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237: The Power Of Finding Your People
Episode 2376th August 2024 • Burnout To All Out Podcast • Melissa Henault
00:00:00 00:12:03

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Your most persuasive marketing tool is YOU.  People who are where you are, or used to be, are your niche. 

Expanding your reach starts with tapping into a very specific audience, allowing you to create impactful, targeted content that addresses unique pain points.  In today’s hot seat coaching Melissa will teach you how to build massive momentum and solidify your credibility by capitalizing on your greatest resource - your story.

You’ll want to catch this one!

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • client avatar
  • health professionals
  • mindset work
  • niching down
  • coaching
  • lead magnet
  • burnout
  • building credibility
  • market research
  • grow your network
  • secondary income
  • growth strategy
  • entrepreneurs
  • expand your reach
  • LinkedIn™

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Melissa [:

Alright, Todd.

Todd [:

Alright. Thank you, Melissa. Appreciate it. So my my big thing is about my avatar. Like, I I kinda always I'm kinda struggling with it in a way, and that was probably one of the major reasons why I kinda joined in a little bit just to have a little support. And I have been a nurse I've been a nurse for a long time, but I've done a lot of different things. I've done medical device sales. I kinda escaped, you know, the ICU burnout and all that stuff and, and got into the right

Melissa [:

She my executive assistant left that space to work with us. So

Todd [:

Yeah. And and, you know, I've had quite a journey. You know, I've done sales. I've done clinical support for products and companies and and things like that. And, I actually did I still do a a network marketing and have been quite successful, but I've really kinda gravitated around it and really done some deeper coaching and, learning how to utilize an assessment that, you know, assesses people's habits of thinking and really work through the things that are holding them back. And so I've started acquiring just by having conversations with my war market, you know, some clients that are interested in finding out the areas that sabotage them and really working through them. And so my my thing was, like, busy professionals that, you know, are are kinda stuck or trying to master their habits of thinking. But I started a podcast about 3 years ago, and my inspiration's kind of driven a little bit differently.

Todd [:

I, out of nowhere, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, And and, you know, it was kind of a gut punch. It taught me so much and kinda break down the break through. And I kinda interviewed people that kinda had these gut punches and what they did, you know, and how they got through it. I've kinda transitioned my podcast where I still have that, but more of how people are kind of moving forward with it. But a lot of people have been sharing, like, you should really niche down instead of, like, business professionals or or, you know, professionals, but maybe looking at the health care, you know, or health professionals. And I had this inspiration because I had a coaching client that really through, you know, the COVID, really was experiencing she worked in the ICU as a nurse practitioner, like, post traumatic stress just from dealing with it. And I'm a military guy as well. So I was like, oh my god.

Todd [:

Like, health care heroes. So I've had this, like, inspiration around, you know, helping health care heroes or or kinda going on that way. So, like, my mind's in all these directions, and I'm like, not sure really what to dive down. I hope I kinda gave you kinda some piece of your hat and if you had some inspiration or or or kinda like, because I feel like it'd be too narrow if I was like, I help professionals or entrepreneurs. You know Mhmm. You know, help you know what I mean? So was that clear for you?

Melissa [:

Yeah. So with this let me make sure I'm clear. Is your goal on LinkedIn to generate leads for your coaching business and for the monetization of the assessment that you've created?

Todd [:

Yeah. Both. So there's a assessment I could do. I also do a clarity map, and we go through the assessment on what things are holding them back. And, like, real I do that as well, and then I do a 1 on 1 coaching, and I'm starting to do a group coaching. I Okay. Tomorrow, I'm doing a webinar on a a master class on how to stop secretly struggling. Okay.

Todd [:

And, you know because

Melissa [:

that was gonna be my question is, like, are you trying to monetize the assessment as, like, a passive form of income, or are you interested in I don't know how complex the assessment is. Or is the could the assessment actually become a lead magnet to kind of build an email list, build an audience to get in front of to then monetize your coaching programs?

Todd [:

It's more of a lead magnet, the assessment.

Melissa [:

Okay. Okay. Now I'm clear. Alright. Awesome. First of all, and with and you're trying to get clear on drilling down on particularly who, on LinkedIn based off of your experience and what's in your tool belt, who you drill down and market to on LinkedIn. So, and I hate to put Allie on the spot, but I might even, like, have her speak up for a second. But what I have seen and experienced, especially post COVID, is a huge burnout in the healthcare space.

Melissa [:

Huge. And so you've walked in their shoes, You've you've walked the walk. You've talked the talk. You know the pain. Right? And so I would literally get as laser focused as going straight to nursing. Right? Going straight to, you know, where you actually came from because there is no more credibility than someone telling their own story and how they got out of it. That's gonna I mean, you guys, the large majority are here because you know LinkedIn worked for me. Right? So, you know, you like, knowing that you're you have a process that helped you get through, is huge.

Melissa [:

Ali, what I mean, what are your thoughts? Because you left the industry yourself. What are what are folks what's the what's the, work life satisfaction in the health care space for your friends who are still there right now?

Alli [:

Terrible. It's awful. I mean, there people are being offered sign on bonuses again, which when I went straight out of nursing school, there wasn't any sign on bonuses. So there's a huge, like, people are mass leaving hospitals, especially. And I don't know how you could particularly, like, niche down to, like, only hospital nurses because, obviously, you know, there's nurses that work in work from home for, like, the insurance companies and all of that. But I would definitely think that hospital nurses are gonna be really looking to get out because I feel like that's been, like, a move recently, like, since COVID especially is for

Melissa [:

the Thank you, Ali. And you just made me think about something. I think one of the things that and this is for all of you guys that can do is go off platform to Google to do your research to save your search function over on LinkedIn. And I would go research for you particularly, like, Google some of the biggest health care systems with, like, the lowest, like job satisfaction scores right now. Like do a little underground research on like, where things are bad. And then you can actually strategically grow your network with health care providers, specifically nurses in those spaces. I actually did this and scaling my first ecom business, when I was in, corporate America. I really leveraged that I was building a plan b because I was in a very tumultuous environment where there was massive downsizing.

Melissa [:

People were losing their jobs left and right. I was scared. And so I started building a a secondary income stream. And I went online and researched the top fortune 5 100 in pharmaceutical industry because that was my background and looked for companies that were going through the same thing I was. And I strategically grew my network with with pharmaceutical sales reps, medical device reps, you know, people in the medical science liaison arena and started having conversations with them, and it was very directed. Right? So, that I think that's a great place for you to start.

Todd [:

So you what you would say, is more of the nurses and burnout kinda go down that that avenue?

Melissa [:

I would. And here's the thing. This is, like, as entrepreneurs, I know we have these big visions of, like, well, we can serve everyone, and so you can. Like, I don't doubt that this assessment can't become some global tool that, like, literally everybody uses, but it's important that we drill down and get mass momentum in one category first. Right? Because when we market to everyone, we actually market to no one. Once you have kind of a proof of concept and a really great pipeline, then you can start kind of expanding into other categories, but I highly recommend when you're lifting something off the ground that you go super niche to get started.

Todd [:

Okay. Alright. Alright. So that and then I'll build my profile. I'm not like at that I'm like thinking about my profile and putting it there. I'm, like, let me get some clarity around this before I put it together. You know what

Melissa [:

I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Totally. Totally. Yep.

Todd [:

Alright. Thank you.

Melissa [:

You're so welcome. And the last thing I'll say as we go to Robin is at when you guys get to your network growth strategy, just make sure you're not, like, for instance, Todd, make sure you're not just like, if you find nurses who are in the hospitals that you researched, don't just get excited and connect with them. Make sure that they're active on the platform first, because there's nothing worse than just growing a dead network. So you just wanna look their activity because otherwise you're gonna be like, I added all these people, but nobody's engaging. It's because they, like, built their resume 10 years ago, and they're not on the platform. Now I would I would venture to say that the people who are unhappy in their careers are actually pretty active on the platform because they're looking for something else. Right? But just do your research before you hit the connect button because I know

Todd [:

What about the what about the leaders that are trying to keep their staff? That maybe that would be somebody I could reach out to too and help kinda coach them along. Right? Would that be

Melissa [:

And that's even even, like, a bigger kind of potentially like a a corporate contract. Right? Or you're working with the leader and a team. Right? And I see that a lot. Yeah. Okay. Totally. Awesome. Yes.




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