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End-Time Surprises – Dr. Richard Ruhling
Episode 148810th April 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:27:07

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End-Time Surprises

Dr. Richard Ruhling pt 1

As we witness tensions continue to escalate across the Middle East, many people are starting to wonder, “Are these the end times as described in the Bible?”  You’ve heard me interview many people on this topic and, almost to a person – the answer is “YES.”

Now, on the topic of “WHEN” – they begin to differ. But the main point is – WE ARE ALREADY in the end times.

We see Israel at war with Hamas – and instead of supporting Israel’s right to defend itself and eliminate the threat from within their borders forever, the world is condemning Israel. Some even condone the attacks of October 7thsaying “Hamas was defending itself against Israel aggression.”

Add in the Huthi rebels threatening international shipping and the United States trying to defend the ships by attacking the Iranian backed rebels…

Add in the recent drone attacks by Iranian backed militia in Jordan.  This was identified several months ago by President Biden and the Defense Department as a “red line” that should not be crossed. Well, they crossed it. So the question now is, “What will happen next?”

All of the tensions are linked back to Iran. Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. Is the United States about to go to war against Iran?

What does the Bible say about that perspective?

To answer all of this and more, we have our good friend, Dr. Richard Ruhling joining us again today.  Dr. Ruhling is a frequent guest on our program as we discuss end time scenarios. You can go back in our archives and listen to some of the profound things he has identified before.

In fact, he predicted the United States would be at war with Iraq – BEFORE 9-11 even happened! Amen!  So, perhaps we need to pay attention to what he sharing with us and with the world.

He is also the author of great book titled, “The End-Time Book of Surprises,” which describes some of the things we will discussing today.

Help me welcome back to the program, Dr. Richard Ruhling!  Dr. Ruhling, it is a blessing to have you come back on and share with us today.

The continued escalation of animosity against Israel, here in the United States and across the world, to me anyway – points right back to what the Bible says will happen in the last days. Is that the way you see it, too?

You also are a proponent of emphasizing that, from Amos 3:7, “God will not do anything without first revealing it to His prophets.”  What else does God share with us about the day and time we are living in right now?

How have we missed the “Gospel of the Kingdom?”

The Bible declares “The End from the Beginning…”

How does Christ’s Kingdom and a “Time of Impending Judgement” is coming work together?

Folks, as we have been saying, the end time are here. We are living in the days the prophets of old desired to see – just like Jesus said. He also said, “We are blessed because our eyes do see and our ears do hear these things.” What does that mean?  Basically, what are we going to do with the information we see, hear and understand?  We need to share this information far and wide. Amen!

You can start by dropping down into the show notes below and reaching out to Dr. Ruhling. Interview him on your podcasts, etc. But be sure to order his great book, “The End-Time Book of Surprises” Amen!  You definitely need to do that. It’s not a long book. It’s definitely not an expensive book. You can send an offering to our ministry and Dr. Ruhling has authorized me to send you a FREE COPY – but only for the first six people who do so.  Do it right now – while you are thinking about. Amen!




Book:  “How it All Ends” – on Amazon

Book:  “The Destruction of Jerusalem” – on Amazon

Book:  “The End-Time Book of Surprises” – For the FIRST SIX People who send a Donation of $10 or more to our ministry!

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