Artwork for podcast The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers
Finding Early Success in Your Sports Career with Chris Valente, Director of Sales Fenway Sports
23rd May 2018 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:36:51

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Chris Valente Director of Sales for Fenway Sports Management joins the podcast to discuss what it's really like to work in sports sales and what people should expect, honestly, when they start their career in the sports industryHi everybody I’m Brian Clapp Director of Content for and this is the Work in Sports podcast…So what should I do?This is a question I get a lot. People email in or message me on linked in with a broad question of … I want to work in sports what should I do? I love sports I know everything about sports – what should I do?I hate to burst your bubble – but I can’t answer that. No one can answer that question but you. And do you know why? Because you aren’t a formula with a mathematical equation and a black and white answer.You have hopes and fears and dreams and ideas that enthuse you…and I don’t know any of them. No one does.I get frustrated, when people try to tell the world you need to have a morning routine exactly like the top 50 CEO’s and that will turn you into a person on the rise. That if you follow my formula you’ll become one of the greats.Greatness awaits if you just follow this outline in my book – just 14.99 on amazon, and attend my conference just $299!Well, if the top 50 CEO’s all get up at 5am and read a book, or go for a walk or meditate… but you aren’t a morning person at all…trying to cram their concept of what works into your sensibilities doesn’t make any sense.In fact it’ll probably make your grouchy and less productive. But alas, the concept of not having all the answers doesn’t sell any books, or increase download numbers.Honesty doesn’t sell as well as an informercial.  But that’s what you are going to get here anyway.Honesty.I find the older I get the less apt I am to follow anyone’s lead blindly. Now, don’t read that as being a stodgy old man, who thinks he knows it all… quite the opposite, I may be stodgy but I’m not that old, and I definitely don’t think I know it all.I read and observe and ingest information more than ever – but I think I have a stronger sense of me, and what works for me than ever before. I read more than ever, and listen to podcasts, but I probably also question more than ever.I am attuned to what works and what inspires, and I take nuggets from everything I read and learn – rather than saying “well, this thought leader said I should do this, so that is my new world order”F-that.But like I said, I read all the time, because I want to take in perspectives different than mine. Or sometimes it’s something that validates my own wonders.The point is, you have to be you. Do you the best you can, strive for what works for you, be open to learning and questioning and being curious and thoughtful…and you’ll find your purpose.To bring this back around, just last week I read an article on LinkedIn titled “Working in Sports – 5 things to be successful in year one” …my first thought was, here’s someone playing on my side of the street let’s see what they have to say!And as I read, I found myself saying – yep, that’s right, oh yeah I totally agree with that, and Ok I can see that being potentially true. Bottom line, I was impressed, this person nailed what it’s like working in the sports industry, while adding some flair for storytelling.It wasn’t until I finished, that I looked up to see who wrote it.It was today’s guest – Director of Sales for Fenway Sports Management – yes, that Fenway, as in the Boston Red Sox, Chris Valente.Neither one of us can tell you who you should be or where you should go, but we can give you perspective, a blueprint that may work for you, concepts that have worked for others and environments you should consider for your possible growth – the rest well, that’s up to you to take the reigns of your own journey.Guys like Chris and I can be sherpas on the trail, but you have to get yourself to the actual peak.Grab your pen and paper – there is a lot of information in here you can put to work today – so let’s get to it!




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