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Public Speaking for Coaches Part 1: How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
Episode 199th September 2024 • The Abundant Coach • Lauren Brollier Newton
00:00:00 00:27:24

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In this episode of The Abundant Coach, host Lauren Brollier Newton takes on one of the most common challenges faced by coaches: the fear of public speaking. Whether you're terrified at the thought of speaking in front of an audience or simply want to improve your skills, this episode is packed with practical advice to help you overcome anxiety and step into your role as a confident speaker. Lauren explains why public speaking is essential for growing your coaching business and shares techniques, powerful exercises, and mindset shifts to help you manage fear.


00;00;03;25 - 00;00;27;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

Welcome to the abundant coach. I'm your host Lauren brilliant Newton. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business while making a profound difference in the world. Each week you'll discover insights, strategies and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients, facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose.

00;00;27;13 - 00;00;31;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

The true freedom and fulfillment.

00;00;31;23 - 00;00;50;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

All right. Well, welcome back to the abundant coach Lauren. Brilliant. And hear your host, your guide as we grow our coaching businesses in ways that really make a difference, really make a difference both for those we serve and then of course, for ourselves too, as we bring the joy of getting to live, the passion of our lives to what we do.

00;00;51;01 - 00;01;05;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

My random thought for the day is I think I might start wearing a uniform like look at how Steve Jobs just wear a black turtleneck all the time. Like I don't know about. I think most of our listeners are ladies, not our only listeners, but many of our listeners are ladies. Why not just be so much easier if we wear a uniform like today?

00;01;05;26 - 00;01;25;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

I know if you're listening to this podcast wise, you can't see but say, I'm wearing a black V-neck t shirt. Could I not just wear a black V-neck t shirt every single day of my uniform and then proceed from there? Like if I had to dress up for something or on stage, maybe I'd wear something different. But I just think it sounds so nice to actually wear a uniform and I have to think about this.

00;01;26;01 - 00;01;47;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

Okay, So today starts a two part series, and this two part series is on public speaking. So some of you might be like, I'm hanging up right now. Clara, do you want to puke? Just thinking about speaking. Some of you were like, Yeah, give me the microphone. Part one We're just going to talk about releasing the fear of public speaking or how to get even more calibrated for you who don't have fear of public speaking.

00;01;47;25 - 00;02;12;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

Just how to get more calibrated around this idea of public speaking. And then in the next show, public speaking part two, we're going to talk about really how to use it to grow your business. Even though I'm not going to go super in-depth about the strategy of using speaking to grow your business today, I do think it's valuable for us to talk about why public speaking is valuable to coaches in the first place.

00;02;12;18 - 00;02;35;04

Lauren Brollier Newton

Otherwise, this episode will not make any sense. Why is public speaking valuable? Why is it valuable enough that you should want to get over the fear of public speaking? So I think that really to start, there would be great public speaking as a coach. It's like it's your walking advertisement. You being able to speak doesn't mean you have to give a keynote, speak to a giant stadium or anything like that.

00;02;35;06 - 00;02;58;08

Lauren Brollier Newton

But you being able to speak clearly and present what you do and not have your knees knocking and be nervous about that, that is going to be a very, very essential part of your coaching business. Can you grow a successful coaching business without public speaking? I can think of one way that you could grow one really maybe viable way.

00;02;58;08 - 00;03;18;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

I'm sure there's more, but the one way I can really see that you could do a coaching business without public speaking is if you partner with someone who can give you referrals where you don't ever have to present yourself on a or be on stage. So you find a someone that believes in you and you partner with them and they already have an audience and they send you clients.

00;03;19;04 - 00;03;45;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

That could definitely be a way to do this without public speaking. However, that person is going to have to be your spokesperson. So like, let's say you, I don't know, meet a chiropractor or something and they say, Oh my gosh, every single patient needs a coach and they're just sending you patients. Now, you're still going to have to be able to talk to that patient 1 to 1 about what you could do to support what they're looking to change in their life.

00;03;45;17 - 00;04;03;04

Lauren Brollier Newton

But I could see that being one way without public speaking. Now, that said, you would either have to find someone with a giant audience because if they have a small practice, not every client they have is going to go to you. So depends on how big you want to grow your business. But I could see that being viable.

00;04;03;04 - 00;04;43;23

Lauren Brollier Newton

I could see you have multiple referral partners. However, in order to attract those referral partners, how are you going to present your business? So this is where the ability to communicate well, the ability to do some level of public speaking comes in so handy as a coach. If you look at most of the coaches around the world, they're either networking, which by the way, you have to be able to get up and talk about your business by networking, having webinars, having workshops, guesting on podcasts, doing social media, and there's ways to get around some of the things that might make you nervous about public speaking.

00;04;43;26 - 00;05;11;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

If you have this dream, I'm going to invite you to stretch yourself in service of the people you will help and the dream coming true. I want you to think about this really deeply, what I'm about to say. There has never been another you on this planet and there never will be in the whole history of this planet, the whole future of this planet.

00;05;11;14 - 00;05;32;11

Lauren Brollier Newton

There will never be another you with your skills, your talents, your desires, the desire and dream that was gifted to your heart of what you want to do in this lifetime. That's only you know. No one can replicate that. And so there comes a time when we have to decide, is the fear I have around something really going to stop me from living?

00;05;32;11 - 00;06;04;06

Lauren Brollier Newton

My purpose, my destiny, my calling. There's a great Rumi quote and this is my paraphrasing it now. This is not word for word. His quote, but it goes something like this. It's as if a king has sent you from afar in distant land to do one specific task. You could do a thousand other things while you're here. But if you don't do the one thing for which he sent you, it's going to feel as if you've done nothing.

00;06;04;08 - 00;06;18;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

So let's break that down. It's as if a king has sent you from afar in distant land. God, universe, spirit, co-creation, whatever you want to think of it, Earth is weird. Like, I don't think we wake up in an Earth suit and go like, Oh, yeah, I totally know how to live this life. Yep, 80 years of life.

00;06;18;17 - 00;06;40;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

I got it in the bag. Like, I don't think one of us wakes up in a human body and isn't slightly discombobulated by the human experience. Slipher King. I sent you to a far and distant land with one specific task. And I think where most of us get off track is we identify the task. With a career like I'm supposed be a teacher, I'm supposed to be a mom, I'm supposed to be a firefighter.

00;06;40;25 - 00;06;59;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

Not that being a mom is a career, but we think that one thing identifies us. But Rumi saying, I believe it's not that he's saying you can do a thousand other things while you're here, but if you don't do the one thing for which he sent you, for which God, universe, spirit, infinite co-creation sent you, it's going to feel like you've done nothing.

00;06;59;29 - 00;07;25;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

I don't think he's just talking about a career. I think the one thing he's talking about that if you don't do it, it's going to feel like you've done nothing. Is becoming who you truly are, reaching your potential, touching the inner depths of your self, wondering, seeking, growing, loving, becoming more of the true essence of your self without hiding, without masks.

00;07;25;03 - 00;07;50;11

Lauren Brollier Newton

And if you're not speaking, let me bring it back to speaking because you're afraid. Are you really doing the one thing for which he sent you? I'm not saying everybody has to be a stadium public speaker, but if you have a gift and you have a talent and you want to help people and you're not willing to stand up for 2 seconds to the networking meeting and say, this is who I am, what does that feel like when your head hits the pillow?

00;07;50;11 - 00;08;13;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

For the last time? And I know I'm going real deep, real fast on this, but truly, that's why we wanted to do part one was how to release the fear of public speaking. Because I believe each of us has a gift and talent to share with the world and without putting ourselves out there, so to speak. How are we sharing it now?

00;08;13;16 - 00;08;36;01

Lauren Brollier Newton

Why do people get so scared? Why do people get so scared of public speaking? Well, it's actually sort of an archaic reaction of your nervous system that hasn't evolved very much. We've got sort of a reptilian brain and parts. We got this nervous system that has evolved very much. And when you talk about public speaking, but by the way, it's like one of the number one fears on the planet.

00;08;36;01 - 00;09;04;04

Lauren Brollier Newton

So you're not alone when you are working with that, with that public speaking fear. The reason it's so scary is because your nervous system interprets it like exposure. If you think about a gazelle on the Serengeti standing out in the middle of the desert, it's exposed. A hunter can shoot it, another animal can can prey on it. I've recently got this little bunny, this baby bunny.

00;09;04;04 - 00;09;28;02

Lauren Brollier Newton

It's the cutest freaking thing. It's baby bunny living in my in my yard. And when a noise happens, it gets down real low. It gets his ears down really low in the grass is laying down like nobody nobody see me. I'm not here. All of us have that survival instinct inside of us. And when we believe we're being exposed, our nervous system gets triggered.

00;09;28;05 - 00;09;52;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

So if you go Facebook Live, for example, as a quote unquote speaking engagement, your nervous system treats it like you've got a bow and arrow pointed at your chest. You're exposed. It hasn't evolved enough to know if I go Facebook live, even if I make a fool of myself, I'm not physically going to die. But the nervous system is interpreting it like there's a bow and arrow pointed at your chest standing open in the middle of a field.

00;09;52;21 - 00;10;12;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

So it's our job if we want to grow, if we want to experience more, if we want to shine our light, if we want to actually put ourselves out there in service of the dream, the calling, the mission, it's going to be required of us to learn to work with that. Our nervous system, as far as I can tell, isn't changing in its evolution today without our help.

00;10;13;01 - 00;10;31;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

But we can work with it in ways that make us feel better, not like, Oh, I'm going to die if I if I go do this thing I want to do. So how do I work with my nervous system? The best and easiest way to work with your nervous system is your breathing. I used to get so annoyed.

00;10;31;05 - 00;10;49;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

I'm a pretty type A like digits. It's a11 thing to the next type of person. Just by human nature. And so I work with myself to not to not be as much that way, but when I first learned you kind to breathe and breath is going to help. So much of this is that I wanted to roll my eyes like, I don't want to meditate for an hour a day.

00;10;49;25 - 00;11;08;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

I want to go do stuff. You know, like that was my personality. So when mentors were telling me to breathe, I, like, wanted to roll my eyes and be like, Please tell me any tip other than that, because I didn't like to slow down enough to do that. I will tell you, it's a very, very good exchange rate.

00;11;08;28 - 00;11;30;10

Lauren Brollier Newton

You taking a minute to breathe versus never putting yourself out there. So the breath that you're going to use is I like to use a rectangular breathing, especially when it comes to a fear like this, like a nervous system. Fear. When I say rectangular breathing, imagine a rectangle. It's longer on two sides and shorter on the other two sides.

00;11;30;12 - 00;11;48;23

Lauren Brollier Newton

So we're going to imagine a rectangle and imagine that the long side is worth either four or six, and then the shorter side is worth, you know, if you're making the wrong side six than the shorter side is going to be worth three. So you're making the long side for them. The shorter side is going to be worth two, but let's work with six, three, six, three.

00;11;48;23 - 00;12;21;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

Long sides are six short sides of three. I'm going to envision this rectangle as I breathe in through the nose and then out through the mouth like I'm blowing through a strong Envision this rectangle, so let's do it together. Let's inhale. Four, six. Ready? Here we go. And then at the top, we're going to pause for three. And now exhale for six and pause for three.

00;12;21;06 - 00;12;45;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

This is a great nervous system. Reset. So if you're someone who even the thoughts just thinking about publicly, even if you don't have anything on the books, just the thought of it makes you want to puke. Start the rectangular breathing now before you even have a speaking engagement and envision that rectangle. Do it for two or 3 minutes until your body returns to calm because you're training yourself, not you're training your nervous system.

00;12;45;13 - 00;13;04;02

Lauren Brollier Newton

How to respond. So that's going to be very important for getting over the fear. The great news is you can use that. You can absolutely use that wherever you are. You're at a networking meeting. You don't have to make a big deal of it. You could just be sitting in your chair listening to whoever is speaking at the minute and then go ahead and just take it in through your nose.

00;13;04;02 - 00;13;22;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

Now, through your mouth, breath, very undercover. Nobody needs it. Nobody's even going to notice you're doing it. Reset your nervous system. This is going to be the most helpful thing. And just I think I think there's even power and calm and knowing, oh, my nervous system just thinks I'm going to die. It thinks I'm exposed. It hasn't evolved.

00;13;22;05 - 00;13;41;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

Okay, this isn't real. In other words, now that I've learned where this is coming from, I can see this fear isn't reality, even though it can feel like it when it's happening in my body. This is something like made up and evolutionary and I can work with it and I can change it. I've got a story for you about one of my mentors.

00;13;41;15 - 00;14;03;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

Her name is Kirsten. Well, she's the master coach here at Brave Thinking Institute. She was working in a medical practice in Southern California. She's actually someone who brought our coaching programs, our brave thinking institute coaching programs to a Western medical practice. And the program, the signature program that we train and certify coaches, and it's called the Dream Builder Program.

00;14;03;29 - 00;14;26;23

Lauren Brollier Newton

She took that dream Builder program to the Western medicine practice, and it was actually prescribed to patients. And so it was groundbreaking. Kirsten is a master of the energetics of transformation. When she was doing her medical practice, she was seeing people 1 to 1 in an office. They were coming. She'd helped grow that medical practice. They're coming in to do this coaching program.

00;14;26;23 - 00;14;48;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

This is like I said, here's one way that you could do a successful coaching business without public speaking, and that's how Kirsten did it. At first. People come into the medical practice that she'd helped build and they would get prescribed the Dream Builder program, which would take them through the Dream Builder program. And I'm not. So she started out as a certified coach, adding this to the modality she did in her medical practice.

00;14;48;20 - 00;15;10;20

Lauren Brollier Newton

And then our founder, Mary Morrissey, saw how brilliant Kirsten was and said, I'd like you to come full time and work at Brace Thinking Institute. Well, Kirsten was all for that. Great. I'll be the master coach. I'll see clients 1 to 1. I'll see clients and groups. You know, it was hard to leave for medical practice, but there was like, okay, cool, I can do this until Mary said, Oh, and you'll be doing lots of public speaking on stages.

00;15;10;22 - 00;15;25;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

Kirsten was like, What? No, I don't want there was no part of her zero part of her that wanted to be a public speaker. She's like, I'm great. One on one with clients. I do not want to be front and center. I do not want to be on stage, not who I am. And Mary said, Well, then you're going to be our master coach.

00;15;25;17 - 00;15;50;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

She's either you're on stage and doing all the things or not. Here's how Kirsten got herself to be a public speaker, even though it wasn't her dream, even though it wasn't something that she wanted to do. The whole reason that Kirsten was willing to move to Brave Thinking Institute is she started to think, if I see clients 1 to 1 or patients at that time, 1 to 1, all day in my medical practice, I can have a certain impact.

00;15;51;05 - 00;16;14;23

Lauren Brollier Newton

You know, I can impact five clients a day. I might see the same ones, and by the time I die, I will have had an impact, certainly. But a certain level of impact. I can also step on stage and one time on Mary's stage, see more people and speak to more people in one day than I will in a whole calendar year.

00;16;14;26 - 00;16;43;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

And her spirit in her was telling her that she would love more impact because she wanted to help more people. So here's the key to how do I get myself to speak in the face of fear? As a coach, you make your mission the thing that you think about more often than anything else. You make the mission and the calling you feel to help people in whatever modality it is you teach and why ever you got into it.

00;16;43;19 - 00;17;05;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

You make that the central stream of your being, and when you have that, you will have more willingness. I'm not saying you won't have to use the breathing or you won't be afraid, but you will have more willingness to do some scary things. The mission was so strong and Kirsten's heart, the calling that she felt the impact she wanted to have was so strong she got willing.

00;17;05;19 - 00;17;27;10

Lauren Brollier Newton

Now she told me that some of those first speaking she did. She would be freaking out, crying everything before getting on stage. She said, I would often have to go out to the parking lot and just scream at the top of my lungs to move some of the energy because I was so afraid. For those of you don't know Kirsten, now, when you see her on stage, it's like, Oh, you think she's speaking since she was a little kid?

00;17;27;10 - 00;17;49;09

Lauren Brollier Newton

I mean, she's dancing on stage, she's brilliant. She's like zero fear, like one of the best presenters. It didn't start that way. So what I'm suggesting for you, Coach, is don't give yourself the the while. I'm not naturally good at that. I'm not you know, that's not my thing. Do you want the dream? And how big do you want it?

00;17;49;09 - 00;18;06;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

Because you can serve a couple clients. And by the way, if that's your dream and that's what lights you up and that's what you're dreaming of doing for your coaching business, I want you to feel fully encouraged and you have my full support in the whole Brave Thinking Institute, support of serving one or two clients. And you could do that and you could do that by referrals.

00;18;06;26 - 00;18;30;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

And it'll be easy. And if you want to serve more clients, you want to serve 50 clients in a year or 100 clients in your or you want to speak to a thousand people on a podcast, you're going to have to cause yourself to move beyond fear and see this mission and calling that you feel as more important than any fear, anything else going on inside of you.

00;18;30;27 - 00;18;54;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

So we're going to use the breathing. But the second tool that I'm giving you, if I didn't explicitly state it, but hopefully you heard it now, let me explicitly state it. How do I get my why my calling? The thing I'm most want to do, the thing I most love in the center of my being. You have got to think about it more often than you think about fear and what could go wrong.

00;18;54;17 - 00;19;18;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

So if I'm waking up in the morning, I'm going to record, let's say I'm going to record these podcast episodes by open up my calendar and I see five or six podcast episodes, and especially the ones I record by myself like these that aren't interview episodes, I don't immediately go, Oh yeah, today I'm recording podcast episodes. Like my, my, my spirit doesn't my let's put Spirit assign them or blame spirit for my human crap.

00;19;18;15 - 00;19;43;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

The human side of my nature doesn't go, Oh, yeah, I'm going to be sitting at my desk scouring, staring into a black circle all day by myself, talking to myself. Like, at that level, there's nothing exciting about this. Here's why I get excited and here's why I can get on here and just talk nonstop and be so thrilled to bring it to you is because as I look at my calendar and there's a part of me who's like, Great, I'm talking into a black hole for 6 hours a day.

00;19;43;29 - 00;20;10;01

Lauren Brollier Newton

Okay, pause that thought. Let's let me remind myself of why I'm doing this, and then I will remind myself of why I'm recording these episodes. The number one reason I'm recording these episodes is because I believe coaches get a lot of shitty advice and feel pressured and cause themselves to do things that don't really produce income and get confused and unsure where to go.

00;20;10;01 - 00;20;32;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

And I am so passionate about coaches having a clear path like that. You will just know where to go, what to do that produces income that feels good to you. That's why I do this. Well, why is that important? Because I believe I was given a gift. I believe I was giving a gift, giving a gift of making things really practical.

00;20;32;05 - 00;20;49;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so I want to bring that gift to as many people as I can. Now, when I've done that thinking with myself, I'll record six episodes. You want to record eight episodes day, I'll do it. Because I've reminded myself why I'm doing this. I'm not just sitting here talking into a black hole. It can look like that right now.

00;20;49;15 - 00;21;12;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

I know you can't see it, but I have a camera that has a lens that's like about I don't know, two or three inches across. And right now there's nothing. I'm just looking at it and it just looks like a black hole. But if I get my mind right and I envision that inside of that lens are the thousands and thousands of coaches who will hear this.

00;21;13;01 - 00;21;33;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

And even if I never get to see them, even if they never come to a brave thinking institute, even if I never know the impact I've made, if each one of those people, each one of you gets something, my life has purpose, my gifts are being used. The world is becoming better because coaches with a passion are knowing what to do.

00;21;33;28 - 00;21;55;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

If I take myself down that path, then I can do this all day long. I wouldn't want to do it if I was just thinking about the black hole. So what thoughts can you think about public speaking? Even if you're afraid that causes you? I call it going macro. That causes you to go macro now, so you can see the purpose behind something.

00;21;55;27 - 00;22;12;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

And if you're still unsure, you know, I still don't know if I want to speak. Maybe I am okay with just a couple of clients and I'll do what I can to get referrals and I'll figure something out. If you're unsure, maybe you do want something bigger. Maybe you would be willing to speak in the face of fear.

00;22;12;18 - 00;22;33;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

Then I invite you to just go real macro with me and you're going to fast forward somewhere far, far out in the future and you're putting your head on the pillow for the very last time. And you know, it's the last time this is your deathbed, so to speak, or your transition point as you lay there far out in the future.

00;22;33;12 - 00;23;03;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

So I'm imagining myself like 104 years old on my deathbed, about to make my transition. And I didn't do the speaking and I didn't follow my calling. I just want to ask myself, am I okay with that or am I feeling the tinge of regret? That's what I want to know. And ask yourself that question. If I never do this, if I never shine my light, if I don't put myself out there, if I stay exactly where I am.

00;23;03;16 - 00;23;31;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

But just fast forward to, you know, I'm 104, will that have been okay with me? And I can't know that answer for you. I cannot know that answer for you. I know that asking those kind of questions of yourself and going more macro will help you decide if you want to be the person who who stays fearful. With all that said, if you choose and it doesn't matter to you and you don't want to grow a business, that's okay.

00;23;31;29 - 00;23;52;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

If you decide you know what, public speaking isn't worth it to me. I just want to serve one client and that's it. That's okay. What is I believe not ultimately going to be okay to your soul is to know something has your name on it. No, Something would grow. You know, something would light you up if you could get yourself to it.

00;23;53;01 - 00;24;13;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

And then the fear just eats away at you. Here's another thing that you might do that might be supportive of you. Envision for a moment that you are on a stage and you're not afraid. You look fierce, you look amazing. You don't feel an ounce of fear and you're just speaking about the topic that you're passionate about. And there's no fear.

00;24;13;28 - 00;24;37;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

You're like, I'm I'm living. I'm living my best life. Notice if you would love that you're on the stage, the audience is captive, You feel great. Not an ounce of fear. Just likes living your best life. Would you love that If you would. Anything that's getting in the way of it is a self-limiting paradigm. It's a fear paradigm.

00;24;37;03 - 00;24;56;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

It's a nervous system reaction. And those are all things that we can fix because you can work with your self, you can breathe, you can reconnect to your why, if you wouldn't love that and you're like, there's no outcome me that wants to do that. Ask yourself if you're in the Kirsten Wells camp, do you have a mission that's bigger than what you're doing now?

00;24;56;05 - 00;25;17;11

Lauren Brollier Newton

All right. So before we go with this episode, I want to give you a tip what you're going to do. What practical, actionable step can you take today? My invitation to you is that you do something with this episode, because my worst nightmare is you just listen to these episodes and you get entertained, but you never do anything to grow your country business.

00;25;17;13 - 00;25;42;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

So please don't make my nightmare come true. Instead, think about what step is yours to take if you are terrified to the bone of public speaking, would you be willing to imagine yourself speaking and just do that breathing I taught you today if you're just kind of scared like a little bit imposter syndrome around public speaking, would you be willing to give a talk just to the mirror or to the camera?

00;25;42;15 - 00;25;58;07

Lauren Brollier Newton

Nobody ever has to see it. But would you be willing to work with your nervous system, connect to your calling, and stretch yourself by just recording a video that only your eyes are going to see? You see what I'm saying? We're going to take a step. That's a stretch. It still scares me a little bit, but I don't feel like I'm like breaking my bones over it, right?

00;25;58;07 - 00;26;22;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

So I always like to say when you're taking bold action, you don't have deterioration. What if we just stretch your hamstrings, right? So do something that feels like a stretch. You still have to overcome some fear to do it, and yet you're willing to take the step. So working with that breathing, practicing with your self, what if you just take one step in the direction of a Facebook Live video or even a recorded video that you can post on Facebook?

00;26;22;19 - 00;26;42;23

Lauren Brollier Newton

Or there's a million different opportunities. Our next episode is going to be public speaking for coaches part two, and that's actually how do I use speaking to grow a coaching business in a way that feels good to me, And we'll do that next time. All right. I love you all so much. I'll see you in the next episode.

00;26;42;26 - 00;27;19;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

Thanks for joining me this week on The Abundant Coach. Visit our Web site at Brave Thinking Institute dot com slash coach dash certification where you can dive even deeper with additional resources and exciting opportunities. Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcast so you'll never miss an episode. And while you're at it, if you loved the show, please rate and review to find out how to jump start your abundant coaching career and more about my journey to seven figure coach, check out our Free Meant to Be a Life Coach quiz available at Beat Icon slash Coach Quiz.

00;27;19;22 - 00;27;21;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

I'll see you in the next episode.





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