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EP 6 Prioritizing the Spiritual- Spiritual Disciplines, Part 2: Prayer
Episode 616th May 2023 • The Iron Women • The Iron Women
00:00:00 01:02:47

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Ok, welcome back to part 2 of our series “Prioritizing the Spiritual” where we are having some real conversations about what our lives look like when we choose to prioritize the spiritual over ALL the other happenings. Last week we discussed the word of God and Bible study and how important that aspect of our spiritual walk is. Great Episode- definitely check it out. That’s probably the foundation of our ENTIRE spiritual life (and stats do NOT show Christians being in agreement with that, but it's true) 

This week we are going to dive right into and talk about Prayer. This seems to be the more favorable spiritual discipline, but still really neglected in our lives. Let's jump right in. 

Deanna/Erika/Lauren: What do your prayer disciplines look like right now? What are some ways that you commune with God in your life right now? 


What are the different types of prayer and where are they mentioned in the Bible? closet, daily fellowship and corporate

What kind of prayer is just casually talking to God all day long? 

Is that enough? Again we go back to what do you want your life to look like? What do you want your fruits to look like? 

Are there other spiritual disciplines that could fall under communion with God? Journaling, Enjoying God’s Presence (Sabbath), Private Worship, Silence and Solitude, Fasting

How often do you fast? 

Silence and solitude? Is this the forgotten discipline? Why is it so important? God created our bodies with rest in mind. There is a huge trend right now in regards to mental health and stress/burnout. What the pace we’re living at is causing. It’s actually causing our bodies to shut down. 

Attended a stress class- staggering statistic- 90% of all disease is actually stress related! 

The silence and solitude is a lot like sabbath being that it's like a gift God gives to us. When we slow down our mind and bodies enough to connect with him- peace washes over us as our nervous systems literally reset and calm down. 




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