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33: Everyday As Your Wake-Up Call
Episode 339th August 2023 • Mystical Sisterhood • Maureen Spielman
00:00:00 00:28:33

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Your host, Maureen Spielman, joins you today to talk about how you can shift the idea of a wake up call into an everyday practice. What if you didn’t wait for the big, seismic event to create change in your life? What if you took the signs and information coming from your intuition and knowings AND from the Universe as data for your growth and transformation? You are supported and let’s join together in looking for the magic in our everyday life in order to create the change we are wanting to put into place!

EPISODE TAKEAWAYS (what you’ll learn):

  • Traditional versus spiritual meanings of a wake up call
  • What forms the wake up calls can take in your life
  • What whispers of the Universe mean for you
  • New invitations to wake up every day of your life
  • Questions to ask yourself in response to life changes

About the Host:

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

Connect with Maureen:

● Check out her Instagram: @maureeenspielman

● Learn more about her work at

● Want to join our Mystical Sisterhood Membership community? Find out more here:

● Email Maureen at to inquire about coaching, podcasting & speaking engagements

● Want to view Mystical Sisterhood episodes? Visit the Mystical Sisterhood YouTube Channel here: Magical Sisterhood Youtube

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Maureen Spielman:

Hello and welcome back to mystical

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sisterhood. This is your host, Maureen Spielman. I'm excited to

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be with you here today with a solo episode called every day as

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your wake up call. So I talk a little bit about how often in

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life, we have the big wake up calls. But what if we took an

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invitation in our daily lives to wake up, and to treat it as our

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Awakener sort of celebrating what's right in front of us and

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leaning into the whispers of the universe more and more. So I'm

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really excited for you to listen and get your feedback. I want to

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thank you for being here and listening, and being a supporter

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of the podcast. If you haven't left a review yet, please do.

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And you can do that on Apple, if that's where you listen.

Maureen Spielman:

Otherwise, thanks for being here, and I'll see you in the

Maureen Spielman:

episode. Hey there, welcome to mystical sisterhood. This is

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your host, Maureen Spielman. I started the show to highlight

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the intuitives, healers and other courageous women that I've

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met along my journey and continue to meet. Through

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amazing interviews, I seek to ask insightful questions to

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uncover ways in which you the listener can apply the wisdom

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and knowledge to your own life. I believe that we're all in this

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together. So sharing healing and joy, and bringing community

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together is both my passion and purpose. If you'd like to learn

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more about the mystical sisterhood community I'm

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building, please visit www mystical See you

Maureen Spielman:

in the episode.

Maureen Spielman:

Welcome back to mystical sisterhood. This is your host,

Maureen Spielman:

Maureen Spielman. And today I come to you with a solo episode

Maureen Spielman:

about Wake Up Calls. So I wanted to talk about how we think about

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them, what they can mean for your life. And this idea or

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question that do we need to wait for them to practice connection

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to ourselves in alignment with our souls journey? Or do we take

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ownership of our experience today, and treat every day as a

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wake up call. So a traditional literal meaning, which I think

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is sort of funny and nostalgic, of a wake up call is when we're

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in a hotel, or a motel, and we would tell the front desk, I

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need a wake up call. And you would get if you remember it,

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maybe you were on a trip, and you needed to hit the road

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early. And you'd say I need the wake up call at 5am or 6am. I

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remember it more from my parents in that generation of growing

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up, that I do my own experience, although it was part of mine,

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too. But now we use cell phones, right? So what is that wake up

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call, it's coming from somewhere else, it's coming from the

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outside. And we'll talk about that, like how Wake Up Calls are

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from the universe when we think of them in the non literal sense

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of something that is here for us more for our awakening, perhaps

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on a spiritual level. So the way that in kind of common kind of

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language we think about Wake Up Calls is that it's something

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jarring or shocking, that happens to you in your life, in

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order to spiritually wake you up, or lead you to changes in

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your life. I think that most people would agree about the

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concept. Even if you don't feel like you've experienced a wake

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up call in your own life, something big that's happened.

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But if I kind of think about people in my own life, I know so

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many people who have this, this big cosmic two by fours,

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sometimes they refer to it as the Awakener. And also, when big

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things happen in our lives, that we we the eye of the beholder,

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get to say what they mean to us and derive our own lessons from

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them. So I was thinking like the eye of the beholder or the

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recipient that's getting the call. They get to say what it

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means. And it might just mean it's something that they need to

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get through because it's so hard to get through. And insight

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about that event might not come till later, or it might unfold

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over time. Because I think when wakeup calls come in, we're

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going to talk about what they can come in the form of they are

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very difficult to get through and require a lot of our

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resources like all hands on deck to kind of meet that Awakener in

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our lives. So wake up calls can come in the form of a diagnosis

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death of someone close to you death of a parent, loss of a

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job, someone leaving you, breakup or a divorce. It's

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basically when I think about these kinds of different things

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that happen to us, it's the loss of something very precious to

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you something that you knew to be true as your reality, that

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something on the outside occurs, that rocks your world. And so

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when these come in my life, they feel bigger than me, bigger than

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what I know what to do or have learned to do up to that moment.

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And here's one thing about them. In the moments, you might also

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have intuition about what needs to change in your life. And you

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may have that realization right away with a wake up call that

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you've experienced. But that might not change that quickly.

Maureen Spielman:

So I always think that you know, even if we do have these

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awakened errs and the wakeups and, and these things that are

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calling us to attend to ourselves, on perhaps a new and

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deeper level, things that are here for our growth and

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transformation, it's always with a very compassionate hand that

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we're holding with ourselves. And so if you have something on

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the outside, and you know, like, oh, my gosh, this needs to

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change in my life, that that might not occur in short order.

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And that's okay. Because it's here to alert you to something.

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So you can tend to your needs more deeply. Thoughts might come

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to you feelings definitely will. And I believe that it's about

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sitting back and becoming curious about how you respond

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that allows you to see possibly more clearly what is happening

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for you. And in the moment, it absolutely feels like it's

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happening to you. Because when they come in the form of a wake

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up call, I they can absolutely slay you knock you down, knock

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you out cold. And they can humble you beyond belief. I

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always used to think of when I was healing from my, you know,

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medical journey, and I went back to exercise, like, even the

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exercise alone, that I had been strong enough for in the past, I

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would always have this image of like, broke me down like I was

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on my knees. And that's kind of when a wake up call comes.

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That's what it feels like, so often. How do you feel about

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that? What have you felt in your life when these times have come?

Maureen Spielman:

A lot of people I think feel like totally just they go back

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to ground zero, they begin again, it's it's something that

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calls to us, we get to begin again. Because everything that

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you knew, whether it's for your health or real relationship, and

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the loss of someone dear to you, everything that you knew in that

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form falls away. So you might not realize it in the moment.

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But it becomes an invitation to recreate some aspect of your

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life experience itself often said that people awaken because

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of that major life event. Or they awaken on their own terms.

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So my teacher, Dr. Shefali, always used to talk about that

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in conscious parenting, like, When we awaken to new truths

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about ourselves, they can come in the form of something really

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big and that Aha, like, oh my gosh, like my world did fall

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apart in order to learn these lessons. But for some, and maybe

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more than ever, I'm not sure. People are just Awakening on

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their own terms, like just starting to go inward. There's

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so much information out there now, asking us deeper questions

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about ourselves than we've ever been asked. And it's such a

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beautiful thing. So that right there can lead to sort of a

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cracking open or a breaking open to wake up to a new reality and

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new revelations about our lives. Because we're all here to sort

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of live this fully expressed, engaged, aligned life. What are

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the things in our outside world that are coming to us to open up

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those possibilities? I was thinking, as I was writing this

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episode of the famous Rumi poem called Don't go back to sleep.

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I'm sure so many of you heard heard it, but I'm gonna just

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read it because it's short and sweet. And it's to the point and

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it says, The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you Don't go

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back to sleep, you must ask for what you really want. Don't go

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back to sleep, people are going back and forth across the door

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cell, where the two worlds touch, the door is round and

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open. Don't go back to sleep.

Maureen Spielman:

I love that. I'm often reminded of the don't go back to sleep. I

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think that oftentimes in our lives, I want to talk about the

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whispers that we get. But we get the whispers, and we go, Bill,

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go back to sleep. Because it's comfortable, it's so

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understandable that we'd go back to sleep, because we don't know

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what we don't know on the other side. And so we would rather

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stay in the comfort or we think we would then venture out into

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that the unknown on the other side. So I wanted to say before,

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I talked about universal whispers, that I see it

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happening before my eyes. And I'm wondering if you are too,

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I'm thinking about women's awakening, and taking the

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invitation to not go back to sleep for what is true and right

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for their lives. I recently put a shout out on my mystical

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sisterhood Facebook page. And if you're not a part of that,

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please seek it and request and join it. We have fun in there.

Maureen Spielman:

But I said I was looking for women to talk to me about their

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experiences at midlife. And I was really doing it largely to

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inform me about podcast topics and what women are going on. But

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what I realized, and I think it's part of my reason for being

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in doing the podcast is that I love love, love, love, love the

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conversations, I just love the conversations, that's part of my

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life's purpose and mission, to sit with people and hear their

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life stories. But I also was in awe. And I'll just say blown

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away by the conversations I've had so far. Because women are

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awakening in so many ways. These are the sharings of recounting

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something big happening in in their outer life. That is

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allowing them to rethink where they find themselves, how they

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spend the time, who they want to hang out with new careers, what

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they want to create new conversations, they want to have

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new boundaries, you name it, it's happening. I have to

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believe that it's happening for men too. I'm in conversation

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with fewer men's. I don't I don't have the pulse on that.

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But I believe it. And I believe it's happening for all of us.

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The wake ups and the whispers that don't have to come in

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something big. And I think it's happening for the kids too. And

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so the invitation for them to be in the conversation with us like

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let's not wait, let's not wait. So in the context of these

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bigger wake up calls, and even in in smaller ones that might

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come through, is there an opportunity to create an aligned

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life now. All right, this may not be true for everybody. But I

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think it might be that we all have places in our lives, where

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we're more in alignment than others. So maybe you have this

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amazing career, but struggle with your partner, perhaps you

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have a great relationship with your intimate inner circle. But

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you have a not so great relationship relating to your

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body, and struggling with self image and being enough with your

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body. So it can look a lot of different ways or where most of

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our areas are aligned. But there's that one thing. And so I

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bring that up because the things that come into our live lives

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are here to help us grow and transform and become more

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aligned. So if we have that place in our life that feels out

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of reach that feels like it will never be solved or you'll never

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figure it out or it plagues you or there's no way out. That's

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far from the truth. And there's invitations to look deeper in

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it. So I was thinking like, Can we agree that it's sort of

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universal that we might have some parts of our lives but then

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others that aren't as aligned? And if not, then it falls on me.

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It's just me. But I'm hoping that that resonates in some way.

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So while we might not first know why something is happening, even

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if it's like consistently happening in our outer world, it

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might be called calling us to ask what in my life may need

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care love and my attention? needs that compassionate ear

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that compassionate witness? Or what support do I desire to

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guide me now? So these are like awakening questions that that

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that that outer can help us ask ourselves, How can I become my

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biggest advocate and nurture? How can I let go of the outside

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world being this for me? So knowing that I'm 100%

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responsibility for answering these calls, the Wake Up Calls,

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answering kind of getting curious about what's in them for

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me, and taking responsibility. Hiring that therapist hiring

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that coach, getting that book, creating the conversation,

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joining the conversation, whatever it is, how can I let go

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of anything on the outside having to do that for myself?

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Asking yourself if you're open to new guidance and sources of

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information. I'm a big believer that anytime we put any of these

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questions out to the universe, it's echoing it's reverberating,

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it's vibrating out there. And the answer is, we'll be on the

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way to you. What practices continue to work for me, and

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what what practices need to go or what am I doing in my life,

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that's not serving me any longer. And that might be a

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habit that, that could be not getting enough sleep, it could

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be hanging under smoking, it could be gossiping too much,

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whatever it is, we all know, I mean, wake up calls do come in

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different forms. But I think sometimes we just know our

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intuition is like, jeez, like I, I knew for a long time that that

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was there for me to, to kind of get curious about and not have

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it part of my experience anymore. And wake up calls can

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make us look at areas of our life where you may be reaching

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Completion can be for a job or a relationship. Those are bigger,

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and those that's that leads me to that, you know, earlier when

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I was saying, you know, I might not know the answer now. But I'm

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willing to be with myself on this journey with compassion

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and, and as much present moment awareness as I can to come to

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the answer. But where this whole conversation leads me is this

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truth that the universe universe is here to support you and send

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you support constantly. And it's something that most of us were

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not conditioned to know or believe. So it can be a bit out

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there, this idea that the universe is here to support us

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as both a concept and a practice. But if we are, and

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this is where I come from, if we were on a souls journey, in this

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lifetime, that you are not just this human body, that you have a

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soul a spirit. And if you're on that souls journey in this

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lifetime, then we know that we're here to grow and learn as

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humans in this human form. And everything is here for our

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growth and transformation. A lot of people say that they have

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gotten whispers from the universe before that bigger wake

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up call. And I feel like I had some of those in my health

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journey, for sure. And they've been coming to me a lot this

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summer. As I created. I was calling the summer, my sacred

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summer, and I really cleared more space for myself. And when

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I cleared more space for myself more, more answers, not answers,

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like, Oh, here's the answer for you. But more information, I

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should say came to me. So I call those whispers. I've heard them

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called different names. But they're there. They're more

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subtle than that big wake up call. And

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I think that we're they're here for us, in order for us to grow

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and learn every day. And so the more we wake up to this truth

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that the universe is here to support us. And we were given

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the gift of intuition. That's coming from within us, coupled

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with I always say coupled with doing the emotional integration

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of past experiences. But these whispers are here. So we don't

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have to wait for the big big thing to come in order to begin

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to awaken. And the more awake we become to the whispers in our

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life. And that wow, you know that that's happening? Oh, I see

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that sign. Oh, this book was dropped in my lap. Oh, I chose

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that movie. Oh, this person called me for this conversation.

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They're all there and if we can stop being so busy And pause, we

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start to collect the data that's coming to us. That's here for

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our souls awakening. And I, that's I have gone through a big

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Awakener. And that did lead me to even sitting in this chair

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today recording this podcast, which is great. But it's there

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for us. And, you know, let's let's talk about them. Let's

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let's get curious about them, and bring it home, bring it to

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your home, you're inside, you're, you're deciphering,

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you're pulling in the information as to where you're

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going. So yeah, these whispers can look like synchronicities

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and messages. And I have to take a little, little step and say, I

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had a neat one come to me the other day. And I read about this

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Buddhist practice called the Buddha, sorry, the bodhichitta.

Maureen Spielman:

I almost said bodhichitta, it was called the bodhichitta. And

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I'm just gonna say it in its simplest form of how I

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understood it. So it was Friday afternoon. And I was having a

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nice day of more relaxing than usual. And I was reading a book,

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and I believe it was Pema sjogrens, when things fall

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apart, and a friend had recently given it to me for my birthday.

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And so I was sort of luxuriating reading the text and the book

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and this work of art. And she talks about the bodhichitta,

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which I understood as not walling ourselves off from the

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suffering and struggling in the world. And breathing, having a

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practice of breathing in the suffering, and then breathing

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out compassion to whatever group or individual so it's a way to,

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I feel like process and have a process to take in the suffering

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and breathe out the compassion for the world that we want to

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both create experience and see. So I just learned about this, I

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was sort of excited about it. And it was late afternoon, and I

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had my air conditioning, whole thing being replaced on Friday.

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And my daughter said, Mom, there's a little boy in the

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front yard. And he had run into my yard and collapsed in my

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yard, which is so crazy. And he had he had been running from

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somewhere in the community and he collapsed on my front porch

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and, or my front yard and the air conditioning guys. were

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tending to them. And they were calling the police. And my

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daughter said, Mom Come out and see this. And, you know or be

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with this and the little boy was distraught. And it turned out he

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had run away. He was saying that he had experienced someone

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trying to kidnap them. And a lot of things were coming from the

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little boy. But it turned out that he had run away from our

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local foster home and was landed, I will just leave it at

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that on my front porch in in like a very heightened state.

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And he was taken and taken care of and it was quickly deduce

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that he had to run away. But I couldn't help but think like, oh

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my gosh, Maureen, you just read this bodhichitta. And then this

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boy, this young boy, you know, in need of so much compassion

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and understanding shows up on your front porch. I mean, it was

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like, wow, so the universe, though, an old version of me

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would be like, Oh, that's a cool book, you know, put it down what

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a concept. But I could see that the universe gave it to me right

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there to awaken something in me, and then actually use this for

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this young soul. And so that kind of blew me away. But I

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think the more that we're awake and someone said it on, on that

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mystical sisterhood page, I had said something like, oh my gosh,

Maureen Spielman:

like, I can't believe this happen. And she said, And if

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she's listening, she knows who she is. She said, Oh, I expect

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those synchronous synchronicities more than I

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don't. And when we start to lean in, and, you know, treat every

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day as this wake up call, and we're listening deeply and

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intently and with intention, we begin to see that so much is

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here for us. And, you know, I want to say that for me, that I

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at one point was partly asleep to the signs. But now I know

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that these are all occurring in my daily life and right in front

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of my eyes to guide me to my answers in my truth. So I want

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to say to that I think that the whisperings I think we do know,

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but so much in our lives we we suppress or we numb out, or we

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don't fully allow ourselves to come into the conversation. And

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so this is an invitation to remind each other of this magic,

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the truth, the information is plentiful, and abundant, and

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that you are invited to tune into it as much as you can take

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nothing for granted. And it's all here for you to plant the

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seeds, seeds, nourish your soul, and grow. And, you know, the

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conversations are here for you. I tried to bring these

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conversations forth in the podcast, I am realizing that

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part of what I like to do here is bring in conversations that

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feel innovative, that feel like you have one walk away of one

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question that touched your soul, that it helps you be in closer

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conversation with yourself, with your community, with your

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intimate partners and with the universe. And so I see that all

Maureen Spielman:

happening. And I will put out the invitation for you that

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these are the kinds of conversations that we're having

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in the mystical sisterhood membership. And by going to

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mystical, you can find out more information, you

Maureen Spielman:

can always email me at hello at Maureen But I want

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to be in conversation with you to find out what's important in

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your life. And if you've had big wake up calls, if you listen to

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the daily whispers and information that it's right

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there for you. Learning your experience engaging with you. I

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think being side by side in this sisterhood is super important

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for all of us. So I see you changing and growing. And I say

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the more the merrier. So think about joining us in the

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membership, I'd love to have you and we meet once live weekly.

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There are many resources for you. There's a foundational

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course, all for a monthly investment. And it's just a

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great place to be having conversation and growing what we

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want to grow. So that's there for you. And as always, I give

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you the biggest thank you from my heart for listening today. As

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long as you lasted if you lasted to this point, amazing. And

Maureen Spielman:

yeah, I just see you and I hear you and I love connecting with

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you. If you have any thoughts about the podcast or things that

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you want to hear about, you can email me as well at Hello at

Maureen Spielman:

Maureen I will see you in the next episode and have

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a great rest of the week. Thanks for listening to this episode of

Maureen Spielman:

mystical sisterhood. If you love what you heard, please visit

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Apple podcast and subscribe and leave a review and share with a

Maureen Spielman:

friend if you're called to do so. To learn more about my one

Maureen Spielman:

on one coaching programs, or join the mystical sisterhood

Maureen Spielman:

membership. Visit Maureen or mystical

Maureen Spielman: Thanks so much. I'll see you in the next




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