Artwork for podcast Reqless: Software in the Age of AI
2023-08-10. Cardsorters
Episode 6410th August 2023 • Reqless: Software in the Age of AI • Aboard
00:00:00 00:20:54

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The simplest form of communication is sending links. Rich and Paul delve into the two kinds of people: Link Droppers and Card-Sorters, and the dynamic between the two. That's why they created a simple tool called Aboard that allows the co-existence of both - it is more organized for the Card-Sorters and it is easier for the Link Droppers. So whichever one you are, check out Aboard - it's for you. This podcast is sponsored by Aboard.


Paul Ford:

Hey, Rich, how you doing?

Rich Ziade:

doing well.

Rich Ziade:

How are you?

Paul Ford:

Well, you know, we got this startup, Aboard, aboard.

Paul Ford:

com, and I talked to a lot of people about the way that they use data

Paul Ford:

and computers and what they do.

Paul Ford:

And because Aboard is an organization system, ultimately, it's about turning

Paul Ford:

links and data into these little simple cards that you move around on the screen.

Paul Ford:

It's nice that way.

Rich Ziade:

It's real nice that way

Paul Ford:

So we feel good about that part, but as you talk, I talk to people a

Paul Ford:

lot about how they use data, and a lot of people have stories about Google Sheets,

Paul Ford:

and they, they use WhatsApp and chat.

Paul Ford:

There's always like, you know, I'm doing this house project with my wife,

Paul Ford:

or, and, uh, you know, I'm putting all the furniture in here, and I'm the one

Paul Ford:

who puts the furniture in, and then she, she drops the links into the chat.

Rich Ziade:

Okay, so let's back up a second because I like to simplify

Rich Ziade:

things One of the most common ways to communicate is to point someone

Rich Ziade:

to a link You're chatting It's usually a chat because people chat.

Rich Ziade:

There was a day when it was all email and then everybody

Rich Ziade:

started chatting on WhatsApp and Messenger and SMS or whatever.

Rich Ziade:

And they drop a link.

Rich Ziade:

My wife dropped six links to me today.

Rich Ziade:

Some were from Instagram.

Rich Ziade:

So some were for a play that she was seeing if we wanted to go.

Rich Ziade:

Just links.

Paul Ford:

this is actually the miracle of the web.

Paul Ford:

We think about the web as like this unified box of, of ideas and thoughts

Paul Ford:

that you get to through a browser.

Paul Ford:

But the miracle of the web is that all the things on all the servers

Paul Ford:

have a little postal address.

Paul Ford:

And if you drop the link in, everybody knows how to get to that address.

Rich Ziade:

Well, if you touch it.

Rich Ziade:

With your finger it opens and that's crazy

Paul Ford:

take that part for granted.

Paul Ford:

We just assume that like, oh, well that's how it should work.

Paul Ford:

That's a miracle.

Rich Ziade:

It's a miracle I mean one minute I'm talking to my wife

Rich Ziade:

the next I'm watching a movie on my

Paul Ford:

Every piece of information that we know of in the world

Paul Ford:

that's online has an address.

Rich Ziade:

now the problem with that

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

is that the Conversation washes away that link that someone

Rich Ziade:

sent you yesterday afternoon to the point where my wife will Corner

Rich Ziade:

me with the following question.

Rich Ziade:

Did you open that link?

Rich Ziade:

I sent you yesterday

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

And I'll always say yes.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

It's it's it's just you start with

Paul Ford:

Well, let's be real, you're already on your phone in

Paul Ford:

the middle of a conversation.

Paul Ford:

It's not like you're making eye contact when she asks that question.

Rich Ziade:

So there is you know, there is this sort of What's the word?

Rich Ziade:

Ephemeral quality to chat, right?

Rich Ziade:

It's just conversation.

Rich Ziade:

It's fleeting.

Rich Ziade:

It comes and goes.

Rich Ziade:

Except links are not that.

Rich Ziade:

Links are meaningful.

Rich Ziade:

Sometimes links are put aside as like, we should think about this later when

Rich Ziade:

we talk about your, our son's school.

Paul Ford:

so there's your wife, there is, um, I talk to people, I talked to

Paul Ford:

someone today who's like, you know, I, I put my links in this one text

Paul Ford:

document that I can never, but she's the organized one with her, her podcast

Rich Ziade:

We talked to an editor a couple months ago.

Rich Ziade:

They use all kinds of tools to get work done.

Rich Ziade:

It's a publication.

Rich Ziade:

But he personally keeps all his links in like one big text file.

Paul Ford:

But then what you find out is that those are the link

Paul Ford:

organizing, the link organizing people.

Paul Ford:

And there's always someone else in the relationship who will

Paul Ford:

only drop them in the chat.

Rich Ziade:

They just sort of shoot him into this

Paul Ford:

And the fantasy of the link organizer...

Paul Ford:

is that they're going to be able to educate and train the other

Paul Ford:

person on a tool so that they can all organize links together.

Rich Ziade:

They want none of that.

Paul Ford:

And this is what, but I keep seeing this pattern over and

Paul Ford:

over to the point that I've named it.

Paul Ford:

Okay, so I think the first kind I call card sorters.

Rich Ziade:

Card sorters are people who don't just let a link sit there.

Rich Ziade:

They actually file it away.

Paul Ford:

Well, card sorters are very like We see a lot of them because those

Paul Ford:

are the people who sign up for and are engaged in a new software product.

Paul Ford:

And then there are people who are like, we'll just, and I call them link droppers

Paul Ford:

who will just put the link in the chat.

Paul Ford:

They think the idea of signing up for a beta software product and using

Paul Ford:

it to organize information so that you might learn it is the dumbest

Paul Ford:

thing they've ever heard in their

Rich Ziade:

They'd rather have a scoop of ice cream.

Paul Ford:

Just literally anything.

Paul Ford:

Here's the link.

Paul Ford:

What do you care?

Paul Ford:

Why do you want to put it in a folder?

Paul Ford:

What's wrong with you?

Paul Ford:

But what I find is that every relationship that, where people talk about how

Paul Ford:

they organize things An enormous number of fundamental relationships

Paul Ford:

have one of each, like, like, it's sort of like a lot of marriages.

Paul Ford:

It's not predictable whether it's the husband or the wife

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I think this is correct in life, right?

Rich Ziade:

Like in life, there is usually a person who's more of an organizer

Rich Ziade:

and the other person just sort of shoots information out.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Both think the other one is a lunatic.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

How can you live in this sloppy nightmare of open tabs on one side?

Paul Ford:

And why are you so uptight all the time on the other?

Rich Ziade:

And, and why are you installing tools on your computer?

Paul Ford:

And yet that is most marriages

Rich Ziade:

That is most marriages.

Paul Ford:

and, and many business relationships and so on and so

Rich Ziade:

think it gets more interesting in business, because in

Rich Ziade:

business, you know, usually the things you're doing in your life are...

Rich Ziade:

Unless it's like you're both on a journey to buy a house, or on a

Rich Ziade:

journey to pick a school for your kid, or whatever, it's usually optional.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, but even there, it's one link dropper and one

Rich Ziade:

It still is.

Rich Ziade:

I think that's

Paul Ford:

card sorter.

Rich Ziade:

other, the other scenario of work, if you're doing it for work,

Paul Ford:

get fired if you don't do it.

Rich Ziade:

that's fear, right?

Paul Ford:

That's, that's the secret.

Paul Ford:

Why is enterprise software a trillion dollar industry?

Paul Ford:

Because if you don't use the ERP system, you don't get to have the job.

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, exactly.

Rich Ziade:

It's like, oh, where's that claim?

Rich Ziade:

I don't know.

Rich Ziade:

It's in the, it's in the chat.

Rich Ziade:

You're not allowed to say that at work.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

know what it is?

Rich Ziade:

in the chat.

Paul Ford:

actually, weirdly, now you kind of are.

Rich Ziade:

I hope

Paul Ford:

No, this is slack.

Paul Ford:

I've seen this pattern, I guess.

Rich Ziade:

but, but there are systems

Paul Ford:

You want to know

Rich Ziade:

of record that hold an insurance claim

Paul Ford:

Oh, oh, the real

Rich Ziade:

The real stuff.

Paul Ford:

you know, this was actually, um, Slack emojis were used to make

Paul Ford:

decisions at that giant crypto company in the Bahamas that melted down.

Rich Ziade:

Is that

Paul Ford:

Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of like,

Rich Ziade:

like how they scored.

Paul Ford:

they like would reply to investments like,

Paul Ford:

you know, with like thumbs up.

Paul Ford:

Well, that's, yeah, the investigators didn't

Rich Ziade:

So our look you are look what we're doing right now is is

Rich Ziade:

Being we're being we're listening to people and being thoughtful about how

Rich Ziade:

they use a tool Is it your belief?

Rich Ziade:

I think what you're saying is you're never gonna change anyone.

Paul Ford:

first of all,

Rich Ziade:

you saying

Paul Ford:

first of all, this was just a discovery for me, my wife and I,

Paul Ford:

we go back and forth between, she's very organized around a lot of stuff.

Paul Ford:

She works in project management.

Paul Ford:

She is anything related to the home, to our, to our taxes.

Paul Ford:

She's very buttoned up.

Paul Ford:

Anything related, but like, I'll make a board using our tool for

Paul Ford:

Christmas gifts or things like that.

Paul Ford:

Like I'm, I also, I have my categories where I like to be organized and

Paul Ford:

we kind of meet in the middle.

Paul Ford:

But I think like, It's definitely one is more motivated than the

Paul Ford:

other at any given time, and overall she's way more organized than I am.

Paul Ford:

Um, so I think, but it was just wild to hear this narrative over and over again.

Paul Ford:

It was wild to hear the organized types, the card sorters, just sort of lament that

Paul Ford:

they could, you know, they had all these systems, like I made a Google Sheet, or

Rich Ziade:

did all the work,

Paul Ford:

a Ford to fill out there.

Paul Ford:

Well, they love to feel superior.

Paul Ford:

They like to sort the cards.

Rich Ziade:

but they also kind of throw guilt at

Paul Ford:

Well, what they hate is cutting and pasting things on mobile.

Paul Ford:

That's the like, the worst interface to information that has ever

Paul Ford:

been created is mobile cut and

Rich Ziade:

it's actually

Paul Ford:

Yeah, it's just a bad experience.

Rich Ziade:

and it doesn't

Paul Ford:

Oh, even on iOS like that pop up where it's just like, Web share,

Paul Ford:

you're just, well, I just want to...

Rich Ziade:

Where do people put things today?

Paul Ford:

They put them everywhere, okay?

Rich Ziade:

about the card sorters, the ones that love tools and all that?

Rich Ziade:

Where are they putting them?

Paul Ford:

Oh, we get a Notion that's custom built for them.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

You get a Notion?

Paul Ford:

Yeah, that is like a, they use Google Sheets, they use Asana, they

Rich Ziade:

spreadsheets, anything that'll hold some stuff.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And they're very committed to it, to do with, you know, just whatever.

Paul Ford:

And, uh,

Rich Ziade:

to keep lists of

Paul Ford:

and they, they feel passionate about it until

Paul Ford:

they move on to the next one.

Rich Ziade:

But then do they give a login to, to the, to the link dropper person?

Rich Ziade:

And what happens then?

Rich Ziade:

They don't go

Paul Ford:

No, they put stuff in there.

Paul Ford:

They mean well, but they put stuff in chat.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, so it's just, you see this, and then you'll hear these other

Paul Ford:

stories, which will be like, well, did you know that every chat, like on

Paul Ford:

WhatsApp, you can see all the links?

Paul Ford:

Same with Slack.

Paul Ford:

You can see all the links that everyone puts.

Rich Ziade:

them out and they list them out

Paul Ford:

That doesn't make anything better.

Paul Ford:

Have you ever seen that thing?

Paul Ford:

It's just

Rich Ziade:

It's bad.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So, so what's been interesting.

Paul Ford:

So, you know, there's two ways to look at this.

Paul Ford:

First of all, our product has to appeal to the card sorter types.

Paul Ford:

It's literally a product where you sort cards.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

I mean, they are your advocate

Paul Ford:

there you're, you're not going to get the link droppers in.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

No, only the card sorters will bring the link droppers to the

Rich Ziade:

Okay, but will the link droppers use it?

Paul Ford:

What we can aim for is for the link droppers to have just enough,

Paul Ford:

so like if they put a link in the chat, it should turn into a card, but the cards

Paul Ford:

are, we're not going to change humans.

Paul Ford:

And what I, what I'm actually,

Rich Ziade:

turn this into some advice, because we're speaking pretty abstractly,

Rich Ziade:

and I think, I think I have something to

Paul Ford:

all right, you go first and I've got some advice

Rich Ziade:

Well, I think, I think...

Rich Ziade:

The hardest thing you can do, and probably the least glamorous thing

Rich Ziade:

you can do, as a product leader...

Rich Ziade:

Focus on the simple and stubborn user who doesn't want to learn

Rich Ziade:

your tool, isn't impressed by your features and somehow win them over.

Rich Ziade:

Even if you're winning them over for one tiny corner of the

Rich Ziade:

experience, you're winning them over.

Rich Ziade:

And that's really, really, really hard to do.

Rich Ziade:

It's hard.

Rich Ziade:

It's the hardest thing to do.

Rich Ziade:

It's easy.

Rich Ziade:

If someone is a nerd who loves playing with apps.

Rich Ziade:

Signs up to every free

Paul Ford:

you can give them a try.

Rich Ziade:

you get them to try and then you got to kind of impress them with all

Rich Ziade:

the like bells and whistles that other person who just does not care about your

Rich Ziade:

fancy tech and you're trying to win over.

Rich Ziade:

If you can win that person over, that is the highest bar.

Rich Ziade:

If you can win that person over, you're going to win everyone else over.

Rich Ziade:

And I think, I think simple mobile games.

Rich Ziade:

are probably the most optimized type of software for that person

Paul Ford:

onboarding on like Candy Crush.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

is incredible, right?

Rich Ziade:

It's satisfying.

Rich Ziade:

They understand the, the, the value of, of like sort of showing you

Rich Ziade:

animations like that, that simulate physics to make you feel like it's real.

Paul Ford:

Meemaw forgot to cook the turkey at Thanksgiving, but that's

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, exactly.

Rich Ziade:

Um, that's the hardest thing to do.

Rich Ziade:

It's the hardest person to win over.

Rich Ziade:

They're not impressed by your brochure.

Rich Ziade:

They don't care about your software.

Paul Ford:

not that they're actually hostile.

Paul Ford:

They're indifferent.

Rich Ziade:

They're indifferent.

Rich Ziade:

They don't use the word software.

Rich Ziade:

No one who's playing Candy Crush thinks of it as software.

Paul Ford:

No, true.

Paul Ford:

It's a, it's a game on their phone.

Rich Ziade:

So aim for that person.

Rich Ziade:

It's the hardest

Paul Ford:

Well, I'll make another point.

Paul Ford:

This is what I've been thinking.

Paul Ford:

This is what I've been learning.

Paul Ford:

People think they're going to change each other with software.

Rich Ziade:

How's that going?

Paul Ford:

It doesn't work.

Rich Ziade:

It never

Paul Ford:

People, you can't change human behavior unless their actual,

Paul Ford:

like, financial stability is at risk.

Rich Ziade:

Or their job.

Rich Ziade:

That's why enterprise software is so ugly, yet so pervasive.

Paul Ford:

So there's that.

Paul Ford:

But what, what can we do about that?

Paul Ford:

Well, what we can do is enable Some more simplicity in the relationship, right?

Paul Ford:

So like, I'm not gonna get somebody, the link dropper is not gonna suddenly come in

Paul Ford:

and start making cards and celebrating our beautiful taxonomy system for, with tags.

Paul Ford:

But what we could do is make it really easy for them to drop the link in

Paul Ford:

and for the card sort of drop it in.

Paul Ford:

And actually, since you can drag to tag, you know, if they want to tag something

Paul Ford:

at one time, we make it easy for them.

Paul Ford:

And then of course when you, when they do that, it's always like, They, then they

Paul Ford:

like tell everybody for three days about how they're now an expert in the system.

Paul Ford:

Drives the

Rich Ziade:

Show it off.

Paul Ford:

the card sort of crazy.

Paul Ford:

But the, um, but I think the larger point is that what you're enabling

Paul Ford:

with all this stuff is not some sort of magical human empowerment.

Paul Ford:

You're enabling relationships between individuals.

Paul Ford:

They're going to use your software as a tool and it, the, that it all comes

Paul Ford:

down to them interacting with others.

Paul Ford:

You know, I want to, I want to plan a vacation with my wife.

Paul Ford:

Well, because I want to have a good experience with my wife.

Paul Ford:

What happens with software tools is they tend to emphasize their

Paul Ford:

role in this as the most important.

Paul Ford:

I made it, look, I made the greatest ever vacation planner.

Paul Ford:

And it's like, no, the job you're doing is you're saying, hey, We're

Paul Ford:

going to have a good time, and we're going to hang out, and we're

Paul Ford:

going to go to some great dinners.

Rich Ziade:

I took care of some stuff for it.

Paul Ford:

And I did something for you.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Because I used this thing.

Paul Ford:

I did something for you with this thing.

Paul Ford:

And I think it's really hard for software people to be like, That's all you are.

Paul Ford:

You're a screwdriver in their pocket.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Like you're,

Rich Ziade:

It's a tool that can enhance a relationship is really what you're saying

Paul Ford:

screwdrivers are, well, actually, they can enhance a

Paul Ford:

relationship if you, like, need to fix something for someone, or you,

Paul Ford:

like, keep the bed from falling apart.

Paul Ford:

Or, you know, you can, screwdrivers are important.

Rich Ziade:

No, but it's no more than that is what you're saying.

Rich Ziade:

Software is not the center of the

Paul Ford:

It should aspire to that and not aspire to be

Paul Ford:

this magical, wonderful elixir.

Rich Ziade:

That's right and look I think the biggest mistake people make

Rich Ziade:

is they think more features and more power Equals magical elixir and it's

Rich Ziade:

actually the opposite the simpler it is the quicker it is to pick it up That's

Rich Ziade:

why a lot of stuff that takes off is actually fundamentally really simple

Rich Ziade:

like whatsapp is a very basic piece of

Paul Ford:

It's also, in no way, I mean, how many chat apps existed before?

Rich Ziade:

many Many, right?

Rich Ziade:

I mean, and, and they just dumbed it down the, the, they paired

Rich Ziade:

it up with the phone number.

Rich Ziade:

It was like, Oh, okay.

Rich Ziade:

My identity.

Rich Ziade:

Is my phone number.

Rich Ziade:

I understand that and I can use this around the world.

Paul Ford:

long did it take you to get the pun in WhatsApp's name?

Rich Ziade:

Oh, just now.

Rich Ziade:

So approximately 20 years.

Paul Ford:

took me, I didn't, I, I

Rich Ziade:

20 years.

Paul Ford:

it like, like a year ago.

Paul Ford:

I was like.

Paul Ford:

Oh it's what's up?

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

don't back up their shit.

Rich Ziade:

They don't use strong passwords.

Rich Ziade:

I went to, let's end it with a little story.

Rich Ziade:

I dropped my phone in the pool

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

it to the Apple store, the Genius Bar.

Rich Ziade:

And as soon as she saw it was wet, she's like, Oh, it's wet.

Rich Ziade:

We're just going to replace it.

Rich Ziade:

What we do is we send it back to Apple, and they literally like have robots

Rich Ziade:

dissect the parts, and whatever still

Paul Ford:

Oh, it's full of gold and snacks and yeah...

Paul Ford:

There's potato chips in

Rich Ziade:

she's like, but I need to transfer your, your data.

Rich Ziade:

Do you know, and she looked at me with absolute fear in her eyes and she

Rich Ziade:

goes, do you know your iCloud password?

Paul Ford:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha

Rich Ziade:

And I was like, of course I do.

Rich Ziade:

It's like everything.

Rich Ziade:

I have everything in

Paul Ford:

80, 87% of people who go by there.

Rich Ziade:

oh, you're so good at this.

Rich Ziade:

She was so happy because she, I lopped off.

Rich Ziade:

20 minutes off the session, right?

Rich Ziade:

I would have had to like, prove my identity to her, all this

Rich Ziade:

stuff before she could like, you know, go through the protocol.

Rich Ziade:

I punched it into the computer, like she had a computer there, uh, to log in so

Rich Ziade:

they can turn off my, find my locator

Paul Ford:

Right, right, right, right.

Rich Ziade:

And she, I logged in, she goes, Good for you.

Rich Ziade:

She was so really why Apple has made it like they are the extreme example of ease

Rich Ziade:

of use being the number one priority.

Rich Ziade:

But then when the shit hits the fan, nobody knows their password.

Rich Ziade:

Nobody backed up in months.

Rich Ziade:

They're like, wait, you don't have your phone.

Rich Ziade:

Did you back up?

Rich Ziade:

I'm like, of course I have my phone backing up like every night.

Rich Ziade:

It's all good.

Paul Ford:

goes to iCloud,

Rich Ziade:

They gave, she gave me a medal.

Rich Ziade:

Give me a blue ribbon on my forehead by the

Paul Ford:

what, that's probably the most praise you've received in like 36

Rich Ziade:

been a long time.

Rich Ziade:

That's separate.

Rich Ziade:

That's not this podcast.

Rich Ziade:

But what it highlights is.

Rich Ziade:

How they've prioritized things, which is like, make it easy,

Rich Ziade:

simple, basic backups and all that.

Rich Ziade:

Maybe, maybe there's one person in the household that's like, everybody, give

Rich Ziade:

me your phones, time to Set the backup.

Rich Ziade:

Did you, I often turn to my wife and say like, there's a big security update.

Rich Ziade:

Um, have you updated your phone?

Paul Ford:

it in.

Paul Ford:

She just punches you in the

Rich Ziade:

just looks at me.

Rich Ziade:

No, she just stares at me.

Rich Ziade:

She's like, I don't know.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

Um, aiming for simple is the hardest thing to do.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, and look, it's, it's, what is simple?

Paul Ford:

It's a, it's a nickname for empathy.

Rich Ziade:

It's a nickname for empathy.

Rich Ziade:

And then designers have been talking this forever.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

They think simple is white space.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Moore's law and the power of tech means you can put more buttons than ever, ever.

Rich Ziade:

Games on a phone are better than games on a computer ten years ago.

Rich Ziade:

So we, our inclination is to give you more, and what everybody

Rich Ziade:

wants is something real basic.

Paul Ford:

Oh, you know what, let's close this out with some bad news.

Paul Ford:

You ready?

Rich Ziade:

Oh no.

Paul Ford:

I don't think superconducting is a go.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, it didn't quite land.

Paul Ford:

The papers that are coming out now are like, eh, eh.

Rich Ziade:

papers that are

Paul Ford:

they've tried to replicate.

Paul Ford:

People have replicated.

Rich Ziade:

now are...

Paul Ford:

definitely something but

Rich Ziade:

they're coming out.

Paul Ford:

looks like it might be regular old magnetic.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, but it's going to be, it's going to really be amazing on your fridge.

Paul Ford:

Or not, maybe there's something there, but now science has to do its thing.

Rich Ziade:

it's boring.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

There's no shortcuts.

Paul Ford:

So now we're in the boring zone.

Paul Ford:

So, unfortunately we have to get...

Paul Ford:

Yeah, we got to get back to regular old climate mitigation and

Rich Ziade:

ha ha ha ha!

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

I thought, I thought we should update the podcast since I came in hot and

Rich Ziade:

You were really happy about it.

Paul Ford:

I was so excited.

Paul Ford:

But you know what?

Paul Ford:

I'm going to tell you something.

Paul Ford:

That reminded me...

Paul Ford:

There's so much amazing progress, like, like the mRNA stuff, and so, like, there's

Paul Ford:

so much that's good out in the world.

Paul Ford:

Some of the AI stuff is actually kind of magical, like, if you

Paul Ford:

take aside all the politics around it, my goodness, it's glorious.

Paul Ford:

And so, um,

Rich Ziade:

We should talk about what you love about it in

Paul Ford:

yeah, I mean, we got it, but it's like, it did remind me to

Paul Ford:

lean into human potential a little bit, because it's a gloomy era.

Rich Ziade:

We don't have a choice,

Paul Ford:

Yeah, well, you're going to choose, well, you do,

Paul Ford:

you can choose hope or not.

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rich Ziade:

No, I'm, I'm optimistic.

Rich Ziade:

I'm naturally

Paul Ford:

You're wired.

Paul Ford:

I have to make the choice.

Paul Ford:

But here we are.

Paul Ford:

So look, check out Abort.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

It is launching real soon for everybody.

Paul Ford:

But if you sign up, we're going to wave you in real fast.

Paul Ford:

And, uh, we'd love to know what you make of it.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

com, follow Abort on Twitter.

Paul Ford:

We're at ZiadeFord on Twitter.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Did I forget anything?

Rich Ziade:

I think that's it.

Rich Ziade:

Thanks for checking the boxes, Ford.

Paul Ford:

Oh, I did.

Paul Ford:

Send an email to hello at ZiadeFord.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

we love emails.

Rich Ziade:





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