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What Does a Successful Week Look Like?
Episode 10712th October 2023 • Momma Has Goals • Kelsey Smith
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Ever wonder what other moms do to set themselves up for success? Today I'm sharing the secrets I've learned and what works for me as a busy mom juggling work, family time, self-care, and so much more! First, I'll reveal my three essential pillars for a successful week. It's all about prioritization with a mom-friendly twist. Learn how dedicating one priority each to your personal life, professional goals, and family bonds can be a game-changer.

I'll guide you through a simple but powerful question to help you identify those crucial priorities: "What would make me genuinely happy this week?" Plus, I'll provide tips on how to spot and avoid potential stressors. We'll also explore Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, specifically focusing on love and belonging. Imagine feeling truly connected and loved in the week ahead. It's a vital ingredient for your overall well-being as a mom!

What you'll hear in this episode:

[2:00] How to set yourself up for success.

[3:55] The importance of having three priorities a day.

[5:40] What would make me happy this week?

[7:45] The hierarchy of needs.


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Kelsey Smith 0:00

So the three like bottom line, things that I focus on to have a successful week is, there are so many things to get thrown at you throughout the week, especially the little humans in your life, you may be navigating different types of emotions, different things that are going on, and you don't know how you're gonna feel. I was at a retreat this last week, and one of the women that spoke talked a lot about how we feel, depending on where we're at in our cycle as women and I'm not going to dive deep on that today, because I don't know a lot about it. But I encourage you to look into it and see, okay, am I setting myself up for success based on really where I'm even at physically, but the things that helped me outside of that is making sure that I have three priorities a day. And that's it. And, of course, my to do list is super long. But throughout my day, I make sure that I only have three priorities, and only one in each category of my life. So the three that I choose to focus on are professional. Welcome to mama has goals, your weekly reminder that you shouldn't have to sacrifice your dreams to take on the role of mom. I'm Kelsey Smith, mom of two boys. Why an entrepreneur who's passionate about helping other moms current and aspiring to reimagine mom life. I'm bringing you the resources, support and relatability to debunk that limiting belief that you may have about your ability to achieve your goals while raising a human. We're covering everything from mom guilt, marriage, relationships, careers, finances, mental health, physical health, you name it, your life doesn't have to fully shift once you become a mom, you can have it all. And we'll show you how

Kelsey Smith 1:52

is Monday live motherhood and life coaching with me, Kelsey, the founder of mama has goals. I'm so excited to be here with you guys. I have been just going going going so much. I mean, we've also had a lot of downtime with our family. And just like spending like ladies together and doing fun things by last week was pretty busy. And I was feeling it on Sunday. So we got to really just like stay connected present as a family. But especially when I have those weeks and I'm going into a new week, I really want to make sure that I'm setting myself up for success and everyone around me so that we can have a really good week. Because it can be so easy to kind of like no ball from like one stressful busy week into another stressful busy week and just keep going. So today I want to share with you guys a couple things that I swear by to make sure that I hit success truly no matter what in my week and ways that I can check myself on Monday, Sunday night or even like Wednesday evening, anywhere in between to really reset or set up where regardless of where you're at, type. If you're joining in whether you're live or watching the replay, say hello in the chat. And I know when you're watching, you're here to I can say hello and follow back up with you. And love to know what's hitting home and just how you're doing this is a safe place for you to be like I'm not feeling great today, or I'm feeling really good going into the week, I would love to be that person for you. So hello, hello. So the three like bottom line things that I focus on to have a successful week is there are so many things to get thrown at you throughout the week, especially the little humans in your life, you may be navigating different types of emotions, different things that are going on, and you don't know how you're gonna feel. I was at a retreat this last week, and one of the women that spoke talked a lot about how we feel depending on where we're at in our cycle as women and I'm not going to dive deep on that today, because I don't know a lot about it. But I encourage you to look into it and see okay, am I setting myself up for success based on really where I'm even at physically. But the things that helped me outside of that is making sure that I have three priorities a day. And that's it. And of course my to do list is super long. But throughout my day, I make sure that I only have three priorities and only one in each category of my life. So the three that I choose to focus on are personal, professional and family. Now you might put home in there or something else that's important to you. But I only focus on three priorities today, what is my personal priority for me as a human outside of all the other titles that I carry? What is my priority as a family and have I communicated that to the other people in my family that's a priority, and then professionally, only one thing a day that I have to get done in each of those categories. And again, if you knock those out and you're on fire, then you I'm sure have a to do list that's overflowing that you can go back to but then I can look at my day and go okay, I only have three things for today to be successful. How can I make those three things happen? So a couple examples might be okay one example is that If I personally move my body as a family, I want to make sure that we take a family walk, or we spend 15 minutes sitting on the ground together all playing at the same time, a professional goal, maybe something like, I need to send an email to XYZ and send a follow up here, okay? So those can be the three boxes that you check, you can get those three things done and your day. So that allows me to really show up and say, Okay, that's all I have to get done. Today, I'm going to focus my success there. Now, in order to figure out what those priorities are, we have to do a little bit more digging, because you can put priorities together, but if they don't actually fit your needs, then they're not going to feel very good. Okay, and you're still not going to feel accomplish. So some of the questions I like to ask myself is what would make me happy this week? So as we go into this new week, ask yourself that question tonight, and sit with yourself and say, What would make me happy this week? And then what stressors can you avoid? So when you look at your calendar, you look at all the appointments you have coming up? There's one right off the bat that you're like, Oh, I am not looking forward to that? Do you have to do that? Is there any way you can get out of it? And if you can't, I like to call this book ending the hard days, right? So if you have an appointment on your calendar that you're like, This is not going to be fun. I'm not looking forward to that. Maybe it's something you have to do for your job you're in, or just something that you have to commit to one, figure out how you can maybe avoid that in the future. But if you're already in this spot, how can you book end it with things that make you feel good? So if you like getting your nails done? Can you get your nails done that day? Or can you go for a walk? Can you watch a show that day? What are the ideas that you can put in your day so that you can say okay, that doesn't sound fun or look good, but I'm going to make sure I insert joy in my day in this way. So not something that brings me down. And then how can you prep food be with the people that light you up? What are the things that stress you up? So I think of my week, I know that I always am set up for success more if I have practiced it in the house, something that I can grab, it doesn't have to be this elaborate like beautifully curated dish that you may see online. For me, that means I have some berries that are washed in the fridge, right? I like to prep bell peppers, things like that. I like to make sure I have snacks for the kids, that I have coffee for myself if I want it. So making sure that you have the things in your house that are going to make you feel good. And if you don't work in your house, then be able to pack things up and take them with you wherever you're going. Because when you have to rely on being able to go grab food at work or hoping that you can pull some things together for leftovers, and you don't feel like making dinner that night before and then you don't have the leftovers you counted on and you're not gonna have anything. So this allows you to really just check those boxes, make sure that you're setting yourself up for success regardless of what life throws at you. flurry of harder speaks sometimes about Maslow's hierarchy of needs. And if you're not familiar with what that is, then give it a Google today and check it out. But basically, is the idea of that we have these different levels of needs. And it shows a triangle. And at the bottom is your air food, water, shelter, sleep, clothing, those types of things. Now, most of us that are here today, listening on Instagram at 10am have that level of need. Second is safety. So it's your physical safety, employment resources, those sorts of things. So I want to talk about the next two and the top. So the third is love and belonging. And I believe one of the in belonging comes from how others treat you and how you see yourself. But in order to really be able to hit that need this week, you have to identify what it would feel like for you to feel loved or belong to this week, and how you can communicate that to those around you. Okay, we have a podcast episode coming out this week about expectations and boundaries. And it is really important for you to communicate things people can't read your mind. And often you can't even read your own mind. So that means that you have to ask yourself questions. So when I talked about earlier, what would make me happy to speak think about what would make me feel loved this week or belong? Do you need to send a friend a text? Do you need to find a way to hang out with someone that lights you up? Do you need to jump on our coworking call tomorrow for mana high schools and find some new friends? What are the things that you need to do this week to truly light yourself up and find that love find those different levels of needs. I want to wrap this up and recap the most important things for you to do this week. As you step into this week, grab a piece of paper if you have one right by you right now. Great. And write down what would feel really good this week. What would make me so happy this week? Pick 123 things. And if you want to pick one for each of those categories, personal professional and family, you can do that too. And then take a look at your calendar this week. Take a look at your calendar last week. Think about the things that don't bring you joy. How can you avoid those or how Can you insert more joy into that day without showing up to make sure that you have a positive day. And then you can either set this up for the whole week, or you can just focus on today, whatever feels better for you. But set three daily priorities each day, when you wake up in the morning, take five minutes, set three daily priorities, what is your personal priority, professional or career or home, and then family. Okay. So, send me a DM if you want me to help you walk you through this. And let me know what your three priorities are and how I can support you share with a friend and accountability partner. And then let's check in with each other. I strongly believe that when you compare your day back down to just those three priorities, you're gonna see yourself have so much more success throughout your week. Now, when you're ready to dig a little deeper, let me know and we'll go from there, but start there. Okay. I love you so much. I hope you have a great day. And I hope to see you tomorrow morning on our co working on goal tracking call. And it's a great place to truly set these things up. Get them organized, if they're not already organized, and then also check in and get support. And every time I feel off base. I come back to that. What are my three priorities for tonight. So key make sure you're communicating it to yourself and others. Alright, I love you guys so much. I hope you have a great day. I'll talk to mom in your life that you see and love her by sharing this episode. Giving while your cup is overflowing always pays itself back tenfold when you need it most.




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