God designed us for a personal relationship with Himself. The enemy’s great plan is to hinder us from finding that personal relationship with Almighty God. But, if the devil fails in his devious attempts to thwart our relational encounter with Jesus Christ, his next best option is to subvert the entire idea of relating to God. Our enemy has two distinct tactics to bring about this distortion: 1) To try and convince us that such a God/Man relationship is merely a subjective feelings-based extravaganza detached from Scriptural definition, or 2) to try and convince us that such a God/Man relationship is merely a head-relationship with the Bible. Both extremes lead to a breakdown. But, when the believer discovers a relationship with the Most High God that is informed and empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit as well as discerned and maintained by a clear alignment with the Holy Scriptures—something wonderful takes place. God gave us two means of building and maintaining a relationship with Himself—the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures. If a believer accepts one and disposes of the other, an imbalance takes place that eventually capsizes a walk with God. But if the balance of "both/and" is struck—anything is possible.