Most guys fear having a broken penis. It's our lifeline to enjoyment, pleasure, and of course peeing. But how much of our issues with sexual function and our penis issues is in our heads vs. truly with the pun intended?
Dr. Ron Gor, DO, joins us today to talk about the hardware vs. software issues around our sexual functions and our ability stay health in the head between our legs.
About Dr. Ron
Ronak Gor, DO, is the Director of Genitourinary Reconstruction and Trauma at Cooper University Health Care. His expertise is in reconstructive and general urology with clinical areas of interest including urethral stricture disease, open and robotic urinary tract reconstruction, erectile dysfunction and urologic prosthetics, Peyronie's disease, voiding dysfunction, and all complex urologic conditions. Dr. Gor is a member of the Society of Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons and the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons. He completed both an internship and residency at the Einstein Healthcare Network in Philadelphia, PA, while receiving additional specialty training in genitourinary reconstruction and trauma at the University of Minnesota Medical School in Minneapolis, MN.
Connect With Dr. Ron
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