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Gender Policies and Global Pressures
Episode 655th January 2024 • Common Sense Ohio • Common Sense Ohio
00:00:00 01:14:16

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Just wrapped up an insightful episode of Common Sense Ohio, where we delved into thought-provoking conversations about a wide array of topics. Here are key takeaways from the episode:

Current Affairs and Social Issues:

- Explored the implications of gender-neutral language and policies, particularly in sports

- Discussed the parental rights and government involvement in decisions about children's gender identity

- Critiqued the Biden administration's policies and their potential consequences

Historical Context and International Relations:

- Shed light on the historical impact of the Japanese internment camps and the lessons learned from that dark chapter in American history

- Discussed the ongoing conflicts in the Red Sea and potential international ramifications, including China's influence

- Addressed the concerns about America's vulnerability to potential attacks and the need for proactive measures

Until next time, stay curious and keep thinking critically, because common sense never goes out of style. Thanks for tuning in, and we'll catch you on the next episode!

Recorded at the 511 Studios, in the Brewery District in downtown Columbus, OH.

Harper CPA Plus

Copyright 2024 Common Sense Ohio

Stephen Palmer is the Managing Partner for the law firm, Palmer Legal Defense. He has specialized almost exclusively in criminal defense for over 26 years. Steve is also a partner in Criminal Defense Consultants, a firm focused wholly on helping criminal defense attorneys design winning strategies for their clients.

Norm Murdock is an automobile racing driver and owner of a high-performance and restoration car parts company. He earned undergraduate degrees in literature and journalism and graduated with a Juris Doctor from the University of Cincinnati College of Law in 1985. He worked in the IT industry for two years before launching a career in government relations in Columbus, Ohio. Norm has assisted clients in the Transportation, Education, Healthcare, and Public Infrastructure sectors.

Brett Johnson is an award-winning podcast consultant and small business owner for nearly 10 years, leaving a long career in radio. He is passionate about helping small businesses tell their story through podcasts, and he believes podcasting is a great opportunity for different voices to speak and be heard.


Steve Palmer [:

The lights are on. The camera's running, and here we are for another episode of Common Sense Ohio, where, of course, you can check us out at commonsense, January 5, 2020 four edition. So here we are in 2024 already. You know, some years, it takes me a long time to figure out, that it's the new year, and I I write the date wrong. This year, Spin easy. 2024. I got it.

Brett Johnson [:

I wonder it's because it's the 2 and 4. Maybe. I I'm the same way. 24 is 4 is

Steve Palmer [:

not a Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

Not a been a problem at all yet.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. That'd be an interesting, Yeah. Thought process to figure out if the if it's harder on odd years. But, anyway, that is a debate we do not need to have. So it is Common Sense Ohio. We're, again, brought to you by Harper Plus Accounting. I was just talking to mister Harper over at Harper Plus Accounting, and he's like, oh, we're sponsoring you? I was like, yeah. You're sponsoring us.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, for god.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. We're joking. But, you know, the the the idea he's he's on he's on my mind a lot these days because as I resolved last year's tax process, I'll call it, which for me involved quite a bit of planning, quite a bit of thought, and, five. Trying to figure out where to move the dollars here and there all throughout the year. I am only thankful that I had Harper Plus accounting, working through that with me because, Frankly, this could have been a year where I ended up, really way off in taxes and and either scrambling to come up with money or worrying about how much I gave the IRS that I shouldn't have. And by the way, those of those of you who think you, you love that tax refund, you are giving the government, that is uncle Sam, the people who steal money from you time and time again, they tax the same dollar over and over and over. You earn it. They tax it.

Steve Palmer [:

You spend it. They tax it. And you die. They tax they could just attack. Tech. Tech.

Brett Johnson [:

Tech. Tech. Tech. 5.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Like, you're giving them a tax free or an interest free loan.

Norm Murdock [:

Guys, isn't it the form w nine where you declare How many exemptions you have and and they adjust your 0. Yeah. Because, guys, if you are getting a gigantic refund In April, you know, or May or whenever it lands on your account. That is communicating to you that you do that you are You have too many exemptions, and so they're withholding way too much out of your paycheck. Yeah. The better way to

Steve Palmer [:

do it other than, like, figuring it out by how much you get back would be to call Harper Plus accounting. They'll have them work it through for you.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

That way, last year, if you're getting if you this year, if you get a big refund, then you know you gotta pick up the phone and dial. This year, if you owe a bunch of money, you know you gotta pick up the phone and dial Harper Plus accounting. My accountant could be yours.

Norm Murdock [:

Unless the only situation I could think of is if you are a spendthrift, and you know if you got a bigger paycheck, you would just blow that money. Savings plan.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Yeah. Right.

Norm Murdock [:

But you know what, though? That's Stupid.

Steve Palmer [:

What you do in today's day in today's day and age, all you need to do is automate it. If you know, we we have bank accounts here for the show, and we talked about this. So We automate it. If I need to save whatever I make in a week Right. I automate it. I transfer it over to a savings account that I don't even look at until it's time to meet with Harper Plus accounting and figure out how much I have to pay because now there are exceptions that, Glenn can and his guys can can walk you through because if If you made a certain amount last year, you gotta do some the same amount of withholding this year. So running a business a little bit tweaked. But Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, just w two income, you you should never give the it it should always be close to to nothing.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

Close to

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, ideally.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And the thing is, you were you were mentioning automating, savings. So there are some, you know, retirement instruments like IRAs and SEPs and and whatever. They got all these goofy plans. Right? And there's always a huge penalty if for early withdrawal. Right? Like like like, it's it's a it's a really

Steve Palmer [:

15% plus notice.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes. Yeah. So if you put it in those kinds of accounts, it will sort of militate against you ever withdrawing from those.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Because you'll look at that and say, Oh, I get this big pot of money for retirement. You know, we wanna go to Disneyland or some horrible place like Disneyland And, you know, spend $30 on a family vacation. So we'll just take it out of the retirement.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

But when you look at that, what you're really gonna you you know, how you're gonna get hammered, It helps you decide not to do that.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, it it you know, there's there's an extra 15% penalty if you're gonna withdraw your money early. I think that's what it is. But do you know what people really see? To see how much they're paying tax. Because when that that money goes in tax free. So if you got a regular w two job and they're just you're funding your retirement, and And then when you go to take that out and you say, alright. I'm gonna just take $30 out, and you only get, like, 18.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes. Right. Because you gotta pay regular tax on it plus the fifteen.

Steve Palmer [:

You get 18 then the 15% penalty.

Norm Murdock [:

There you go.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. You're like and so now, like, wait a minute. $12,000? What's that for? Yeah. That's the tax that you never see. So that we all see it as business owners. But, anyway Right. Yeah. Common Sense Ohio brought to you by Harbor Plus Accounting.

Steve Palmer [:

It is time for the World War 2 fact of the day, this day in history in 1942. This is an interesting topic for me. You know, there's not always, like, a big battle or Patton doing something heroic or, you know, something fascinating that occurred. But when you dig into the trenches of it, no pun intended, that is World War 2, but trench is good enough, foxhole of it rather, You start to it it opens up other doors of study, and this one did that for me, you know, and not that I didn't know about it, Norm. I'm sure you've got plenty to say. January 5th 1942. Is this the 5th?

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. January 5, 42. Alright. All Japanese American selective service registrants are registrants are reclassified, as enemy aliens. That's IV dash c. So then this creates what we know now as sort of the internment camps for the relocation camps. And, you know, I did a little bit of history of studying on this, and most people are sort of aware of this, but there's a lot of thought there to be had. You know? We as as a practical matter in in history, since the thirties, I guess, the FBI and some Other government organizations are actually studying or investigating certain Japanese citizens and or resident aliens, I guess, for lack of a better way to put it, for whether they were involved in subversive activities.

Steve Palmer [:

And there was about 3,000 or so they identified, and and they were being watched. And I'll give the government that. They could have been wrong, what, about 10% wrong or who knows? But Yeah. You know, they were they at least had some target, some standard, some some means to say, Alright. These people are communicating too much with the homeland or They're on

Brett Johnson [:

a watch list. They're on

Steve Palmer [:

a watch list because of something they had done or said or been involved in. Right. Maybe a group they joined.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

But after Pearl Harbor and after we we took some early losses in the Pacific, if if you've studied the history. We haven't gotten really there on the show yet, but We got our asses kicked.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

We didn't

Steve Palmer [:

have a navy because they decimated a lot of it.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, just go down the list of Philippines, you know, Midway, feet. Just on and on and on. Yeah. You know, early on, before Midway turned it around. Yeah. They they took real estate left and right.

Steve Palmer [:

And in the course of those or in response to those losses, the the American public was pissed. Yeah. And and it it it raised the ire against just Japanese people, citizens, even Americans, you know, because they were, what, 3rd generation Americans at that point, but they look different.

Norm Murdock [:

It didn't help that at Pearl Harbor, one of the, Japanese intelligence, successes Was a Japanese American, who was taking photographs and logging battleships and carriers in and out of the harbor and drew up detailed Plans, or maps for the attacks. And, you know, that didn't help things. Right? Because it was a Japanese American citizen in Hawaii, which was not a state yet. Mhmm. It was a territory of the United States at that time. World War 2. We had 48 states. Alaska wasn't a state either.

Brett Johnson [:

And I

Steve Palmer [:

guess I if I if I knew that, I had never really thought about it.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. So Yeah. That brought out, I'm sure, and the fact that it was a sneak attack. Right? That brought out this, terrible characterization of Asians in general, that they were sneaky, that, you know, they that they were derivative of technology that they were not smart enough to invent things, but copycatted Western and, you know, mimicked Western conventions Yep. And, technology. So, yeah, there was a terrible racial hatred of of the Japanese.

Steve Palmer [:

And they look different in the melting pot. So you could be Italian, and, you know, you sorta look like everybody else on some level.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, the Germans were doing things just as horrible.

Steve Palmer [:

Worse. And and I would imagine we had more trouble with with the German spies, and we did Japanese spies.

Norm Murdock [:

And where were the German concentration camps in America?

Steve Palmer [:

Italians. Right. Yeah. Exactly. It just happened to be the the we we suffered the sneak attack, so to speak, and they looked different, so it was easy to identify them.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Well, they we relocated thousands of Japanese families. And, even some families were split up. So they And

Norm Murdock [:

took their property away.

Steve Palmer [:

And took their property.

Norm Murdock [:

The real estate. They went

Steve Palmer [:

to yeah. This is horrible stuff.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

They went to these camps. I I did some reading on this. It's what's interesting to me that was fascinating is the the human ability to persevere because these families made the best of it. They not only made the best of it, like, they established high schools with sports

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

And, and graduation ceremonies. And there's pictures of graduation ceremonies where you can see, like, the the fencing in the background and the barracks in the background where these families were living.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

And then we went along, and we asked We we we gave him sort of the loyalty test. Would you, you know, or you swear allegiance to United States? Yes. Would you be a would you go fight for the American army? Well, some people said no because they were pissed. So, like, some of these kids, like, it of course, it's gonna be like the the teens or the 18 year old saying, you know, go screw yourself. I'm in jail here, and you want me to go fight? So they say it was they got noes on those answers, so then they got separated. You know, it got even worse. So, anyway, it's, interesting history that the fact that the Japanese families persevered and the fact today that we're not talking about it. Yet we're talking about other atrocities.

Steve Palmer [:

You know? You have to sort of I don't have the magic answer as to why that is, but you would have to think why. You know? Like like, what why not why not focus on on what we did to the Japanese as much as we're focusing fun. What we did to all these other nationalities. And by we, I mean, the bad things that that Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

You you might not Western

Steve Palmer [:

society is not.

Norm Murdock [:

Might not remember, Steve, but because, so many of those, that were in the internment camps were still alive. During the Reagan administration, There was a pittance paid of, of, wreck of, losing the word, but It it it some acknowledgment in the form of cash to those who were interned

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

That were still alive, and it was minimal. I wanna say, like, $22,000. It was it was but it was it was an acknowledgment I

Steve Palmer [:

do remember that.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Of some small reparations in real time. Right? Because that Reagan mid eighties, that would have been 40 years after the entire

Steve Palmer [:

could still do something about it to people who

Norm Murdock [:

actually were there.

Steve Palmer [:

From people who did it

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

2 people who suffered.

Norm Murdock [:


Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

You could

Norm Murdock [:

at least acknowledge officially as the government Yeah. Because this was government action. F This wasn't plantation owners. Right. This was the United States government that did this under FDR. So

Steve Palmer [:

and and then we've But in recent years, we've had this sort of backlash against Asians, you know. And and, like, I remember there was all this crime about 3 years ago Mhmm. Just happening against Asians. And, you

Brett Johnson [:

know Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

They they I guess the point is lots of us, meaning lots of nationalities, have suffered.

Norm Murdock [:

I think we mentioned this in one other show. So a bunch of those young men in those internment camps ended up enlisting in the US Armed Forces, And the most decorated army unit in World War 2 history was the 4 100 and 42nd regimental combat, team, which was the Nisei, which was an all Japanese unit, with officers who were Caucasian. And there's a great movie called Go For Broke by with Van Johnson in it. As a racist white Officer given charge of these Japanese, Their heroism. They there were 2 or 3, medals of honor. We had a couple of senators like senator Daniel Inouye, who, were was in that unit. And, Where they earned their, combat stripes was in the Italian theater, which was that I mean, I I mean and, like, Their casualty rates were like 80%.

Steve Palmer [:

Man, it's crazy.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, they they we hamburgerized the Germans hamburgerized These units, and yet they achieve their goals. And, back home, their parents are in a concentration camp.

Steve Palmer [:

That's insane.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Butter insanity.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. So it's kinda like the, the red tails, the, black fighter pilots

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Who go back to Alabama or Arkansas

Steve Palmer [:

And then they're back to Jim Crow. Yeah. Back to Jim Crow.

Norm Murdock [:

Like, you gotta be kidding me. Yeah. I can't come in to a a Walgreens and get a a a milkshake?

Steve Palmer [:

You sorta have to ask. Like, what do you do about it now? And all you can do about it now is learn from it and not do it again. Like, you cannot I just had this conversation with somebody upstairs in my office. You know, this individual was was in my office because, of a criminal problem. Made a mistake. Not a bad person, but, you know, just a series of dumb, stupid things that the person did, and they found themselves in trouble. And, you know, we You have to have some redemption here. You know? It's like, there's gotta be a way through it.

Steve Palmer [:

You gotta you gotta acknowledge the mistake. I say this in court all the time. You gotta acknowledge the mistake. You have to apologize for it, and then you have to move on because that's the only thing you can do.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

That is it. That's great. We cannot change the fact that we had slavery. We cannot change it. We can't fix it. All we can do is say never again. Yeah. We can't changed the fact that we interned our when I say we, I don't mean me.

Steve Palmer [:

I mean, the United States that we or any other civilizations. Like, you can't change that stuff.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. And we should not

Brett Johnson [:

We shouldn't

Norm Murdock [:

try to paper over it or take away

Steve Palmer [:

Of course not.

Norm Murdock [:

The the monuments, and, you know, pro or con. But the monuments, especially, that represent the healing process, like that monument they just took down in Arlington Cemetery Yeah. Which was a It was a

Steve Palmer [:

It wasn't, yeah, it wasn't designed to yeah. It was just designed as reunification.

Brett Johnson [:

Exactly. Yes.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. And why would Woodrow Wilson, The progressives progressive go there and inaugurate that monument. If he didn't think, and other intellectuals at the time, Didn't think that this was basically a unification, kind of monument saying, you know, we have to move on as you said, Steve. Like, brother fought against brother, sometimes within the same family. K. And what was it? 400,000, 500,000 casualties in the Civil War? I I mean, it was just enormous, and we had a very small population at the time. So it was basically like 1 out of every 10 families lost somebody. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean so, yeah, you can't you can't change history, but neither should you forget it.

Steve Palmer [:

You can't forget it. You can't change it. You have to acknowledge it. You have to study it, and you can keep studying it forever, but you have to move on. You cannot

Norm Murdock [:

Learn the lessons from it.

Steve Palmer [:

Dwell on this and say, we're horrible. We're horrible. We're horrible. This country is awful, awful, awful. You have to say, maybe this country is awesome because we fixed it. 5. Or at least we're working towards fixing it.

Brett Johnson [:

Well, in the in the, continued conversation about reparations, well, ultimately, that reparation dollar is gonna be so small.

Steve Palmer [:

It's meaningless. And

Brett Johnson [:

I I guess I look at it as well too as, okay, if we do reparations, then that really that ultimately can stop the conversation

Steve Palmer [:

It won't.

Brett Johnson [:

To to heal in regards to okay. We paid you off. Now shut up.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Well, you wonder.

Brett Johnson [:

So if they say that It'll have that. Well, so you may come with it, but

Steve Palmer [:

You would think.

Norm Murdock [:

You earned it.

Brett Johnson [:

But we don't want that. I don't I mean, I'm not family. You have to do that.

Norm Murdock [:

It's a to reparations to black people today is a massive insult to the memory of all those Union soldiers who are dead, 5. Who who never had children and grandchildren and great great grandchildren because they died to free the slaves. Where is their effing reparation. Well, where

Steve Palmer [:

does it end? You

Brett Johnson [:

know It it doesn't. That that's And,

Steve Palmer [:

Brett, your point your point is that your point is gonna, like, could we say, alright, we're gonna we're gonna give reparations. We're gonna make this payment, and then we can at least move on. But I don't think that's gonna happen. I think you could give them the payment. It's hit

Norm Murdock [:

But but but we shouldn't move on.

Brett Johnson [:

We should continue to talk. 4. Don't

Steve Palmer [:

like to start. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

That that's what I'm saying too.

Steve Palmer [:

You say, alright. Forget it now and and go forward.

Brett Johnson [:

Well, it's some people will say that. It's like, hey. I'm gonna shut up.

Norm Murdock [:

You know? Said, you know, and and other, You know, intellectuals have said it is is it would be payments from people who never did any wrong To people who never had any wrong done to them. Yeah. It's just Because it's not in real time.

Steve Palmer [:

It's token ham.

Norm Murdock [:

It's it's 5. You know, are are you kidding me? It's political. That's

Steve Palmer [:

all it is.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Yeah. It's it's political. And and, really, that whole class did did not suffer. Right? Well, I mean, look. Are not suffering.

Steve Palmer [:

Not now. Not So look. If do you pay reparations to somebody like, Michael Jordan.

Brett Johnson [:

Exact that that is a good that's a good example.

Norm Murdock [:

Who may or may not have had relatives

Steve Palmer [:

May say he did.

Norm Murdock [:

Act or you know?

Brett Johnson [:

And And then is it

Steve Palmer [:

is it are we gonna go are we gonna follow Marxism here to to each to his own need?

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. You know?

Steve Palmer [:

It's like, well, he doesn't need it.

Norm Murdock [:

5. Well, are are we gonna are we gonna use the Mason Dixon line and and have people demonstrate

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

lived in the North.

Norm Murdock [:

Exactly. If you were black in Chicago, do you get 3. Reparations?

Brett Johnson [:

Wait. Wait. You're getting me?

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. I mean, I so look. I mean

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, it's a it's a reticulum.

Steve Palmer [:

None of this is to say that it wasn't a horrible thing, slavery, but it is to say that, man, We can't fix it by paying money to people who like you said.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, it'll just trigger a huge round of reverse racism. Sort of. I mean,

Steve Palmer [:

it's forgiving student loans. Five. It's like f you, you know?

Norm Murdock [:

Oh my god.

Steve Palmer [:

But, alright. Well, let's move on. You got, are we gonna talk about DeWine?

Norm Murdock [:

Well, I think we have to. I think governor DeWine this is my explanation for why because 2 things happened this week that sort of convinced me In a comical way, but it it shows you where his head is. So during immediately after our show last week, DeWine vetoed, House Bill 68, which had 2 acts. 1 was to prevent, what is called gender affirming services for minors in Ohio, which, you know, you talk about a euphemism that's asked backwards.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. It's a it's a Orwellian language there.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Gender affirming services be affirming the gender that you're born with.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. And not instead cutting your testicles off or removing your breasts.

Norm Murdock [:

Instead, they flipped the language, and they've they've won the They've won the the the battle of of language, the liberals. So the other act was to prevent, Bio men from competing in bio women's, sports, both, youth and, Adult sports. So he he he vetoed those. And the only thing I could think of is because that lady at Harvard, the plagiarist, with 50 examples that even the New York Times said are inexcusable. Yep. Lost her job, Claudine Gay. I'm thinking maybe DeWine has it in his head that when his term is up, Harvard might consider him as president. Because this is the most insane woke decision I've ever heard of.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, I I went down this path last week when we talked about this, sort of thinking about the powers, the government lever of power, and whether they had the author whether we should have a government that has the authority to do this in the in the context. And, you know, it it that actually bugged me all week. What because I I I think I was also clear that I did not agree with surgery for kids. I mean, I think the parents are insane. I think this is utter insanity. And then I started to think about it. I I think in What bugged me the most about Dwayne's decision here was the article that suggested it might have been motivated by a lobby Lobbyist of hospitals and, health care officials

Norm Murdock [:

He got $40.

Steve Palmer [:

Who stand who stand who stand to make money as a result of doing these surgeries.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yeah. Sure. Because they all have they all have a practice within these children's hospitals for this conversion process. Yeah. And what what's funny is They tell the conservatives that they're deprogrammers. Right? This is programming.

Steve Palmer [:

This is insane.

Norm Murdock [:

This is programming. You're going into a clinic and you're being counseled To have your gender changed, and the Damocles that they're holding over the parent's head is that if you don't let this kid transition, they're gonna commit suicide.

Steve Palmer [:

Four, worse yet.

Norm Murdock [:

Which is a joke. But there there's a more don't commit suicide.

Steve Palmer [:

And they commit suicide more later. But the what what the other sword that's hanging over their head that is not necessarily discussed. Is it happening in California and other places? There's some litigation in Texas, I know, on on domestic relations type cases where if if you don't do this, if parents don't do this, children services will come in. A government organization will come in

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And and remove the kids from the family.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And and if you don't think this is real, it happens. I mean, look at look at you know, this is I I'm not saying it's happening here in Ohio. I'm not saying it's even happening in in Texas, but I'm saying you you have to sort of play this out, look at the chessboard here, and see where it's going. And I guess what bothered me about my what I was saying last week is I I focused on the theory and not the actual facts, and that is that to the extent that we have a government that does exercise this control anyway, do I need it to sign this bill? You know, we need to you know, if you're gonna have these kind of controls anyway, and we live in this, let's take it out of the philosophical and down to the reality. I find it reprehensible that we permit this surgery and permit these practices as a government because the government's getting fund like, there there's there's money flowing. And Sure. When the money is flowing and, and and people are benefiting financially, and the why is like, this is a political decision, not a not a factual one.

Norm Murdock [:

5. Parental rights argument is a flipping joke. So let's let's

Steve Palmer [:

Because it doesn't work the other way. Right?

Norm Murdock [:

Right. So let's let's let's walk through that for just a second. Let's talk about the ultimate parental rights decision, to kill your baby in vitro. Right? So We have a society that just passed a constitutional amendment to to let women up till the day of birth if they could get 1 doctor to say It's medically necessary, which, you know, planned parenthood doctor would do. They can have their baby aborted one day before 9 months Full term. Right? Under under our new constitutional law, which was rushed through with any thought by The wine moms out there. Okay? So fine. So you're saying people can kill babies.

Norm Murdock [:

That's where this leads to, And the joke of it is that it's parental rights because in every other scenario involving parental rights, The Liberals don't want parents to have any rights. But you can put Zero rights. Like like, the right to even know that your child is receiving trans counseling

Steve Palmer [:

This is the extension of this.

Brett Johnson [:

This is

Steve Palmer [:

the extension of this.

Norm Murdock [:

Tell the parents that, but they're gonna let the parents decide to cut off their boobs This is the this

Steve Palmer [:

is the extension of this. So if we're going you know, you can't I can't just look at this as a vacuum. Like, the government has the power to either, permit this or or prevent parents from doing this, because I don't think I don't think we're living in a world where it is free anyway. I don't think we're living in a world where we we have the the sanctity of of the parent relationship with a kid is protected anyway. It's not.

Norm Murdock [:

And it's not respected by the Wokes.

Steve Palmer [:

It's not.

Norm Murdock [:

Just in this situation, do they wanna use that Correct. Claim.

Steve Palmer [:

So but if I wanted to go the other way, if I had a kid who was who was, quote, identifying as a woman or identifying as a man and there was the opposite gender, then I'm gonna be chastised for exercising that parental right. So I guess what I'm saying is if we're gonna combat this, if we're gonna combat this insanity, we we can't just back off and not fight the fight. I think I think the I think the front is here, and the war is here. And to the extent that we're creating government power into the parental relationship. We've already done that, I suppose. So I I'm I'm not walking back what I was saying last week, because what I was saying last week is, like, look. There's a bigger issue here that we should discuss. But to the extent that we're in the trenches on this right now, I think it's a mistake.

Steve Palmer [:

I think DeWine made a mistake. I think it was weak. I think he had a chance to, to make a statement here, and he did. Now the question, Norm, is, legislatively, do they have enough to overcome it? Is it can they overcome the Well,

Norm Murdock [:

they're they're examining that.

Brett Johnson [:

F I'm reading. The numbers are probably there.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. They're probably there. Meet early. They're probably there, and a number of Democrats voted for house bill 68 too.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

The the thing That DeWine said in his, in his press conference about that we need deliberative thought about a new bill That would prevent actual surgery that's irreversible. Hey, dude. When you do hormone blockers and you do puberty blockers, That is gonna that's just as permanent as a surgery. Like, when when you hold back the growth of certain organs, fift. It's not like, okay. Take them off puberty blockers, and all of a sudden, you're gonna, like, reverse 10 years worth of blocking. You're not.

Steve Palmer [:

You can't.

Norm Murdock [:

That child is just is changed just as fundamentally as if it was surgery. So DeWine said, well, we need to study this, and we need to contemplate that work through carefully with the legislature. Yet this bill, house bill 68, Took 3 years for the legislature

Brett Johnson [:

I have

Norm Murdock [:

a prediction. Put together. I have a prediction. This was deliberately put together.

Steve Palmer [:

Speaking of predictions from last week, I have a prediction. Somebody will propose a constitutional amendment allowing these surgeries to occur. The sooner or later in Ohio, we're gonna we're gonna see a proposed constitutional amendment 4 that fixes this. And and what just triggered that thought here trigger. It's a great word in it. What just triggered that thought here is that if there is any place where this stuff should be handled. It ought to be the legislative body because there as DeWine said, at least there can be a debate and open a public debate.

Norm Murdock [:

And there was for 3 years.

Steve Palmer [:

And there was. Right. But the point the point I'm gonna make here is that if this law passes and debates change and the and the and the, science on this or the studies on this or something somehow Yeah. Miraculously says that this is okay to do and it's reversible. Well, at least You can change the law easily. When it becomes a constitutional amendment, I say when, then it's gonna be much harder to fix that problem because it's a constitutional amendment.

Norm Murdock [:

Let me introduce this. So we just passed that constitutional amendment on abortion. Mhmm. Right? And advocates of that And opponents said built into that because it was it was reproductive services was the actual language in that bill.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

So many people have argued that what you're talking about, Steve, is already in the constitution. And House Bill 68 had it passed, and that constitutional amendment, they were on a they were on a litigation, collision.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, hopefully, that happens. Hopefully, those trajectories get a chance to cross because I think that I'm hoping the general assembly goes back and they have enough votes to, override. To override the veto. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Three 5ths. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

So I wanna I wanna play a little bit of devil's advocate on this a little bit because I I wanna read a quote that DeWine said That I like in that he says, were I to sign house bill 68 or were house bill 60 to become a law, And Ohio would be saying that the state that the government knows what is medically best for a child than the 2 parents who love the child the most, their parents. I guess I'm looking at it from the point of conserving our rights as parents. Mhmm.

Steve Palmer [:

Sort of the angle I was coming at from last week.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. That I I like So where was he when COVID hit that all of a sudden the government has to be involved? You know, it's almost like 180 when he says I'm going. F I read that one.

Steve Palmer [:

Wait a minute. It's disingenuous political babble.

Brett Johnson [:

Kind of he's only he's only going the way I'm doing.

Norm Murdock [:

Brett, Let me let me absolutely smash that, okay, with the biggest hammer I have. Okay. So the Liberals are against What they call it's very common in Africa. The vagina being, being lacerated fated and Right. And mutilated. Mutilated.

Steve Palmer [:

They take the they take the hood off or something. Yeah. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

The g spots removed or whatever they do. They got it. The genital mutilation. Yes. 5. So Great. In America, supposedly, we're we're so enlightened, we would never permit that. So But we kinda are with that, though, aren't we? Exactly.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. So why is a parent in the United States in the name of transness Allowed to mutilate their child, but people in Africa can't can't do the same thing.

Steve Palmer [:

But here's the distinction. You said allowed to. The problem is it's encouraged. And, you know, what you know, it's not just that I'm gonna make a decision, to have my son circumcised. You know? You know, that's that's a parental decision. You know? This is something different. My kid goes to school, starts to identify or act like he's a girl or she's a boy. And then behind my back, these things are they they slowly are left to grow.

Steve Palmer [:

And without me knowing as a parent, They're calling my kid by a female name at school without me knowing as a parent. Right. They're telling my child not to tell parents at home. What's going on?

Norm Murdock [:

But they're really worried. And they're really worried about your parental rights.

Steve Palmer [:

And they're worried about my parental rights.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yes. They're really worried.

Steve Palmer [:

Insanity. And and just so we're clear, I'm not talking about, private schools. I'm talking about public schools. So the government's in it anyway. And so when DeWyen says this, I agree with you, Brett. You know, there there is some sense there, and that's what I was talking about last week. It's like, alright. If we're gonna protect the sanctity of parenthood, we have to do it both ways, but they don't do it both ways.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. They don't do it both ways.

Norm Murdock [:

Parents don't have the right to do anything they damn well please to their kids.

Steve Palmer [:

Of course not.

Norm Murdock [:

They can't ply them with drugs. They can't turn them into sex slaves.

Steve Palmer [:

They can't. Sure.

Norm Murdock [:

It's not right. They can't mutilate them. Like, I want my kid to have his left arm cut off.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, we have a so we have this we have this line that the government is inserting into the parental relationship. And I think we can all agree that there has to be a line somewhere, or maybe we can't. I don't know. But there is a line that the government in inserts and says, alright. We can accept this, but not this. We can accept circumcision, but not, female mutilation. We can accept, whatever it would be. You can have a certain haircut.

Steve Palmer [:

You can pierce your kids' ears. You can get tattoos. You can do these things, but you can't do these things.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, it's just that what church is it, Steve? There's a there's a church I I forget the name. It's not the Mormon church. It's it's a different church where they don't permit blood transfusions.

Brett Johnson [:

And there have been

Steve Palmer [:

a number scientists.

Norm Murdock [:

Been in thank you.

Steve Palmer [:

4 vaccines, for instance.

Norm Murdock [:

There have been a number of cases where a child is dying of leukemia or something. Right?

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And a court decides, Sorry. You can't just watch your kid die. There is a way to save this kid's life.

Steve Palmer [:

And we're gonna do it.

Norm Murdock [:

And we're gonna do it.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

And there's a constitutional basis for that, I suppose, if everybody has a right to life.

Norm Murdock [:

You don't get to put your kid to death But in America.

Steve Palmer [:

On the you know, but We're we're in this weird zone now where we have to contemplate this in a way that we've never thought we would ever have to contemplate it. You know, it's like nobody ever envisioned that we would have a society where parents are encouraged to cut their boys' testicles off and and turn them into a girl at age like 8. Nobody ever like, we never

Brett Johnson [:

f Even just the science and the medical science to do it not

Steve Palmer [:

even close to

Brett Johnson [:

do it. I mean, in our in our lifetime growing up, that didn't exist.

Steve Palmer [:

Chappelle had a

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

You're right.

Brett Johnson [:

It it you know, it's

Norm Murdock [:

rocking in this. Chappelle.

Steve Palmer [:

Chappelle's a great a great Ohioan. His new Netflix his new Netflix series dropped, and I I don't know. I think this was on it. And I didn't I didn't watch the whole thing. I it was a it was a reel on Facebook or something. Yeah. And, you know, he says he went and, I said, and I'm drawing a blank.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, he he he has said that his humor about trans and gays is based on it's just funny. Well, he's just hate. That's what he said.

Brett Johnson [:

He's got this sort of twist away. So he

Steve Palmer [:

said he he said his hero was Jim Carrey, and Jim Carrey was, interesting.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. And one

Steve Palmer [:

of his heroes. Like, one of them. Like, okay. Like, he looked up to Jim Carrey as a comedian and thought he was a good guy. And he finally got a chance to meet Jim Carrey, but it turns out Jim Carrey was on the set of the, of the movie where he played, Andy Kaufman.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, okay. Man man on the

Steve Palmer [:

moon. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

And I guess during a great movie. During that movie, Jim Carrey, basically, was a method actor and went

Norm Murdock [:

into character He became.

Steve Palmer [:

247, he became in. He called him. So you couldn't talk to him. You know? Like, if you talk to him, you got Andy Kaufman. 5.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

know, you got the

Brett Johnson [:

And to his credit, if you're Andy Kaufman, you better pull it 247 because that's gonna a hard one to get back into.

Steve Palmer [:

And Andy Kaufman played that, and, like, nobody ever nobody really quite knew if he was doing it for real for his really Exactly. But, anyway, Carrie was at Carrie was playing. So so, Chappelle tells this long story in his comic bit about meeting Jim Carrey there, and he's like, yeah. So I went there, and I I met Jim Carrey, but I had to sorta act like he was Andy Kaufman. So I couldn't call him Jim. I'd call him Andy. And then I had to talk to him as if I were talking to Andy Kaufman, But I knew that I was talking to Jim Carey, and he goes through this whole bit. And you know how Chappelle is.

Steve Palmer [:

Chappelle has this way of sort of Right. Really like, he plays it up, and he goes Right. It's sorta like talking to somebody who's trans. You know? You know it's a guy.

Norm Murdock [:

And then the house fell down. Right. I mean, then they

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, then the the wokes went crazy. He's getting skewered for it. 4. But but he's like, you know, you're you're just living this lie and acting like this way, but you know it's an act.

Brett Johnson [:

But f There is such that someone that classifies themselves as they. You're talking to them and you, you know not you're not forced to use a pronoun, but they're 5. You know. If you don't, you're gonna get the the the example being and I know there was a short time period that people, that were wandering would call the one we called it. And it's like and I and I kinda drew a line going, I'm not calling you an it because that's a it has no soul.

Steve Palmer [:

It's And you have a soul. We believe that. Right? It and I we know that's gonna be true.

Brett Johnson [:

Being. It is a table, is a chair. So it's it it kinda goes to that point. Thank god it didn't last long.

Steve Palmer [:

This is But this is the existential end product of this postmodernist you know, these French postmodernists who deny any objective reality, and they have this moral relativism relativism where you where nothing has a definition. You can just change the definition. 2 plus 2 is 5. See, that's Norman, that's how it is. Sure. But we operate knowing things are true. Chappelle knew that that was Jim Carrey. And Jim Carrey, while he could Say that he was somebody else, or he could act like he was somebody else.

Steve Palmer [:

He Chappelle knew. He was Jim Carrey, and Chappelle had to go on with the with the line. Yeah. And, you know, maybe for good reason. Maybe in your case, Brett, you're doing it because you're just you're just, being cordial or being, I wanna

Brett Johnson [:

have a conversation with this person.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, disrespecting what they want, but it's a freaking lie. So if, Norm, you tell me tomorrow that you're really a female Right. And you show up with a blonde wig and I gotta start calling you her, Alright. Well, maybe I'll do that to make you feel better, but that's all I'm doing. I'm doing it to make you feel better. But in my soul, it's a freaking lie. And then we have to ask ourselves, one. How do we know that that's a lie? Because, you know, where does it where does that kind of objectivism come from? Right.

Steve Palmer [:

If you if we all know that's a lie, and everybody can relate to what fell state. I I saw you guys, like, oh, yeah. I get it. Like, everybody knew where we're going at because we know when we're talking to a guy who says he's a girl or a girl who says She's a guy. We know they're lying. Well, and

Norm Murdock [:

that that professor down at, Ohio University, right, who won his case In the Ohio Supreme Court

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

That he cannot be compelled to to refer to a man as a woman. Sure. And, you know, it's a Jordan Peterson case.

Brett Johnson [:

It's a that's Easy around, though. You just call the person by the name by their proper name. Sure.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, that's fine. But, you know, that was not what this is.

Brett Johnson [:

I know. You know?

Steve Palmer [:

We did 5th. We did something similar. I gotta think this through. Well, I'll just throw it out there, then we think it through together. Remember when I was growing up and I was I learned to write composition formally, Everything was he. You know, if you if you didn't know the gender of the person or whatever you're talking about, it defaulted to the masculine.

Brett Johnson [:

And, you

Steve Palmer [:

know, there's there's other languages that do that too. Spanish has a masculine. Most of the Romanian language have Romani. Romani. Exactly. And then, it but we all of a sudden had to invent this farce that you could start using her. And, you know, why are we using he? We could just use her. It's like, well, we gotta pick 1.

Brett Johnson [:

Oh, god.

Steve Palmer [:

You know? And this has been the one forever. I don't feel like I'm morally superior because I wanna be a guy and reuse the he.

Norm Murdock [:

5. Dude, that's like all these congressional committees where there was chairman being used for 2 100 years. Learned Now it's

Steve Palmer [:

chairman, chairwoman, chair this, chair that. But I learned over the years and just made it a habit to find a way around it. Right? I started to say, I I would avoid the use of gender pronouns.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

And This is like a logical extension of that. And maybe, you know, looking back, and when I write to courts now, do I think, are they gonna be offended if I use the word, like, emasculated or if I use the word barren or if I use the word you know, whatever it is. I mean, these are gender specific

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Terms. Right. And Life. Yeah. Yeah. So you you wonder, when we start to twist language with this motive, we sort of get to the spot that we're in. You know? If it's it's Plato arguing with Socrates and Gorgias. You know, you have to have some common understanding of language

Norm Murdock [:

in order to have to be The lips wanna win the war of words. Not just to win the war of words. They wanna drive policy off of that. So it's not good enough that the professor at Ohio Ohio University would say Cindy

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Instead of William. They want what they want.

Brett Johnson [:

They want what they want.

Norm Murdock [:

They want Cindy they want Cindy, the trans the 5. Man to swim on the swim team on the girls team.

Steve Palmer [:

We're forced to say that that's okay.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

I I'm not I mean, look.

Brett Johnson [:

That's right. I I'm

Steve Palmer [:

not. I mean, look. That's right. I don't. I don't say it's okay.

Norm Murdock [:

The words are just there to force a serious

Steve Palmer [:

It's a lie.

Norm Murdock [:

Policy goal

Steve Palmer [:

It's a lie. To

Norm Murdock [:

have men in women's sports. It's it's Which is insane. 5th.

Steve Palmer [:

It's just a fundamental line. That's what Chappelle was saying. He was it it's living it's it's tolerating a farce, and you feel something in your soul when you do that. I do anyway.

Brett Johnson [:

Oh, sure. I just

Steve Palmer [:

know that it's not right.

Norm Murdock [:

It's factually incorrect.

Steve Palmer [:

Even if I'm being conciliatory to somebody who said you know, you you talk to your girlfriend. And how do I look to anything? Well, looks so hot today. She didn't get enough sleep or this or that, but you never tell

Brett Johnson [:

her that.

Steve Palmer [:

No. And so it's a little white lie. But the you know, this is an it's it's like it's pushed too far. It's like we're supposed to do these things Right. And go along with these things. And then their response is always like, why do you care? Just call because you don't feel right living a lie. Right. You know? And and then sooner or later, that leads down.

Steve Palmer [:

This is this is the foundation for more. And like you said, they're gonna start driving policy with us. Now we've got the US boxing, committee in the Olympics allowing women if they pass I think that's what I read. Allowing women if they pass certain, hormone or, testosterone tests, you can be a a guy can compete with the women. Yeah. And it's like, you know, it's how is that justifiable in any way, shape, or form. Go to go talk to, any of the UFC fighters about how this goes down, man. The women And

Brett Johnson [:

and you know what? Slaughter. That's what it's gonna have to take is a slaughter Yeah. At some point in time that is on national television

Steve Palmer [:

It's happening.

Norm Murdock [:

And it just blows over and over again. The the guy in you It it's

Brett Johnson [:

just It when it becomes ubiquit ubiquitous. Good. Ubiquitous. Yeah. That we just see this over and over and over. All of a sudden, people are gonna say, this isn't

Steve Palmer [:

The wine drinking suburbanites that you're talk that you The wine moms. The wine moms. We'll call them dewine moms. The dewine moms Their compassion

Norm Murdock [:

is killing the country.

Steve Palmer [:

Sooner or later, here's what happens. They're killing the country. Always happens. Sooner or later, it'll be their kid. Yeah. Sooner or later Sooner or later, their daughter's gonna get slaughtered in some

Norm Murdock [:

The same wine moms, though.

Steve Palmer [:

I think that's your point, Paul.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes. Like, look. They're actually bragging about their tranny kids.

Steve Palmer [:

The season here can defeat itself.

Norm Murdock [:

Like, some of them, when they're comparing notes, like, oh, yeah. Little Billy is transitioning now.

Steve Palmer [:

They're waving their woke flag.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. They're waving their woke flag. So I saw this interview last night with Shelby Steele, and I don't know if you guys know who he is. He's a famous Civil War Historian and author.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. A commentator. Political commentator too.

Norm Murdock [:

Happens to be black. Yeah. Happens to be black. And they were talking about this Harvard Claudine Gay, president. And he said she is a perfect example of tokenism that The woke liberal whites that run Harvard were so interested, right, in having a twofer, A female black Mhmm. That they completely overlooked her qualifications. The goal was to make themselves feel good, To wave their virtue flag

Steve Palmer [:

To make themselves look good.

Norm Murdock [:

And hire this lady

Steve Palmer [:

Themselves look good.

Norm Murdock [:

Who has had the shortest tenure as a Harvard president of any previous Harvard president. And and it's it's obvious they didn't do their diligence. She just fit some kind of demographic category categorization that they were looking for.

Steve Palmer [:

Sure. It was a racist hire.

Norm Murdock [:

It was a racist hire. And Shelby Steele said, this is the fault of white liberals. Those are his words, Not mine. I am not care I am not rephrasing what he said. He said it's white liberals who are afraid of being called racist Because they won't hire on the basis of color.

Steve Palmer [:

It's racist to accuse somebody of color of plagiarism. Right? This is lunacy.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, when she left, her resignation letter letter said that.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. This is lunacy.

Norm Murdock [:

Hal Sharpton said that.

Steve Palmer [:

Now look. I if she's if if her point is other, black academics have committed similar plagiary, and they didn't get fired. Well, you know, maybe she's got a point. But firing somebody for plagery.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Plagery? Plagiarism. Plagiarism. Sorry. So finding something for plagiarism Yeah. Like, to me, that's obvious. Like, if I'm a black academic actually, forget that. If I'm an academic And you plagiarized. President of my university has committed egregious plagiarism, or any kind of plagiarism, frankly

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Then I would think that person should be fired. Yes.

Norm Murdock [:

Now why

Steve Palmer [:

does that change when the color of their skin changes?

Norm Murdock [:

It shouldn't.

Steve Palmer [:

It shouldn't. It shouldn't.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

should be a colorblind society. F. Harvard should hire on the basis of merit, and there are a ton of qualified black females get the job because this one did. Right.

Brett Johnson [:

Well, and he gave the wrong example that, okay, we're gonna keep that person in their position even though they plagiarize. My my wife's going through a ton of this plagiarism stuff, I think it it must be an epidemic of well, a little bit of exactly. Internet

Steve Palmer [:

makes it easy

Brett Johnson [:

for you guys. Plan that. Exactly. Absolutely. And and and, also, they don't these students, I I hopefully, it's just a wave, then it kinda this calms down, but they don't understand what plagiarism is. They don't know how to credit where they get the resources.

Steve Palmer [:

Cut and paste and copy everything.

Brett Johnson [:

So they they said, well, wait a minute. I did this. Like, no. That still is plagiarism because you didn't credit It properly.

Steve Palmer [:

The problem is the ability to cut and paste because Yeah. You know, it used to be it used to be you would write out the note cards, and you'd have to put quotes. It was almost a bigger pain. Like, as I did these note cards, five. I just I finally just learned to paraphrase, and on the back, you put the source of the of your 3 by 5 cards. That's the old fashioned way to do a research paper. And, you know, when you have to write it out by hand, Writing an exact quote is a pain in the ass. So you learn to paraphrase, and then you don't have these problems as long as you just accredit the source.

Steve Palmer [:

So it's like Yeah. You could be you're either the greatest researcher in the world by citing this many sources, fizz, or you're a plagiarist by citing none. You know, it's like it's not that you don't get you don't get dung. You don't lose points for citing the source. Now The problem is when you steal original ideas and and pass them off as your own. And and that's what that's what plagiarism is designed to protect.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Have your original thought, and don't don't pass off somebody else's as your own.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Ask or ask Chappelle. Ask comedians about this. They're Oh. Adamant about this.

Norm Murdock [:

So sure.

Steve Palmer [:

They're adamant. Like, Rogen's been in, like, almost fist fights with people about this. I mean, they're adamant. People steal others material without citing it.

Norm Murdock [:

She calls it racism, and then Claudine Gay parachutes out of Harvard f With a 900,000 dollar.

Steve Palmer [:

At Harvard. She just kept her she kept her teaching position for her for $1,000,000 a year.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. I didn't hear. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Lunacy. So, like, look. Lunacy. You you've cheated, you've lied, and you've plagiarized, so you can't be our president.

Norm Murdock [:

A student at Harvard would get an f. But you can be expelled expelled.

Brett Johnson [:

Oh, yeah. Go up through the word and be expelled.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. It's the highest crime.

Steve Palmer [:

Plagiarism in a college environment, like, when I came up, that was,

Norm Murdock [:

like, 5.

Steve Palmer [:

Those high crime and misdemeanor failures. I mean, you get you get booted for that.

Brett Johnson [:

You know, do not go pass go. Don't don't collect 200 per hour.

Steve Palmer [:

Drunk and be a jackpot. Your and

Brett Johnson [:

you're not gonna get your back either. Yeah. You're done. You're done. Out. Turn it

Steve Palmer [:

on your record. You can't even transfer.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Like, plagiarism like this was was a was a crime of the highest order. Yep. And now she's got a $900,000 professor job teaching still. It's like they didn't do enough here. She should have been skewered, and and there should have been a huge fall from grace because then the next worthy person could get her job.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. And and I don't care what color or gender that person is.

Steve Palmer [:

I I heard someone say it's better to hire a black woman. It's like, look. I don't give a flying rat's ass.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, that's like Biden

Brett Johnson [:

picking Kamal.

Steve Palmer [:

Gender. Right.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, he said upfront, I you know, my VP is gonna be a black woman, And I'm just gonna shop, you know, in those lanes. It's like, really? I mean, so white woman, White men, black men, none of those qualify. It's gotta be a black woman.

Steve Palmer [:

Can't be just somebody good?

Brett Johnson [:

Jesus. Well, 5. And if it happens to be a black woman who is the best candidate Which is crazy. Fantastic. That is exactly what the law is.

Steve Palmer [:

You could give me an argument. You could give me we were talking before about law school and how I can take both 5. It's like I could listen to an argument that says, alright. All thing else everything else being equal, we've got people with identical credentials, identical experience, identical history, and one happens to be black and one happens to be white. You can make an argument there. Alright? I might not agree with you, but at least at least you've got something.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, you got 2 qualified people.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. You got qualified people. And if

Norm Murdock [:

you choose one Right. I don't care.

Steve Palmer [:

But, you know and you might say, I'm gonna deem this is what the US Supreme Court said in the, Bakke case, I think, up in it was a Michigan case. And so you can deem it a plus.

Norm Murdock [:

Medical student applicant.

Steve Palmer [:

You can deem it a plus. But, You know, if you're gonna just if you're gonna overlook all other qualified candidates and identify one that has a certain race and gender and ignore everybody else who's qualified, It's like, that's that's bad of an issue from the beginning.

Norm Murdock [:

That's horrible. The definition of racism. Yeah. Right now. It is racism. It is. Yes. Well, Switching gears? Is that okay, guys? Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. We beat

Norm Murdock [:

the source. We are at war. Right? We are at war right now. Our country is at war right now, and it is is disturbingly not being acknowledged either by the media or by the White House, and that is the war in the Red Sea. Okay. There have been 200 attacks around 200 attacks on US military personnel. There have been around 30 attacks On shipping, container ships.

Steve Palmer [:

One of the Western countries just said they're not gonna ship anymore. I figured who that was.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, well, British Petroleum the British? Five. Petroleum said they're gonna send their tankers around the Cape of Good Hope because Cape of Hope because

Steve Palmer [:

think Italy said they're not even gonna run was it Italy? I can't remember.

Norm Murdock [:

A bunch of them are not gonna use, the Suez Canal. They're not gonna use the Red Sea.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. We're letting these ragtag terrorists.

Norm Murdock [:

So we we sank 3 boats this week. Right? Yeah. One of our destroyers with helicopters sank. Out of 4 boats, we sank 3 of them. These are Iranian backed. We we're at war with Iran. I mean, It's a proxy war, but it's a hot war. And after we sunk those 3 boats this week, guess what Iran did? They they are sailing into the Red Sea with Iranian flagged warships.

Norm Murdock [:

And, hey, dude. I I think we gotta blow it out of the water. 5. We have to make an we have to make a statement.

Steve Palmer [:

This cannot be tolerated.

Norm Murdock [:

It cannot be tolerated. Be tolerated.

Steve Palmer [:

But the problem is it's already been this is this is, you know, this is This is Neville Chamberlain all over again.

Norm Murdock [:

All over again.

Steve Palmer [:

We we have let this happen. And now you're at the point where you've got a real problem on your hand. I mean, this is

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

This is, like, you can't You gotta deal with the beast immediately.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

You have to this is life.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Right? It it's like a weed's gonna grow, and it's gonna get roots, and it's gonna feet grown is gonna spread. You gotta pull it right away. You you cannot and then you've gotta create a new barrier that says, we're not gonna tolerate this kind of stuff again.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

We had to reset the world in the in World War 1 and 2 as a result of this crap. Right. And now we're at it again.

Norm Murdock [:

In the fifties, Nasser, the president of, Egypt, Shut down the Suez, sank a bunch of commercial ships, blocked it so that it was not navigable, and the world did not put up with that. Okay. We reopened the Suez Canal by force.

Steve Palmer [:

It should be.

Norm Murdock [:

And this is we're at war. I mean, the the we're we we've killed Iranians now. We've we've, we've blown up all these Houthi missiles Well, you wonder drones.

Steve Palmer [:

Who's watching this? China's watching this.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Russia's watching this. Exactly. Look. Is Iran a is Iran a real threat to us? Well, no. Not if we don't want it to be. Yeah. And but China is.

Norm Murdock [:

Hell, yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

And how we deal with this may may it well may impact what China does with Taiwan or whether China's gonna create its own blockade.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right. And right now, Another little hot spot is Venezuela and the UK. Venezuela is threatening to take The oil fields in another country, Guyana, next door to Venezuela, for the oil resources

Steve Palmer [:

that they blew on their own because of their communist nonsense or socialist nonsense.

Norm Murdock [:

So they they have That

Steve Palmer [:

was the richest country in the world for the longest time.

Norm Murdock [:

They've sent 60,000 Venezuelan troops to the border with Guyana. The United Kingdom has sent just like they did in the Falklands, they have now sailed some warships Down to Guyana.

Steve Palmer [:

Doesn't it feel like that that you you

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, the world's going out of control here

Steve Palmer [:

You read

Norm Murdock [:

because of weakness.

Steve Palmer [:

It is weakness. Yes. It's

Norm Murdock [:

weakness. It is Neville Chamberlain.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

It's weak. We are telegraphing. We're in a war right now, a shooting war, and and and the White House won't acknowledge it's a shooting.

Brett Johnson [:

And I think they're also taking advantage of the the total disarray that's going on in our politics. Think about it. Absolutely.

Steve Palmer [:

They absolutely are.

Brett Johnson [:

It's election 5 year.

Steve Palmer [:

Trans people in the military

Brett Johnson [:

Just we have so many balls. Right. We have so many balls in the air. If nothing else, because it's an election year, 5. Will Biden run? Bill, even he lived through the year. I mean, you know, is he he's capable of doing the job. They trump all the 91

Steve Palmer [:

court cases. That they know were distracted.

Brett Johnson [:

Exactly. Fleet.

Norm Murdock [:

So twice last month twice last month, the Biden administration bypassed Congress and gave a bunch of military, assistance, dollars and equipment to Israel. Now imagine if Trump did that. Right? But imagine if Trump bypassed the Democrat Congress And just and just gave war material to Israel. Right? It it it would be all over the papers, but Biden does it, And and it's like it's not even a fact. It's like it's not even reported.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, it this is you know, I'm you want I'm I'm trying to formulate some parallels here. It's like we we've almost, like we've got our own version of American isolationism going on right now. It's like we're not getting involved, but we're not getting involved because we wanna Protect our country and be our own. We're getting we're not getting involved because we're just scatterbrained, like you said, Brett, and weak right now. Yeah. And you know? Or four. It's politically incorrect to do it somehow. And then you have to wonder what's guiding the because I don't believe an idealism is gonna stop us from getting involved in solving these conflicts.

Steve Palmer [:

It's money. You know? It's like, we don't wanna piss off China, and we don't wanna piss off Iran. We don't wanna piss off these people. We want it's money, power, and ego. Yeah. And and it's it's it's it's really just weak.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, you know, on October 7th, when Hamas killed 1200, people

Steve Palmer [:

And raped. Right. And created mayhem, generally speaking, throughout

Norm Murdock [:

Several of those people were Americans. Mhmm. Right? Our military is being attacked. They're Americans, And it's we are so feckless as a country now that we will not even belly up to the table and say, hey, MFers. Hamas, who is it?

Steve Palmer [:

Because of this narrative that America is bad.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yeah. It, man.

Brett Johnson [:

Oh, sure.

Steve Palmer [:

We deserve it.

Norm Murdock [:

We deserve it. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

We deserve it.

Norm Murdock [:

We're we're the horrible people. Colonias. How How dare you defend yourselves?

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. You because you're a realistic colony creating evil white people in America where everybody wants to come on.

Brett Johnson [:

You know, and it makes you wonder too. Is it is Biden thinking this, or is it the people around him?

Steve Palmer [:

I don't think Biden has it. I don't even think Biden thinks about what day it is at this point.

Brett Johnson [:

You know, because of our advisors. So our advisors advising him not to?

Norm Murdock [:

Well, there's here Or

Brett Johnson [:

is are they advising, hey. We should do this, and he's just sitting, Well, guys, I'm just saying no. I mean, I I

Norm Murdock [:

think that's a fairly easy law. I don't know. So the well, I do know. You do? Okay. And let me explain how I know because the f people advising Obama are advising

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. It's it's it's Obama too.

Norm Murdock [:

Same people. It's the same mafia. So Biden gets in office. You know, Trump backed out of the Iranian nuclear deal. Right? Immediately. Immediately. What did Biden do? Like, the 1st week, oh, we're right back in the Iranian. And so he gave them just like Obama did.

Norm Murdock [:

All of these all of these seized, yeah, all all this money that was frozen, was released to Iran

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

Right, which is financing this terrorism. And, also, the the nuke deal is it it so Iran will have fissile Nuclear materials at a certain point under this treaty, there it it will allow that, I think it is, like, by 2030.

Steve Palmer [:

Shooting at us.

Brett Johnson [:

And they're

Norm Murdock [:

shooting us. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

It's like, where where where's the

Brett Johnson [:

What are you doing?

Steve Palmer [:

Where is the media on this? Right.

Norm Murdock [:

Let's let's

Steve Palmer [:

How is this not headline news everywhere?

Norm Murdock [:

5. It's inexplicable. It it's it's kinda like, switching gears again.

Steve Palmer [:

Instead, we're focused on a racist termination of a plagiarist Right. From Harvard.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. We're worried about that. We're worried about men competing on girls' teams. I'm the stuff we're worried about is bizarre to me. It's just Imagine what China's thinking.

Steve Palmer [:

It's like these freaking morons.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, they're distracted.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Well and a a ton of it's clickbait stuff. They know people will read that story. They know people will watch that will watch that video on versus they won't click on CNBC or AP News US Warrens Hooties to cease attacks on Red Sea vessels. Man, it's right there. Oh my god. And that is none.

Norm Murdock [:

Breath you hit on it. That is all we're doing. It's we're we're and we're doing a series of warnings. We're warning the Hooties. Hey. Don't do it again. You've done it 200 times. Don't do it 200 and first time.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

I mean, it's unbelievable that we're still at the warning stage. You know, we're gonna draw a red line. They crossed it when Obama was president, and he did nothing. He did nothing. Syria.

Steve Palmer [:

He did nothing. 0. So you wonder. I mean, this is this is World War 2 sort of playing out again. You know? It's like, well, you know, we were sort of mean to the Germans after World War one, so we'll just let them have their army back. Well, You know, we were sorta mean. They can have they can have this, and they can have Poland, and they can have France. Blah blah blah blah.

Norm Murdock [:

By us not doing anything, what's gonna happen? It's very obvious. Years ago, the last time, that that Netanyahu was president, They attacked and destroyed in Iran their nuclear facility, the Osiris Reactor. Right? If if we don't do anything here as a world, as a UN, as the United States, it's quite clear to me that Israel is gonna go beyond this proxy war they're having with Hamas, which is backed by Iran. There's gonna be open warfare with Iran. Yeah. Israel Israel just assassinated, one of the leaders of Hamas in Beirut. That's that's in Lebanon. That is not in the Gaza Strip.

Norm Murdock [:

It's already outside of Israel now.

Steve Palmer [:

Yep. And how can you fault Israel like it did? Although. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. So they are when Iran when Iran gets ready to put together a nuclear device, If we don't do anything about it, Israel will.

Steve Palmer [:

I hope so.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, that Yahoo it clearly, he will. They've done it before. Yeah. It's not even Question. If they'll do it, it's it's they will do it.

Steve Palmer [:

A certain it raises certain look. Look. Israel has an ideological reason in a very real reason

Norm Murdock [:

An existential reason.

Steve Palmer [:

An existential reason to be but not just existential, but personal. You know? Well, I

Norm Murdock [:

mean, life death. I mean

Steve Palmer [:

But but personal. It happened in their backyard. It happened in their homes. It happened you know, it's like They are surrounded. And and there's sure. And they're surrounded. But then they're the like, there's this very, very, clean, obvious intrusion into their their freedom and their ability to live. And, you know, it was, it was brutal.

Steve Palmer [:

It was, it was, violent, gruesome.

Brett Johnson [:

It's a 911. And, you know, it was think about it?

Norm Murdock [:

F. So Ultimately Right. Bigger.

Steve Palmer [:

And we're living over here in proportion.

Brett Johnson [:

But you know what I mean. Yep.

Steve Palmer [:

We're living over here, and they're and the news media is buffering the impact of this. And, you know, five. Israel sort of deserved it and, you know, blah blah blah blah blah. But sooner or later like, I think this is the point you're making too, Brett. Sooner or later, It's gonna happen in our backyard. You know? Like, this weakness has exposed us in ways that and, Norm, you've been saying, like, Americans are getting shot here. Sooner or later, we let the terrorists come across the southern border, and they blow up another building in our country. Sooner or later

Norm Murdock [:

It's gonna happen.

Steve Palmer [:

It's like the Brits invading Washington during,

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

the war of 18/12. You know? It's like, wait a minute. Hold on a second.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

We weren't in nobody was involved in that. Nobody cared about that war. But now hold on a second.

Brett Johnson [:

You can't

Steve Palmer [:

come in here and burn our White House. You know, that's a whole different game. Now we're in. Now we're on. You know? It's like, screw you, you bastards. Right.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

know, we were with you for most of it. It was like half more than half the country didn't care about that one.

Brett Johnson [:

Why We have to wait that long. It it I I liken it to the you know, you don't have an an arm coming down at a railroad crossing until somebody dies.

Steve Palmer [:

That's right. You'd we always uniquely is like this.

Brett Johnson [:

Versus proactive.

Steve Palmer [:

I think, historically, we're like this because we are geographically isolated in some Isolate is not the right word, but protected.

Norm Murdock [:

We are.

Brett Johnson [:

And yet,

Norm Murdock [:

and yet, the first foreign war that the United States ever fought was under Jefferson against the Barbary pirates. Right? Muslim forces In the Mediterranean Sea, I mean, here we go again. Right? Yeah. Over 200 years ago. Right? Our first foreign

Steve Palmer [:

war Interesting.

Norm Murdock [:

Was not on a nation. It was on a terrorist organization, the Barbary Pirates. That's why the marines sing about the shores of Tripoli. 5. That's where it came from. When we invaded Libya and and and taught the Barbary pirates That you this young nation, America, founded, I don't know, 20 years beforehand, you can't screw with us. 5. We will come after you, right, with with sailing ships.

Steve Palmer [:

It's it's sort of interesting, though. See, we have had, like think about our history for a second. Like, even the the revolutionary war, Most of the country didn't really care. You know? It's like It's true. It was it was a group of

Norm Murdock [:

friends. Didn't care.

Brett Johnson [:

It's like

Steve Palmer [:

it was like, yeah, alright. Whatever. But then all of a sudden, there's fighting in your backyard farm field. And you're like, alright. Well, maybe we should care a little bit. And then somebody you know gets killed, and

Norm Murdock [:

next thing

Brett Johnson [:

you know, it's like they just burned down my barn in my house.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. And then now they're now they're sticking soldiers here, and now they're now wait a minute. Hold on a second. These redcoats are now taking over my house. Like you said, burned down a barn, taking over like, now, like, slowly, we we woke up to it.

Norm Murdock [:

You're in rural Pennsylvania, but all that Hot stuff was in Boston and Philadelphia. Tell someone But now it's in your backyard.

Steve Palmer [:

Now it's a little bit different. And then 18/12 comes along, same kind of thing. Everybody's like, what are you talking about? Impressment. 5. Blah blah blah. It's not my kid. Whatever. And then, you know, it wasn't a popular war, an old Madison.

Steve Palmer [:

You know? It's like whatever.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

And then all of a sudden, they burn the White House, and it's like, oh. Wow.

Norm Murdock [:

I hope Dolly 5. Got the

Steve Palmer [:

furniture out. I don't think they were literally carrying it out. They're carrying out artifacts. And then, you know, the it took forever to get us involved in World War one, and it took forever to get us involved in World War 2. We just didn't care.

Norm Murdock [:


Brett Johnson [:

And then, you know We had to be attacked.

Steve Palmer [:

We had to be attacked. Lucitania. Lucitania in Pearl Harbor.

Norm Murdock [:

Pearl Harbor.

Steve Palmer [:

So Right. You know, there's something about the American spirit. I've I've had this conversation with others before. They

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, they bombed the Twin Towers under Clinton. We didn't declare war then.

Brett Johnson [:

F With the we

Norm Murdock [:

waited for them to bomb the World

Steve Palmer [:

Trade Center They bombed it. Somewhat unsuccessfully. You know? They didn't take it down.

Norm Murdock [:

They didn't take it down.

Steve Palmer [:

But it's like

Norm Murdock [:

And so we said, Well, you know, they didn't take it.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

And we're we're bad.

Norm Murdock [:

So we'll prosecute the the blind shake, put him in prison, and then, you know, let's move on.

Steve Palmer [:

So you wonder. It's like but then the here's what I'm hoping we have not lost. Here's the here's the point of my little makeshift history lesson. I always felt like there's an underlying American, I don't know what the right word is.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

No. Ability or or or the ingenuity or our ability to say, enough's enough. Now you've poked the bear one too many times. Yeah. And now all the farm boys come out of Iowa, and they come out of, Illinois, and they come out of Ohio, and they come out like, 5th. People come out of this and, like, you get all these people that come out now and say, alright. I didn't wanna get involved, but you motherfucker, Now you got me.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, you sound like admiral Yamamoto who said, I'm after Pearl Harbor Yeah. I'm afraid all we've Done is awake and the sleeping, John.

Steve Palmer [:

It's what happened in World War one. Yeah. You know? And all of a sudden, the doughboys are over there fighting. Right. And it's what happened in World War 2. Yeah. It's what happened in 18/12. We although 18/12 is not a great example because we really lost that war, but it's like Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

It's like, it's what happened historically. It's what Americans do. We we stay asleep. We don't wanna get involved. We don't wanna get involved. We don't wanna get involved. It's like it it I'm hoping that that spirit is still there. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

But I'm worried that it's not. I'm worried that it's not.

Brett Johnson [:

Going there too in my mind going but you know what? But you don't know until you'd know.

Steve Palmer [:

You don't know until you know.

Brett Johnson [:

Right? The bear fakes up.

Norm Murdock [:

I go with the motto of the strategic air command, peace through strength. Peace through strength every time. If you're the baddest m ever, four.

Brett Johnson [:

We had

Steve Palmer [:

a war, but we had an enemy. We had the Soviet Union

Norm Murdock [:

Nobody will screw with it.

Steve Palmer [:

During those days. We had we had the Soviet Union. We had an enemy.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

You know? Then Khrushchev saying he's gonna kill us.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, since they took the wall down, under president Bush

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

The first. Right. Yeah. We just defunded the military. You know, Carter did that.

Steve Palmer [:

Anymore. Clinton

Norm Murdock [:

did it. Obama did it. You know? And then it takes a president who never got us into any wars, to his credit, Trump, to build the military back up. Reagan built the military back up, and Grenada, was a picnic, and getting Noriega was a picnic because we had restored the military. Yep. But,

Steve Palmer [:

And we didn't have like, look. The I I the existential threat that we have is China, and I don't think that's as focused as we think it I mean, that business people or people aren't as focused

Brett Johnson [:

Fun as they should be. Right. I'm trying to say that. And and that is such a strange relationship anyway that each, China needs us, 5th. And we

Norm Murdock [:

need China.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Very symbiotic. It's important.

Brett Johnson [:

So such a weird situation. We we didn't have that with Germany. People didn't

Norm Murdock [:

have that with not buy your stuff from TiMoo 4.

Steve Palmer [:

We don't need

Norm Murdock [:

Alibaba. We really don't need

Steve Palmer [:

our end. That's what's interesting about this. We really don't, but it's cheaper. It's,

Brett Johnson [:

but we It's convenient,

Steve Palmer [:

and the politicians are all making things The Walmart.

Brett Johnson [:

Large Corporations are driving that because Apple Apple is leading China. They're gonna screw themselves.

Norm Murdock [:

Walmart, General Motors. Yeah. It's a huge list 5. People who are invested. Boeing builds 7 30 sevens in China.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. I

Norm Murdock [:

mean, it's ridiculous what's going

Steve Palmer [:

So it's very, it's it's a

Norm Murdock [:

And that's why that's part of the reason, even though it's Japanese ownership, that when, US Steel is being, a bot Bought. Yeah. That you see, you know, JD Vance and other people concerned about the, National security implications of shifting ownership of steel to a foreign country.

Steve Palmer [:

Well and our farmland is now owned. I mean, China owns a ton of our pharma. It was just And

Norm Murdock [:

Bill Gates. Which is China.

Steve Palmer [:

We're a sabbatical. We better we better move along.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, one of one The other things which I think feeds into, some of the, insecurity about national, About our defense is highlighted by last month in the the current, impeachment investigation into Ferry, Mayorkas, Department of Homeland Security. 300,000, A new record in the history of this country. 300,000 illegals came in in December alone. One of the days

Steve Palmer [:

Mind boggs. I can't even get my head around it.

Norm Murdock [:

Day. The the record setting day was 13,000 in one day.

Steve Palmer [:

What day was it? I'm curious.

Norm Murdock [:

Fiftieth. It was middle of Christmas. Middle of December. Went during a warm spell, but 300,000 in December alone. And Mayorkas was on, Brett Baer show, last night, and he would not There's lies. He would not discuss any Statistics or data. He said, I know the data. And Bret Baier would say, well, would you confirm under the Biden administration, Is it 3,000,000, 6,000,000, 12,000,000? How many illegals

Steve Palmer [:

And they say it's not happening. Or

Norm Murdock [:

Well, he said, well, it's a it's a very large number, And we're operating within the system. We're assigning notices to appear 8 years from now. So so somebody crosses the Rio Grande today. They get processed by customs and border patrol. They get a notice to appear In an immigration court in 2032. That those those are the dates that are now being put on those notices.

Steve Palmer [:

Alright. I'd rather pay

Brett Johnson [:

for Tuesday.

Norm Murdock [:

I'd rather

Steve Palmer [:

pay Tuesday for a hamburger today. Right?

Brett Johnson [:

So 8

Norm Murdock [:

8 years for the, putative terrorist or drug dealer Or human trafficker to operate during that 8 years unfeathered. Right?

Steve Palmer [:

Wow. Just burning down the system. So now we're taking trainloads and busloads up for the these quote sanctuaries. And I saw, like, Ocasio Cortez saying, well, this is so it's human rights violations to take them. It's like, where do they think these people are gonna go? And then everybody ignores for Texas is dealing with or Arizona is dealing with. I mean, you this isn't insightful all because it's so obvious.

Norm Murdock [:

You want a statistic. So, statistically, The illegals that are in places like Chicago and New York, only about 12% of those are are bussed by Abbott. 4. The vast majority are being transported by customs and border patrol under the direct orders of Mayorkas. They're transporting people.

Steve Palmer [:

So you wonder why? Like, what what's the like, look. I you

Norm Murdock [:

always states to blue and then make them bluer. I mean, that's the only explanation.

Steve Palmer [:

What's the agenda? Yeah. At some point, there has to be an agenda. It doesn't make any sense to open up the borders and just let whoever wants to come in come in.

Norm Murdock [:

So Gavin Newsom, just this past week, Has said 700,000 illegals in California will get free state health care. 4. How how can California sustain that?

Steve Palmer [:

They're gonna go bankrupt. They can't. They go bankrupt.

Norm Murdock [:

But this is this is this is what's happening in in all these Sanctuary state.

Steve Palmer [:

And then the government is giving here's what pisses me off. Because then the government subsidizes federal government subsidizes

Norm Murdock [:

the money flow.

Brett Johnson [:

They're all

Norm Murdock [:

saying, we decided to be a sanctuary city or state.

Steve Palmer [:

So we

Norm Murdock [:

want the money. So now so now we expect the federal taxpayer to reimburse Chicago and New York for their lunatic

Steve Palmer [:

That's what's that's what's coming up.

Brett Johnson [:

Mayors in Maine will be helping people in California, basically.

Steve Palmer [:

This is a burden on everybody.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Brett Johnson [:

Yep. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Alright. We got any nuggets before we

Norm Murdock [:

Yost shot down the 2000 mules election, concept, but it'll come back. Biden has announced that their his campaign, angle is gonna be about threats to democracy. And, of course, we can go through a litany of all the threats that Biden is to democracy.

Steve Palmer [:

But Trump finally I I don't know where that speech was. I saw Trump do this, but Trump actually finally articulated something that that was correct, talking about the real threats from democracy and where it was coming from.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Because, you know, Trump can be all over the place at times, and he's got his own.

Norm Murdock [:

5. DeSantis and Nikki Haley have done the same thing.

Steve Palmer [:

They've done the same thing. Yes. But I you know, I think

Norm Murdock [:

And they're vague. They're vague. Yeah. That's all. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Like, the real threats to democracy

Norm Murdock [:

Is Biden? Is Biden. Yeah. Biden is losing to Trump. Yeah. This is unbelievable, but a, a USA Today poll USA Today hates Trump. Let's just, you know, editorially hates

Steve Palmer [:

Trump. But my prediction

Norm Murdock [:

But here's a USA Today poll. Trump is leading Biden in the 18 to 35 year old for epic. He's beating he's beating Biden in the youth vote according to USA Today. He is beating Trump, And I'm not a Trump guy. So for anybody who you know, if it this is your first time listening, I'm a DeSantis guy. Trump is also beating Biden in the Hispanic vote.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, that doesn't surprise me at all.

Norm Murdock [:

And Trump is Biden got elected with 87% of the black vote. He is down now. Black support for Biden is at 62%. So Trump is eating into to, that demographic. We're now up to $43,000,000,000,000 in debt. I say congress needs to

Steve Palmer [:

That's an existential threat to democracy right away.

Norm Murdock [:

The freaking thing government down.

Brett Johnson [:

What was the increase in just 1 month? It was 10 10,000,000,000 in 1 month

Norm Murdock [:

That's awesome. In December. Yeah. It's It's all It'll

Brett Johnson [:

be it can be it could probably 53 by by the time we get reach to March for what I read.

Steve Palmer [:

But guess what? We got, like, 300,000 immigrants coming in.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Illegal immigrants coming in in 1 month. That takes money.

Norm Murdock [:

So is congressman You gotta borrow it. Congressman Andy Biggs, that group of guys, Ladies and gentlemen in congress that got together, tossed out a McCarthy put in Steve Johnson. They're now saying, No more delay. No more putting off this inevitable shutdown of the government that you know, we we can't keep We can't keep kicking the can down the road.

Steve Palmer [:

Gonna get kicked.

Norm Murdock [:

At at at some point, it has to be

Steve Palmer [:

have the votes to stop it, and they don't they You're correct. They don't have the vote. So it's all just political show.

Norm Murdock [:

Let's have the fight, though. Damn. Because the cup the public needs to be educated about what 43,000,000,000,000 in debt really means. It's the collapse of the US dollar.

Steve Palmer [:

It does. Even smart people I've talked to say, debt, Schmidt. We've heard about debt forever. And I'm like, You know? You're Cain's fans. You know what this is? Even in your personal life, even our personal lives, people are accepting debt in an in an alarming rate down that we never Right. Our parents never would have done. You know, I never you know, you had a mortgage, and it was your ambition to pay it off, not keep it.

Norm Murdock [:

Now they're 40 year mortgages.

Steve Palmer [:

Now you have a mortgage.

Norm Murdock [:

10 year

Steve Palmer [:

mortgages are good things.

Brett Johnson [:

So your advantage to have 1.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. And car loans, like, $1,000 a month car loans on a on a 50, 60,000 car for 8 years. Like, they were 8. 10. Be 3, and that was 5. Now it's 72 months. And now you're

Brett Johnson [:

It's insane. 5. Yeah. Well, I you know, January, we got, we did put Mark on your calendar, Iowa caucus on 15th. Oh, yeah. Primary in New Hampshire on the 23rd.

Steve Palmer [:

Yep. From the world.

Norm Murdock [:

Nikki Haley has and DeSantis have made a little ground on it, but but it's they're they're still so far behind Trump.

Steve Palmer [:

It's Trump.

Norm Murdock [:

It's Trump.

Brett Johnson [:

I'm telling you, you know, they can make up some ground if they just would do be on our podcast.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes. They would. If they

Steve Palmer [:

really wanna influence the world. 4.

Norm Murdock [:

We haven't invited.

Steve Palmer [:

The round table.

Brett Johnson [:

Long form. Drop down. Talk about what you wanna talk about long

Steve Palmer [:

form. Right?

Norm Murdock [:

Come on up. We'll we'll crank up a mic. Right. Come on.

Steve Palmer [:

We got an extra one.

Norm Murdock [:

We've had US senate candidates here. Yeah? Yeah. Take advantage. On multiple fusions. Yeah. So,

Brett Johnson [:

door is always open.

Steve Palmer [:

Or if you're the listener, you'll

Brett Johnson [:

find a we'll find a spot in the we'll find a spot in the back of the building for you to park.

Norm Murdock [:

I'll give

Steve Palmer [:

you a You

Brett Johnson [:

can have mine.

Norm Murdock [:

Maybe maybe when maybe when the the vague drops out because he's he he he's he's he's cutting his, ads in Iowa, which pretty much tells you he's dropping out at some point. Yeah. I don't I don't think he's gonna be in the debate. I think it's just It's gonna be DeSantis and Nikki Haley, the the big debate in Iowa. Yeah. I think Vivek doesn't qualify. Chris Christie doesn't qualify, so it's just the 2 of them. 5.

Norm Murdock [:

And Trump is gonna pass. Yeah. And your prediction, I think, is right, Brett. There won't even be a debate between Trump and Biden. I don't think

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

No. I think you're right.

Brett Johnson [:

5. And and if it does happen, it's a joke. It'll be a joke. It's not a debate. I'd rather see town hall.

Steve Palmer [:

If I were if I were ever tempted to buy advertising for Common Sense Ohio in Any TV show, including up to and including the Super Bowl, I would choose the debate between Trump and Biden because everybody will watch that. Right. I mean, not to not to decide the the issues, but just to see it.

Norm Murdock [:

It's a train wreck.

Brett Johnson [:

It is it is a train wreck.

Norm Murdock [:

It's a train wreck. Like like like, I wanna see well, like the Trump and Hillary debates.

Steve Palmer [:

They were awesome.

Norm Murdock [:

They were you can go rewatch those.

Steve Palmer [:

They're they're hilarious.

Norm Murdock [:

They're hilarious. Yeah. Frankly, Hillary, if it was f

Brett Johnson [:

To me,

Norm Murdock [:

you you would be in prison.

Brett Johnson [:

That's what you want that's that's that's what you wanna hear from a debate. It was hilarious. It's it's a farce.

Steve Palmer [:

It's it's like god. It's like fun time, man. Stuff.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes. But popcorn.

Steve Palmer [:

Alright. Well, let's wrap it up. Another episode of Common Sense, Ohio, the January 5, 2024 episode to be precise. Again, brought to you by Harper Plus Accounting, that time of year where you're thinking taxes are over. But if you run a business, they're just around the corner in March. Trust me. You need Harper Plus accounting. I use them.

Steve Palmer [:

Brett uses them. You can use them too. So with that, we will come at you right from the middle next time right here on Common Sense Ohio. But for now.




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