Sign up to New Wealth Foundations here: A self-guided personal finance course designed from a wealth-builder's perspective.
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*Note at the time of recording we were not aware of the RBA decision to increase their official interest rate.
News of the Money-World! An informative, quirky, and curious look into current financial events that may affect you, the everyday investor.
News of the Money-World is a joint podcast venture between Ungaro & Co Financial Advisers, and kōura Wealth Limited.
kōura Wealth Limited (kōura) is the issuer and manager of the kōura KiwiSaver Scheme. The PDS is available on the website
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4 - Sign up to New Wealth Foundations here: A self-guided personal finance course designed from a wealth-builder's perspective.
Disclaimer: Please act independently from any content provided in these episodes; it's not financial advice, because there's no accounting for your individual circumstances. Better be safe than sorry here: do your own research, and take a broad range of opinions into account. Ideally, engage a financial adviser and pay for advice!