Many Christians consider Oneness Pentecostalism to be just another Christian denomination. On the surface, Oneness Pentecostals appear to be in line with orthodox Christianity. They claim to believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But a closer examination reveals that Oneness Pentecostals are anything but “Christian”.
Episode Navigation
03:35 - Overview of Oneness Pentecostalism
04:45 - Historical Overview of Sabellianism/Modalism
09:20 - Modern Day Sabellians
12:45 - Break
13:10 - Illustrating the Trinity
16:30 - Three Manifestations
20:25 - Trinity is not in the Bible
22:12 - Understanding Beings & Persons
23:50 - God is One - Does One Mean Singleness?
27:47 - The Shema - Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one”
28:55 - Defining Terms - Who is Jesus?
30:00 David Bernard - Oneness Theologian (The Son was a foreordained plan in the mind of God)
31:35 - Jesus Existed as the Son in Eternity Past
33:00 - T.D. Jakes and the Elephant Room
34:00 - Philips Craig and Dean’s Statement of Faith
35:05 - Athanasian Creed
40:00 - Hebrews 1:8 “Your Throne O God” (Edward Dalcour - A Definitive Look at Oneness Theology)
44:25 - Revelation 5:6 (Interaction between Jesus and the Father)
47:50 - Break
48:30 - Daniel 7:9-14 (Thrones)
51:40 - Oneness is an attack on Jesus’ role as mediator
55:30 - If we lose the Trinity, we lose the Gospel
59:00 - Closing Remarks (Another Jesus, Another Gospel, Practical Application)
1:03:00 - Outro
Important Notice: A warning about Gregory A. Boyd.
Although we are recommending his excellent book on Oneness Theology entitled,"Oneness Pentecostals and the Trinity". We cannot recommend other work by this author. Gregory A. Boyd has embraced the heresy called Open Theism. Unfortunately, Greg Boyd is guilty of what Glenroy Clarke has often stated, "Some people run hard away from one heresy, but they run too far to the other side and fall into the ditch of another heresy".
In this case, the old axiom stands true. “A broken clock is right twice a day".