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1% Safer through Nudge Theory: Getting Desired Outcomes
5th March 2021 • Safeopedia Podcasts • Safeopedia Podcast
00:00:00 00:52:22

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Join us for another awesome 1% safer conversation with Rob Stephenson⁹, Philippe Delquié and Stuart Hughes. In this discussion we dive deep into talking about using Nudge theory (and getting creative with it) to get desired outcomes and Mental Health to improve workplace safety to become 1% safer each day! We also share more about One Percent Safer, the book AND details on our LIVE & DIRECT Conference coming April 28, 2021. Register here!

In Partnership With One Percent Safer

Our Guests

Philippe Delquié Associate Professor of Decision Sciences, The George Washington University - School of Business

Dr. Delquié joined the George Washington University School of Business in Washington DC in 2009. Previously, he held faculty appointments at INSEAD France, École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business (visiting), and the University of Texas at Austin.

His research in risk and decision-making combines experimental studies of human behavior and analytical modeling to develop prescriptive methods to improve decision performance in business, safety, and policy. Philippe Delquié holds an MS and a PhD from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and a BS in Civil Engineering from École Nationale des Travaux Publics, Lyon, France.

Stuart Hughes Head of Health & Safety, Mercedes AMG Petronas Formula One Team

Stuart is the Head of Health and Safety for Mercedes AMG PETRONAS FORMULAONE TEAM, current World Champions, having won six consecutive double world championships. Stuart is a safety thoroughbred with a 15-year career dedicated to occupational safety and health (OSH). In this time, he has worked across operations, consultancy and enforcement.

Stuart is an advocate for performance-based OSH. He specialises in enhancing organisational safety performance and driving cultural change, with the intent of developing organisational OSH climates focused on the creation of safety.

Rob Stephenson⁹ Founding Formster & CEO, FormScore ® | Founder, InsideOut LeaderBoard ®

Rob Stephenson is an international keynote speaker, campaigner and wellbeing consultant who is on a mission to help create happier, healthier and higher performing workplaces. He experiences bipolar disorder personally.

Rob is the founder of InsideOut, a social enterprise with the mission of smashing the stigma of mental ill-health in the workplace by showcasing senior leader role models with lived experiences of mental ill-health. This is done by virtue of a published annual list – The InsideOut LeaderBoard. As a consultant, Rob works with Boards and senior leadership teams on the design and implementation of an integrated wellbeing strategy.

Rob is the CEO of FormScore, a revolutionary technology start up helping people to monitor their mental health using a score out of ten with a mobile app to help friends, family and colleagues support each other.

Rob is co-founder of the InsideOut Awards and G24, the world’s first global 24-hour mental health summit.

In his keynote talks, Rob inspires audiences to think differently about mental health and wellbeing. Contact Rob at | |“Rob is an incredible speaker who blends his amazing personal journey with a genuine call to action to create mentally healthy workplaces around the world. He is always a joy to deal with and has the ability to stop an audience in their tracks with his honesty and purpose that brings a unique and tailored perspective to our conferences.” Chris Cummings, CEO, Wellbeing @ Work Events.



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