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Make Friends With Fear - Ep: 078
Episode 7830th January 2022 • She Coaches Coaches • Candy Motzek | Life & Business Coach
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Learn how to normalize fear and even make friends with it. Listen in and discover three characteristics of fear and three ways to deal with it so you can create the life and business you dream of.

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Candy Motzek:

Welcome to she coaches coaches. I'm your host,

Candy Motzek:

Kandi motsek. And I'm going to help you find the clarity,

Candy Motzek:

confidence and courage to become the coach that you are meant to

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be. If you're a new coach, or if you've always wanted to be a

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life coach, then this is the place for you. We're going to

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talk all about mindset and strategies and how to, because

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step by step only works when you have the clarity, courage and

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confidence to take action. Let's get started. Today, we're gonna

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talk about how to make friends with fear. Yeah, a different

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kind of conversation.

Candy Motzek:

I know. And the reason that I want to talk about this is

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because I still know how much we all struggle with fear often on,

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you know, depending on where I'm at with my business, or what's

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going on in the world, I struggle with fear. And I know

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you do, too. So let's dive right in. Let's start this thing about

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what is fear? Do you notice how we assume that fear has control

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over us, and then we do everything in our power to avoid

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feeling scared, and everything in our power to do anything that

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might make us feel scared. And so a lot of times, you might

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want to avoid this conversation, avoid the topic entirely. But

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you guys are courageous, I know you can handle this, you might

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get busy, you might procrastinate. You might work on

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making something perfect. So you never have to release it. You

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may want to get those words just right before you say them. If

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you want to have a conversation with somebody, you might just

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hesitate. Fear shows up in a lot of different ways. And in the

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previous episode, I talked about the five phases of fear, I

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highly recommend you go and have a listen to that one too. We

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allow it to hold us back from helping the people we were meant

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to help and helping ourselves to live the life that we are meant

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to live. When I think of fear, there are three things that I

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realized about how to make friends with fear. And even if

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you don't want to make friends with fear, how about if we just

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learn to tolerate fear? So instead of spending a whole

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bunch of time resisting and avoiding and trying to hold it

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at arm's length, let's do what we can. The first thing, fear is

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completely normal. It's an emotion, we experience emotions.

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When we go back to why do we have that emotion? Why do we

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experience fear, it's because of a chemical reaction is because

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of evolution. And our body has evolved to take care of us. We

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often will experience one of the four F's fight, flight, fawn, or

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freeze, those are all stress responses. But they often show

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up when we're experiencing fear. When we're doing something, or

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anticipating or seeing something that we think is dangerous. We

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get it, our mind experiences fear, and it thinks that we're

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in danger. So what's really going on, it's normal that you

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want to resist, it's normal that you want to avoid feeling fear,

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because it means that you're in danger. And your body and your

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mind is just trying to help you out. Now for most of us, we

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don't really have that much danger in our lives. We're not

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really concerned about being physically hurt. We're not

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really concerned about getting eaten by a lion, or attacked by

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a grizzly bear. Some of us do have true danger in our life.

Candy Motzek:

And in this case, your fear is a helpful thing, helping you to be

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alert and helping you to move to safety. But for many of us and

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many of the things in our life, it is not a real physical

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danger. So when we think first that fear is normal, that it's a

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reaction of our mind and body that's going to help you. The

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second is that we're always going to experience fear anytime

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we try something new. And again is for the same reason we think

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something's wrong is going to happen. We've never tried it

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before. It's new, it's unknown. So again, totally natural that

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our body and mind reacts. We feel scared. And so we resist

Candy Motzek:

and in the resisting of the fear, we allow it to have power

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over us. But think about what your life has been up until now.

Candy Motzek:

You've tried new things, you know how to walk, you didn't

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know how to walk when you were born, you probably know how to

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cook dinner. But you didn't know how to do that when you were a

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little one, you probably graduated from high school or

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university, you probably went on a first date with somebody,

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every one of those new things, you probably felt some fear at

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the start, it may have been coupled with excitement, and

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excitement and fear, have a real similar feeling in your body.

Candy Motzek:

Some of us are excited about being excited. And so it makes

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it easier to overcome. Some of us interpret that feeling as

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fear and really feel the fear. So maybe you had to have an

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uncomfortable conversation with your boss. We've all done things

Candy Motzek:

for the first time before. It's a weird trick our mind likes to

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do. It wants us to forget that we have actually done things

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that were scary before. And now they're part of your normal,

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everyday life. So it's normal to feel afraid when you're trying

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something new. And then we forget that we used to be afraid

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of that thing. Maybe you were scared when you had your first

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class at university. And then after a couple of weeks, it was

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no big deal. You just go in the class, you sit down, you sit

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close to some people that you've met. And that's just the way you

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are, that's the way life is. And you completely forgot how scared

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you were at the start. So that's one of those things that fear

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likes to do with us. It likes to play it out little mind game, we

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forget that we have done things that are scary. We forget that

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we are courageous beings. Remember those things that were

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first we were scared at first, and we did them, we showed up

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that is courage in action. So fear is normal, it is a normal

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reaction. And fear is normal when we're trying something new.

Candy Motzek:

And the third thing is that we forget, we forget that we were

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scared. We forget that we were nervous, we forget that we were

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worried all those things, right? The first is for you to remember

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that this is a reaction to a situation, either imagined

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situation or a real situation. But it's still a reaction. It's

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not who you are, it is a reaction you are having. You are

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not fear, you are an individual, and you are experiencing a

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feeling of fear. So instead of internalizing and resisting, you

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can keep the power of fear much lower, and start to get a little

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bit friendly with it when you realize that it's not who you

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are, that it is a passing thing. And then more than likely,

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you've had courage in the past, and you have forgotten about it.

Candy Motzek:

So now, let's talk very briefly about how to make friends with

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fear. The first thing is that you can do this is you say to

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yourself, you normalize it, you say Oh, alright, you know that

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this is a new thing. No wonder I'm feeling nervous. It's

Candy Motzek:

completely normal for me to feel nervous. Perfect example, me

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with this podcast. I wanted to do a podcast for years. And then

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it took me forever to get over that nervousness. Well, now

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we're on episode 78. Can you believe it? 78 It's just the

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thing that I do. I've made friends with that fear. I moved

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forward anyway. And I know you can too. So you could tell

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yourself Oh, right. You know what? This is normal is just my

Candy Motzek:

body and mind trying to keep me safe. So that's one of those

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things that fear likes to do with us. It likes to play it

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out. Little mind game. We forget that we have done things that

Candy Motzek:

are scary. We forget that we are courageous beings. Remember

Candy Motzek:

those things that were first we were scared at first and we did

Candy Motzek:

them. We showed up that is courage in action. So fear is

Candy Motzek:

normal. It is a normal reaction. And fear is normal when we're

Candy Motzek:

trying something new. And the third thing is that we forget,

Candy Motzek:

we forget that we were scared. We forget that we were maybe

Candy Motzek:

your goal is to start a coaching practice. Maybe your goal is to

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sign your first five coaching clients. Maybe your goal is who

Candy Motzek:

knows what to be a full booked a six figure coach. So instead of

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always thinking in the granular place of what it's going to be

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like a year from now, when you're a fully booked coach, and

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you're spent all that time imagining all the scary things

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you're going to have to do between now and the next year,

Candy Motzek:

take it down, break it down into small, little itty bitty steps,

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micro steps, even if you have to. So instead of saying, Oh, my

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gosh, I'm here and I have so far to go break it down into the

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small steps. What is one little thing you could do? What's that

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next little thing you can do? And then you'll find that if you

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take those steps small enough, they're not nearly as

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terrifying. Instead of going so far out of your comfort zone,

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you're only just pressing the edge of your comfort zone. And

Candy Motzek:

those little steps can be done quick as a wink, just like that

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done. Five minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, one minute.

Candy Motzek:

Sometimes it's as fast as pressing send on that email.

Candy Motzek:

Sometimes it might only even be a couple of seconds, right? So

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you take it, you break it down into the small steps, the

Candy Motzek:

manageable micro steps, then you look.

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Then, when you've done that thing, give yourself a pat on

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the back, say, Yeah, I did it, take satisfaction, even delight

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in checking that item off your list. So if you keep doing those

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little micro steps, before you know it, you're going to be so

Candy Motzek:

far down the path, you're going to be so far closer to that

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goal. And because you're just pressing on the edge of your

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comfort zone, instead of way over taking the giant leap,

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you've managed fear, you've made friends with the small little

Candy Motzek:

steps instead of getting stuck. And you're going to have

Candy Motzek:

forgotten about how scared you were at the beginning. So

Candy Motzek:

remember, the three characteristics of fear, the

Candy Motzek:

first fear is normal, and we're going to experience that, number

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two, we will always experience it. And we will give it way more

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power when we resist it. The third is we forget, we forget

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that there are things that we do today that are no big deal that

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used to make us feel scared. And then to make friends with fear,

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remind yourself fear is normal. It's part of the human

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condition. This is just my mind and my body acting up trying to

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keep me safe. The second step to make friends with fear is

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separate you from your fear, separate the you who you are

Candy Motzek:

from the emotion. The third, to make friends with fear is take

Candy Motzek:

tiny little actions that move you relentlessly forward. When

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you're feeling nervous, you're going to just keep going to the

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next tiny action and the next tiny action.

Candy Motzek:

And finally, in all of this, remember to be proud of

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yourself. Remember to acknowledge your own

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accomplishments. Remember to celebrate your wins. So you

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might look at it and say, Hey, look at this. I go to the gym

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four times a week now. And I used to be scared to walk in the

Candy Motzek:

front door. Now I walk in the door like it's no big deal. I

Candy Motzek:

know the equipment. I know the people, I have a smile on your

Candy Motzek:

face. Give yourself credit for all that stuff you have already

Candy Motzek:

done. Remind yourself of all those things that you used to be

Candy Motzek:

scared of, that you have overcome that you have

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forgotten. Remind yourself, when you do that, you're going to

Candy Motzek:

remember that you are courageous, and that you are so

Candy Motzek:

much more capable than you give yourself credit for. So I'm so

Candy Motzek:

glad you're here. And I hope you take this episode and apply it

Candy Motzek:

in your life. I've got one more little thing. If you've always

Candy Motzek:

been curious about what it takes to become a successful coach.

Candy Motzek:

I've got something that I wrote for you. It's called The

Candy Motzek:

Ultimate Guide to Becoming a professional coach. I've put a

Candy Motzek:

link in the Episode Notes and I'd encourage you to go and

Candy Motzek:

download it and have a read especially if this is something

Candy Motzek:

that you have been dreaming of for months or years. I don't

Candy Motzek:

want to hold you back. I want to help and any way that I can to

Candy Motzek:

fulfill your dream. So download that guide and have a read. And

Candy Motzek:

if you want even more help, maybe you've had enough of

Candy Motzek:

trying to figure it all out on your own. Maybe you've had

Candy Motzek:

enough of downloading all the things and trying to piece them

Candy Motzek:

together, then we should talk, we should talk about how we can

Candy Motzek:

work together. I've got some space open in my calendar for

Candy Motzek:

private clients, and I would love to hear from you. Click the

Candy Motzek:

link in the Episode Notes to find out how to apply to work.

Candy Motzek:

I'll be back and speak with you again. Thanks again for

Candy Motzek:

listening today. Please hop on over to Apple podcasts and leave

Candy Motzek:

a review. Also, I would love to hear from you did something that

Candy Motzek:

I say resonate? What else would you like to learn about? Click

Candy Motzek:

the link in the player and leave a comment on the post. This is

Candy Motzek:

going to give me great ideas for future episodes so I can help

Candy Motzek:

you best. Join me again next week. For more coaching, support

Candy Motzek:

and teaching to help you become the confident coach. You are



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