Beloved listeners, we hope that you are safe and indoors doing your part to slow the spread of the pandemic. For those of you who are being called to stay out and support this country, we pray that you are and remain healthy and safe. Join Sophia as she talks with Natalie Jennings about this strange new world we find ourselves in. If you’re finding that you’re particularly anxious or grief ridden in this time, they have some advice and tools to help navigate those feelings. Remember, this too shall pass.
Here is a link to Sophia’s Grief Ritual
Here is the Spring Ritual
Here are 3 Ways to Support the Collective Anxiety Without Getting Pulled Under
You can follow Natalie on Instagram @JenningsPhoto and @photobizhelp
You can go to for more blog posts and join her mailing list for Reports from the Spider Queen and the best deals on her classes and other offerings.
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Instagram @SophiaWise
“I am Sophia Wise One: Daughter of the Wind. I am calling you to Rise Up, Rise Up, Rise Up. Rise up and take your place.”
This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.