In this second episode with Mahendra, he dives into his predictions for 2015 and the next few years, detailing his thoughts on markets from currencies, gold and silver to oil and real estate markets. He discusses how he sees key geo-political events resolving or worsening in the years to come. You may gain advice and insight that will change how you trade and what you trade in the financial markets!
In This Episode, You’ll Learn:
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...,then you feel for everything, you know?
to increase significantly in:Mahendra
the market, I think from mid-: So until June:There will be excitement. When the disappointment rises drastically, and excitement rises drastically, that's what we call volatile times. Some people are in the carry trade, they see BOOM! And they are so excited. Then the next day, BOOM! It is again down, and they get so disappointed. So the rise of the drastic in the human behavior pattern: the rise of the drastic excitement and the drastic depressants, which represents the volatility. Until June, this is what's going to be represented. Right now gold is at 1,275, I think people should pull the profit rather than get carried away and saying, "OK, gold is going back to 2,000." I think this is not a good position at this stage until June, no. Get out, because there are still chances gold may go lower again.
itely from June onward - June:Niels
So range bound in the first 1/2, and very bullish coming into the second 1/2 and onwards. Am I understanding you correctly that this is globally, or is it really US focused and Europe may not perform as well?
the S&P can easily move from:Niels
the current level, just below:Niels
y topical in the last part of:Which is roughly where we are now, depending on which contract you look at. Oil is about at the low of your prediction. But do you... And this is the interesting thing, some of the predictions I'm sure you make, some of them come true very quickly and then you think back, OK, do I revise them? Do I now see a potential of $20 oil or how does that impact you? If we have already reached your low point for oil, does that give you further room on the downside, or does that actually mean that oil has to go up from here?
In July:Niels
Yeah, $20, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, $20. Everyone, I think was saying that energy and those who invest in the energy, and all those energy stocks and the ceilings and the my members to so worried and asked, "Mahendra, are you sure it's going to $30?" Right now, energy companies and oil are doing so well. I said, "Yeah, I see, I see." Then I think I tried steering the people. I think the one month after I came out with another weekly newsletter I declared that if oil breaks $92.80, which was a very important level in my astral points, which I do with my astral degrees - each planets degree. So I came out... I have my own theory which I base on astral degrees. So $92.80... I said if oil breaks to the $92.80 it can go to $73 or $64. If it breaks to the $64. Then it may go to the $44.55 should be the level to watch very, very closely. If oil trades below $44.55 for three days, which is almost one cycle of the moon... Any market trading in one direction has to change with one cycle of the moon. This is historical. In the last 150 years, you can take all the data, and you can connect the whole and you will find 100% true answer. So, I don't see at this stage the $44.55 breaking oil. But if it stayed then definitely it will go down to the $32 level easy.
If you ask me, or if any commercial people, they ask me, or any big guys, they argue that, "Mahendra, where we hedge around the world what will be the low tide?" I said, "$44.50 is a great price to take on trading." This will benefit you because eventually oil is going to settle down and come to around the $60 level or maybe $55 level immediately soon. But $44.55 is my base level at this stage before it starts collapsing. Eventually, if you ask be about longer timeframe predictions, oil is going to $20. There is no doubt about it. That is a very long term target.
But first, and I'm serious about this, a word from our sponsor. Before we get into the sponsor, I should say that my goal with this whole podcast is to be as transparent as possible including these ads. So let me just lay out first how I ended up with a sponsor, or perhaps I should say a potential sponsor. So this is how it's going to work. This is my ad music. When you hear this music, this is the part that may result in the podcast generating some income. Let me just turn the music down while I share this part. When I put the ad right here in the middle of the conversation, the chances of you hearing it is much greater. OK, let's put the music back up again.
to support is the Mahendra's:Ralph
I think it's like a weather service. Most of us in the morning you look at the weather and so you know how to dress in the winter if it's going to be snowy or if in summer, if you're expecting a thunderstorm. I think this is pretty much the same way of looking at these kinds of services, if you are open minded enough. It helps you be guided. At the end of the day, you still have to make your own decisions, but it gives you maybe an overall picture of what one can expect from the days ahead.
There will be occasions where he's wrong, how does he inform you as a client that this is not working out if I can ask it that way? How do you avoid losing too much money on the things that don't work out?
Actually this is what I like about Mahendra's work. He puts it down; he writes, "Sorry, now this has happened. I made a mistake, or I have made a wrong assessment. The situation is different, and I was wrong, FULL STOP." That's the way he communicates, which has... it's a bold move, but at the end of the day somebody admits that he has been wrong on something, it's much better than to try to hide it and say, "Oh yeah, it will come," or this or that. At the end of the day, like I said, there is no 100% guarantee.
What is much more important is sometimes the way to understand Mahendra's work. What I have learned over the last few years is that he has a great understanding of our world and what's happening in the market. Now what I noticed a little bit is that sometimes it's hard to see how much, and how fast something can happen. For example the best example over the last few months being the drop in the oil price at over $100, $110. Mahendra was right in that oil would come down to $30 to $40 and this will happen over the next 1 to 2 years, and now it has happened that oil came down to $43 basically within six or eight months from the point of his predictions. This is something where the timing has an aspect to it which sometimes even he is surprised that some of the predictions come into truth much faster than what he has anticipated. Overall the important thing is that nobody was buying oil at $110 when he says this is going to turn.
Are there any other things that you buy from him or subscribed from him that you use that you found particularly useful?
I'm a subscriber to his weekly newsletter as well as to the daily and actually one of the first things that I do in the morning as a part of drinking a cup of coffee is reading what he is saying. Sometimes, of course, not much is happening overnight. That means, for example; currently he says that the interest rates in the states eventually will turn up, and the bond market might look different in six months from now. This is not something that happens overnight. But if you read the same thing over and over again, then you say this is really, this is going the same with the oil, the same with currencies, which over the last few weeks, especially in Switzerland has been very, very important.
ld like to ask you to buy the: r gold, which started back in:Mahendra
rs. Yeah, this I predicted in: down for so many years before:Niels
Do you think we'll see $:Mahendra
been mentioning one price - $:Niels
Is silver a market that would just follow gold but in its own path, but generally in... Or does silver actually have a completely different pattern in your opinion?
I think silver will behave...
Because you're a bit more bearish on silver, aren't you? You're a bit... you actually think silver could go down quite a bit as far as I can tell.
g value last year. I think in:Niels
And the other base metals... You mentioned copper being quite negative, does that also go for some of the other base metals, or do they behave differently?
oing to perform far better in:Niels
Sure. Now, obviously one sector that we certainly can't ignore, especially after last week's events only a couple of days ago is, of course, the foreign exchange markets. I want you to talk a little bit about what you see for some of the major currencies going forward. Maybe, obviously for the next year or so, but also maybe in a slightly bigger picture, because I do think you have some very interesting observations about the next few years in the foreign exchange markets. These markets obviously impact everyone to some degree.
can see if you go back, that: In: products is taking place. In:Niels
as already been quite weak in:Mahendra
ere it started from. There in: he Euro. I think the Euro, in: g. The negative time cycle is:Niels
the Euro as a currency after:Mahendra
ple. When I came out with the:Niels
Yeah. Nobody caught the Afghanistan... 9/11, Afghanistan, and this bigger disaster. This historical event was the most serious. It was so painful; I am telling you today that 9/11 changed my life. I said that I don't want to predict because I predicted that event. From that day, I mention it on my website and so many places that I don't predict now the international events because it's too painful, and I don't want to be a part of any painful predictions. I don't want to be a part of painful predictions. If suppose, intelligence agencies, if they read that book, and if they went to Afghanistan, and if they were able to find what was brewing there, they might have been able to divert that attack. But nobody goes into... how you can say it. Astral indicators then tell you.
This is Mahendra, this is a good point because this is where things become really difficult. I think that we've established now that.. and I think that probably a lot of the listeners today will agree that market trends are reflecting human behavior and I think people agree that at the end of a trend it usually becomes parabolic because everyone is buying into the same theme, and it's like seeing people pushing a train up the hill. When the last person jumps into the train, and the train can't go any further, it's going to go down, and the trend changes. All of that I think people can conceptually understand and even agree with.
I think where the difficulty lies is that then you come and say, well actually I predicted a terrorist attack from Afghanistan on the US because that's not time cycles. That must be something different. So where does that kind of prediction come from and to what level of accuracy? You say, maybe they could have foiled that attack, but there is obviously a difference in saying that there's an attack coming from Afghanistan to the US but if you don't know how it's going to come it can still be quite difficult to avoid. But let's go back to the first point. Where do these kinds of predictions actually come from? That is not based on time cycles as far as I can tell.
Yeah, I think what happened to me is that then I started something. I created a path to see the future at a very young age. I tried to... I don't meet people; I hardly meet... and I'm just always thinking and thinking... So when I started learning these astral cycles from my grandfather. I tried to connect with the modern world because I'm a modern boy. I 100% believe in the science cycle... But I also believe in incidents and the circumstances that can change our lives. Like computing the future of the stock market or any stock chart or anything. So circumstances and coincidence have always led there. When they come out it's like a black swan not because it's there, but somebody found out.
The sixth sense already was there in me. I tell you very honestly that all those predictions made astrologically was indicated in the sixth sense. Then I read the chart. It is true that this is going to happen and that if astrology used to give me the correct answer allowing me to predict. I give you a few examples. The USSR example, the one example. It caught in my mind that this country would collapse. Then I started reading the charts, and I said yep, this is a clear indicator. So I think the same thing happened with Bill Clinton. The second time he went for re-election I predicted that the second time he would win the election, but he won't survive the scandal. The scandal came, but he survived. I was wrong then. Same thing happened to Princess Diana because though I'm not supposed to speak about that because their offices have told me that I will never speak about that instance again, but I predicted it. I predicted that accidental death for her.
How did you... because this, I guess is where people either believe or not believe, but if you publish this, if you make it publically available so that there can be no doubt that you made this prediction.
They were all completely... they were all in newspapers...
This is what I mean. My question is really... so the tragic event of Princess Diana, and I should actually say that I lived exceptionally close to Kensington Palace when it happened and remember this vividly. So I'm just curious, respecting all of the people who probably advised you not to talk about it, so I appreciate you talking a little bit about it today, but how did you publish this, or who did you tell that this was going to happen?
The media. Just the media in newspaper, and also one of the magazines at the time... I said that there would be an accidental death for the Princess. I was reading her chart, and I was just reading to give advice for the people who loved her, and then this affair was going on. Then in the chart I saw something that was different and BOOM!, "Oh my God, this is negative news and I have to get it out."
How did they react? What did they do with something so dramatic? That kind of information really is... if you were told something like that, what do you do? What was their reaction?
I think when this article came out many were surprised, but nobody gave it attention. If you go and read a thousand predictions and many times people are talking about them, then it doesn't give it importance. By that time, I was in Kenya. People used to like me. People used to respect me for what I used to do because of my accuracy. People love you if you are accurate.
Yeah, of course.
predict all these events. In:Niels
But tell me Mahendra, and I'm very curious here. You say you don't want to predict events, does that mean you don't want to publish them? That you actually do...
So you do actually... you do follow it, and you do know what's going to happen, but you just want to keep it to yourself.
Whatever comes in my mind. I cannot predict each and every event because we don't... Like I told you, we have a lifespan of maybe 60, 70 years, and then we depart from this planet. In 60, 70 years of life... I am 47 and each day we just have 24 hours. In 24 hours, we divide it into all these other activities. So whatever time we have we think about it. I try to put an astral chart in front of me, and I put a wall map in front of me. These are two things that I put together. One I have several screens here. I put the one astral chart on the one computer, on the second computer I put the wall map. I ask when is this astral chart is having an effect, on the part of the map - latitude and the longitude. Astral cycles are astronomic, and astronomic can easily tell you which latitude and longitude of the planet are passing. This is not a very difficult science. It is something very simple: an all-time vantage point. From that latitude or longitude that was how I was able to predict about the USSR because that latitude and longitude was having a major negative astral combinations.
ent Mugabe is losing power in:Niels
t publish now. If you read my:Niels
No that's fine, I appreciate that, I respect that.
act your grain predictions in:I've got just a couple of things I wanted to discuss with you before we wrap up. Tell me about real estate, a little bit. Maybe we have to think about real estate in different parts of the world. Obviously the US is closer to you, so maybe you have a few thoughts on that. But also real estate in Europe. If you're predicting the low of interest rates this year, and we're going to go into a very long cycle and interest rates are going to go up dramatically. In some ways, it could be hard to think of real estate becoming a great investment. But that may not be the case. Tell me a little bit about real estate which is something that so many people are exposed to.
or cycles, what I see for the:Niels
Sorry to interrupt you here, I again, as I said, I've done a bit of research over the years into other ways of predicting markets and followed a few people along the way. As far as I remember there is one other person that I've come across that I see his work from time to time and he actually also bases his work on astrology. So it is somewhat similar to what you do. But he is incredibly negative on real estate. He basically believes that real estate is going to collapse and that you're in for a seventy-year negative cycle for real estate. How do predictions... I know we talked earlier about that you can look at the same data and get two different answers, but is there anything in what he says and thinks that resonates with you?
n they need to diversify from: rd it, and leave it there. In:Niels
three years. So say up until:Mahendra
Yes, I think after: le. Life is so beautiful, and:So one thing I recommend, every week I recommend to all my members that please, after waking up just give to yourself five minutes, just five minutes and taking maybe a hot glass of water or tea or coffee and sit alone. Disconnect from everyone and sit along and then just recap what you did yesterday and what you want to do today. You may find many answers. You can call it meditation or whatever, or you just call it talking to yourself, but I think once we start understanding ourselves I think you will be able to start understanding how to back away. So I think we should understand ourselves then we should try to analyze everything.
sure I tell you now, that in:Niels
I think that's a great way to end this. It reminds me of the three questions that we probably should ask ourselves, but we don't ask enough I guess, and that's really have we lived? Have we loved? Have we mattered? I think that's sort of what you are saying in a different way, and I think it is important to us to ask these questions. I wanted to ask someone like you, with a talent or a gift as you clearly have, what skills would you like, of those that you have to pass on to your children?
Yes, I talk about it because many of my members... Every day I see one theme, "Mahendra, what will happen if suppose you depart tomorrow, what will happen?" I think I'm training son who just graduated. But I won't be able to train him 100% because each human being, as I said, we are 6 billion population on this planet and we are all different from each other. I am different from my grandfather. My son is different from me. So we are all different from each other. I try to give him the gold and the metal of his success and then it is up to him how he presents that success. This is subject where science is involved, where your intellect is involved, where your very high level of thinking is involved. So we can say sixth sense, which is a high level of thinking you know. So it involves so many things, and you have to present it the right way. Otherwise, people won't buy your work, no way.
Adding value to my audience is something that I strive for with the podcast. So I just want to ask you before we finish off. Is there anything that I missed today? Is there anything that I should have brought up that I didn't? Is there anything that you'd like to add towards the end to make sure that I do you and your work justice?
veryone including you a great:Niels
Sure, fantastic. Thank you so much, Mahendra. We definitely will... I do want to bring you back for these amazingly interesting conversations. Thank you so much. It's been a great conversation. I appreciate your honesty, your transparency, and your willingness to share these insights. This is truly astonishing. Thank you so much, and I look forward to catching up with you later in the year.
Thank you Niels. It is my pleasure to be on your podcast. Thank you very much, and I'm sure that your podcast will become very popular because of the great job that you do.
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