Artwork for podcast Enjoy More 30s: Family Finance
The Wild Boar and the Fox | Series 8.10
Episode 1018th July 2022 • Enjoy More 30s: Family Finance • Joseph P. Okaly
00:00:00 00:04:18

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Danger doesn't give advanced warning so sharpen your tusks with planning!

  • So planning is what we can do to sharpen our tusks just like the boar. (02:18)
  • "What if something happens to me?" We know how much money your spouse would need and we now have insurance to cover it. (02:34)
  • Would you like to retire early or would you like to take more vacations with your family and retire at your original goal age? (02:47)

Quote for the episode: "If you worry about any financial 'what would happen ifs' in your own life, then your plan is still in need of some sharpening." ((03:04)

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Welcome to the Enjoy More 30s Family Finance

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podcast. The only podcast dedicated to making life more

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enjoyable for young families by hitting on the financial topics

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that tend to weigh on us, stress us out, and distract our focus

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from simply enjoying life.

Joseph Okaly:

Hello, welcome once again to the Enjoy More 30s

Joseph Okaly:

Family Finance podcast, and our series The Financial Parables of

Joseph Okaly:

Your Life. As you, I would assume, are accustomed to by now

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if you've been listening each and every week, what I'm doing

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is going through a parable, fable, a short story of some

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kind or another that you're probably familiar with because

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stories are so powerful. They're a great way to remember really

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important concepts in a simple way. So as always, before I

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begin, please share please like please leave reviews. I'd love

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to reach and help as many young families as I can out there that

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are probably very much like you.

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So today please join me for our story, The Wild Boar and the

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Fox. A wild boar was sharpening his tusks busily against the

Joseph Okaly:

stump of a tree when a fox happened by. Now the fox was

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always looking for a chance to make fun of his neighbors. So he

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made a great show of looking anxiously about, dancing near

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and far as if in fear of some hidden enemy. But the boar kept

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right on with his work. "Why are you doing that?" asked the fox

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at last with a sly grin. "There isn't any danger that I can

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see." "True enough", replied the boar. "But when danger does

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come, there will not be time for such work as this. My weapons

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will have to be ready for use then, or I shall suffer for it."

Joseph Okaly:

Danger doesn't let us know that it's coming in advance. A

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crystal ball would help all of us navigate better if it

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existed. I know I could really do a great job of helping people

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enjoy every single piece 100% of the wealth that they built up if

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I had one. But I do not as I don't think you do either. So

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planning is what we can do to sharpen our tusks just like the

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boar. Will we have enough for college? Let's plan to see what

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path you're on. What if they don't go to college? We can use

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a more flexible account if that's a concern. What if

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something happens to me? We know how much money your spouse would

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need and we now have insurance to cover it. You're all good.

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What if I'm not on track to ever retire? Your plan shows you are

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actually ahead of schedule. Would you like to retire early

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or would you like to take more vacations with your family and

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retire at your original goal age? When we know what would

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happen if, if this, if that, then we feel better. The tusks

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of our plan, they're sharp. If you worry about any financial

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"what would happen ifs" in your own life, then your plan is

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still in need of some sharpening. If you still have

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questions if you're not quite sure of any of those what ifs

Joseph Okaly:

and you're concerned about what would happen in a certain

Joseph Okaly:

scenario, there is room to get those tusks just a little bit

Joseph Okaly:


Joseph Okaly:

Thanks for tuning in today and join us for next week's story,

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The Carpenter's Stool. I hope you enjoyed today's story.

Joseph Okaly:

Please remember to review and share for others. And if you

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need any help, don't hesitate in reaching out. I probably have

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helped someone just like you. Until next week. Thanks for

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joining me today and I look forward to connecting with you

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again soon.

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The conversations on this show are

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Joe's opinions and provided for general information purposes

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only. They do not constitute accounting, legal, tax, or other

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professional advice for your specific situation. You should

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always seek appropriate advice from a financial advisor,

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accountant, lawyer, or other professional before acting upon

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any content or information found here first. Joe is affiliated

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with New Horizons Wealth Management LLC, a branch office

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of TFS Securities, Inc., and TFS Advisory Services an SEC

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Registered Investment Advisor, Member FINRA/SIPC.




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