On tonight’s episode of MNF, Hamish and Jack discuss all things back related, a primary school trauma and the ongoing backlash from last weeks OSCARS Ceremony.
Hamish attempts to show Jack some kind of sympathy regarding his back being in the same condition as that of a 75 year old stunt man. And, listen to find out how Valium was a saving grace in getting Jack through the biggest show for @the_grand_union so far this year at @frankiespizzabytheslice
The boys also discuss “French Kiss” and an offer almost to good to be true for Jack when he was offered a back rub from a gig goer.
Finally let us know your views on Jack’s traumatic childhood school experience that occurred from being the only olive-skinned boy in the class and whether what happened would be acceptable in 2022. (It absolutely would not, btw)
This is almost an appreciation episode for James Brown… more of that once you tune in.
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