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Top 3 (Really 4) Episodes of 2024
Episode 16318th December 2024 • ENCUENTRAS YOUR VOICE • Consuelo Crosby
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You picked them through your listening trends! The Top 3, but actually 4, most listened to episodes in their first 2 weeks after airing!

Were you part of the audience when Adriana Erin Rivera shared her award winning author journey for 'Paloma's Song for Puerto Rico: A Diary From 1898', a Smithsonian Institute collaboration inspired by Adriana's summer visits to her abuelo's finca on the island? Thank you for placing her at the Top 3 for 2024!

Our eclectic tie for 2nd most listened episode goes to Writer, Director, Filmmaker Chloe Caudillo sharing how her risk taking lead to her big chance; the making of 'Development', funded by Netflix and awarded by LALIFF Immersion Fellowship. The movie stars Helskira Valezquez and Sal Lopez, plus a special role for her dear friend, Raquel McPeek Rodriguez, representing the hard of hearing community.

And certified athletic trainer and cultural practitioner of Curanderismo, Monica Islas and Founder of Body Wellness, LLC to ensure that we can heal ourselves naturally and truly heal from injury and pain. Her glam job of being the Dodgers' Athletic Trainer gave way to something much more important: Caring for the workers in the comunidad that were left without medical resources at their workplaces.

You chose Fabiola Santiago, Indigenous Zapoteca of the Central Valley of Oaxaca as your top listen in 2024! Fabiola is Founder of Mi Oaxaca, an educational organization set to archive the food and beverage culture of Oaxaca to preserve its ancestral origins and give respect to the community.

So much gratitude for your support, interest and enthusiasm for our guests, their stories and the living archive of our Diaspora!

Get ready for next year as we kick off with empowering Latina guests in 2025 with a month of 'New Year, New You'!


Consuelo is a First Gen Peruvian, structural engineer, mother and Scorpio fired Latina out to hold the mic and shine the light for amazing Latinas and advocates who share their journey from ancestry to authenticity in their most genuine voice. 

Connect with Consuelo on IG @Consuelo_Ends_in_O

Discover Encuentras Your Voice podcast on IG @EncuentrasYourVoice and join the comunidad of amazing Latinas!

Listen to every episode on Spotify, Apple Podcast or any of your favorite streaming platforms. Watch the full videos on our YouTube channel @EncuentrasYourVoice



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