Having a budget is the foundation to your finances…much like the foundation of a house is needed to keep it stable. You have to know how much money is coming in and how much money is going out. If you are not aware of your budget, you are not setting yourself up for success. Without a budget it is hard to know anything about your financial well-being if you do not know what is going on in your accounts.
This episode covers everything from having a WHY for your budget, your money, the reason you want to have your finances under control. I also walk you through the steps of coming up with a budget that works for you. You have to know your fixed and variable expenses and I help you figure out what those expenses are.
My goal is to help you budget your money and stay debt free!
In this episode I cover:
- Knowing the WHY for your budget
- Understanding what money is coming in and out of your budget
- Looking at your fixed and variable expenses
- What to do if you go over budget
- How to avoid using a credit card
Resources Mentioned:
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