Melissa Brown, MD - Coach, Author, Speaker, Teacher, and Podcast Host.
After leaving medical practice in 2009, Melissa discovered the online world and never looked back! After coach certification, she began a healthy lifestyle coaching practice online and quickly fell in love with blogging, writing, and content marketing.
Melissa believes that coaches have the power to change the world. Unfortunately, too many coaches get discouraged by the amount of content they need to create for marketing their business and this can lead to overwhelm and giving up on their dreams. There's such a ripple effect when a dream dies, so Melissa is on a mission to help coaches and solopreneurs overcome the overwhelm when it comes to content creation so they keep those dreams alive.
Your content can impact massive amounts of people and positively change the world. You've got content in there inside you; let's get it out into the world.
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Hello there, Content Creators.
Melissa Brown:You're listening to the She's Got Content podcast where it's all about creating
Melissa Brown:content for your coaching business.
Melissa Brown:I'm your host, Dr.
Melissa Brown:Melissa Brown, and I'm here every week to help you get your content out of your
Melissa Brown:head, out of your heart, and out there into the world where that information and
Melissa Brown:your services can impact the most people.
Melissa Brown:Get ready to take notes today and then take action, Content Creators.
Melissa Brown:Let's dive in with today's episode because you've got content to get out there.
Melissa Brown:Hello, Content Creators.
Melissa Brown:Welcome back to another episode of She's Got Content Podcast.
Melissa Brown:You know, I've been reflecting on gratitude since we've just passed through
Melissa Brown:the seasonal holiday of gratitude and appreciation here in the US, otherwise
Melissa Brown:known as the holiday of Thanksgiving.
Melissa Brown:There's a quote I'm reminded of by the American author, William Faulkner.
Melissa Brown:And he said " Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity.
Melissa Brown:It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all."
Melissa Brown:Hmm.
Melissa Brown:Produced and discharged.
Melissa Brown:You know, that phrase kind of stuck with me.
Melissa Brown:Used up to exist?
Melissa Brown:Now that's an interesting concept.
Melissa Brown:I'm gonna interpret that to mean we need to express our gratitude for
Melissa Brown:it to actually exist in the world.
Melissa Brown:How good is feeling grateful if I'm keeping that all to myself?
Melissa Brown:While feeling the energy of gratitude is certainly empowering to me as an
Melissa Brown:individual when I hold that gratitude inside, it certainly doesn't have
Melissa Brown:the same impact as if I express it and I share it with others.
Melissa Brown:Particularly share it with those for whom I am grateful.
Melissa Brown:That leads me to another favorite quote that I wanna share with you today.
Melissa Brown:Some more food for thought.
Melissa Brown:This one's attributed to William Arthur Ward.
Melissa Brown:He was an American motivational writer, and he is possibly the most quoted
Melissa Brown:American writer of inspirational maxims.
Melissa Brown:Who knew that?
Melissa Brown:Anyway, Ward said this, "Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like
Melissa Brown:wrapping a present, and not giving it."
Melissa Brown:Let me say that again.
Melissa Brown:Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a
Melissa Brown:present and then not giving it.
Melissa Brown:Wow.
Melissa Brown:That landed heavy with me.
Melissa Brown:How about you, Content Creators?
Melissa Brown:So gratitude is like electricity.
Melissa Brown:It's got to be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist.
Melissa Brown:And by that, it means getting it out there in the world, expressing your
Melissa Brown:gratitude and not leaving it as a present all wrapped up with a bow, all
Melissa Brown:beautiful in its presentation, but never delivered to the one it's intended for.
Melissa Brown:So today I wanna talk about how you can easily and quickly deliver
Melissa Brown:that beautiful gift of gratitude that only you can deliver.
Melissa Brown:And did you know, that what you give away in generosity, it returns to you
Melissa Brown:in ways you can't even begin to count.
Melissa Brown:As Tony Robbins said, "When you are grateful, fear disappears
Melissa Brown:and abundance appears."
Melissa Brown:So today I've got 10 ways here for you to share your gratitude content creators.
Melissa Brown:And the cool thing is that you're probably doing at least
Melissa Brown:some of these things already.
Melissa Brown:True, you may not be doing them consistently with regularity, or there
Melissa Brown:may be some ideas here that you discover that hadn't yet crossed your mind
Melissa Brown:as a way to express your gratitude.
Melissa Brown:Number one.
Melissa Brown:One of the easiest things for you to do to show your gratitude for
Melissa Brown:someone who is a fellow coach or a marketer if you've worked with them,
Melissa Brown:is to offer them a testimonial.
Melissa Brown:What online or in-person courses have you bought and completed recently?
Melissa Brown:Who have you learned from and what have they taught you?
Melissa Brown:What has been possible for you after working or learning from this person?
Melissa Brown:Have you written or videotaped a testimonial and shared what you got
Melissa Brown:from the lessons in somebody's course?
Melissa Brown:Don't wait to be asked for your review or feedback.
Melissa Brown:Send a testimonial to the creator as a matter of habit from now
Melissa Brown:on, and it doesn't have to be only those courses you paid for.
Melissa Brown:It could be courses or templates, planners and checklists that you got
Melissa Brown:value from, whether they were paid products or free, or from a bundle
Melissa Brown:or a giveaway or even a lead magnet.
Melissa Brown:What coaches or mentors have helped you on your journey?
Melissa Brown:Writing down in your own words what that has meant to you to have worked with that
Melissa Brown:person is an absolute gift to them, and it will help other people know the value
Melissa Brown:of their work when they read your review.
Melissa Brown:Number two, have you done book reviews on Amazon, giving feedback to the authors
Melissa Brown:about the books you've read and the golden nuggets you've gleaned from their writing?
Melissa Brown:I don't know about you, but I always look at the Amazon reviews before I buy a book.
Melissa Brown:I wanna read others' insights about the book and then make a
Melissa Brown:decision based on what they say.
Melissa Brown:Number three, how about product reviews?
Melissa Brown:What are some software products that you use all the time?
Melissa Brown:How has using that software made your life or what you do easier or better?
Melissa Brown:Software as a service product creators are always looking
Melissa Brown:for feedback and testimonials.
Melissa Brown:What other products have you found helpful in any aspect of your life
Melissa Brown:or business that you could review and then leave positive feedback about?
Melissa Brown:This would be such a great gift to give the creator of that product
Melissa Brown:and again, it's a gift for anyone else looking to decide about
Melissa Brown:purchasing that item in the future.
Melissa Brown:Number four, do you regularly review and leave ratings for podcast shows you enjoy?
Melissa Brown:I am such an avid podcast listener.
Melissa Brown:There are a number of shows I listen to every week.
Melissa Brown:Something really surprised me though, when I go to leave reviews for these
Melissa Brown:popular shows, I discovered that other people just aren't making it a priority
Melissa Brown:to leave reviews and ratings for podcasts.
Melissa Brown:As a podcaster now, I'm so aware of how important it is to get reviews
Melissa Brown:and ratings, and because of this newfound awareness, I'm really
Melissa Brown:stepping up my game to leave reviews for other podcasts that I enjoy.
Melissa Brown:Remember, if you're not expressing your attitude of gratitude and
Melissa Brown:your thankfulness for others and their work, it's like wrapping
Melissa Brown:up a gift and not delivering it.
Melissa Brown:So I'm now on a mission to wrap up and deliver a lot of gifts
Melissa Brown:to other content creators in my world by leaving these reviews.
Melissa Brown:And I would love for you to be on that mission to gift other content
Melissa Brown:creators with your gratitude too.
Melissa Brown:Start or continue to leave reviews and ratings for podcasts you
Melissa Brown:love and listen to every week.
Melissa Brown:And I would love it if you would start with the She's Got Content podcast!
Melissa Brown:Number five.
Melissa Brown:For these same reasons, you're gonna want to leave reviews, ratings and
Melissa Brown:comments on YouTube videos where the creator has taught you something or
Melissa Brown:shared something inspirational or motivational that really touched you.
Melissa Brown:There's a lot of effort that goes into creating that video content.
Melissa Brown:Showing your gratitude for content you enjoy, it doesn't take much time.
Melissa Brown:It just takes a minute to comment and give some feedback.
Melissa Brown:Number six.
Melissa Brown:Blog comments are another way to show your appreciation and gratitude.
Melissa Brown:A thoughtful comment about the content or how it impacted you, that's such a gift to
Melissa Brown:the author and it will be so appreciated.
Melissa Brown:You're also getting some visibility for your own website when you leave comments
Melissa Brown:on other WordPress blogs, so this is a win-win situation for you when you
Melissa Brown:comment on other bloggers' posts, too.
Melissa Brown:And don't forget about the value of sharing others' work,
Melissa Brown:whether it's a podcast episode, a YouTube video, blog post.
Melissa Brown:You're showing the creator great appreciation for that work they did.
Melissa Brown:And you're also introducing others to that creator when you share it.
Melissa Brown:Number seven.
Melissa Brown:How often do you hit reply to other marketers' emails?
Melissa Brown:Just to tell them you appreciated a story in that email or you really
Melissa Brown:liked something about their offer.
Melissa Brown:Or you hit reply to respond to their call to action at the end of the email.
Melissa Brown:You know where they pose a question and ask you to respond.
Melissa Brown:That's usually something like, I'm curious what you think of this X, Y,
Melissa Brown:or Z thing that they just wrote about.
Melissa Brown:Do you go into silent mode or do you hit reply and then answer the question?
Melissa Brown:If you're sending out emails to a list of people yourself, you know
Melissa Brown:how gratifying it is to have other people respond to your emails.
Melissa Brown:So spark some gratitude vibrations by hitting that reply button and
Melissa Brown:respond to others' emails with some appreciation and thankfulness.
Melissa Brown:Number eight.
Melissa Brown:Do you post gratitude comments on others' social media posts?
Melissa Brown:It's easy enough to hit the like icon, but it really increases the overall
Melissa Brown:vibrational energy when you post a comment in response to others' social media posts.
Melissa Brown:You don't have to spend a ton of time on social media responding to others' posts.
Melissa Brown:Set a reasonable amount of time, or a number of comments you
Melissa Brown:wanna make, and then move on after that limit's been reached.
Melissa Brown:There's no need to fear getting sucked into a social media black
Melissa Brown:hole that you can't escape from.
Melissa Brown:Set your boundaries and respect them when you're on social media.
Melissa Brown:Mindfulness is the name of the game, so set a timer for yourself if you need to.
Melissa Brown:Number nine.
Melissa Brown:Endorse someone's skills on LinkedIn.
Melissa Brown:You likely have lots of connections on the LinkedIn platform.
Melissa Brown:Give them some love.
Melissa Brown:Have you worked with a coach and you're both connected on LinkedIn?
Melissa Brown:Endorse their coaching skills.
Melissa Brown:Have you collaborated with someone on a project?
Melissa Brown:Endorse their organizational skills or whatever skills they
Melissa Brown:have showing on their profile that you can speak to authentically.
Melissa Brown:One caveat here, you can only endorse someone's skills that they've already
Melissa Brown:listed on their profile skill section.
Melissa Brown:And this brings to mind that you'll wanna set your own skills
Melissa Brown:on your LinkedIn profile so that others can endorse you as well.
Melissa Brown:And number 10, the last one that I wanna mention.
Melissa Brown:You might not think of it as a form of gratitude.
Melissa Brown:. I'm talking about making affiliate recommendations for
Melissa Brown:others' products and services.
Melissa Brown:When you're recommending that other people check out a product or a service
Melissa Brown:through your affiliate links, you're endorsing and staking your reputation
Melissa Brown:on this recommendation and the quality of the thing or the person you recommend.
Melissa Brown:This is a great way to show your respect and appreciation for
Melissa Brown:something or someone's services that you know to be a great value.
Melissa Brown:They're sound products, and you actually get back a monetary
Melissa Brown:thank you for recommending these things you actually love and use.
Melissa Brown:So don't muddy the water by recommending just any and everything as an affiliate.
Melissa Brown:Do your due diligence and make these recommendations strategically to honor
Melissa Brown:great work out there in the world.
Melissa Brown:So there you have 10 ways to show your gratitude and appreciation and
Melissa Brown:put that energy out into the world.
Melissa Brown:Let's quickly recap those 10 ways to express your gratitude.
Melissa Brown:Number one.
Melissa Brown:Give testimonials to coaches and course or digital product creators.
Melissa Brown:Number two.
Melissa Brown:Book reviews.
Melissa Brown:Number three.
Melissa Brown:Product reviews.
Melissa Brown:Number four.
Melissa Brown:Podcast ratings and reviews and shares.
Melissa Brown:Number five.
Melissa Brown:YouTube ratings, reviews, and shares.
Melissa Brown:Number six.
Melissa Brown:Blog comments and shares.
Melissa Brown:Number seven.
Melissa Brown:Respond to other marketers emails.
Melissa Brown:Number eight.
Melissa Brown:Social media comments and likes.
Melissa Brown:Number nine.
Melissa Brown:LinkedIn skill endorsements.
Melissa Brown:And number 10.
Melissa Brown:Affiliate recommendations.
Melissa Brown:And here's another very important consideration for
Melissa Brown:expressing your gratitude.
Melissa Brown:By starting this type of a regular practice for gratitude and showing
Melissa Brown:appreciation for others, you're also making yourself more visible.
Melissa Brown:Each endorsement, testimonial, comment, feedback thread you comment
Melissa Brown:on-- all of these things are linked to your name, your accounts on
Melissa Brown:social media, if that's where you're commenting, and your website when you
Melissa Brown:leave comments on others' blog posts.
Melissa Brown:This is just another positive benefit for starting this type of gratitude
Melissa Brown:practice to express your appreciation.
Melissa Brown:Expressing gratitude is a gift.
Melissa Brown:It's a gift of building blocks.
Melissa Brown:These building blocks build a bridge to abundance in your life.
Melissa Brown:If you could use more abundance in your world, then start now getting
Melissa Brown:into the habit of sharing the gift of your personal appreciation.
Melissa Brown:Your future self will thank you, and all those folks you express your gratitude
Melissa Brown:towards certainly will thank you, too.
Melissa Brown:Thanks for tuning in content creators.
Melissa Brown:Until next week, be sure to get your content and your gratitude
Melissa Brown:expressed and out into the world.
Melissa Brown:People are looking to find you and what you offer.
Melissa Brown:The more expert content you have out there, the easier it will be for them
Melissa Brown:to home in on you and locate you.
Melissa Brown:Have a productive week.
Melissa Brown:Thank you for tuning into this episode of the She's Got Content podcast.
Melissa Brown:I hope you got at least one nugget to take action on this week.
Melissa Brown:If you got value from today's episode, I would be so grateful
Melissa Brown:when you leave a five star rating wherever you listen to podcasts.
Melissa Brown:It only takes a second and it really helps me get my message out
Melissa Brown:to impact even more people so they can in turn, keep the ripple going.
Melissa Brown:If you're listening on Apple Podcast and leave a review of the show, it
Melissa Brown:would really make my day, and you just might receive a shout out on
Melissa Brown:the show as my content creator of the week when I read out your review.
Melissa Brown:And last but never least, if you want an endless supply of just right ideas for
Melissa Brown:content, you can write about for your blog post, your emails, your videos,
Melissa Brown:podcast episodes, all the content things, then you wanna head over to my
Melissa Brown:website at and pick up your free workbook,
Melissa Brown:Never Run Out of Content Ideas.
Melissa Brown:Look for that link in the show notes today along with the other
Melissa Brown:links mentioned in today's episode.
Melissa Brown:Until next time, content creators, you've got an audience waiting to hear from you
Melissa Brown:and you've got content to share with them.
Melissa Brown:Stop being the best kept secret and make a bigger impact when you've