Amy is joined by guest Kasey Cruz to discuss The Gender Knot by Allan G Johnson. Topics include overcoming the association of leadership and maleness, the invisibility of privilege, and some practical tips for unraveling gender knots.
Kasey Cruz was born and raised in sunshine state, California. In the year of 2020, she graduated with a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology and a minor in Adapted Physical Education. She currently works as a personal trainer, an F45 coach, and a strength & conditioning coach for aspiring young athletes. Besides working out, she loves to spend her time connecting with her Guamanian (Chamorro) heritage by learning the Chamorro language and cooking dishes with her grandma. Her favorite is freshly made lumpia and shrimp kådu (nothing tastes more like home then Grandma’s cooking)! In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her puppy Mila and finding new plant shops in the Bay Area to add her indoor plant collection. A quote she lives by, “Let us fill our hearts with our own compassion- toward ourselves and towards all living beings.”