all of my kids, you know, give me one reason why you'd stay here. Like the whole building the neural pathways in the brain that do not allow that to I mean, it is extraordinary. And it's so phenomenal. Because every time I now they know what I'm doing and they're like, would you knock it off?

Katie Miller:

It's always funny when they catch on. Oh, yeah. But for me, I use it with, Hey, there's this script that I need to practice for my certification to be an advocate for living. Do you mind if I practice with you?

Heather Hester:


Katie Miller:

Okay, normally, I'd wait 24 hours and schedule an appointment to do the talk. But I'm gonna go ahead and go with it. Because we're all here now. Which is Have you heard about the rise of teen suicide in the past two years? Yes, I have. Do you know anyone who has tried or died? Yes. Have you ever thought of leaving that way? Yes. You What are your reasons for staying?

Heather Hester:

Well, now it's my family and my work. And my friends and I have a million reasons now at the time. It was when I was a teenager. So at the time, it was my friends.

Katie Miller:

Thank you for sharing that. And not only have we helped create a buffer between you and any legend, your life because of mirror neurons. It has helped me and we just helped suicide proof your entire audience.

Heather Hester:

Virtual High Five to us virtually.

Katie Miller:

You know, it's creating evidence showing that you are capable, right? And even if you say for example, one of my reasons for staying is because I have not seen a unicorn yet.

Heather Hester:

I love that

Katie Miller:

and it doesn't matter. One of the other advocates that I worked with, he always said that it's because he didn't have a Lamborghini and hadn't met. I think it was Sharon Stone or something. He's,

Heather Hester:

oh my goodness, he is of that age generation.

Katie Miller:

So that age, yo. And even though it was like he was poking fun at it, it still works. Well. That's

Heather Hester:

the greatest thing about it. I mean, I think to your point of I haven't seen a unicorn, is that's the greatest thing. Because it really you can pick anything. Yeah, your brain is extraordinary.

Katie Miller:

It is, and the more you practice, or have the talks, you're taking energy away from the negative, right. And using that to thicken, embrace, reinforce this new positive belief that you are capable, creative and resourceful enough to figure out anything. Yes.

Heather Hester:

Say that over and over, that Shabana could post it note by your bike on your bathroom mirror?

Katie Miller:

Well, mine is just be because I want to be just me and nobody else. But yes, I, I do have in a journal, where it starts out with I am capable, creative and resourceful enough to get what I want. And I know this is true, because

Heather Hester:

I love that.

Katie Miller:

And then I write down, you know, I try to write for a day, I'm not perfect, so I don't always get them down. And then when I'm having a bad day, or feel incredibly overwhelmed, I know that I can pick up my journal and read that I am capable, creative and resourceful enough to get what I want. And I know this is true, because and then here's my list of evidence. And that takes all of the energy from that negative, and just wraps another thread around, I know that I am right. And soon, some of my limiting beliefs completely disappeared.

Heather Hester:

Oh, that is really great. So that is really like another form of a gratitude journal. But a very specific way and in a different way of doing it. But similar but different. I really liked that. Because I think sometimes it almost makes it easier to wrap your head around. What you're, I think sometimes when you're doing like, I, I've been doing a gratitude journal for years, and there are days where I'm like, it's hard to get specific, or it's hard to kind of tap into that. You know, for whatever reason. And I like this using this as another option because it kind of comes at it from a different angle.

Katie Miller:

It does. And it's actually part of a weekly workshop that Jackie and I teach, called How to bust your limiting beliefs. And we walk through this four step process, just like the talk to stop suicide is four questions. Yeah. This is a four step process that helps take what you want. Recognize what the limiting belief is what you know, what are the reasons coming up as to why you don't have what you want. And then the process to find the empowering decision and then list your evidence.

Heather Hester:

That is awesome. And you teach this on a weekly basis.

Katie Miller:

Every Wednesday at 3:30pm. Eastern, most of the time is Jackie with me doing support, but I've taught it myself when she's gone on. She actually took vacation this year. So I actually got to teach it all by myself well with one of my one of the other messengers. We taught it while she was at a town and we were told that more people had fun when we were doing it. So haha.

Heather Hester:

So take that how do people sign up for this?

Katie Miller:

I can get the link for you so we can put it in the show notes for them.

Heather Hester:

I would love that. Thank you.

Katie Miller:

Because I don't remember what the redirect is for the link for registration but it's free. It doesn't cost anything. You can come one time and never come back or you can come every week. Just for the support as you work through your limiting belief. And you know, find out that you are capable.

Heather Hester:

I love that. That is really great. I love how all of these kind of work together, they weave weave together. It's really, really phenomenal.

Katie Miller:

We found that everything that we did for the teen suicide prevention society helped us realize that we didn't want to be a intervention, you know, looking for signs is looking for trouble. We wanted to be as far upstream as we could to make sure that everybody knew about this, which is why we have the toxic save lives and why we're doing how to bust your limiting beliefs. Madison phenom because everyone needs to have something to help them find the joy in staying everyday.

Heather Hester:

Well, absolutely. And, you know, one of the things that I like about the talk that save lives, and this as well, is that it's not for one certain age group.

Katie Miller:

I mean, oh, no, we do this with everybody. But yeah.

Heather Hester:

And that's really cool. Because a lot of times things are very much geared for, you know, teenagers or young adults or Gen Xers. And, you know,

Katie Miller:

we had one of the students for advocates for loving, had the conversation with her son when she realized he was having a very, very, very bad day. And even though she couldn't remember all the questions, she told us that she remembered enough that she found out that he was having a very difficult time, I was able to help get him the help that he needed. I love that. So we know that it works.

Heather Hester:

Yeah. Yeah, so not just scientifically proven, but evidence proven. But yeah, that's awesome.

Katie Miller:

And that's just another piece of evidence that I have in my list of evidence that I am capable, creative and resourceful enough to do what I want, right, which is to create a safe space for people to speak their message, without fear. And to listen without judgment. And to have a response based on love. i Those are the rules of my podcast. And I asked them of my guests, and I asked them of my audience. And if you are not willing to abide, then thank you for your time. No hard feelings.

Heather Hester:

Right? Right. Well, it is it is a lovely place to listen, learn. And it helps build up that I I can do this till I can I can be like this in the world. This is how I'd like to be in the world. So I think that you are doing just a beautiful service for everyone. And I just really encourage all of my listeners to listen and put this on your list of podcasts to tune into how often do you publish new episodes?

Katie Miller:

Well, I did have to take a two month break, because I was helping with several virtual 3d events back to back, it was a little crazy there for a while. But it is on my list for the next episode to drop at the end of the month. And then it's going to go back to the every other week. Okay.

Heather Hester:

So just like just breathe every other week, which is awesome. And I will put all places that you can be found in the show notes as well. So people can just add that but you have some backup episodes as well. So people can get started. And by the time they get caught up, you'll have some new stuff out there. So

Katie Miller:

and I would like to include in the show notes. The Why not workbook. Yes. And this is the workbook that we created. So you can do the talk that saves lives for yourself. So you don't even have to practice with anyone else. It's a free download PDF. And you can just work on. If you don't want to share with anyone else, that's fine. You know, this is still a way that you can get the benefit of it.

Heather Hester:

Thank you so much. That is really powerful. That is I thank you, thank you. And I will also not only have this in the show notes, but I am in the process of launching a page on my website. That will be I haven't decided on the name for it yet but essentially a toolkit. So this will live on there as well. And just try to get it and we want to get these things To as many people as possible. So

Katie Miller:

thank you for helping share that. That

Heather Hester:

is fabulous. My pleasure. It's my pleasure, you are doing really important work. And I think that's, that's what we do is we help each other, get our messages out there, right and connect. And

Katie Miller:

I'm going to get all teary out here. I'm going to poke fun at myself. I'm getting a little teary eyed here.

Heather Hester:

You're allowed I cried almost every episode. It's okay.

Katie Miller:

You're generous generosity with your time. And with helping share this message is breathtaking to me. And it feels very safe to share with you. And I'm very grateful for that. And I just want to say

Heather Hester:

thank you. Well, you're welcome. Now you're going to make me cry.

Katie Miller:

We can get some ice cream.

Heather Hester:

Can we have crying ice cream? See, I do the same thing you do. It's a tensor emotional moment, I'd be able to say something funny. Humor is a beautiful thing. Goodness gracious. Thank you very, very much. That is. You know, my, what I aim to do and what I try very. That's just these are very important things to me. So thank you.

Katie Miller:

Thank you.

Heather Hester:

That was not very articulate. But I think you know what I mean.

Katie Miller:

Thank you is thank you and can be expressed in several different ways.

Heather Hester:

I just want to give you a hug. I know. Okay, we're virtual hugging everybody. I so Oh, my goodness. Well, I think this is just a beautiful way to close for today. And before before I do close, though, is there anything else that you would like to to say to end with the floor is yours.

Katie Miller:

Take a deep breath. It will slow down your heart rate. It will help clear your mind and let you see that there is always another option. Thank you. Thank you.



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