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My DUH! Moment, the Reality of Accountability and a favorite new plugin WPCP: 023
23rd October 2013 • The Kim Doyal Show • Kim Doyal
00:00:00 00:49:24

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Have you ever noticed how the "obvious" things aren't always as obvious as we think they should be? That tends to happen to me more often than I realized I until I started thinking about today's podcast and show notes. It's really more of an awareness than a 'DUH!' moment I suppose, but it truly hit me like a ton of bricks so I thought I'd go with the DUH! moment. It's kind of like what happens when you buy a new car... all of the sudden you see that car EVERYWHERE! Like everyone went out and bought the same car as soon as you did (if only we were all trend setters). So let's start with my 'DUH!' Moment. And I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume I'm not the only one who has had this realization. A friend of mine recommended a book to me (think I mentioned this previously) called 'The Slight Edge.' The Slight Edge is about doing the little things, day after day that add up and make a significant difference over time - in your personal life, career, whatever. The content doesn't really matter, it applies across the board. Then I finally decided to read Steven Pressfield's "The War of Art", which I'd heard about on plenty of occasions but finally bit the bullet after seeing him interviewed on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday (this is part of my Sunday ritual... coffee, the newspaper and Super Soul Sunday). One of my favorite lines (and I'm paraphrasing here) was about getting our "hearts where are ass's need to be." In other words, get out of your head and get to work. Novel idea, huh? In my post "Do You Ever Wonder?" I asked people if they ever wondered what differentiates those who succeed from those who don't, when both people appear to have the same knowledge and skills? Needless to say I got an answer (not from anyone specific, but simply from what showed up in my life). It's actually REALLY REALLY simple. And obvious. Ready? Show up. Do the work. Every. Single. Day. Then I started thinking about my business, the past 5 1/2 years and where I am today. Could I be further along? Sure, but I don't think I would have been ready for the things that are happening in my business today a few years ago. In fact, I know it. But what I DID realize is that I have done the work. I've shown up, I've stuck with it and now have a business and a brand that not only supports my family but is growing exponentially. And when I say exponentially I'm not only referring to income. I'm talking about connections, relationships, projects... all of it. And I can see where I have plenty of "work" to do in terms of the work I'm doing and how I spend my time. Do I work everyday? Yes, unless I'm sick or really truly need a day to myself. But, and here's the rub, can I be more effective with how I work and what I'm working on? Am I doing things strategically? (As well as organically, which I know sounds a bit confusing, but there is a certain level of 'flow' that I need to allow too.) Does my day have definitive direction as opposed to just a to-do list? You get the picture. The "shiny object syndrome" keeps us from doing the work. People who get caught up in the latest, greatest training or "thing" that they think will be the "answer" to their business growth get stuck here because it's easier to purchase something than it is to sit your ass in your chair and start writing. Creating. Whatever it is for you. What I've realized for me is that once I start writing and let myself just go with it everything flows. Which brings me to my next point for today's show. The Reality of Accountability. I could probably sum this up with one sentence. Truly. But that would be boring, plus, I'm SO friggin excited about my new accountability partner that this may get more wordy than I've anticipated. The ONE thing that is without a doubt the main factor in whether or not accountability will work for you is the person you choose to be accountable with. I've tried setting up accountability with a han...



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