Diane Goldner, a world-renowned healer and professor at Dead University, joins Allison DuBois to explore the transformative power of energy healing, particularly for emotional wounds rooted in childhood. The discussion highlights how emotional issues can manifest as physical ailments and emphasizes the importance of addressing these underlying feelings for true healing. Diane shares her journey from a skeptical journalist to a devoted healer, illustrating the profound impact of her work on clients dealing with infertility and chronic pain. The episode also touches on the significance of gratitude in the healing process and the necessity of self-reflection in breaking generational patterns. Together, Allison and Diane delve into the complexities of healing relationships, both with ourselves and others, encouraging listeners to embrace their own healing journeys.
Welcome to the Dead Life.
Alison Dubois:Here's world renowned medium Alison dubois.
Alison Dubois:Today on the Dead Life, we welcome Diane Goldner, world renowned healer, Dead University's professor of healing.
Alison Dubois:She was a journalist who started investigating energy healing for an investigative journalistic story.
Alison Dubois:Diane came in feeling skeptical and then she became a convert who gave up her path in journalism to become an extraordinary healer who loves helping couples with infertility issues.
Alison Dubois:To book a reading with me, email us@bookingisondubois.com you can follow me on Instagram Medium Allison or you can Watch me on YouTube to see new and past episodes of the Dead Life.
Alison Dubois: -: Alison Dubois: le to set your intentions for: Alison Dubois:So, Diane, welcome back.
Diane Goldner:It's great to be here.
Alison Dubois:Oh, it's always great to have you.
Alison Dubois:I'm sorry that it's taken this long for us to reconnect.
Alison Dubois:What a year, huh?
Diane Goldner:It's what a year.
Diane Goldner:The timing is always perfect.
Alison Dubois:So this is perfect.
Alison Dubois:That was a year of transformation.
Alison Dubois:And people think of the word trans as oh, yay.
Alison Dubois:We see the good things.
Alison Dubois:It's going to get us where we need to go.
Alison Dubois:But it's much like childbirth.
Alison Dubois:It's ugly and painful.
Alison Dubois: And as we pass: Alison Dubois: started in the eight year of: Alison Dubois:And we're going into a nine year, a year of endings which will end things the way they've been in the last nine years and then even before that because Pluto went into Aquarius.
Alison Dubois:But that's a whole other subject.
Alison Dubois: So going into: Alison Dubois:Can you use light work to heal emotional wounds?
Diane Goldner:Oh, my God, for sure.
Diane Goldner:In fact, I would say that almost all physical issues really start on other levels, the emotional level being one.
Diane Goldner:So, so you can have, you know, years go by and then all of a sudden you wonder why you're not, you don't feel well, but it's emotions that have been, you don't even realize what the emotions are.
Diane Goldner:They're kind of locked up in your energy field and an energy healing will start releasing them.
Diane Goldner:And as your emotions flow, you will feel better, your relationships get better.
Alison Dubois:And do you do that, do you do that through like visualization techniques or how does that work in healing?
Diane Goldner:When I'm doing a healing, it really works with me going into somebody's energy field.
Diane Goldner:It's literally like we begin vibrating.
Diane Goldner:I can really feel what a person is experiencing, maybe on a deeper level than they're conscious of.
Diane Goldner:What's coming to my mind is a man who had lost the hearing in one ear and was.
Diane Goldner:They had just found a shadow in the other ear and so they were concerned it was a tumor in the first year and they were concerned he was getting a tumor in the second year.
Alison Dubois:That would be a concern.
Alison Dubois:Yeah, yeah.
Diane Goldner:Totally deaf.
Alison Dubois:Yes.
Diane Goldner:So he wasn't the kind of guy.
Diane Goldner:He was a hard charging executive.
Diane Goldner:I tend to see more of those and maybe some healers who did not believe in healing.
Diane Goldner:But a friend of him said, what do you have to lose?
Diane Goldner:Right.
Alison Dubois:You're hearing well and you come from that background as well, like you didn't know what to make of it.
Diane Goldner:So I think that's reassuring to people.
Alison Dubois:Yeah.
Diane Goldner:And I speak that language, so that's also reassuring.
Diane Goldner:So anyway, when I started doing the healing, I saw him as a child.
Diane Goldner:Since we're talking about childhood wounds, that's why I'm bringing this one up.
Diane Goldner:I saw him as a child.
Diane Goldner:He had been a long distance swimmer and I saw him swimming in the ocean and so happy.
Diane Goldner:Happy because all the sound is muffled when you're swimming in the ocean, in any water.
Diane Goldner:Right.
Diane Goldner:You don't really hear what else is going on.
Diane Goldner:And so I asked what was it he didn't want to hear?
Diane Goldner:And it was his father yelling at him.
Diane Goldner:So this is how these emotions that get stuck in our body can really have a long term effect.
Alison Dubois:They manifest all of that.
Diane Goldner:I told him what I had seen and what I did and he, he just looked at me in complete shock.
Diane Goldner:It's like, oh my God, you've just described my whole childhood.
Diane Goldner:So very often what I'm really working on, even when I'm working on a physical issue, is emotions or beliefs or thoughts that are no longer serving the person.
Alison Dubois:You know, it's so interesting to see the different methods of healing that can be used.
Alison Dubois:And almost everything goes back to our childhood.
Alison Dubois:And it's more incentive for parents to really work with their kids in childhood because it sets the tone for a lot of people's lives.
Diane Goldner:It does.
Diane Goldner:But you know, the thing is, most people are Just human.
Diane Goldner:And so they've come with their own childhood wounds, and it goes from generation to generation.
Diane Goldner:And unless you say the bug stops.
Alison Dubois:Here, Karmic patterns that you have to.
Diane Goldner:Break your karma patterns.
Diane Goldner:And they're tough, you know, and everyone has them.
Diane Goldner:So one of the things that helps break these patterns is, you know, a lot of times we turn around and then we're angry that our parents have these patterns, you know, that, you know, the father was an alcoholic or, you know, the parents didn't get along, whatever it was.
Diane Goldner:And you know, that anger is a binding force to the same energies that you want to heal from.
Diane Goldner:So the best thing.
Diane Goldner:And I've had clients where I've told them they should do a practice of gratitude, and they're like, going to do that.
Diane Goldner:But truly, it is very healing.
Diane Goldner:And I'm concerned, you know, just heal yourself, and it's going to heal you.
Diane Goldner:You don't have to worry whether it's healing somebody else.
Diane Goldner:I'm not suggesting it to heal somebody else.
Diane Goldner:But literally, if you think internally, not, you know, not at a party.
Alison Dubois:Right time and place, but internally, you.
Diane Goldner:Know, in a little meditation, you just go in, close your eyes, and you start thanking somebody for the very thing that is causing you so much pain.
Diane Goldner:And it is magical.
Diane Goldner:Maybe not at once, but eventually you'll see that there's some kind of gift for you.
Alison Dubois:And because a lot of our wounds make us who we are in life.
Alison Dubois:The adversity.
Diane Goldner:Yeah.
Diane Goldner:Yeah.
Diane Goldner:So, yeah.
Diane Goldner:Although at the end of the day, we're better off without those ones.
Alison Dubois:Right.
Alison Dubois:I find what helps me is going in recognizing there's little Allison, you know, the child that I.
Alison Dubois:That I was, that's still part of me.
Alison Dubois:You know, there were.
Alison Dubois:On a soul level, they're still part of us.
Alison Dubois:And I became the mother that I didn't have.
Alison Dubois:And I find that a lot of people heal those wounds through becoming the person that they wished had been there for them, for their own children.
Diane Goldner:Absolutely.
Diane Goldner:I.
Diane Goldner:First of all, you can do it for your own inner child.
Alison Dubois:It's healing.
Alison Dubois:It works.
Diane Goldner:So healing, you just, you know, you.
Diane Goldner:I mean, we all have different parts.
Diane Goldner:So you become the mother, right, to your inner child, and you comfort that inner child.
Diane Goldner:You let them know you love them and that everything is safe.
Diane Goldner:And that's extremely healing.
Diane Goldner:But also, what you said, when you become a parent, it is so healing to give the child, your child, the love that an experience that you felt you didn't have.
Alison Dubois:In my own personal situation, I find a lot of people have something similar.
Alison Dubois:There is a karmic pattern in my family of the women relying on men, you know, which is why I was so ambitious and motivated, you know, to make my own money and to teach my girls that they could make their own money.
Alison Dubois:But also taking my girls to the fair, taking them out of school and eating funnel cake and going on rides and playing as many games as they wanted to, was also healing the inner child in me, because I was providing it for them, but also for myself in being, like, allowing myself to be a child that I wasn't always allowed to be in my childhood.
Alison Dubois:So you can do those things as well.
Diane Goldner:I kind of joke, but it's true.
Diane Goldner:I have a young son, and I always say I'm having the boyhood I never had.
Alison Dubois:I'm sure he's very lucky.
Alison Dubois:You take him everywhere.
Alison Dubois:That is so nice.
Alison Dubois:So it's funny when I interview someone else who is psychic or dialed in or living in the ethereal, because I notice my questions will go in line to whatever maybe you had wanted to talk to or you start talking about something I had wanted to talk about.
Alison Dubois:So, like, my second question is, what kind of issues do your clients come to you looking to heal?
Alison Dubois:And you literally just gave an example of a man who used to swim long distance as a child.
Alison Dubois:I love that.
Alison Dubois:I love that.
Alison Dubois:So with the healing that we do with emotional wounds, we collect emotional wounds.
Alison Dubois: t of people collected them in: Alison Dubois:It was a hard, hard year.
Alison Dubois:Which eight years are there to challenge us.
Alison Dubois:Can you use these methods to sort of heal that within you?
Alison Dubois:Because we have a lot of crime right now.
Alison Dubois:We're seeing a lot of what becomes controversial that in another day and time wouldn't have been controversial.
Alison Dubois:And where you grapple with that, with social media, because, for instance, the man that killed the health care CEO, he.
Alison Dubois:He, you know, people are online saying, he's so sexy, you know, I want to date you.
Alison Dubois:And I'm like, who raised these people?
Alison Dubois:Seriously?
Alison Dubois:Like, I get being mad at.
Alison Dubois:At the insurance companies or the health care industry.
Alison Dubois:At the same time, this is somebody's husband and father.
Alison Dubois:And where's your humanity for them?
Alison Dubois:Because they didn't do anything.
Diane Goldner:Very complicated issue, of course.
Diane Goldner:I mean, murder is not the answer, right?
Diane Goldner:I mean, there's just no.
Diane Goldner:No place or time, right?
Alison Dubois:I mean, we don't just get to kill people.
Alison Dubois:We're in a civilized society.
Alison Dubois:That's what that is supposed to be for.
Diane Goldner:I mean, I have so much to say about this.
Diane Goldner:I mean, first of all, I mean, it's brought up, I think so many people are frustrated.
Diane Goldner:Um, and it's brought that to the surface.
Diane Goldner:I don't know what's going to happen with that.
Diane Goldner:And, you know, when I.
Diane Goldner:When this first happened, I just thought to myself, I mean, I do have compassion for him because he's suffering so much physically that his mind is probably of.
Diane Goldner:You know, when you're in so much pain, it's just.
Diane Goldner:You just want to die, basically.
Diane Goldner:And so I think that's the place where he was.
Diane Goldner:And so he turned that out.
Diane Goldner:But, you know, I just thought to myself, oh, my God, I wish he had called me or some other healer, because the pain that he's in could have been ameliorated, helped.
Alison Dubois:I think he might have gone down a psychological rabbit hole because they interviewed old roommate of his who was in a book club with him and said, hey, let's read a book on the Unabomber.
Alison Dubois:Okay?
Alison Dubois:Weird suggestion, but okay.
Alison Dubois:And so that's what it seemed to take some psychosis that this man had and sent him down that path.
Alison Dubois:This is just my interpretation of my sense of what happened, but it seemed to send him down that path and gave him an idea that allowed him to have some sort of a target in mind to take out his pain, anger, frustration, but also mental health issues on this poor man that was literally shot in the back.
Diane Goldner:I know.
Diane Goldner:I mean, you know, I mean, there's.
Diane Goldner:Again, there's so much to say about this.
Diane Goldner:First of all, you know, you do get a vibrational experience when you read a text.
Diane Goldner:That's why if you read, you know, I'm not suggesting you read the Bible, but if you read the Bible, you know, it's.
Diane Goldner:It is uplifting compared to reading the Unabomber.
Alison Dubois:Right, right, right.
Alison Dubois:Yeah, very true.
Diane Goldner:And, you know, so.
Alison Dubois:Because I think a lot of people are empaths and don't realize it, and they'll go into the person's story and they start feeling.
Alison Dubois:Feeling that person's impulses and identifying with it and maybe even relating to it.
Diane Goldner:So, yeah, it happens all the time.
Diane Goldner:You know, you read, you know, whatever books you read, that's what you start focusing on.
Alison Dubois:Right.
Alison Dubois:So you become part of the story.
Alison Dubois:Yeah, it's interesting.
Diane Goldner:So he went down that.
Diane Goldner:But, you know, he also.
Diane Goldner:I go back to the physical pain he was in because I think we can't understand how.
Alison Dubois:Because he had a back injury or surgery on his back, he may have been on oxycodone or medication of some Sort.
Diane Goldner:I suspect that his lawyers will maybe even use an insanity plea.
Alison Dubois:That has a very low percentage of success of actually working.
Diane Goldner:You would know better.
Alison Dubois:I think it's somewhere around 2%, really, that actually succeed with that defense.
Alison Dubois:So it's.
Alison Dubois:It's rare to get an outcome there.
Alison Dubois:I feel for the man who committed the act in the sense that.
Alison Dubois:And Tom and I have run charts on serial killers and people who do negative things, and you can see the markers that were there in their birth chart when they were born.
Alison Dubois:But then mental health issues, or they just chose the easy path.
Alison Dubois:Those are choices when it's choosing a path of what to do.
Diane Goldner:Did you and Tom look at his chart?
Alison Dubois:I'll have to have Tom look at his chart.
Alison Dubois:We just did the Menendez brothers, He looked at their charts, which was very eye opening.
Alison Dubois:But there's two different real paths you can take in life.
Alison Dubois:One's constructive, one's destructive, and when they become destructive, they destroy those around them.
Alison Dubois:And that's what this young man did.
Alison Dubois:So even if they're able to show that he was inhibited by the medication because of the planning that went into this actual crime, you know, malice aforethought that happened, getting out of what he did is extremely unlikely, and he's gonna be on a very ugly path for a very long time.
Alison Dubois:Maybe they'll end up figuring out what's wrong with him.
Alison Dubois:But I do think there's some mental health issues where the brain or whatever's going on and their wires are crossed or it continues to deteriorate and it never gets better with time.
Alison Dubois:So, you know, I feel sorry for a soul that was born into maybe a sick body or a body that was sort of defective.
Alison Dubois:However, you know, we all make choices, and just because somebody ticks me off, I don't get to blow them away on the street.
Diane Goldner:I mean, nobody would run that, right?
Diane Goldner:I'm curious.
Diane Goldner:You been able to tap into the CEO who passed?
Alison Dubois:You know, Norway?
Alison Dubois:I could.
Alison Dubois:Honestly, I mean, I could.
Alison Dubois:Normally, I don't do readings unless it's for a family member, because I need that energy to connect me, like, triangulate the messages from them.
Alison Dubois:But I'm sure just from the 25 years I've been doing this professionally, I'm positive that his time is being spent around his living family right now.
Alison Dubois:His wife, his children, being worried about them, trying to let them know that he's here, that he's not gone, which is so frustrating for them when they're talking to you constantly.
Alison Dubois:And you can't hear them and they know why, but it's they then they try and work through your friends and your family in dreams or in messages to get that, to convey that to you so that you don't hurt as much.
Alison Dubois:Their whole intention is to try and ease our pain.
Alison Dubois:He wouldn't be worried about himself.
Alison Dubois:He'd be very much worried about them and people.
Diane Goldner:He's okay.
Alison Dubois:He'd be okay.
Alison Dubois:Absolutely.
Alison Dubois:He would have, he would have crossed, it seemed like he crossed pretty instantly in the passing.
Alison Dubois:And often they don't even know, especially with like a gunshot that delivers that blow to you, the death blow.
Alison Dubois:They do know immediately when they're on the other side because they're looking at their body.
Alison Dubois:So they're aware that something happened.
Alison Dubois:But he wouldn't have known why the man did that to him.
Alison Dubois:So it's very sad to see that then somebody appears from the other side or that was waiting for him, that's a relative that knew he was going to die and they would have explained to him what happened.
Alison Dubois:And when we're in the ethereal, we're sort of all knowing in a sense of understanding and we're on high definition on a soul level.
Alison Dubois:And he would have probably thought what a sad reason to take my life.
Alison Dubois:You know, like he lost his life in that moment.
Alison Dubois:And as far as he knew, everything was great.
Alison Dubois:Now the holidays will be terrible for his family forever, for the rest of their lives.
Alison Dubois:It will remind them of what was happening.
Alison Dubois:And people get in this fight with the man capitalism or the healthcare industry and they focus their energy there without having any resolution of their own.
Alison Dubois:They're not helpful.
Diane Goldner:The other point I want to make about this, which isn't about the CEO or anything like that, is in my experience some of these kinds of health issues that people have that very chronic and very challenging, it is hard to get complete relief from the equipment Western medicine has.
Alison Dubois:True.
Diane Goldner:And that's something that I hope will eventually get addressed because the energy treatments do alleviate pain in a different way than taking a drug which masks it, but it doesn't alleviate it.
Alison Dubois:So would a person that is in say chronic pain?
Alison Dubois:We'll use that as an example.
Alison Dubois:Yeah.
Alison Dubois:Would they be able to say, read your book and start implementing some of the methods that you teach in being able to self heal?
Diane Goldner:Yeah, absolutely.
Diane Goldner:You know, it's a really complicated thing.
Diane Goldner:I think that it's really important to do your own healing work because you're with yourself.
Diane Goldner:20 Nobody's with you as much as you're with yourself.
Alison Dubois:Nobody Knows your body as well, right?
Alison Dubois:Yeah.
Diane Goldner:And on the other hand, I think some of these things are so deep that it is helpful to have help.
Diane Goldner:And it's just hard to do a very deep healing journey completely.
Diane Goldner:I don't know anyone who does completely herself.
Diane Goldner:So I think it's okay.
Diane Goldner:You know, people don't have to feel that they have to do it by themselves because.
Alison Dubois:So is it like with other forms of light work, where you could do it in small groups or with other people trying to heal or have healing groups together where you do light work and practice on each other?
Diane Goldner:Absolutely.
Diane Goldner:You know, I mean, what Jesus said, I'll quote the master healer.
Alison Dubois:Happy Hanukkah, by the way.
Diane Goldner:Is, you know, where two or more are gathered in my name, there will I be.
Diane Goldner:And there is something about somebody else witnessing or being present either in your pain or just your soul, that that alone is healing.
Diane Goldner:But, you know, I'm thinking, you know, I just worked with a woman recently who has a chronic.
Diane Goldner:I forget even the name of the illness because I focus more on the energy.
Diane Goldner:Right.
Diane Goldner:And she had a spike.
Diane Goldner:She has a.
Diane Goldner:Like a blood cancer, and.
Diane Goldner:And it's chronic.
Diane Goldner:And she had a spike where her platelet levels just, like, shot up to the point where it was like, whoa.
Diane Goldner:You know, her doctors were totally freaked out.
Diane Goldner:And I did a heal.
Diane Goldner:And, you know, I can't even.
Diane Goldner:I just.
Diane Goldner:I think I just soothed her energy and released some of the stress she was under.
Diane Goldner:She was under a lot of stress from work and things like that.
Diane Goldner:And within two weeks, you know, the next time they tested, her platelets had dropped dramatically.
Diane Goldner:I mean, she was in a complete health crisis.
Diane Goldner:So, you know, I think on her own, it probably would have been hard to accomplish that so quickly.
Alison Dubois:So there's power in numbers, like a coven, in a sense, where you bring together a group of people and you focus your energy together to heal.
Alison Dubois:I love that.
Diane Goldner:Absolutely.
Diane Goldner:And then there's also, you know, I mean, somebody, you know, like me, who.
Diane Goldner:Or an acupuncturist who's going to really be able to identify what energies need to shift and shift them.
Diane Goldner:So both are great.
Alison Dubois:I love that.
Diane Goldner:I think the more the merrier.
Diane Goldner:Do everything.
Alison Dubois:Everything.
Alison Dubois:I'm a big proponent of Eastern and Western medicine and finding whatever balance works for you in your life and your health.
Alison Dubois:I just ordered oregano oil capsules because my daughter has, like, sometimes you get, like, an intestinal infection.
Alison Dubois:You know, her digestion's not good, and that works.
Alison Dubois:You know, it's not Western Medicine, it's more holistic.
Alison Dubois:It grows in the earth.
Alison Dubois:It's something natural.
Alison Dubois:And now this is a far cry away from trying to treat something that's terminal.
Alison Dubois:But I'm just saying there are remedies that don't have to be invasive, that can help you in your daily life.
Alison Dubois:And oregano oil seems to be one of those really great things to take.
Diane Goldner:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Diane Goldner:So, yeah, as I say, I believe in doing everything right.
Diane Goldner:You know, I mean, even the example I just gave of this woman I was working with, you know, she went to her doctor and that's how she knew she was in such a crisis.
Diane Goldner:Right.
Diane Goldner:And it was really important to go to the doctor and, you know, so.
Alison Dubois:Yeah, I mean, there's, there's a lot of different methods.
Alison Dubois:People need to do their homework and then try something and see how it works for them and maybe even keep a little log of the information and how you feel.
Alison Dubois:Or maybe it doesn't help you and you can rule it out as something that your body reacts well to, but people need to be more hands on.
Alison Dubois:And I think sometimes the doctors can be quick in handing over pills that have more terrible side effects than what they're actually treating in your body.
Diane Goldner:Yeah, I mean, that does happen.
Diane Goldner:I mean, in this case, you know, she was on.
Diane Goldner:She's on a drug, and yet the drug wasn't sufficient at that moment.
Alison Dubois:Right.
Diane Goldner:So that happens too.
Diane Goldner:So, yeah, I mean, there's.
Diane Goldner:Yes.
Alison Dubois:I'm just always taken aback.
Alison Dubois:It's like, take this for eggs and then it'll say, but it could kill you.
Diane Goldner:Yes.
Alison Dubois:It's like, maybe we could try some steroid cream and not.
Diane Goldner:There is a reason for that.
Diane Goldner:And that is because you're suppressing, you know, the, the reason you're having whatever it is, eczema or whatever has to.
Diane Goldner:There's underlying reasons.
Diane Goldner:And when you suppress the, you know, the, the manifestation, your body will often do something else because it has to express this problem one way or another.
Alison Dubois:I'm so curious with you because we're under the same umbrella, but sort of in different corners of the ethereal.
Alison Dubois:Do people ever ask you?
Alison Dubois:Because I've been asked this a couple of times to go in, if there's somebody in a coma in the hospital and work on them, do they bring you in for that sort of session?
Diane Goldner:Yes, yes.
Diane Goldner:In fact, yes, I've done that several times and I've brought people out of comas.
Diane Goldner:So one.
Diane Goldner:One of the cases that I'm thinking of right now, the parents, not the parents the children called me.
Diane Goldner:The mother was in the hospital, and she'd gone in for kidney stones.
Diane Goldner:Okay.
Diane Goldner:And then she developed sepsis, and then she went into a coma.
Diane Goldner:I mean, it was horrific, right?
Diane Goldner:And the doctors had told the family that they should prepare for the fact that she was going to pass.
Diane Goldner:And so they called me, and, I mean, she was in a terrible state, you know, and they called me, and they asked if I would help.
Diane Goldner:And I was actually pregnant with my son at the time.
Diane Goldner:And I went into the hospital.
Diane Goldner:I was like, should I really be doing this?
Diane Goldner:Yeah, Right.
Diane Goldner:I know.
Diane Goldner:I went in and I did a healing.
Diane Goldner:And lo and behold, to my surprise, I was able to connect to her consciousness, and she wanted to come back.
Diane Goldner:She was like.
Diane Goldner:There was not even a shadow of a doubt for her.
Diane Goldner:She was like, I want to come back.
Alison Dubois:Right.
Diane Goldner:So I worked with that, and.
Diane Goldner:And I.
Diane Goldner:You know, sometimes you have to go on faith because all of the outer signs were that she was about to pass.
Diane Goldner:Right.
Diane Goldner:But I had to convey this message that she wanted to come home.
Diane Goldner:And then I did a second healing, and she came back.
Diane Goldner:She woke up.
Alison Dubois:Oh, amazing.
Diane Goldner:It was amazing.
Diane Goldner:She had some pretty serious damage from the sepsis.
Diane Goldner:Her toes had gotten blackened.
Diane Goldner:Sepsis is a horrific infection.
Diane Goldner:Yeah.
Diane Goldner:But she made it.
Diane Goldner:She's still alive.
Diane Goldner:This was like, I mean, 15 years ago or something.
Diane Goldner:Her kids got her back 12 years ago, and she's living at home.
Diane Goldner:She's, you know.
Alison Dubois:Well, and just so my listeners understand, you know, I.
Alison Dubois:When I entered into what I do in mediumship, you know, what do I do?
Alison Dubois:I go to a laboratory to be studied by scientists because I want to know why I can do what I do.
Alison Dubois:And so I spent four years doing that.
Alison Dubois:My point is.
Alison Dubois:Yeah, my point is I'm open to other areas under the ethereal umbrella.
Alison Dubois:And I've been learning so much over the last 20 years about astrologers and tarot readers and healers and potion makers, even, and.
Alison Dubois:And Diane was somebody I called years ago when my friend Michelle was dying and she was stage four cancer.
Alison Dubois:She was in a horrible place.
Alison Dubois:She had days, maybe days to live.
Alison Dubois:Michelle had shrunk so much from her chemotherapy and everything she went through, and she was the sweetest soul who had two little girls.
Alison Dubois:So my Hail Mary was Diane.
Alison Dubois:I called Diane in and said, could you please see if it'll help?
Alison Dubois:Like, I was open to it.
Alison Dubois:You know, I think people should give everything a shot and be open to the opportunity to have it be successful.
Alison Dubois:Maybe it.
Alison Dubois:Maybe it's Not.
Alison Dubois:But maybe it does.
Alison Dubois:And we have to.
Diane Goldner:Yeah.
Alison Dubois:And she.
Alison Dubois:You bought her, pushed it into remission for four years.
Alison Dubois:She got four more years with her beautiful little girls.
Alison Dubois:And I know that meant everything to the family and her husband Steve.
Alison Dubois:So I've actually seen it when everything was tried and.
Alison Dubois:And healer Diane here was brought in and sort of worked with Michelle's energy, who I'm sure didn't want to go because she was a mother and being a mother was everything to her.
Alison Dubois:Yeah.
Diane Goldner:You know, when I went to see her, I have to say, she was so sick, I thought, oh, my God.
Diane Goldner:I mean, she has maybe a week left.
Alison Dubois:Yeah.
Diane Goldner:And I was like, I don't.
Diane Goldner:You know, I always hold open the possibilities, but I thought to myself, oh, my God, you know, I mean, I don't know how much I can do here.
Alison Dubois:She did not look well.
Alison Dubois:I mean, she was.
Diane Goldner:She was in a bad state and she had no.
Diane Goldner:You know, her spirit was mostly gone.
Diane Goldner:But, you know, the interesting thing was she didn't want to leave, but her parents had recently left, and she was so devastated by that.
Diane Goldner:And I was able to show her that her children needed her.
Alison Dubois:Yeah.
Diane Goldner:And that is what brought her back.
Alison Dubois:Well, we were just very grateful.
Alison Dubois:And I believe in light work.
Alison Dubois:And so for those of you that are out there that want to try learning it.
Alison Dubois:Diane teaches in many forums of healing, including Dead University and.
Alison Dubois:Have you written a couple of books?
Alison Dubois:How many books do you.
Diane Goldner:I've written three.
Diane Goldner:I'm working on a fourth right now, but I've written three books.
Diane Goldner:And the first one, how people Heal, has a lot about the science because I was an investigative reporter looking at that.
Diane Goldner:The second one, Awakening to the Light, is my.
Diane Goldner:My personal experience how I went from being a journalist to a healer, which was quite wonderful and traumatic.
Alison Dubois:Lawyer, medium.
Alison Dubois:Come on, I got it.
Diane Goldner:And the third one is, you know, case studies and different meditations and ways you can look at what's going on with you to help unravel whatever energy is causing you not to feel well.
Diane Goldner:And so for the next.
Alison Dubois:So for self healing, what book would you recommend?
Diane Goldner:I would recommend.
Diane Goldner:You know, that's a really good question.
Diane Goldner:I'd recommend yes, you can Heal, and.
Alison Dubois:That'S available at Amazon and.
Diane Goldner:Yeah, it's available.
Diane Goldner:That's the best way to get it.
Diane Goldner:And the first book, how people Heal, if you really don't believe in it and you want to know how it's working, you could read that.
Alison Dubois:Okay.
Diane Goldner:Yeah.
Alison Dubois:I love that you have a focus of something that you really Enjoy in healing, which is infertility in couples.
Alison Dubois:Can you talk a little about that?
Diane Goldner:Yeah.
Diane Goldner:You know, the thing about that is it's joyful.
Diane Goldner:Right.
Alison Dubois:And you used it on yourself.
Alison Dubois:You scared every woman over 45.
Alison Dubois:Oh my God.
Alison Dubois:We're like, no.
Diane Goldner:Well, I.
Diane Goldner:You know, this is one of those examples.
Diane Goldner:I did have.
Diane Goldner:Help.
Diane Goldner:Help.
Diane Goldner:You know, it's.
Diane Goldner:There's nothing wrong with, you know, doing IVF or whatever you need to do if you really want to have a baby.
Diane Goldner:Yes.
Diane Goldner:So it's not one or the other, but even so, sometimes you need a little magic.
Alison Dubois:It was still extraordinary.
Alison Dubois:I don't even care if you got some western help there.
Alison Dubois:How old were you when you had your son?
Diane Goldner:I never tell anyone.
Alison Dubois:Oh, I tell everyone.
Alison Dubois:I'm so sorry.
Alison Dubois:I didn't know.
Alison Dubois:I didn't know it was a secret.
Diane Goldner:But I consider myself the patient saint of older moms.
Diane Goldner:But I have helped younger women too.
Diane Goldner:I mean, women in their twenties have trouble too sometimes.
Diane Goldner:And, you know, and young women seem.
Alison Dubois:To have more problems now than I've ever seen in our lifetime as far as fertility issues.
Alison Dubois:And it's disturbing.
Alison Dubois:I hope they get to the bottom of that because it's unnatural, actually.
Diane Goldner:It is unnatural.
Diane Goldner:I mean, the people that I worked with, I can tell you what they're.
Diane Goldner:I mean, one of them.
Diane Goldner:Which, you know, might go to the point of the unnatural.
Diane Goldner:I mean, this was a long, long time ago.
Diane Goldner:It was the daughter of one of my regular clients at the time and she'd gotten married and all of her friends were starting to have babies and she wasn't getting pregnant and she was really upset about it.
Diane Goldner:So I did a healing and, you know, I cannot make this stuff up.
Diane Goldner:It was really in her case, you know, she came from a very well to do family and she'd spent all her life up to that point making sure she didn't get pregnant.
Diane Goldner:Right.
Diane Goldner:Panic that if she got pregnant, you know, the world would fall apart for her.
Diane Goldner:And so her body had that message that she shouldn't get pregnant.
Diane Goldner:So I know that sounds crazy, so.
Alison Dubois:I unwound that makes sense to me.
Alison Dubois:I get that.
Diane Goldner:Yeah, you get it.
Diane Goldner:And even so, she was so panicked, I knew she was going to get pregnant.
Diane Goldner:But they went ahead and they did ivf.
Diane Goldner:They were.
Diane Goldner:Of course, they were pregnant almost immediately.
Diane Goldner:And then she had a little problem with the embryo.
Diane Goldner:It wasn't shaped properly.
Diane Goldner:So I did a healing on that too.
Diane Goldner:I didn't know what was.
Diane Goldner:You know, I never.
Diane Goldner:I don't always know what's going to happen when I do a healing.
Alison Dubois:Right.
Diane Goldner:But I worked on it and it reverted to a.
Diane Goldner:You know, the doctor said the pregnancy would be fine, but the embryo became normal again.
Alison Dubois:Fantastic.
Alison Dubois:I mean that's amazing.
Alison Dubois:That really is amazing.
Alison Dubois:And I've.
Alison Dubois:I know there's a lot of studies done on light work and cellular data, like as far as how the cells change with the different techniques used.
Alison Dubois:And I think it's amazing.
Alison Dubois:I think people need to find out more about you.
Alison Dubois:I really feel like children should be meditating in classrooms on the daily to focus their well being and center themselves.
Alison Dubois:And they've tried this in other countries and the kids flourish.
Alison Dubois:Can we get it together, America?
Alison Dubois:Get some of that going?
Diane Goldner:We'll never get that together.
Diane Goldner:But I agree with you so much.
Diane Goldner:I mean, whenever I teach, I taught a class on intuition.
Diane Goldner:I mean, did anyone ever teach you about intuition or the fact that you.
Alison Dubois:Had certain movies that I watched as a child?
Alison Dubois:Like, you know, not, not really, but in the 70s when I was really little, they had a lot of unsolved mysteries and psychic activity and you know, people's head hooked up like on Ghostbusters to, you know, depicting a psychic test, which I ended up doing, which is hilarious because loved that part of Ghostbusters.
Alison Dubois:And then I end up in the lab being studied like a lab rat.
Alison Dubois:So those are.
Alison Dubois:No, but not in the classroom.
Alison Dubois:It was actually the opposite.
Alison Dubois:We were taught more keep your hands to yourself.
Alison Dubois:Which is still a good rule.
Alison Dubois:Yeah, listen to the teacher, respect your elders, eat your lunch, eat all of it.
Alison Dubois:You know, for.
Alison Dubois:Eat your fruit and veggies, just like stuff like that.
Alison Dubois:But nothing having to do with energy ever.
Diane Goldner:Or even your intuition or your inner self.
Diane Goldner:Yeah, the most important thing is even.
Alison Dubois:But every, every adult we knew said, I have a gut feeling or my instinct is.
Alison Dubois:I mean it was already in our society that we knew that there were adults that believed in that or they'd say, oh, what's my sixth sense?
Diane Goldner:You know, I didn't come from such a lucky.
Alison Dubois:Well, my grandma knew when people were gonna die, so I grew up, up with her.
Alison Dubois:Also I had some law enforcement and military in the family and they very much believe on hunches and gut feelings and you know, going with that instinct that they get.
Alison Dubois:So I guess in that sense I was able to relate to.
Diane Goldner:Yeah, you were lucky.
Diane Goldner:But I think, you know, it's a major.
Diane Goldner:I mean, I agree with you.
Diane Goldner:Something should be taught in school.
Alison Dubois:Yes, absolutely.
Alison Dubois:So where can people find more information on you and do you have any workshops coming up?
Diane Goldner:Well, I do.
Diane Goldner:I have.
Diane Goldner:Well, they can find me at DianeGoldner.com or Diane@DianeGoldner.com to make it easy.
Diane Goldner:Yeah, and I don't have it listed yet, but I'm going to be teaching another Zoom workshop.
Diane Goldner:I think the next one is going to be on healing yourself and your relationships.
Diane Goldner:And because that's one that along with many other things is like almost everybody.
Alison Dubois:Has something your timing on that's fortuitous because the eight year was starting the process of ending relationships that no longer serve you, which is why you're seeing all the divorces and breakups and getting friends out of your life that you've outgrown and that no longer serve you.
Alison Dubois:You just, you're on different energy levels.
Alison Dubois:The nine year is going to bring that furiously.
Alison Dubois:It's going to be fascinating.
Alison Dubois:So I'm sure your class will be full of people.
Diane Goldner:I'll probably have that up in about two weeks.
Alison Dubois:So is it going to be about healing relationships that.
Alison Dubois:That are worth saving?
Alison Dubois:Do you have a distinction of if it be.
Diane Goldner:Well, I think sometimes you don't know until you do the inner work.
Diane Goldner:Right.
Alison Dubois:So do you talk to them about that if it stands out that it's not a positive relationship in their life, that maybe you need to heal through that?
Diane Goldner:I definitely do.
Diane Goldner:You have to be very gentle with people because if they're not ready to do that and I've been there.
Alison Dubois:Yeah, yeah.
Diane Goldner:You know, you.
Diane Goldner:Then you get afraid.
Alison Dubois:Right.
Diane Goldner:And, well, a lot of people.
Alison Dubois:I wrote a long time ago, life doesn't stand for live in fear every day.
Alison Dubois:And that's because I feel most people in the world live in fear every day about, especially in the U.S.
Alison Dubois:what if I don't have this?
Alison Dubois:What if I don't have that?
Alison Dubois:And what if nobody loves me?
Alison Dubois:What if nobody likes me?
Alison Dubois:What if I don't get follows?
Alison Dubois:What if nobody likes my social media content?
Alison Dubois:It's like, stop worrying about everything, do what you do and roll the dice on life.
Alison Dubois:Just.
Diane Goldner:Well, this is the thing.
Diane Goldner:It's not just about healing your relationships.
Diane Goldner:It's really your relationships are a way for you to heal yourself.
Alison Dubois:Right, right.
Diane Goldner:And.
Diane Goldner:And when I say relationships, it could even be your relationship to something at work.
Diane Goldner:Not just people at work, but your whole.
Diane Goldner:Right, you know, I mean, relationship is almost anything you're relating to.
Diane Goldner:Right, right.
Diane Goldner:Although it is also very much your romantic relationships.
Alison Dubois:I deal with a lot of clients where I have to point out to them that they've been stuck in a Cycle of picking the same guy over and over again and expecting a different result, which we all know what that is, and trying to break them of that.
Alison Dubois:I'm like, if you're remotely attracted to someone, walk away.
Diane Goldner:I'm like, maybe, you know, it's very hard to change.
Diane Goldner:But, I mean, that was one of, you know, when I started doing my healing work, I had to look at that.
Diane Goldner:I was like, what if I.
Diane Goldner:What do all these relationships have in common?
Alison Dubois:There's a pattern.
Alison Dubois:We see patterns.
Alison Dubois:I grew up with a mom that was married four or five times by the time I was 18.
Alison Dubois:So I saw the gamut of divorce and relationship dynamics.
Alison Dubois:I was either gonna be a prosecutor or a divorce attorney anyways.
Alison Dubois:I interned in homicide.
Alison Dubois:We know how that worked out.
Alison Dubois:So I actually paid attention to those relationships and the energy of the men that my mom chose.
Alison Dubois:And I chose somebody completely the opposite of anyone she was ever with.
Alison Dubois:And so I did learn something from her in that respect.
Diane Goldner:But you are like the.
Diane Goldner:I want to say, almost the exception to be able to do that.
Diane Goldner:A lot of people don't have the consciousness to, you know, to see it clearly.
Alison Dubois:I was a strange kid, for sure.
Alison Dubois:Yeah.
Diane Goldner:Yeah.
Alison Dubois:It worked out.
Alison Dubois:It worked out so well.
Alison Dubois:Thank you for talking to me today and talking to my listeners and enlightening them.
Alison Dubois:I know they're going to want to know all about you and sign up for your classes, as I believe some of the DU students signed up for your course.
Alison Dubois:And I.
Alison Dubois:I can't wait to hear about that either.
Alison Dubois:I'm very proud of them.
Alison Dubois:Thank you to my listeners for tuning in.
Alison Dubois:Tune in next week for a fresh episode of the Dead Life.
Alison Dubois:I'm Alison Dubois.
Alison Dubois:This.
Alison Dubois:This is the Dead Life.
Alison Dubois:To all of my believers out there, don't stop believing.
Alison Dubois:Join us next week on the deadlife.
Alison Dubois:And don't forget to subscribe now to get notified of every new episode.