This Thursday (10 December) is Human Rights Day. We are celebrating this year by speaking with Aron Le Fevre, the Director of Human Rights at Copenhagen 2021. He has a profound range of international politics and a solid knowledge of inclusion and equality with focus on the LGTBQ+ community. Take a listen and hear how you might be able to widen your perspective of inclusion.
Key Points from this Episode:
- Inclusion means that every person can be him/her/themselves and not have to live in fear about being accepted. It is very broad.
- Many times, we hide certain parts of ourselves because we are afraid of having this difference from our colleagues.
- Diversity needs to be embraced.
- If you accept yourself, it will be easier to accept others.
- Systemic change is needed. Everything starts with the individual though.
- There is a need for shared responsibility and to be in service of others.
- Visibility is key to inclusion.
- Get out of your comfort zone and experience the world. Go see how other parts of the world live.
- We need to move faster to this place of inclusion. We all need to be more curious to always be challenging our own biases.
- Change can only be made when we look at ourselves.
About Aron Le Fevre
Aron is a passionate and multilingual champion of human rights, with experience in international politics and the global LGBTI+ and Pride community. He is leading the Copenhagen 2021 Human Rights Forum with the goal to elevate the international LGBTI+ agenda, working together with a multitude of governments, civil society and non-governmental organizations both in Denmark and abroad. Check out Copenhagen 2021 on their website.