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Binary 7.3, 031023, The Binary System
3rd October 2023 • Institutum Provisorium • Franco Santoro
00:00:00 01:22:41

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(in English & italiano) Binary 7.3, 031023

Il Sistema Binario: un viaggio multidimensionale dalla frammentazione all’unità - A Multidimensional Journey from Duality to Unity: The Binary System

Questo corso esplora esperienzialmente la spiritualità, il misticismo e lo sciamanesimo usando come riferimento strategico i cicli del Sole e della Luna, e le relative 144 combinazioni (sistema binario astrosciamanico). L’intento del corso è condividere informazioni e pratiche di recupero della nostra natura multidimensionale, considerando il rapporto verticale con il mondo spirituale, insieme alla conflittualità o integrazione della relazione orizzontale con la realtà materiale. A questo scopo integreremo il sistema binario con riferimenti alle tradizioni spirituali occidentali, mediorientali e orientali. Vedi note preliminari a fondo pagina.

The aim of the course is to share tools for soul retrieval and spiritual or multidimensional healing, considering the vertical relationship with the spiritual world and God, together with the conflict or integration of the horizontal relationship with material reality. For this purpose we will refer to the Astroshamanic Binary System, and the related astrological archetypes, accompanied by references to Western, Middle Eastern and Eastern spiritual traditions. The course explores the 144 binaries combinations between Sun and Moon, and the Lunar cycles for one year, with a total of 12 series, each consisting of three sessions. See preliminary notes at the end.

Per informazioni generali vedi/For general info on binaries see:

Per informazioni sul binario 7.3/For info on binary 7.3 see:

Music 7.3:

Bryan Ferry (7.3.8Np) (Washington, 26 settembre 1945) cantante, musicista, cantautore inglese (Roxy Music), "Avalon" (1982; Now the party's over, I'm so tired Then I see you coming, out of nowhere Much communication, in a motion Without conversation, or a notion Avalon When the samba takes you, out of nowhere With the background fading, out of focus Yes the picture's changing, every moment And your destination, you don't know it Avalon When you bossa nova, there's no holding But you have me dancing, out of nowhere Avalon),

Richard Carpenter (7.3.5UvPi) (New Haven, 15 ottobre 1946) musicista pop statunitense (The Carpenters), "Top of the world" (1972; Such a feelin's comin' over me There is wonder in most every thing I see Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes And I won't be surprised if it's a dream Everything I want the world to be Is now comin' true especially for me And the reason is clear, it's because you are here You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation And the only explanation I can find Is the love that I've found, ever since you've been around Your love's put me at the top of the world Something in the wind has learned my name And it's tellin' me that things are not the same In the leaves on the trees, and the touch of the breeze There's a pleasing sense of happiness for me There is only one wish on my mind When this day is through I hope that I will find That tomorrow will be, just the same for you and me All I need will be mine if you are here I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation And the only explanation I can find Is the love that I've found, ever since you've been around Your love's put me at the top of the world I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation And the only explanation I can find Is the love that I've found, ever since you've been around Your love's put me at the top of the world),

Frankie Lymon (7.3SvNp) (Harlem, 30 settembre 1942) cantante, compositore statunitense; "Goody Goody" (1959; So you met someone who Set you back on your heels Goody goody! So you met someone and Now you know how it feels Goody goody! So you gave him your heart too Just as I gave mine to you And he broke it in little pieces And now how do you do? So you lie awake Just singing the blues all night Goody goody! So you think that love's a Barrel of dynamite Hurray and hallelujah! You had it coming to ya Goody goody for him Goody goody for me And I hope you're satisfied You rascal you... hey! So you met someone who Set you back on your heels Goody goody! So you met someone and Now you know how it feels Goody goody! So you gave him your heart too Just as I gave mine to you And he broke it in little pieces And now how do you do?)


Richard Carpenter (7.3.5UvPi) (New Haven, 15 ottobre 1946) musicista pop statunitense (The Carpenters),"Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" (In your mind you have capacities, you know To telepath messages through the vast unknown Please close your eyes and concentrate With every thought you think Upon the recitation we're about to sing Calling occupants of interplanetary craft ... You've been observing our Earth And we'd like to make A contact with you We are your friends).

Marie Laforêt (7.3.6Uf) (Soulac-sur-Mer, 5 ottobre 1939) cantante, attrice francese, "Viens Viens" (viens, viens, c'est une prière viens, viens, pas pour moi mon père viens, viens, reviens pour ma mère viens, viens, elle meurt de toi viens, viens, que tout recommence viens, viens, sans toi l'existence viens, viens, n'est qu'un long silence viens, viens, qui n'en finit pas. je sais bien qu'elle est jolie cette fille que pour elle tu en oublies ta famille je ne suis pas venue te juger mais pour te ramener il parait que son amour tient ton âme crois-tu que ça vaut l'amour de ta femme qui a su partager ton destin sans te lâcher la main. viens, viens, maman en septembre viens, viens, a repeint la chambre viens, viens, comme avant ensemble viens, viens, vous y dormirez viens, viens, c'est une prière viens, viens, pas pour moi mon père viens, viens, reviens pour ma mère viens, viens, elle meurt de toi sais-tu que jean est rentré à l'école il sait déjà l'alphabet, il est drôle quand il fait semblant de fumer c'est vraiment ton portrait viens, viens, c'est une prière viens, viens, tu souris mon père viens, viens, tu verras ma mère viens, viens, est plus belle qu'avant qu'avant, qu'avant, qu'avant, qu'avant viens, viens, ne dis rien mon père viens, viens, embrasse moi mon père. viens, viens, tu es beau mon père viens, viens, laaa lala).





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