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55. Empowering Inner Healing: Insights from Intuitive Author Eloise Hill
Episode 5523rd August 2023 • Mind Power Meets Mystic • Cinthia Varkevisser & Michelle Walters
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In this episode of "Mind Power Meets Mystic," hosts Cynthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters have a conversation with their guest, Eloise Hill. Eloise is a retired nurse, writer, psychic, and medical intuitive. The episode delves into various topics, including Eloise's journey into intuitive and psychic abilities, her experiences as an author, and her practice of medical intuition. She shares insights about her approach to medical intuition, how she detects and interprets energy patterns related to health, and the importance of connecting with one's inner healer. Eloise also discusses her upcoming class on DIY energy healing, emphasizing the significance of understanding and maintaining one's energy balance for overall health and well-being.


  • Intro to the show. 0:00
  • The paranormal cozies. 2:02
  • Intuition is a significant factor. 4:29
  • Learning how to write again. 8:04
  • When and how did you start reading the tarot? 12:07
  • How to read the runes? 15:51
  • Advice to other writers. 19:33
  • Learn how to shield your energy field. 23:11
  • How does your healing process work? 27:05
  • Getting to know your inner healer. 30:47

Contact Eloise to learn about her upcoming classes. She can be reached at

To learn more about Michelle, visit

To learn more about Cinthia, visit


Cinthia Varkevisser 0:00

Hi, we're Cynthia Varkevisser And Michelle Walters, co hosts of mind power needs mystic.

Michelle Walters 0:07

Our weekly show is here to expand your mind to what's possible to

Cinthia Varkevisser 0:12

uplift your spirits to move forward with confidence and joy,

Michelle Walters 0:17

and to create a space for your collaboration with the invisible Welcome to mind power needs

Cinthia Varkevisser 0:27

mystic Hey, hey, hey and welcome to Mind power meets mystic. Michelle and I are really excited to have our dear friend Eloise here hill here with us. So, Eloise is a retired nurse, writer and psychic who has been aware of her clairvoyant Claire audience and Clairsentience abilities since childhood, and is in love with the Tarot and all things metaphysical since she picked up her first Rider Waite deck at the age of 18. In the course of her intuitive career, she has studied with several bay area teachers including the late trance medium, Karen Lindegaard, and addition to giving psychic and medical intuitive readings. She teaches classes on a variety of subjects including the the toss throw, Thoth, saucer, and one on one lit learning oh my god, you know what I thought I had all these names and I don't learning the Lenormand right the Lenormand candle magic for Muggles. Beyond divination, pragmatic uses for elder Futhark runes, the womanly art of tea leaf reading and DIY energy clearing. She is also the author of the Eight of Pentacles and the queen of the barley Moon books one and two from the Eileen McGrath Tarot mystery series set in and around Oakland, California, and inspired by her experiences as a Psychic Tarot enthusiast. So thank you so very much Eloise, super excited to talk to you about a bunch of stuff.

Eloise Hill 2:02

Thank you for having me. Both you and Michelle, I'm excited to be here with you to curious ladies.

Michelle Walters 2:09

Well, I'm excited to have you on our show today. We have not had many other authors or not. I think we've had a couple but not too many. And I was curious to hear a little bit more about your books. I haven't had the chance to read your books yet. But maybe you could share a little bit with our listeners. Cynthia refers to your books as cozies. And I don't actually know that term. So tell us about your books.

Eloise Hill 2:38

Um, so, um, I authored two books, which Cynthia just mentioned, and really, they just came out of a desire to express to kind of put out there in a public forum what it feels like to me to live my life as an intuitive. And so I also attended a significant number of writers classes to prepare myself for that. And the books are basically they're called paranormal cozies because that's the genre that they typically fit into. They are not as cozy as some cozies Okay, there there, you know, is some drama, there is a hint of romance, but there are definitively parents and their paranormal out as I experienced the paranormal. Okay, so they're written primarily for entertainment, but um, I really just needed to, to kind of get what it feels like to be me out there. So that basically was it.

Michelle Walters 3:50

Christy, are they are they more of a mystery or more of

Eloise Hill 3:55

a mystery? Yeah. Okay, absolutely.

Cinthia Varkevisser 3:59

I like to I like to say that they are mysteries similar to Nancy Drew, but she kicks Nancy Drew's ass. Yeah. So you know, there's not only that, but it's the way that you're led from clue to clue. It's really it's a really sweet way of getting to know the characters. And the the story is really well written. And, but and you root for her like you did as a girl for Nancy Drew. I'm not joking. I really can't that was transported. Like, yeah, that's like, this is my adult version of Nancy.

Eloise Hill 4:35

I love that. Well, intuition is really significant, um, a really significant factor of for real life detectives, and my character gets pulled into being an amateur detective in the first book as a result of the death of a client of hers. And then by the second book, she's actually beginning to work with a private A detective. And so the intuition theme just fit perfectly in there that just fell into place. Because most detectives depend on that as a medium in combination with our logic to help them solve crimes. So, so it was a good fit.

Michelle Walters 5:20

What kind of what kind of did you do research for your book? Did you talk to detectives or go sketch?

Eloise Hill 5:28

I did. I did. I actually, I did. I actually did what felt like a significant amount of research in different areas. I did speak to one Oakland police detective at some length. One of my books is set in the Oakland rose garden, which is very close to where I used to live in. So I actually spoke to the rosary in there, because that's a theme. Um, yeah. So I did a lot of research on like merit, because the first book is something like merit. So a lot of research around all the history behind that. So the interesting thing, and you might agree with me on this, Michelle, um, the interesting thing about writing a book is that, statistically, most people end up using about 10% of their research. So a lot of writing is research. So I did quite a bit of it that took up considerably more time than I had anticipated it was going to,

Michelle Walters 6:29

well, I have a book, my book is called an alignment of spirit finding work you love. And I think I had been doing the research for it for, I don't know, 10 or 20 years, maybe

Eloise Hill 6:40

your lifetime, right? You're kind of living that right. So

Michelle Walters 6:45

yeah, I'm collecting the books collecting the the, the evidence, and also, I guess, collecting my own life stories that were all woven within my book, my book is very different. It's more of a self help book, as opposed to a fictional narrative. But I, I loved reading my book. It didn't take an extreme amount of focus, to get it done. But I think maybe at least for some of us authors, there's like, there's like a book in you that has to come out. And a lot of my experience really felt like, yeah, there was all the work I did at the conscious level. Somebody asked me if my book was channeled. No, I don't think my book was channeled. I wouldn't say that. But it just kind of fused together. In a way, what what was your book? Did it come naturally out of you? Or was it something that needed more coaxing, or,

Eloise Hill 7:46

it didn't take much coaxing, because I'm, what my protagonist is a, a disabled nurse. Okay? Mildly disabled, but a disabled there. So I had that whole nursing piece. And I had the whole intuitive piece. So the only thing that felt like maybe a little bit of work was actually learning how to write and remembering how to write again, right? You know, and write in a way that would be Hmm, that would make the book easily accessible to anybody who read it, and they wouldn't be going, Oh, wow, she shouldn't have, she should have used that instead of which, or, you know, that kind of thing. So it was really more of the grammar aspects syntax of it. That was the only thing that required any work. When I sat down to write it would just I do believe in channeling and it just pushed straight on through me. So, yep, yep, there. And there comes a part in the process of this. I don't know if this would have been true for you or not given the type of book you wrote. But there comes a part in the process. And I've heard other writers, especially Mystery Writers speak of this, but I think all fictional writers, who are the characters began to become so real to you, that they actually begin to speak to you. So it's like, do they take over and guide the rest of the story? You might give birth but then, you know, at some point, they mature and take over and off they go. So I would that part was not the difficult part by any means.

Michelle Walters 9:23

What was it that sounds beautiful, like that didn't happen to me because my book doesn't have characters like that my book is characters are like me and the stories of people that I told but not not new creations. Like

Eloise Hill 9:36

I have no idea how that happens. It just does. There's just a point where it's a product of your imagination that becomes so strong that it takes on an energy all of its own somewhere in the universe and and begins letting you know what it doesn't want more doesn't want and at what matches within what aligns with it and what doesn't. It's really quite, it's quite trippy. But um, I, I would imagine that's probably true for anybody who writes fiction at a certain point, you're still the driver. But you know, there's a lot of conversations going on in the backseat, if you will. So

Michelle Walters:

make sense to me that, and some of our listeners might think this is a little over the top, but I think it'll make sense to you ladies. You are, in fact, like, kind of creating or hooking into a potential or some kind of character of a spirit that you're sort of maybe finding or creating. And that's part of how that comes. Part of how that comes through.

Eloise Hill:

Yeah, I think that's really true. And, you know, there's this whole idea of, you would probably know more about this than I do. But there's this whole, you know, the concept of union that young spoke of universal consciousness. Have you ever noticed how a lot of times, you will find writers writing books around a similar theme at the same time, something new, something that's not been done before? It's like, there's a certain a certain Zeitgeist that shows up and it wants to be presented to the world? So I don't want to get too metaphysical about that. But yeah, yeah, um, I think, I think that we possess tremendous power as human beings to do many things. And then I think our inventions, such the characters in our books become little little cells of energy or their own. That's what it feels like, to me. I still hear my characters talking to each other in my head, even though it's been years since I read the last book, so so they still linger. They're still they're

Michelle Walters:

very cool. Very cool. Well, once they're once they're present on a certain level, they're probably always friends.

Eloise Hill:

Yeah. Yes.

Michelle Walters:

Um, tell us a little bit about your tarot card practice? Because I think that Well, it certainly folded into the title of one of your books. When and how did you, it sounds like you started reading two records as a, as a very young person.

Eloise Hill:

fairly young, I was aware of being an intuitive, I was aware that I had something some of those adults in the room didn't seem to be using. When I was about three years old, that was my first conscious memory of reading somebody. And then the interest continued on to my teenage years. So my late teen years, I begin to study a little bit about psychic phenomena, picked up the Rider Waite tarot, and really didn't study it at all just start, you know, typical teenager, just start playing with it. And it kind of freaked me out. Because I realized that through the process of using it, even though I was doing it casually, that it was possible to get really accurate information about people in their lives, or myself, using this as a tool, using this as a voice for the universe, or universal wisdom, and it freaked me out. So that kind of fell by the wayside. But then later, many while I was a nurse, my my interest in, in Universal Consciousness and psychic development continued because part of my career I was working with people that were dying. And so it just kept building and building and at a certain point, I became unable to work, I had a sustained a serious injury couldn't work, and was trying to imagine how am I going to support myself. And I was looking through a catalogue one day, and this is back in the day, when we still got catalogs. And it there was the thought to row was in this catalog. And it literally leapt off the page at me and it was like, This is it because I knew I still possessed and my intuitive abilities, I knew they'd grown I knew I developed them, but I needed a medium through which to express them. And a way to round out what I was already seeing and feeling and something. So that's how it got started. And that was in the late 90s. And I started working as a part time as an intuitive at that point and really got into it four or five years later. So it's no longer the only medium I use I use of course because you know, things have changed. I've used many different mediums now including the pendulum, I use the Lenormand deck, but that was that was sort of where I fell in love with the cards as a as a tool as a as a as I said as a tool for communication. A way to open up to universal wisdom, and so that I so loved the Tarot for that, that I wanted to make the Tarot basically the underlying theme of my books.

Michelle Walters:

So I have a little question about the Tarot and different kinds of decks because I bet I bet some of our listeners don't know All these different kinds of decks? What, what makes using different tarot decks? Like, do you get different results from different tarot decks? Do you do use them for different purposes how I'm right or wait, I mean, that's as opposed to when there's kind of what everybody knows, but I don't know these other two and I don't understand the what that brings or adds or changes in terms of a reading for someone.

Eloise Hill:

So I could go on about this for hours, but I'll try and be very concise, or as concise as I'm capable. So, um, it varies. It's pretty simple. It varies per the individual, but each one of us identifies differently with different tools of communication, including, I would say, the elder Futhark. I learned to read the runes about six or seven years ago, and that was pretty magical, too. But in terms of the turbo itself, and that's separate from Norman, but there are two basic kinds of turbo one is the Rider Waite deck, and one is the Thoth turbo. They both came out of this group called the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley, who was who manifested the the Thoth turbo, and oh wait, who manifested the Rider Waite, which is the one most people know, they were taxed as apprentices to share some of the knowledge that they were gaining in their work with this magical society and community, but not really give anything away. So the way that wait handled it was to do something was very simple, that you could look at these pictures and identify with it in a particular way resonate with it in a particular way. So you can pretty much look at the card and make a pretty educated guess what it's about. Aleister Crowley decided to go the other route. And he created a deck that was so complex, not only in the artwork, but everything that it's tied into that it takes at least 20 years to get a really good handle on. Okay, that's, that's my that's my opinion, but you can use it right off the bat. So consequently, human beings being who they are, that the writer, white became the more popular of the two. So in my practice, I use this as just my individual approach. I use the book, when I really want to get to the deep, emotional, spiritual, mental underpinnings of a situation, something like that. I use the law Norman, which was invented by a woman in France around the time that Napoleon was doing his thing. And she was considered to be a magician and a psychic and various things. I use hers for pragmatic stuff. Because hers are, are also very simple. And maybe not quite as simple as the Rider Waite, but simple and to the point. So it just depends. And then sometimes I use the elder Futhark runes, because I'm, I have people that come to me and they have a relationship with the runes, and they feel more comfortable with that. So and they are also very pragmatic. Okay, so it's, it's a Yeah, and I will add finally, the other tool that are principally is the I'm sorry, I'm losing my train of thought here. I'll use a pendulum, because it's really good for very definitive yes, no. Questions and Answers.

Michelle Walters:

Gotcha. I want to remind all of our listeners that they are listening to mind power meets mystic with me, Michelle Walters, and my co host, Cynthia Varkevisser. Today we're speaking to Eloise Hill. She is an author, and a tarot card reader and a medical intuitive among many, many other things, we would ask so much that you would give us a rating and a review on Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you are listening to our podcasts. We really want to hear from you, how you like it, how we're doing and what else we could do for our listeners. Cynthia, I know you it's not like you to be so silent. What would you like to ask Eloise?

Cinthia Varkevisser:

Well, thank you for noticing that I was doing my best not to interrupt the two authors. But let's do one last thing before we hop into it because I know that you did this. We're going to do we're going to do a circle back as someone who wants to write a book, one piece of advice for them because I have been wanting to write a book For decades, so if you could each give one little tidbit, I would gladly accept it.

Eloise Hill:

I'll show you where to go first,

Michelle Walters:

make an outline, force yourself to do it, and just sit down and fill it in. That's my two cents. If you're gonna write a nonfiction, nonfiction book queue,

Eloise Hill:

I would say I don't disagree with that. I'm not much of an outline person, actually. But I definitely agree that there has to be some form of getting in contact with your muse every single day, it makes it a lot simpler. I, as I said, I've taken many writers classes, and I cannot remember who said this, and I'm paraphrasing it badly. But the bit, it was the best advice I ever got. And it was set aside one hour a day, at the same time every day. So your muse will know when and where to find you.

Cinthia Varkevisser:

Love it. Thank you both. Thank you both. Alright, now we're gonna jump fast forward. And what I'd love to talk about now is medical intuition. So medical intuition is fascinating to me. Because when I do my readings, I do not go into that area. What I do is I, I say, I can tell you whether it's an energetic, emotional, or physical thing. And, and that's as far as I go, if it's energetic or emotional, I can, I can go ahead and explore, but the actual medical intuition. It's, it's something that I don't broach. And I really admire those who do. So I'd love to hear about, especially as a retired nurse, how you decided to go into medical intuition? Because, you know, I had asked you just before, like, how did that happen for you? Was it during work? Or, you know, how did that work for you.

Eloise Hill:

So, um, it actually happened to me on the job, I was well aware of the fact as I said that, you know, I had intuitive abilities and sensitivities, and I've done some level of study at that point. But what really began to stand out for me was that if I begin to connect emotionally, with a patient, for any length of time, I would actually begin to manifest the symptoms of their illness. And at first, I thought I was losing my mind, I thought, because I have have had some chronic health issues of my own. And I thought, Oh, my God, I'm such a hypochondriac, right. So luckily, right around the time that that was really beginning to show up, and with a level of frequency in which it could not be ignored. I tried to ignore it for a while. But that didn't work. I was studying with Karen Linda guard, who was I mentioned to you earlier, who was the light current wonder guard who lived in Berkeley, and I spoke to her about it, and she said, Oh, she goes, that's that's the impact on you. And that just shows that you're really opening to that ability. And she goes, what you will need to learn to do is to learn how to shield and to learn how to notice if somebody else's energy has made its way into your energy field, and then into your body, and learn how to release because those are, you know, otherwise, you will begin to get sick. And so that was how it started. And so it was, it was a little, it was a bit of a bumpy start. But when I'm doing it for a client, obviously, it's in a set a controlled setting. So I have already done my meditations prior to do the reading, I've already set up an energy field that is shielded. And if I begin, one of the ways that I do experience it is to feel an echo of what they're experiencing. So once that happens, I know that they've gotten in or that their energy has gotten in a while too much and and then I'll back off even more. So but that was how it started.

Cinthia Varkevisser:

Oh, I would how do people approach you with their medical challenges? Do they come in knowing or do they kind of beat around the bush? Or do they start with the emotional stuff? And then go into the physical?

Eloise Hill:

Good question. Um, COVID shows up several different ways. Um, sometimes people do come to me because they've been referred by other coins and they know that I specifically do this kind of work. Sometimes they have questions about loved one. And you know, and they're they're looking to know an outcome of a health diagnosis. And then, or some more, let's just say flushing out information around them and in some cases, In many cases, they come to me and they don't realize that it's our that whatever, dis ease, meaning lack of ease, that is happening for them on an emotional, spiritual or mental level and has already begun to make its way onto the physical is happening, they may not realize it. So I will see it in their energy fields, and I will sunset in their energy fields. And I can break that down for you, if you want me to how it shows up for me, I'm sure it's different for all intuitives. Some people have a very disciplined approach to it like, Carolyn, nice, she has an amazing, amazing, phenomenal approach to minds a bit more. This whatever shows up shows up. But basically, if someone I can see in their energy field, there'll be a change in the shading of the energy field lightness or darkness and particular parts of it, or they'll be a thinning in the energy field. And I'll give one example, if someone has been sexually abused, it always shows up the same way for every client, even if they have not come to me to discuss to discuss that with me, it always shows up the same way. And it was an extreme thinning of the energy field, where it's almost like you could put your finger through a cobweb. It's got that and that very open, vulnerable feel to it. Okay, I'm always consistent. I'm not sure that's true for all medical intuitives. I think we all are guided by in such a way that we have our own unique way of seeing those patterns. But density wants its reach to the point where it's actually bigger, it's going to start showing up as a cyst or an obstruction of growth than you know, I'll see. I'll see a thickness and density. And again, like I mentioned for sometimes I will just feel an echo of what they're feeling. I'll go, Oh, do you? Are you feeling this? You know, or have you felt this in this area, etc. So that's how my process works.

Cinthia Varkevisser:

Gotcha. Well, I totally believe that I agree with you, which is we are all so different and so unique that we create our own form of process so that it's more comfortable for us and that we can get it as quickly as possible. Right? Yes. For those of for those who are worried about their about their health, when they come see me, they usually come see me before they go to the doctor because they're afraid or they've gone to the doctor. And the doctor says it's time to take some tests.

Michelle Walters:

Do you

Cinthia Varkevisser:

what is your recommendation about having it coexist, we had someone here by the way, her name was Bridget Sal Maggi and she's a Reiki Master. And she used Western medicine and her Reiki to get through her cancer. So I would love to hear your process as you guide people through their traumas.

Eloise Hill:

Um, okay, well, my guides have a pretty consistent, I say my guides because I also because I was trained by a medium, I also function as a medium. So I'm a channel for information. And anyone can, by the way, do that. And I, as I believe that anyone can heal themselves, okay, now I realize that's a bold statement. And I'm not making any judgments about it, because I've been far from perfect at it myself. But that is my belief and my guides, always the information they always start from is to develop your own inner healer as much as you can. Okay. As Western medicine. It is very effective in terms of its it's terrific in terms of its diagnostic diagnostics, it does can point you in the right direction. It's terrific in terms of, you know, if you're in a serious accident, you go to a great surgeon, he puts your body back together, there are really good things about it. In my opinion, generally. For very serious conditions. The approach in western medicine is burn it, poison it, rip it out. Right. So in general, my guides it's an I would never say don't seek out that information because I'm a big believer in if you think something is going to heal you it is far more likely to heal you because the ability to heal is coming from inside of you. Everything that you do external to that helps support hopefully helps support you to discover your own inner healer, but um I say get in contact with your inner healer and develop that to the best of your ability and wonderful. So if you, just like you said, if you're going to pursue Western medicine for treatment, definitely consider the idea of bringing some other alternative forms of medicine onboard that do what we refer to as energy work, right, such as acupuncture, such as like your your Reiki practitioner, because that's only going to help you allow your inner healer to show up, as opposed to giving your body away to somebody and say, heal this or giving your body away to a given process and say, do this for me. So, and my experience has been and I have had clients that have had very serious illnesses that have recovered, and I have had clients that have very serious illnesses that did not recover and in fact transmitted to wherever we go when we're not when our spirits are no longer in our vise. And my general opinion about this, just from what I've seen people who are willing to take on several methodologies to heal themselves that don't limit themselves just to Western medicine. My personal view is that they have a much longer survival rate.

Cinthia Varkevisser:

Right. Great.

Eloise Hill:

So, so I guess that's my very long winded way of saying, Get to know your inner healer, and, and even better, don't wait until you're seriously ill to get to know your inner healing, get to know it today. Right again, to make contact with her today begin to develop it today.

Cinthia Varkevisser:

Great, thank you so much for all that information. What do you have coming up, Eloise?

Eloise Hill:

Um, well, on that very subject, um, I, one of my favorite classes is my DIY energy healing class. And the reason that I like it so much is for the what I've just outlined, we're constantly having inner energy exchanges with our environment with other people taking on their energy, releasing our energy out into the world. And it one of the major causes of dis ease, again, is energy getting stuck in your body. Because you're not dealing with something that needs to be dealt with emotionally, or you are carrying somebody else's energy that you got no business carrying, any number of things. So or, or it's time, it's just plain time for you to grow as an individual and open to all that there is all this going on for you become more aware. So this class helps you do that. It's a 90 minute class. And we do end up using the pendulum that's the only tool involved. And it's an explanation of one being aware of what's going on inside of your psyche, your heart, your brain, and your body is important, and how daily or regular self clearing can help you stay healthy and whole and aware and functioning at your best.

Michelle Walters:

Sounds great. Thank you so much for being our guest today. Eloise Hill has been our guest today on mine power meets mystic. We've had a great conversation. I think our listeners are gonna be very interested in your upcoming class, Eloise as well as your books and these great things that you had to share with us today. Thank you so much for coming to our podcast mine Powerbeats mystic and joining us today.

Eloise Hill:

Thank you both.

Michelle Walters:

Thank you. Bye bye.

Eloise Hill:

Bye bye.

Michelle Walters:

You've been listening to Mind Power Meets Mystic.




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