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Prime is Mid
Episode 16517th August 2022 • The Critical Banter Podcast • Critical Banter
00:00:00 00:40:26

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No Kush or guest this week, but Miguel is back fresh from his trip to Melbourne (to watch some subpar football) and is filled to the brim with yarns. Unfortunately, most of these yarns are related to the act of stalking someone.

We hear the tale of an absolute warrior who camped outside a hotel for 3 hours, we also hear about tastefully following Hollywood and YouTube stars as well as a more sinister story of stalking a fiery Australian tennis player. We also hear about Ro’s last act of modern day chivalry which resulted in him courting a fair maiden.

Our new game this week is “Guess the Journey,” a rather niche football guessing game where Rohit gives the boys the list of clubs someone has played for and they must guess who the player is.

Finally, we bring back “Banter Reviews” and this week is a huge one. The boys have been waiting for this one for weeks as we finally review KSI and Logan Paul’s Prime and match it up against the heavyweights Gatorade and Powerade. We rate each drink based on a number of factors including price, taste, packaging, nutritional value and marketing.

Also this week: Casey Neistat, Nick Kyrgios, Tim Cahill and what flavour is red?

Segments this week:

The Logue: Tired of reaching around each other (at least on the podcast), the boys have instead decided to reach around the week’s news stories, events and viral trends.

Guess the Journey: The boys must guess the football player based purely on the clubs they have played for.

Banter Reviews: The boys “review” things and give them obviously logical ratings, to be honest we’re not even sure how this segment works.



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