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Ep. 118 - Colonoscopy, Necessary?
Episode 11812th September 2024 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
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Why You Should Reconsider Routine Colonoscopies | The Reality of Health

In this episode of 'The Reality of Health,' we delve into the controversial topic of colonoscopies. I'll discuss why you should avoid introducing foreign instruments into the delicate tissues of your colon and offer alternative ways to maintain colon health. We'll explore the potential risks and complications associated with colonoscopies, such as bleeding, infections, and perforated intestines. I'll also address dietary factors that contribute to common colon issues and provide guidance on achieving optimal gut health without invasive procedures. Stay healthy, stay informed.

00:00 Introduction to Colon Health

01:10 The Risks of Colonoscopies

04:49 Understanding Colon Issues

09:44 Potential Complications of Colonoscopies

15:03 The Risks of Medical Procedures

16:06 Complications After Medical Procedures

19:23 The Cost of Medical Screenings

20:44 Questioning the Necessity of Screenings

21:08 The Impact of Dietary Fiber

23:26 Alternatives to High-Fiber Diets

24:15 Critique of Routine Medical Screenings

28:25 Final Thoughts on Health and Wellness


Welcome healthy friends to the reality of health. Today, we're going to talk about your colon.

Yeah. We're going to talk about. Down there. And why you should not be. Putting things up there that are not supposed to be put up there. If you know what I mean.

Last episode, we talked about mammograms and how you shouldn't. Shoot electricity through sensitive areas of your body. Well, you shouldn't shove instruments. Up a very. And I mean, very delicate tissue of your body.

The lining of your intestine is so thin. It's easily punctured.

I know some of you don't understand that never were told it.

You just didn't know because they don't want to tell you. That there can be problems with something like this.

So this episode is basically going to be about why you don't need a colonoscopy. Unless you have something so unique. That you absolutely have to, but on a regular basis, like they say every 10 years or some people that have.

You know, the quintessential genetic situation will, my parents had it. Therefore I must get it. Genetics have never been proven. So let's just kind of figure out why you need to even do it, or should you not, or. I don't know. Why are you doing it now? If you're doing it?

We're just going to have a quick discussion on it.

Cause I'm not going to make this one really long. All right. So they want to look inside your colon to see if you have any number of problems. I say. You know what I feel fine. I have no problems. Therefore, you don't need to put a camera up there.

That's the way I look at it. I'm sorry. I, I understand the argument of, yeah, but if I could find something, well, of course, they're going to find something.

That's what they do. That's how they make money is they find things. If you have no issues, then what are you worried about? Be healthy. Do the things that you need to do to be healthy all the time. You don't have to worry about these kinds of problems. And when you do have something you're like, okay, wait a minute. I'm not feeling so good. Then you can die, help diagnose your situation by your symptoms.

And then. By working on that problem. If you don't fix it. You can finally say maybe we should look up there and see what we see. Otherwise there's no reason to put anything up there. Oh, Erik, you're exaggerating. It's fine. People do it all day all the time. Yup. And they have issues too. And we're going to get into it.

This is the device that they use. You can see it's got a light on it because it's dark in there. And then there's other things in here, like a little snipper that they can cut polyps and things like that. And of course there's a high Def camera.

That whole thing is going up. You and that's not fun.

This is how they do it. Generally speaking. So this guy being a doctor. Of sorts. He has to put that. Snakey thing all the way up there in turn corners all while not harming you. So he can see on his monitor, what's going on. All right, Erik, thank you for telling us that because we already knew that. Well, there's a lot of people who don't know how this is done, actually.

They've never even thought about it or they're young enough to never have heard about it. To know that this is what they're going to tell you. You need to do every 10 years. And then what they don't tell you is they're going to knock you out. Most of the time. Because most people want to get knocked out.

They don't want to remember it. There's less pain. There's less. Anxiety. And the doctor's like it when you're knocked out, because you're not fighting them. You know what I mean?

These are what they're looking for. Things like Ulcerative colitis, polyps, cancer, diverticulosis Crohn's disease. And they're looking for other things. These are the main five. Well, I will tell you. Ulcerative colitis. Is caused by many things, usually diet. Polyps are poisoning. And low collagen.

That's a malnutrition thing. Remember we talk about trauma. Poisoning and malnutrition polyps are malnutrition, low collagen. Among many other things, but collagen is the main one.

Cancer. Well, that's a collection of. Tissues that hold toxins together. So they don't spread. And the last I looked. The colon's kind of toxic. If you know what I mean, it's the end result of all this stuff going in. So it's the waste.

Crohn's disease breakdown of tissue. Usually typically malnutrition. Diverticulosis. This you ready? Caused by fiber. It's not caused by seeds. It's not caused by. All the weird things they tell you like, well, it's genetic and stuff. Malnutrition. And fiber. We'll cause that now all of these are associated with poisons and toxins because it's the end result everything's coming out, but it's such a thin tissue.

It's very, very susceptible. So if you care about what goes in. It will affect what comes out.

I want to say something really quick. You know, when I was prepping for this episode too. Talk to you guys about it. I kept thinking. Yeah, it's known in some medicines as the sewer of the body. And then I started thinking, wait a minute. Is that really a sewer? Or is it a genius?

Tissue in your body. Designed. As the. Like the end. Of the. Digestive system that says, okay, wait a minute. We got, we have things that we can take out of here. And then we have a microbiome in here that does its thing. And then we have, uh, tissues. That work with hydration and. That mediation. Of all of that. So. Your colon is as important as anything else in your body. So if you have a problem and they say, we need to take out part of your colon, you should say, whoa, hold on a second.

I'm going to go heal myself because it's in my body for a reason. And it has many functions and they're all good.

You know, at the rectum where it's like, all right, we're done. There's nothing more. We need. That's the portion that you know is kinda, you know what, but the rest of this is genius. And it is a homeostasis producing. Tissue for your food and your water. Right. You have diarrhea. You can get dehydration. This is such an important thing.

It's loaded with neurons.

There's tons of electrical and fascia. And nerve endings going on in your gut. And it's considered your second brain. Your gut. So how important really is this? All right. I think I made my point, but. If, if you have an issue, let's say polyps or cancer, or these other things or things that are not listed here, then you have a problem with poisoning and malnutrition.

You fix those, these will get fixed. You see. You don't have these just. Out of the blue, they just happened. They happen because. Your homeostasis of. Keeping your body healthy has been changed. Erik. That's so rudimentary. Well, but it's true. And that's part of all of your body. Like. Your brain and your. Sinuses and, and your heart and everything else.

When you get it out of homeostasis. The body doesn't like it, it wants to heal itself. And then you feel symptoms like all of these.

So what could possibly go wrong? By getting a colonoscopy. Well,

Here's a quick list on web MD.

Which we all know is mainstream. Uh, medical advice. But these are the basics.

Belly pain or discomfort. Well, so why are you getting cramping and bloating? If it's in your colon.

Why would you have belly pain and discomfort there? Just put this thin little thing up there and it's fine. And don't worry. You're not going to feel any. It's fine. We do these everyday all day. You'll be good. No. You infiltrated the colon. You're not supposed to do that.

And there's reasons, obviously they're saying, well, you know, Sedatives make you nauseated and things like this, but the general idea is still you've get pain and discomfort. Bleeding. Why would you have bleeding? Cause you put something up there. You're not supposed to.

It's not rocket science. Yeah, but you don't understand, it can be caused by. I know it can be caused by lots of things. But. There are things that happen to people when they put things up that area that caused bleeding. You're not supposed to do that.

When you get anesthesia, of course you can have a bad reaction to it that causes all kinds of situations. And the anesthesia causes, not just your regular issues, like okay. Breathing problems and a little bit of heart arrhythmias and, you know, Stuff like this.

It can cause anaphilactic shock. It can, Severely affect your brain for a long time afterwards. Not going to get into anesthesia.

We can talk about that. In the future. Because that's an incredible thing.

And then of course, if your doctor needs to cut off a polyp, They've got tools for that.

The use of electrical current. Like they're seeing here in the area to seal it up. So when they go in. And they see polyps. They. Shall I say, add it to your bill. Oh, this is just routine. We're just going to go in there and just make sure everything is fine. Don't you worry? And then later. They say. Well, we found. All these polyps.

So the doctor will charge more to the insurance company or you. For finding them. And getting rid of them.

Oh, yes.

You can get infections. Y. Well, it's not just because you put something up an area that has its own balance. Its own microbiome. But guess what happens? They don't always clean those things fully. This thing. Takes a certain way to clean it. It's sensitive to heat, so they can't put steam and things on there.

They've got to clean this. A certain way. Guess what? They actually don't clean them very well. Yes. Look up the stats happens all the time. So they then give you. And infection. Those of, you know, I don't believe in infections. They gave you.

Bacteria. That we're trying to clean up the. The, um, camera. What would you call that? The camera? Chord. The, whatever that thing's called.

very small percentage of per:

This is a very serious thing. Ask any, ER, doctor. They will tell you horror stories. You do not want to puncture your intestine or your large intestine. This is a real problem. No one wants to talk about it. And if you try and look it up online, you are going to get. Stats, because I know I've looked at it many times, you're going to get stats that make it seem like, oh, it's only like one or two people per thousand. It's not that big a deal. No, it's higher than that.

First of all, second of all. What if you're the one or two per thousand? What if you're that person. You don't care about stats anymore. All you know is I'm dying. Or I'm in the ER, getting surgery because this doctor didn't get full amount of sleep last night, or he's got too much caffeine or whatever. You get my point.

And then of course they have to prep.

You. And when that happens, they give you laxatives. And then they tell you to not eat certain foods and then you feel crappy and. You're going to the bathroom, like crazy. And now you get dehydration. What do they use? To do that. I'm going to get into it in a second. So you can end up with serious electrolyte problems, a lot of dehydration, et cetera. Causes all kinds of inflammatory bowel problems.

It's bad for pregnant women, so on and so forth. But the prep risks. Can be just as bad as the actual procedure itself. And then afterwards. The complications. Ready. Severe pain or cramping in your belly. Uh, hard belly trouble passing gas, or pooping. Fever, dizziness, vomiting. Frequent or severely bloody bowel movements.

What. Rectal bleeding that won't stop. Or bleeding more than a couple of tablespoons. Hm. That sounds like something I want to do on a regular basis. Um, obviously these are not for everybody not everybody's going to get this. I get it. But many, many people do. I've seen.

Stats. Everything from a small percentage to 3% up to 24, 25% of the people seen one stat up to 30% of the people have complications. That's not good. And I'm sorry, but to look for something that I have no symptoms of just to do my screening. I don't think so.

So when they want to prep you, they give you a laxative.

You know what that laxative is? Polyethylene glycol. Known as peg.

And you've seen this brand right here. For those in audio, it starts with an M and ends with lax.

There are algorithms. So I have to be careful, but either way. So they give you this thing. And you're going to go like a lot. Causes a lot of issues. Like.

I just.

Uh, I don't know, know what to say. You know, we don't have things like this and then the natural community, but either way, here I go. Get medical help. If you have signs of an allergic reaction, like hives, difficult breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Throat and tongue, that would be you're choking. Severe or bloody diarrhea.

Thank you very much. Rectal bleeding. That's always fun. Blood in your stools. Never a good sign. Severe and worsening stomach pain. So, not only is it severe, but it's getting worse. You see how they word this stuff?

And of course, common side effects. And these are smaller, of course, is bloating, gas, upset, stomach dizziness, increased sweating. But the point of it is this. Is a normal product you seen in lots of laxatives. There's many brands. You don't want this in your body ever. You know what they're putting this in now or have been for a while, but they're starting to talk about it more. Which is all the injections that you can get.

We'll have P E G. And peg is really bad. In your vascular system. Really bad. Like. Severely a problem. And there's been a lot of. Injections over the last four or so years.

So, what does it cost? So if you don't have insurance and they say you better have it, we better make sure you do not have something that starts with the big letter C. Well, you could go anywhere from $925 up to $4,600.

the average here is a. Yeah,:

I didn't feel a thing. I'm totally good. Good. I don't have any complications at all. No, everybody does. It's the severe ones that they list. So it's expensive. How much money. Do you think if you add up all of this, the insurance companies pay. Well, that would be all of this times. All of the millions of screenings per year. In all age groups. It's a multi-billion dollar industry. It is extremely profitable.

Of course, they want you to do it.

It's funny. You don't go to a homeopath and he says, you know what? We need to stick a camera up. Your bum. To make sure you're healthy. They don't do that.

you might say to yourself, all right Erik. So if you have all the answers, then how do I keep from having all of what is the, these. How do you keep from having all of these? Well, the first thing you do is you stop doing fiber. I like fibrous foods, Erik. Well, that's fine. I want to eat my whatever foods. My whole food diet.

Great. Go for it. But I will tell you there's many studies like this and here's just one.

Symptoms at the onset. This is starting in the beginning, going up to six months of dietary fiber intake.

Here's one anal bleeding. 31 people. With the high fiber. Diet. Four. Had issues. While still doing high fiber. Then they did a reduced. Stayed at four, but then when they run no fiber. Zero. Everybody felt better. And many of these people all had all of these, by the way. Constipation look at that 63 complaints. High fiber six people still had a problem. And then we went to reduced fibers.

That's a low fiber diet and they got worse. At 12, but look, no fiber zero. My point is is that this graph here shows. Symptoms. These, all these people that had these symptoms. Here's the high fiber diet. Still had problems. Reduce fiber still had problems, some cases higher and no fiber. And guess what? All of these symptoms are gone. This is not the only study doing this.

There's a lot of these. Fiber. Does not make your gut feel good. If you want. This. Then consume fiber consume poisonous foods like packaged foods and processed foods and sugar and all the other stuff. And this is what you get. It's just a fact. But. I'm sorry, this is you can't refute the fact that every single person. That went on.

No fiber diet got better. That's awesome. You don't need fiber. Now. If we're going to do the no fiber thing, or you can do a low fiber thing, you need to know your fibers. That is waste product going out of your body. You need to know how to manage that. So you either go. Carnivore. Which is no fiber. And all your problems go away. Every one of these will go away. Including. All of these. It's it. Look up the people who have healed these things going on a carnivore diet. Because you don't have the irritating fiber. So. Be careful doing this for the most part. I do have an episode on fiber.

You can go back and look at it.

So I'm want to just kind of say that. You know, They.

They have all kinds of screenings for you and all age groups, right? Twenties, all the way up. And it's a moneymaker. I just want to point out this really quick. So at, in your twenties and thirties, they want you to do a pelvic exam.

They want you a pap smear. Blood glucose test cholesterol screening. Why are you. Screening for cholesterol in their twenties and thirties. Thyroid stimulating hormone. Every few years. Mammogram, which we just did an episode on that. No, you don't need to do it ever.

Ovarian screening every three years, colonoscopy, every 10 years. Bone density every three years. I'm going to give you some highlights here in a second. Coronary screening yearly. Yearly really. Low dose CT scan. What? So you want to shoot all of that radiation through my body. All the time. Skin screening, eye exams, hearing tests.

You are a money maker. For allopathic medicine. That's a fact, this is just Baton Rouge, general hospital telling you what you want to do. These things.

It's not just women. It's men. So they want to do a yearly check of my testicles. Well, I don't need you to check for those. And why does it have to be yearly? Oh, because that times, all these years makes lots of money. Blood glucose, test cholesterol screening again. So here's the point.

You all need a blood glucose test?

Cause you're eating lots of sugar. You need a cholesterol screening because they want to sell you drugs. You need a colonoscopy because you're eating crap food. And it's going to hurt your colon. Thyroid stimulating hormone test because you are malnourished and poisoning your body. You need a prostate screening, which is. Always poisoning. Bone density test.

I have no problems with my bones, why you need to test them? Well, that would be a malnutrition thing. Coronary screening. This is poison and malnutrition. Low dose CT scan. Don't need it. Skin screening don't need it. At all. Eye exam. Yeah, that's different, you know, your. Having a hard time seeing. Okay. I'll give you that one. Hearing tests.

Well, I can hear just fine. You and you just screen me all the time. My point is is that when you are healthy and you take care of yourself, you don't need these. When you do all of these all the time, they will find things that they classify, that they don't like. Things that make them money. Like polyps in your colon, you know, that polyps going to turn into cancer one day.

So I snipped it out there for you. Don't worry. I've got you covered. Oh, when I build the insurance company for each one that I found, so don't worry, but I got you covered. Yeah. Thank you.

You can see where I'm going with this. Hopefully. Um, You don't need so many tests that they give you and all these screenings it's nonsense. None of this stuff matters. If you're taking care of yourself, you don't need. 90% of this. Be healthy, do the things, you know, you're supposed to do. If you need help, get together with a natural path or somebody who really understands health.

Most of these screenings are a waste of money. Your insurance will pay for them, but that means all insurance rates go up because. You know, this is a for-profit business. All right, I'll get off my soap box.

What should you do? Be healthy. Lower your fiber. Get rid of it. Totally. If you, if you can. If you want foods with fiber, I understand. But. Maybe look into. Colon health and how to maintain that. If you want ideas on that? Let me know. We'll do an episode on colon health.

Get rid of toxins in your life.

Lower your stress.

Get outside. Get some grounding, get some sun. Do everything, you know? Structured water. Just talked about it two episodes ago. Basic easy things to keep yourself healthy. And you'll do pretty well. You won't need many of these things or ever. 📍 Okay. Thank you for listening as usual. Take care of yourselves.




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