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Defining Success in Alignment to God's Purpose
Episode 31115th April 2024 • Daily Love Letters from God • Wesleyne
00:00:00 00:03:31

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"Success comes from aligning my purpose, heart, and mind with what God wants me to do." - Wesleyne

In this episode, Wesleyne offers a profound perspective on success, urging listeners to redefine it through the lens of spiritual fulfillment and alignment with God's purpose.

She emphasizes the importance of prioritizing divine guidance over societal expectations, particularly in parenting and personal growth.

Wesleyne's message resonates with the idea that true success is found in authenticity and obedience to God's will, inspiring listeners to seek fulfillment through their spiritual journey.

Key Points:

  1. Reframing Success: Wesleyne challenges conventional definitions of success, asserting that true fulfillment comes from living in accordance with God's purpose for our lives.
  2. Prioritizing God's Will: Success, for Wesleyne, is rooted in serving God and honoring His commands above worldly standards or expectations.
  3. Parenting with Purpose: Wesleyne discusses her approach to parenting, focusing on raising children in alignment with biblical principles rather than societal pressures.
  4. Seeking Divine Guidance: When unsure of God's purpose, Wesleyne advises listeners to remain still and seek His guidance, trusting that He will reveal the path they are meant to follow.
  5. Embracing Authenticity: True success, Wesleyne suggests, lies in embracing one's unique identity and fulfilling the role God has ordained for them.

What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to

Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker


Wesleyne (:

Success is a word that the world often uses to define.

what being successful means to them. So some people define success by having a lot of money in the bank. Other people define success by having a happy, healthy marriage. Some people define success by just being at peace. And nothing is wrong with defining your success in those ways. However, for me, success comes from walking out,

and living my true purpose in God. So God has given me a purpose for my life. God has told me the things that he wants me to do. He has told me that I have given you these gifts and the gifts that I've given you, I want you to use them to further my kingdom. So my success for me comes from when I align my purpose, my heart,

my mind with exactly what God wants me to do. And if I think about my priorities in life, my priorities are serving God first and then honoring me. So if I think about doing everything that I can to honor God, that aligns my purpose with my success. So yes, I could say I wanna have a lot of money in the bank because God doesn't want me to

want for anything. He doesn't want me to have to worry about money. He wants me to be content. So yes, I can say that I am successful if I have money in the bank.

Wesleyne (:

I want my children to grow up and to be happy and healthy and whole. And if I think about what the Bible tells me, it tells me that my job as a parent is to raise up these children in the way that they should go. So that honors God. So again, my success comes from what God commands me to do. I don't base my success on what the world wants me to do.

I don't base my success on the world telling me that I should have straight A students that are involved in five or six different sports. That's not success for me. Success for me is raising my kids in the way that God commands me to raise them. So when we think about defining success, we need to use the seeds that God is planting in our hearts, in our minds.

and align them with his purpose for our life. And at times we may feel like, well, I don't know what God wants me to do. I don't know what the purpose is for my life. I feel confused. And in those moments, our job is just to be still and continue to cleave to God, continue to ask him to reveal what the purpose that he has on our life is. What...

the spiritual gifts that he has given us and those gifts that he has given us, how he wants us to use them to further the kingdom. So don't define your success by the world standards. Define your success by what God is calling you to do. To be the woman, to be the man, to be the daughter, the son, the wife, the husband, the you.

That God wants you to be. That's what your goal is, to be the you that he wants you to be.




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