The space I have created for women just like you to grow into your power - safe in the knowledge that you're part of a collective of women who GET IT and HAVE YOUR BACK!
It's a space where we focus on our health, building our wealth and reclaiming our fierce sense of self as strong, independent, powerful, sexy, confident, passionate women in our prime 🙏💃🔥
Being part of this collective makes you someone who feels the tide turning...
The energy is shifting...
The change is coming...
and I am here to lead a revolution of women ready to step into it and claim all the abundance it reaps!
It starts now.
If you feel the call 👉 JOIN US 👈
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Join the Fierce Woman Rising Collective on Facebook HERE 🔥💃🙏
Every story starts with a dream. A dream of someone wanting more. A dream of a life that might feel so unrealistic right now yet you know deep down in your soul you're destined for. My name is Claire Markwick. Accountant, business coach, affiliate marketer, mom, wife and woman with a dream. A fierce dream rising up within me. A dream that fires my soul and a dream I am committed to making a reality. Based woman rising is a podcast that celebrates those with a dream. Those courageous enough to think outside their current reality and make what's in your heart come true. If I've learned one thing over the years, is that the only surefire way of staying stuck in a stale, mediocre life is believing that's all you're capable of. Believing your own bullshit excuses and not finding the strength to stretch beyond them. I held myself back, I played safe I stayed where I was for far too long, but not anymore. I want a life of passion. Have fun adventure, laughter love. I want deep conversations belly laughs health, strength, balance. I want confidence, sexiness, fulfillment and the money to do as we please without limitation. I want the life of my dreams. So I'm here creating it. And I want that for you too. So welcome my friend, to fierce woman rising, the show that awakens your mind and kickstarts your action to creating the life you love. Hello, hello, and welcome to this bonus episode of the first woman rising podcast. I didn't launch an episode this week. And that was because quite frankly, on Friday or on Thursday, I usually record my episodes on a Thursday to go live on Friday. On Thursday. I just wasn't feeling it. And I've got a heap of episodes kind of brainstormed and mapped out and I was looking through my list. And I was like, You know what, I'm not going to do any of these justice today. If I record on today, it's going to sound forced is going to sound just inauthentic is going to be me reading from my notes. And that's just not
Claire Markwick:how I like to roll. You know, if I have, I have these random, like sporadic bursts of inspiration and I'll jot them down because my brain works so fast. If I don't write it down, then I forget it. But then I'll come back and I'll record it like at another time. And yeah, None None witches, none was blocking me with joy this week. So I was like, You know what, to keep the integrity of the show, I'm not going to bother recording, I'm going to wait till my energy is high again. And then I will record something. So now here we are on Monday evening. And I had the brainwave to come in with a bonus episode, and launch the fierce woman rising collective. Now if you're someone who's been following me for a while, then you'll probably recognize that this has been kind of brewing and bubbling for quite some time. And the idea behind it the kind of the thinking behind it has burst its way to the surface a couple of times before, but it's never actually felt quite right. And now off the back of this show. And what this show means what it's what it's all about, it has really kind of the collective has come into its own now. So the fierce woman rising Collective is a group that I am creating. It's this is this space, it's a community for women to step into your power. So this is a space where this is a space to be in my energy, been my vibe, and to step into the woman, you know, deep down inside in there, but she's just been covered up with so much shit and so much obligation and so much daily life and pressures and fears and doubts and worries and all this baggage all these all these layers that have weighed her down and have got you living just on the hamster wheel of day to day. The fierce woman rising Collective is about shedding those layers it's about chipping away at all the shit and the crud that builds up over the years like we have done our time. I feel like I have done my time like my my motherhood journey is not over yet and Christ Our boys are 13 and 10. But I'm we
Claire Markwick:I'm past the little kid stage. They're good Getting more independent, they're growing into young men and my job of being there for them. First and foremost is changing. And I'm changing my relationship with Terry is changing my relationship to with myself is changing what I want out of my career, my business, how I want to be fulfilled, how I want to spend my time, all of that is changing. And with that comes a change in me, and in my priorities, and how I choose to look at things. And I am transitioning into a new chapter of my life. And I know that what has been making that so much easier is to be around a collective of women, a sisterhood of women who are on my vibe, or on my wavelength, who get women who I can vent and moan to when I need to women who I can release frustration and energy with women who I know have got my back, they're going to hold space for me, and they're going to be there for me, and they're going to support me, and they're going to give me the help, and the encouragement and the guidance that I need. And I am so grateful that I have got women like that around me. But I'm also acutely aware that not everybody does. And I want to be a solution for that. So if you're someone who has been following me if you're someone who has listened to the show, or maybe you've just stumbled across this episode, and in that case, thank the universe, if that's what you've been looking forward to consider this your sign, consider this your invitation to join a collective of women who are feeling the tide turning like I've been talking about this for a long time now, and I haven't really fully understood what it's all about. But I'm starting to understand like the world in which we know it is changing, like tomorrow, the 23rd of January marks a huge, massive change in how the universe operates and how the planets operate. And I'm not even going to pretend that I know the intricacies of it. But I have got people who guide me
Claire Markwick:that assure me that from tomorrow, things are changing. And things are gearing up for a big, big change in a few years time. And I can sense that I can sense that tide turning, I can sense that energy changing, I can sense that things are shifting, and I know that my whole purpose my reason for being is to lead a revolution of people who are confident and who have
Claire Markwick:who have awakened something within themselves to be able to thrive in this new paradigm. Now, to some of you listening to this, you're gonna be like, what the break is Claire on? Like, what is she taking? She has just gone completely, completely off the ball now you know, whatever. And and if that's you fine, you know, if that's absolutely fine, you're welcome to you're welcome to that opinion. And, and I get that it might sound a little bit woowoo. And like I said, I don't fully understand it. But what I'm learning is that I don't need to fully understand it. Because where I operate best is when I operate from, from my heart, from my gut from my intuition. And my intuition is telling me that it is time to birth this revolution of women who are ready to step up into their power who are ready to thrive who are ready to shine. So we are creating a community of fierce woman rising collective, and it is a community of women who we're focusing on our health, we are focusing on becoming fit and strong, both mentally physically and emotionally. We are we are detoxifying our bodies of the shit from our air and modern life you know all the toxins in our food and drink all the chemicals in our household let's let's rid ourselves of all of that and start to cleanse one thing at a time. I'm not talking about suddenly, like going vegan ditching alcohol and you know, getting rid of every single chemical in our house like it's realistic. Let's go one step at a time. So we're focusing on our health. We're focusing on building our wealth not having all our eggs in one basket. We're going to we're going to look at ways it's all about looking at ways to diversify the money that we have coming in so that when an if shit hits the fan, because let's face it, who could have predicted COVID Yeah, five years ago? Well, I'm sure actually there were probably lots of people who predicted COVID But for the everyday layperson who could have predicted COVID and what the impact fact of that was,
Claire Markwick:and what if that was just the beginning? What if something like that were to happen again? What if something of that scale of that magnitude would happen again? could you survive that financially, again, or worse, if it went on for longer if it was more severe, I'm not saying that the collective is going to give you the, the solution that is going to completely rid you of any financial burden going forward, that will be absolutely, you know, just immoral of me to even suggest that. But what I do, what I am focusing on myself and within the collective is ways that we can diversify our income ways that different ways that we can bring extra money in to build our wealth and build our legacy and build a foundation that we can sit a bit more comfortably on, than just putting all our eggs in one basket. So we're focusing on our health, we're focusing on our wealth, and we're focusing on our reclaimed sense of self. And what I mean by that is exactly like I spoke about just in the introduction, where through life, we
Claire Markwick:imagine like imagine you just eat like, you're just getting dressed for an episode of Friends with Joey, who put like, every single item of clothing on that he owned, and he just had, like, had all these different layers of clothes on, like, life is a bit like that. And every time we face a challenge, and we go through shit, you know, another layer goes on, and we put another layer on, and we cover up that pain and we cover up that hurt. And we, we put another we put another layer on. And we just get on with things. Because when we are, say, when we've got little kids, or when we've got a full time job, when we've got all these different things that we're doing, we can't, we don't always give ourselves the time to process everything with the space that we need to actually get through it at the time. So what we just we cover it up, we push it down, like we were literally talking about that, in my work today, like how we just how we push stuff down, and then years later, something will pop, it'll suddenly pop back up to the surface. And we'll be like, what what the park I thought I want to push that down really hard. But the fact is, if we don't deal with shit, Ash, it's always going to keep popping up. So now I feel like I'm starting to have the time and the headspace and maybe the mental maturity to start facing some of that some of that old stuff. And so I'm peeling back my layers one at a time. And I would invite anyone within the collective to be doing the same. You can follow along on my journey, get inspiration from me, follow my steps, follow my reflections, follow my musings, follow my curiosity, and start to get curious about your layers as well, and what uncovering them might mean for you. So the collective is all about is a space for women who want to be supported in reclaiming focusing on health, building our wealth, and reclaiming our sense of self. Like I said, in the intro to this podcast, like fierce woman rising, if you're a fierce woman, you
Claire Markwick:know, like, I want to feel, I want to feel alive and passionate and vibrant and energetic and, and sexy and confident and free and spontaneous and light. Like I want to feel all of that. And I'm not saying that we're going to feel it every single day, like we're going to have bad days, today was a bad day. For me, I just woke up feeling flat and the day before my period. And it was it was just one of those days where I just wish I could have stayed in bed. And we're going to have those days. But we're gonna get through those days so much better. And we're gonna feel so much more supported in those days when we're part of a community of women who get us. And when we actually get ourselves as well. Like, I'm starting to really notice my cycles, my ebbs and flows. And I don't beat myself up on the bad days, I don't just push through anymore, because I know that on my ebb days, I need to take it a bit easy. And I need to go easy on myself physically, mentally and emotionally and I need to do less. And I used to berate myself for that I used to just push through because, you know, I had so much to do, I couldn't do less, how can I possibly do less? And I would just push through and that's what led to my burnout. But what I've learned now is that these these ebbs and flows, they do just that they ebb and they flew and I'll have a bad day. Then a couple of days later, I'm good again, I'm full of energy, and I can bang out whatever I, whatever, I let myself off the hook for a couple of days earlier. So it's a space for learning to recognize patterns in ourselves. It's a space for learning to recognize our own bullshit, learning how to get out of our own way, learning how to find the confidence, find the courage to act, when we don't feel we have that courage, finding belief in ourselves that we didn't feel that we had, maybe maybe you're someone who doesn't feel supported by you know, your nearest and dearest, maybe you feel like you're a bit of the black sheep,
Claire Markwick:you know, maybe, maybe you feel like you're saying to outgrow your, your friends or your family or your current situation, your current circumstances. And that can be really scary. Because everything we knew, everything that was familiar to us suddenly feels like Alien. Like I remember going through. I remember going through things like this, I'm like, Well, I don't, I don't agree with that anymore. I don't think like that anymore. I'm not enjoying this conversation anymore. And that in itself, those feelings in itself can be really can be really scary. Because you begin to question Well hang on what's going on here? And if all these people are thinking that, and I'm the only one who's not, then I must be the one who's wrong? And we begin to kind of question our intuition. And we begin to question our growth even and our confidence in our growth. And very often what happens in that case is we just shrink back into the person that fits with that group of people. So what I want to do with the collective is to have this group of people who are constantly rising, we're constantly elevating, we're constantly evolving. And that's not to say we're better than those who are not a part of it. That's not what I'm saying at all. It's just that we are choosing to elevate our thinking and elevate the meaning that we put to things and to do that to feel safe doing that it is so much better to do it with a collective of people who are on the same wavelength. And I saw something in another Facebook group last week, and I was reminded of it. Why it's blatantly and quite disgustingly over the weekend when I was clearing up my house, like we live in a, we live in a property that has a fruit orchard. And at the moment, we have got an absolute abundance of fruit. And quite frankly, I just do not know what to do with it. And we keep getting more boxes delivered, which is amazing. But my dining our dining room table was literally filled with a cardboard box full of like oranges, and
Claire Markwick:mandarins, and another one full of apples, and another one full of nectarines and another one full of plums. And to be quite honest, the oranges had been there for a really, really long time. And I went to pick the box up off the table. And the layer on the bottom had started to go moldy and rotted through the box and it had stuck to the table. And it really makes me sound quite gross admitting this publicly like this. But anyway, and I looked inside the box. And sure enough, the layer on the bottom of oranges were starting to go moldy. And what that meant was all of the oranges touching the moldy orange, were also going moldy. And they might not have gone moldy yet. But because they were around other moldy oranges, that kind of that, that negativity, that grossness that rottenness was leeching onto them and they were going, they were going gross and they were going old before their time. And that is exactly what happens to us when we surround ourselves with negative people. Or if we're around people who have chosen to have decided that you're where they're at is enough. And they don't have to grow anymore. They don't have to evolve anymore. They don't have to challenge their thinking anymore. They don't have to choose to believe different anymore, that they're there. They're just stuck. And there's there's that old adage where either what is it green and growing or ripe and writing? Like when we decide that we're right. The next step is to start to write. Like, if we're not constantly growing and evolving and learning new things and getting curious then we're starting to rot. And I don't know about you, but I'm choosing to be around people who do Aren't settling for Riot like I'm not right.
Claire Markwick:I'm not right, my next step is not writing, like I'm continuing to grow. I'm green, I'm thriving and, and that's what the collective is all about. So we can either choose to stay around people who have rotting, and by the very nature of what that means is in their proximity, we are going to start to write as well. Or we can choose to be in the proximity of people who vibrate a bit higher and think about things differently, and who are constantly challenging themselves constantly learning constantly growing, constantly evolving. And in doing so, proximity is power. If we're around that kind of energy, then that kind of energy is going to pull us up and lift up us, lift us up as well. And that is what the collective is all about. The Collective is about being around a group of people who can support us through our shit, who can challenge us who can call us out, who can give us opportunities to learn and to grow. And that is what I'm here for. That is a revolution I am leading because I am well and truly ready. Now stepping into my power, stepping into my leadership stepping into my authority to guide you through this, I've done the first couple of steps myself, I've been at the absolute rock bottom, I have hit my line in the sand, I have felt pain enough to prompt me to make some big decisions and make some radical changes in my life. So I'm, I'm through that step. I'm out the other side of that, and I'm starting to climb up the other side of that. So I'm ready now to lead you through that journey. And I'm really excited. I don't know. I don't know what it's going to involve. I'm not going to I'm not going to spin you a whole heap of we're going to do this and we're going to do that and because I don't know, I am literally I am literally following my intuition on this and making it up as we go along quite honestly. And I am just I'm calling in anyone who feels the pool. Come and join us the link to the collective is in the show notes to this
Claire Markwick:episode. If you follow me on socials, you will find the links in my bio. And otherwise just look it up. Look it up on Facebook, the fierce woman rising collective. We are there. We are live and I am super excited to see you in this. So just a short little bonus episode from me today. Are we back in full swing on Friday for a new a new episode. And until then, bye bye