Scripture: Acts 9:1-28
SHOW NOTES: Life’s Journeys will bring us face to face with difficult people, even cruel people. Last time we met Saul, a leading Pharisee in Jerusalem, zealous for the Law, and persecuting men and women who were following Jesus. He was determined this new message would not spread any further into Judaism. Saul travels from Jerusalem to Damascus when suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice speaking to him. “Why are you persecuting me?” For three days, he could not see, and he waited in a house in Damascus. Then, the Lord spoke to Ananias, “Go, for this man is now a chosen instrument of mine.” The purpose of Saul’s journey was rerouted, and he was now “called” to be a messenger of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Saul’s entire life was changed!
SONG: "The God Who Stays" -