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Increase Business Productivity with Automation
Episode 12918th March 2022 • Women Conquer Business • Jen McFarland
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The Women Conquer Business Show is an educational how to


women in business podcast that features stories,


marketing news, and real life experiences from fun and


friendly hosts. Jen McFarland and Shelley Carney join


us as we dive into the details so you can slay marketing overwhelm


streamline processes and amplify your impact.


You'll learn strategy and tactics, leadership skills,


and practical advice from successful women entrepreneurs to


help you grow, nurture, and sustain your business.


Hello and hello. Welcome to the Women Conquer business show.


I'm Jen McFarland, to be joined shortly by Shelley Carney.


She had a computer malfunction right before showtime. That's the


thing about going live is if the other person can't make it,


sometimes you have to do things a little solo. So today


on the show, we'll be talking about how to automate daily


tasks to increase business productivity.


I love this kind of thing. We have been ramping up


into this for the last three weeks, I think, where we've talked


first about why productivity is important to your business. Why wouldn't you want to


be as efficient as possible getting products out the door? Then we talked


about how to calculate productivity. So we tend to


make productivity a one to one with things like time management,


when really there are so many factors that go into what


makes your business productive and efficient,


including how much you're charging versus how much it costs


for you to get products out the door. Remember that time is part of the


factor. How many people all of these different things. So we've talked about that a


lot. And in the meantime, we've infused all of that talk


of productivity around different things you could be doing


so that you can analyze what's going on. You can do a time audit.


You can really pay attention to whether you have some standard


operating procedures that you've been writing down and


integrating into your workflow so that you know what you're


doing. You can be tracking how long it's taking you. If things are


taking longer than expected, that takes us to


what we're talking about today, which is how to automate your


tasks so that you can save a little bit of time.


Now, going into this, we have to think about how


much of the pre work we've done, because if we don't


really know how long things are taking, sometimes it can be


a little bit challenging to figure out how you're really


going to increase productivity. When I talk to people


about this, I guess I'm just launching right into the training.


So much for the show flow. Hey, Shelley. So when


I work with people about things like how to automate tasks,


oftentimes people come in and they're like, none of the


apps are talking to each other. I don't really know what it is that I


need to do. I really hate doing XYZ.


It seems like a lot of people that I talk to really the


onboarding process, a lot of times for a new client.


Since I work a lot with service based businesses. Sometimes the onboarding


process for a new client can be a heavy lift. But you have


a new person and you want to bring them in under


that gold standard. You want them to come in and feel super


welcome and understand exactly how


you do what you do best.


So onboarding is a place though, where you have


maybe forms you need to send out to someone. You need them to


understand what it's like to schedule appointments, how to


do it, where when, all of these kinds of things and


there's maybe a back and forth. So a lot of times I ask people


if they have a checklist, a lot of people don't if they have


ways that they're tracking this that they can make it more efficient.


These are the things that you need to pay attention to, things that you have


to do over and over again. These are often mundane tasks.


These are things that if you don't get them done, there's going


to be a problem. And these are the types of places where


you can be looking to get more efficient. This is


not where you take something super complicated


and try to automate it. It's also not a place where


if something is broken, you're trying to fix it.


With automation. I can't remember who said it, but there are all these quotes


out there about the fastest way to make things worse


is to automate a broken process. Like automation


doesn't cure everything. It's not a panacea


for all of the problems and all of the ills of the world.


What automation for your daily tasks can do is


really amplify the good, but it can also amplify the


bad. That's why you don't want to do that. It really is an opportunity


for efficiency because most people


don't like doing the simple mundane stuff that you repeat over


and over again. Most people don't like to do that. They like


to do what their favorite thing? Is. That's why you do


things like oh, I should probably outsource things like bookkeeping.


That's an example for me. I like to outsource numbers


because I don't like doing that. I'd rather be creative. So it's


about making sure that you're looking at the things that are mundane that you


have to do over and over again. Also that third thing is that you


know what looks right to you,


meaning you know what the best process is and you've been doing it again and


again. These are things that you are very accustomed to


doing. These are things that you've maybe done a million times and you've


got it down to a science now it's like taking the load


off by automating it just so that you can make


it easier. Because if you think about


productivity, we've talked about this definition a few times being


how long it takes you to deliver goods and services. You want


to onboard a person who's new as quickly as possible. You want


to get products out the door as quickly as possible. You want to


focus on the meat of the work that you're doing,


not on all of these extra tasks out there that


maybe double entry things that are really


hard to do. You don't want to focus on all of those things. So one


of the ways that you can do that is you make sure that all of


the things that are mundane, all of these little tasks


and then you go and you find ways and opportunities


for you to automate. It. One of the things and it's


really key here. One of the things that's really important is to make sure


that you are automating repeatable processes.


Automation doesn't work if you are looking at


things that are not repeatable, things that are different every single


time. So you may be like for us, we put together a podcast


every week. Now you can't predict everything. Like I


couldn't predict that Shelley's computer would not


work five minutes before the show. But we do


prepare and we have a list of things and then what we've done on the


back end of the podcast is we've automated as much


as possible. So we send out the show, we do it


live and it automatically goes to YouTube and all these different platforms


using StreamYard. Then we're using other platforms


to make it simpler to get the show up on the web and


all the other places. So this is an example of how


you can automate something. We're repeating this


process over and over again, how you can automate it. You can do


this with any client process. Like I


said, you can do this with payments. Like sometimes


I'll work with people and they still have a


manual payment process. People really like to


do things that are not manual. So people


really like to pay online. And even though there


is a service fee, you want to make that as easy as possible.


You want to automate sending out invoices in the middle of the


month, at the end of the month, whenever you want to automate the


process. For people signing contracts, I have an automation where


somebody signs a contract. It immediately follows up with an invoice


because the work doesn't start until people pay. These are


opportunities to make things that are mundane and


repeatable streamlined so that they'll work better,


faster and help you deliver services in a more efficient


manner. There are other people who they'll do an ecommerce,


for example. You're selling products out of your website,


but it's not an efficient process. Maybe you are


selling something and then you have to box it up and you have to ship


it. There are so many opportunities in that supply chain


where you can make things quicker.


If you have a storefront and a website, are you using something like Shopify


or BigCommerce so that you have a point of sale system where


people can buy, and then you also have online


purchasing. And then is that connected to something


like Ship Station? Or how is the


back end of the shipping process working? This is when you really


can figure out your productivity. If it takes a long time


for something to go from beginning to end,


that's a real sign that you need to work on productivity,


a real sign that you need to shore up some of the efficiencies


in your business so that you can be working


better, faster, stronger, if you want.


So these are some of the tasks that I recommend.


There are, in fact, a lot of tools out there, a lot


of apps. I think next week we're going to talk more about apps and whether


or not they really help you through increasing


your productivity. And the answer is yes


and not always.


Again, it has a lot to do with what it is that


you're trying to automate, what it is that you're trying to do.


I think Shelley is joining the program. Hello,


Shelley. Hello. I'll just head into


the breaking news since I've skipped ahead into the training, since that's


what I like to do, that's like my favorite part. So I'll back


up a little bit in the breaking news segment.


There are two big things on the Pinterest front. Pinterest seems to


really be accelerating a lot of things, ever since they went


live, went out onto the stock market, and went public, they seem to be


making all kinds of strides toward putting their


product out there and making it into kind of a premier ecommerce


site. They have Pinterest inapp checkout, and that,


I believe, is specifically for shopify


users who then are also doing Pinterest.


Pinterest has launched the capacity to download


your idea Pins oh, wow. And share them in other apps. Now with


Pinterest watermark, of course, but that makes sense because for the longest time,


you haven't been able to do that. I use Pinterest for a long time.


I've used Pinterest to drive a lot of traffic to my website.


All of these changes in Pinterest are great, but they seem to be wreaking


a lot of havoc on the algorithm.


And Pinterest, it seems to me that it's moving


more and more to a pay to play platform. I think that's really common.


As stock prices go up, then you have to answer to shareholders and things


like that. They're also trying to make traction with all of


the video, all of the Pinterest TV, all of the video pins.


Now the Idea Pins, it's always been the great place for things like Listicles and


things like that. They're trying to really


bolster that and make it so that you can share things with the


Pinterest logo on it. You can do that on TikTok, too. I think everybody's seen


TikTok videos all over the place. This is really exciting. Pinterest is wonderful


because so many people use Pinterest. It's the third


largest search engine, and people use it to do search. They use


it to find things like recipes and all kinds of


stuff like that. So why not make it so that you can download


your idea pins and share them somewhere else? It just makes sense.


Shelley's back better. Okay, here we are to


get there. So how's it going?


I'm doing well. Little snafu at the beginning.


Always get your blood going. Oh, wow. We had bacon and


Julia and I didn't see comments because I was so,


like, struggle busy trying to figure out what's


going on. Let me tell you about my weekend. Toby and I went to


the Van Gogh Immersive Experience on Sunday,


and it's pretty cool. I wrote about it in my LinkedIn newsletter and


my email newsletter, but I'll share it here just in case anybody missed


out on that. Toby and I were driving to the Experience together


and he was complaining about an invisible paper cut on


his finger. And he was like, oh, my finger hurts. And whenever I press it,


and I'm like, oh, that's too bad. That must really hurt. My husband has cancer.


Yeah, that's right. We laughed


about how we get in our own worlds,


and everything in our world is magnified when we don't have


anybody to talk to and compare with. So that was a fun


little story that happened over the weekend. And how


are you doing? This was like the weirdest show for me to be


flying solo at the last minute. Over the weekend, I hung


out with some really cool women from Sheepodcasts.


Actually women in Seattle and then in Portland,


although all of the Portland people were lame. And I was the only one who


came and drove from Portland. And we all met in this town called Centralia,


which is right in between Seattle and Portland. It was awesome.


It was like a throwback to the 50s in this little town. Super adorable.


And it had a roller skating rink, and I


fell over backwards and hit the back of my head.


A little bit of a concussion, and I think you can tell because I'm scattering,


but I feel pretty good just resting up and not spending


a lot of time in front of the light, even today seems really bright to


me. But yeah, everything's just moving along.


Everybody stayed for one night and I was like, john,


why don't you come up and we'll just get away from Portland


for a while? And we had a wonderful time. I spent the second night with


him and we toured around and did all the same things just the second time.


We also found this really cool place. It was called Insert


Coin. It's an arcade. And they had inside so,


like, typical arcade, whatever, but inside there


they had a wall of beer and it had a


row of, I don't know, 20 taps or something like that. And you would


open a tab and they give you, like,


card, and you would just slide the card in over the tap you wanted and


it would unlock it so that you could do a taster of all these different


beers that were all in a row. And I don't drink a lot of beer.


That's not really my thing. But my husband was he was loving it because he


could get a little taster tray and try four different beers and then go and


then you only paid per ounce, which was pretty cool. Yeah.


Anyway, nice precursor to St. Patrick's Day.


Absolutely. Yeah. So we had a good time. It was something


we hadn't seen, that kind of thing. And playing video games is fun.


Like a throwback to the sitting there,


playing car games. I just love those driving games.


It's a weird thing, but yeah, it was super fun. Yeah,


that sounds like it. Other than the concussion. But yeah,


I just kept on trucking and then thankfully, it was pretty good.


And it seems okay. I'm just a little dingy.


But what else is new?


You still managed, right? Still managed.


I had a blast. So good. If you can get out I know


that some people are still worried about COVID and stuff, but if you can get


out and see humans, it's really fun to get out


and see humans. And these were all people that I had met


at Sheep podcasts, and they were just awesome people. So I


was so happy to be there and had a really great time.


So have you been watching the show? Do you know about any of


the stuff I talked about or have you been it takes a good 15 minutes


to reboot this computer, which is when


you start saying, a new computer might be nice. So I introduced


the show and just started training because before Shelley,


that's how the show went. Start talking.


So I had spoken for quite a while about


how to automate daily tasks. I talked about checklists, and I


believe that's where Julia's comment came from, checklist.


So that's maybe telling. So I think it's important for you


to now do your bit on the training. And I will


add quips and questions.


I think we talked a little bit before the show, before the computer shut down


and we lost contact. We said, what do you automate? You automate


the things that you do the most often? What I do the most often,


of course, is create content. So every time I


start a new thing, I'm going to start creating this content.


Now I have to make process for it. I have to


make checklist, I have to make a scheduling on my calendar


so that I know, okay, on Mondays, I need to do this list of things


in order to get to my shows on Wednesdays and Thursdays.


So that's how I work. And some of the


things that I automate are the post production of


the show. For instance, once I post the show,


once the show is up on YouTube and then we put it


up on our podcast platform, then it automatically


starts spreading out in the automated apps that


I'm using. For instance, we use Pod page and we have


the podcast and the videos going in there automatically. When I post a


blog on Fridays, then my email sends it out to everybody automatically


because of the RSS feed. So there's certain automations that I've


set up that save me time because I know I was doing


that every week manually. So that's something that I want


to automate. So I start looking for those tools that can


automate it for me without a whole lot of hands on playing


around with it. So, social media distribution


app, I've got a couple of those that I have set up with the feeds


so that it takes my blog, my podcast and


my live stream and sends it out as social media posts


and I don't have to mess with it. So there's certain things that you really


want automated because you do them all in there and you don't want to


have to keep doing it all the time when a machine can just take care


of it for you. Yeah, I work with


a lot of people and they don't use a social media scheduler.


Can we talk about that for just a second? That's something I didn't talk about


before. I talked a little bit about the podcast production but a lot


of people are hesitant about it because they feel


like the algorithm you have to post natively


inside the app or schedule inside the app to get the


most visibility. Now you might get a bump in


visibility if you do that, but you also have to think


about your time. Remember, when we talk about productivity and we talk


about efficiency, we're always, especially as small businesses,


balancing that out, like what makes us more


productive so that we can get products out the door. Sitting on social media isn't


going to do it. Nobody really knows the


optimal time for you to post. A lot of the


really good social media schedulers do it automatically


and they have all of the science behind it. So let them


do it. Let it do its work. For the podcast,


I use an app called Lately and it's wonderful. I upload


the video from the show and


it will automatically edit the video clips.


Then I edit it's all AI, I edit the text


so that it is more


sounds like me, sounds like you, and it


will post it out. So it's like little video clips along


with a little quip, something pithy that we have said and


it's amazing. I would never go through and edit out the fun


clips from the show. It takes a


long time to do, but I can generate across five platforms


ten or 20 posts per platform in


under an hour. It's like crazy. And then all I have to


do is let it do its thing, and then I go on


to social media and I engage with people. And that's the part that


people forget is then they just schedule it, and then they don't go,


and then they're like, it doesn't work. Nobody left a comment. And it's like,


well, did you go on social media to be social with people


and connect, especially on LinkedIn, if you connect with people and comment


on other people's posts, then they're more likely to come back and look at


what you're doing. Social media is community, but you don't


want to just go on there so that you can post. You want to go


on there so that you can be a part of the community, and then you


have the post rolling on an ongoing basis so that then


you're building community when you're actually in the platform and


not worrying about posting.


Yeah, and it's nice to open up your LinkedIn and okay, this morning


my app automatically posted this. Now what can I add to


it? Or did somebody say something on it? And what can I


add to what they said? So it's there already. The starting


point is there for you, the foundation, so then you can just add


to it. And so much easier than trying


to remember ten times a day that you need to post on social


media. I know I'm always astounded when people


when I still talk to people, and some people have been in business for a


very long time, and they still don't schedule their posts. So it's


a very interesting thing for a lot of people. Although now later has


changed their free app. I used to really tell people


that they could use the free version of later. That's different than lately?


I use Lately, which is totally different.


Later is a really good scheduling app, and so


is Buffer oldie, but a goodie and they


really know what they're doing. It will just help you and save you so much


time. It doesn't have to be a heavy lift, a big cost,


and then you can just go in there. Some of the platforms, like Hootsuite and


things like that, are really good at kind of monitoring, and you can engage from


within their platform. Do it however it makes


sense. But what I tell people is schedule all of your


posts and then engage in the morning and then in


the afternoon, and then call it a day. Like, you don't need to be hanging


out there all the time. That's a repeatable process that


you can definitely plan out and automate your daily.


Yeah, so this last weekend, I was also


focused on editing the material that's going to go


into our next book, spend the time on creating audiograms.


So I got a little behind on that. And we do always all


get behind on some things. But if you've got all of these


automation apps set up for you, then you never need to worry that


I didn't post on social media at all this week. Well, I did because it's


already set up and it took care of it for me. And even though I


was super busy with editing program editing my


book and I was super busy with taking my husband to the doctor a week


and that's going to be real hectic for the next six weeks things.


Like that are going to take you away from things like posting on social media


or sending out emails and find ways to automate


those tasks so that it continues to operate


even when you're not able to do hands on with it.


Absolutely. And one of the reasons I'm looking at another platform


for the Women Conquer business website is because


it will take some of that off.


Yes, I could do an RSS feed to automatically


post, send out an active campaign. It's just not very pretty.


So I have another app. I'm really focusing on the Women Conquer


business side on creating really good content. I want to find a really good


content platform to put it on so that people can engage in a


different way. And I'm tired of managing a WordPress website


because now I'm managing two, one for Epiphany courses and one


for Women Conquer Business. So I wanted to take some of the


cost and some of the time out. And so I'm really looking at


another website platform so that I can just do


content over there, make it a really good reader experience.


Maybe I give up a little on SEO, but probably not


much. And then I just don't have to think about it and it


just takes a lot out of it. People come in, they subscribe,


if they subscribe, then they get every new post in their inbox.


It just makes a lot of sense.


And if they want what I like about I'm looking at a platform


called Ghost and it's also built for creators


and it will be a way to encourage people to help support the


content. So as Women Conquer Business continues to morph


while they make more courses, it's just a process. So that's


part of it too is the things that you automate and change


will change with you and you have to be looking at that ever


evolving process of what it is that's causing


breakpoints or kinks in the system. So Shelley said


you want to make processes and you want to systematize things and make checklists,


but those checklists are going to be changing and that's why we


can't always be over reliant on things like apps. That was something that you


missed at the beginning. I was saying, yes, the apps


work and we'll talk about that next week, but sometimes they don't


work or they stop working. And it's because oftentimes


we as the human element haven't made the updates


to the process to reflect it or the


tools we're using aren't really made for the new process.


So there's just a lot to it. But when


you can take the mundane and not think about it,


oh, man, I think that's a great thing. Yeah.


And I think the posting of your content and the


onboarding type email sequences, these are


the obvious things that you can automate and set up once


and then you just maintain, you do a little bit of maintenance


now and then when it needs it, but other than that, it's hands off.


Now I can go focus on talking to my customers and doing


the human things that I can do and that apps can't


do for you. Yeah,


absolutely. So, yeah, if it's a repeatable process,


right, if it's something that like an onboarding,


like somebody's going to go get one of you. That's what I talked about too.


Yeah. They go get your free download and you have that automated email


sequence that onboards them and there's anything additional


that they should be getting, then you have that set up that automatically.


Maybe there's an email that says, oh, how about we connect on Facebook


or whatever it is that continues to bring them deeper into your


network. Absolutely. Yeah.


And the reason I always mentioned, I mentioned onboarding too, is because


it's just like, why wouldn't you automate that? And also automate


the other thing, the other point I made earlier, and I like to get your


take on this. Don't automate the things that are broken, automate the things


that work and work well so that


that can be the thing that's quicker or you're picking up


the most efficiency. Yeah,


anything that's the same every time. If it's the same


every time,


it becomes part of your to do and


it goes faster every week because your brain learns it and you don't have to


think so much. From my emails and my LinkedIn newsletter,


the beginning, it was slow and I would change tweak and


change and tweak and change. And then I found something that I really liked as


a format and a method of doing it.


And then I just follow that format each time and that speeds


things up even. It's not automatic and it's not completely


the same. But once you have come to that decision


about this is the format I like, this is what I'm sticking with. And all


I have to do is change the original content in this spot, in this spot,


and then it can go out and it's going to save you a lot of


time of reinventing the wheel every week.


Yeah. So it's make processes and checklists


and templates. Yes, templates. That's the good word there.


Processes, checklists and templates. And it's so


funny because when we figured out we could make a template and captivate,


it seemed to make show notes easier. We figured out every step


of the way. We figure out things that make it easier.


And that's the thing. As a business owner, you always want to be looking at


those opportunities and figuring out if there are opportunities there to


make things a little bit more efficient. Yeah.


The caveat with that is and I do this. That's why I know,


is you set it up and then you forget it, and then you never go


back and look at it and see if it's still working or if it's


sending out the right things or, okay, you're done. I worked


on you. That's all I have to do with you ever, and let me go


do stuff that I like now.


Meanwhile, it's sending out garbly Gook, and you're like,


what? As opposed to me, who's I'm going to tweak and tweak.


I think that there has to be a happy medium between the two


of us. Neither way works. You have to


let it go. And at the same time, you have to check it sometimes.


But it doesn't have to be babysat as much as I babysit things sometimes.


Oh, yeah. We have other things going on in our lives.


We don't have time to babysit apps. I know,


but we've discussed previously, I have an app problem, so I


like apps. That's okay. And part of that is that


you teach other people about apps. So you need to stay totally


up to date on what's new, what works, why other


things don't work, and why you should tell people, don't use this because,


blah, blah, it doesn't work, or it worked for a minute and then


it stopped, or whatever. You need to know that stuff because you're teaching it.


That's true. Yeah. Like, I need to know all


the latest and greatest in live streaming, and then, of course, my computer shuts down.


That's a computer thing. I'm going to blame the Windows Update.


I like to blame the Windows Update for everything. It makes me feel good.


So that's what we'll do. We'll blame the Windows Update on that. I don't really


have a lot else to talk about automating daily tasks,


mostly because otherwise we'll start getting too deep


into apps. And I know we're going to talk about that.


If I remember right, that's next week we're talking about the


apps and then the last week, we need to figure


out who we're profiling, but we'll be profiling


somebody. Yeah. So we


need to get on that. Do you have anything else to


add on automating tasks? No,


I just think that it's something that people need to really


think about how much time they're saving, and time is


money, and how much money are you saving and then


spend some of that on the app that's going to do all


that work for you. If it's not an app, then maybe it's a VA.


You need to free up some of that time so that you can


spend that time on prospecting and all those calls


with potential clients and then delivering your delivery


because that's where you're making money. And I would say that


it's because you have made some processes


and some checklists that you were able to create that book.


Women in Podcasting, is that right? Exactly. That's right.


Toby has been doing this for years and years, and when we decided,


hey, we're going to go to this conference, let's get something out


of it, because we're putting money and time into it, let's get something


out of it. What can we do? It's a bunch of podcasters. So why don't


we interview them, use the interviews on our


podcast, and then we transcribe the interviews


and make all that material into a book.


And we could do that all in one weekend. So it was really


all about making the best use of our time and money. We bring every


last ounce of content out of everything that we went there. We did


the interviews, we took photos, we talked about it on our show,


we shared those interviews. We had the women back on the show


to talk about their interviews and their experience at the she podcast.


And then we transcribed everything, put it into a book format, and they have the


book out. It just grows and it grows, and before you know it,


you have a whole bunch of content that you created just in


one weekend. Yeah. Where can people get that book?


Oh, that book is available on Amazon. It's called Women


in podcasting. The messages and methods interviews. If you go to


Books Agkmedia, Media Studio,


and you will go right to our books, and every time we add more books,


they'll still be in there. So you can continue to use that.


We'll put a link in the show notes so


you'll be able to click on that. Whether you find us


online or through the website


podcast, you'll find all of the old episodes there.


And I'm thinking, let me know what you think about this, Shelley. I was thinking,


what if we put like a Google Cal reminder so people


could remember when we're online if they wanted to do that?


Like a link to do that. I was thinking about that today.


Wait, I don't understand. So if people are like, I want to always catch


the show at 10:00 A.m. Pacific or 11:00


A.m. On Thursdays Mountain, what if we


put a link so people could save that Google


Calendar? I don't know. I'm sure you might. I think I know


how to do it. Seems like inefficiency I


don't know. And as we also talked about earlier,


find the right marketing tools for your small business.


Even though I help people find the absolute right


tool, it's still really important for you as business owners to know


the right questions to ask somebody like me,


and to really communicate with us about what your needs


are. And that's exactly what this course is about.


It's one of our first offerings out of Epiphany courses,


which is my second business. And I would say that


if you have ever bought the wrong piece of software even once,


then definitely go out


and get this course it's $75. That is


less than the cost of that $20 a month app


that you bought that isn't working for you. So really think


about that. And it looks like we have a comment here.


What is this? Somebody likes my


voice. Oh, somebody likes your voice.


I know, it's like smooth as butter and


then I start talking. Not smooth as butter.


That's okay. Thank you. I take


that as a compliment. I don't know what ASMR videos are.


ASMR is when they make those interesting sounds


and they have the quiet whispering type voices.


Oh, like the Sleep podcast where people tell stories and they


make sounds. Soothing sounds.


Yeah, no, I think


that you could do really good meditation videos.


I have some up if you want to go to my I do. I have


meditation videos. We should definitely meditations. Yeah,


you definitely have the voice for that. So we'll


put links to that in the show notes too,


the meditations. I would like to anytime I try to


do my NPR voice, people laugh. So clearly I don't have that either.


But hey, you know what? We can't all be Shelley Carney.


I think you have a good voice. It's just you're usually


more energetic and excited,


and I am like, even healing.


That's me. So we'll definitely


put links to that. Gross is saying that you should


market your vault of treasures. She doesn't have to cut


out Toby.


It's all in my YouTube channel. So check it out, people.


Live stream Coach. And did we say Happy


St. Patrick's Day? The carney and the McFarland. I mean,


that's a big deal. I should probably put some green on.


Or is it red? So my husband will kiss me. Oh,


I've always heard green. You have to wear green on St.


Patrick's Day or you will get pinched. Or you'll get pinched. Right,


yeah, that's what I was always told. Yeah,


I need to making a corned beef and cab. My husband requested that


I need to go yesterday and took an Instagram


photo of it. It's really cool. If you go visit Toby's,


Instagram or Facebook, you'll see that photo of the St.


Patrick's Day celebration.


That's so cool. Well, and I was telling Shelley before the show started that


my dad did all this work on Ancestry and the McFarlands were


marauders. What we would do in Ireland is


when it was like the moonlight, we would go out and go


out and steal stuff.


Moonlight. That was who the McFarlands


were. So we were that kind of


sort well, I guess got it from the Vikings,


I think the Vikings and the Irish kind of intermingled.


And it became that way of life and it wasn't uncommon


and it was something fun to do. I think they stole sheep back and


forth and the McFarland stole our sheep again.


Oh, we'll have to get out there and steal it back. Oh, wow.


I don't know which county. We're still working on


that. So when my dad passed away, I took over the Ancestry


account, and we know we're Irish.


We don't know which county.


Maybe I should go to Ireland and just be like, so did we steal your


stuff? I don't know. I don't know. With my personality, because I'm so cheeky,


it's not surprising that centuries later, the Marauders would be


just this cheeky old broad


who likes to make jokes all the time. That's probably not


surprising. So, yeah, I don't know which county still


working on it. Ancestry is, like, super fun and interesting,


and I love seeing all of the pictures


of my grandparents from when they were teenagers,


from, like, yearbooks and stuff, because it picks it all up.


But yeah, going back and oh, yeah, I can go to some pubs and they'll


tell you exactly where you're from. Yeah,


absolutely. That would be some of these names, like Carney,


for instance, are not only very common,


they're spelled in many different ways. So they have the K-E-A-R-N-E-Y.


They have carney without E. Yeah, it's like


Macfarlane, all of that. It's changed over


time, or maybe when we came to America, the person


Ellis Island spelled it differently. There's all kinds of stuff.


I didn't change my name when I got married, so I've always been in McFarland.


Have you always been a carney? No, I was a Dalton before.


Oh, wow. Dalton? Yeah. What's that?


I don't know. English. I've told it's English.


I'm told it's French. De Alton.


I don't know.


My mom and my daughter have been working on genealogy together,


and so it's quite interesting. My mom's family is


all German. Kevin's family, my husband's family,


that's the Irish, actually. It's interesting.


So on my mom's side, it was all recorded a lot more,


probably because of the places and things.


It's mostly Swiss, so I'm very Swiss. That can be traced.


But my dad's side, I guess they didn't keep as


good of records to go back to Ireland,


but the Swiss and the Germans, they kept records.


That side of the family is pretty well known, but this is a pretty cool


thing. So gross. Pork found his


mother's, or hers, I don't know. Natural birth


father. That way you can find people through Ancestry.


It's so cool. We haven't really had anybody


who was lost, but it's mostly that the records just drop


off. And I think that what I need to do is go out and there's


some way that you can chat on Ancestry, ask people and


try and gather more information. And I haven't done that yet, so maybe


we could find out more by going out and doing that. It's just so interesting,


and I just didn't want to family and my husband's, brother and


my daughter have all gathered together on that. I guess it's the

-->: one or whatever it is. It's one of those sites


where they get together and they share all the information. And here


I've got this. And every now and then there's a big information dump


and everybody's like, Whoa. So it's really a cool way to meet


family. Oh, yeah, totally.


Did you want to do your Tweak week of the Week here? Do you want


to do Tweaks of the Week?


Yeah. The sound effects are back


because Shelley's back. I had no sound effects.


So do you want to do yours first? Yeah.


Yesterday. And this happens every week. When we have


a live guest, we're never sure 100% if they're going to


show up. So we like to have a backup. So I'll


throw together a show and what I'll usually do is


start with Google Slides and we have a


template that we use. And then I'll have a topic


and I'll just start plugging things into the slides.


And it just all comes together as I'm creating these


slides. And in an hour I have a presentation


with Slides, and the slides have information and


stats and photos and all of this. And I can put it all


together in an hour now because I've been doing it so many times, it comes


really quickly. But we have other people who


use like, PowerPoint, and it doesn't look as good


on screen as if you have Google Slides. And another thing you can do


with Google Slides is that you can import them into StreamYard


and then just click on the button and they shift over


and makes a nice presentation. So if that's


something that you're interested in doing for your live stream, it's a


really great tool for that. That's really


cool. I did notice that we could upload decks


into StreamYard. I was wondering if you'd ever done that.


Pretty cool. Yeah. My Tweak of the week is Ghost.


Now, it's hard to call that a Tweak of the week. It's not a new


app. A lot of times I talk about new. Ghost has been around


since 2013 and it was started as a Kickstarter


campaign by a former WordPress employee. They were looking


for a different way to produce websites.


And it is like 100%


a creator blogger platform.


It's built around having a paywall on certain content,


getting memberships on,


providing the best reading experience for people. It's got


a tie in with Amp, which may or may not be


going away. It depends on what you read. But Amp is accelerated mobile pages,


so making it go really quickly on your phone.


And it is something I'm exploring


for the Women Conquer business website because, like I said, I want


something that is hosted and I'm


not worried about self hosting anymore. I don't have to manage all of


the security updates. My website has grown


into a behemoth that is actually pretty expensive to keep


every year. And ghosts would be a cost saving for me.


But most importantly, I think it's a real opportunity to


provide a really good reading experience for people. A really good way


to have a clean, easy website that


isn't overwhelming, that doesn't have all the bells and whistles that


could really help people participate in


conversations that I think are important. So in


terms of how that kind of ties into what we've been talking about,


if it works, I'm still testing it. It would be


a way for me to automate some tasks,


it would relieve some stress,


which I think would help it on an efficiency


standpoint. And I'm shifting my business and the values


of the businesses and this seems like a step toward that


as well. So it hits on all the cylinders of productivity that


we've been talking about. So that's my tweak of the week. I think it


is something that we all need to do.


Like sometimes you just have to look at things


and say, there has to be another way of doing this so that it can


be easier. Yeah, especially those things that


are frustrating you and taking up too much time. Yeah, it's not that it


frustrates me, it's that it just takes too much time.


Like just being able to go, boom, podcast episode


done. And it still looks pretty and I don't have to do anything to make


it look pretty. And it's also a really clean interface


for someone. I know that you're not on WordPress.


Not, I don't think, but it


looks like what it is, which is like something that was developed by a bunch


of nerdy coders who wanted to do a blog and


it's never really been updated. And this is just


way easier. It's just easier. So there are


some drawbacks and that's the other part of researching. But yeah,


there's got to be an easier way. And I think that when you


look at your productivity, sometimes it's


also about your mental health,


what's going to make it easier for you to deliver. And that's what


I think. And so that's why that's my tweak of the week. I'm still looking


at it, trying to make a decision. Yeah, we'll keep


us posted on that. What does that cost a ghost?


So it depends on which lane you do.


I would be doing the team one just so that I can get them to


do the migration for me from WordPress. And so


that one is more expensive. But I think that $150 a month.


But I could after the migration, then downgrade


to the creator plan, which is, I believe,


$25 a month. But even at $50 a month, that's cheaper


than my current website. Yeah.


Which when I started calculating it out, I'm like, that's really expensive.


And so there is always a better way. I think that


that's why I always get a little angry when people say WordPress websites are free.


I'm like, no, they're not. Such a lie. can be free


as long as it's their basic level and yeah,


absolutely. But, yeah, as Jen


said, if you're going for the, it is a lot of work,


and you need a lot of knowledge to be able to run those websites,


and they can be very expensive. And I'm


not managing other people's websites anymore, so I don't


really want to manage my own anymore either.


Give me a simple solution that doesn't cost a lot of money and I'm


happy. Yeah, exactly.


Excellent. Are you ready for inspiration now?


Yes. Today I


was reading my daily Stoic book, and I've enjoyed


this. I'm going to share it with everybody. If your choices are beautiful,


so too will you be. That was a quote from


Epictetus. I'm not sure how you say his name,


Epictetus, but the Stoics urge us to consider not how things


appear, but what effort, activity, and choices they


are a result of. If you


look good, physically good, because you're


doing a lot of physical work and you're being productive,


say, like, I have a huge backyard, and all summer long


pull weeds, and at the end of the summer,


it looks pretty good, it's starting to weed up again. The beauty of it isn't


just that it looks nice and weed free. The beauty of it is


all the work that I put into it to make it that way.


Getting up every Saturday morning and pulling weeds and


filling up the trailer with weed and garbage from the yard


and then taking the trailer once a month to the dump. And all


the work and the choices that went into making the yard look nice.


The same can be true with your business. Right. The choices that you


pick, the things that you pick to work with and


all the content that you're creating, and the whole beautiful


business is the product of all your time, effort,


and all the things that you put into all those decisions that you're making every


day. Absolutely. Yeah. I love


that. That is also the activity. Yeah.


It's like the journey is the important part. Right. It's not the destination,


it's the journey. Keep hearing that. And sometimes


we just need to hear it in ten different ways before we really begin to


grasp that concept. Yeah.


Thank you. Yeah. And thank all of you for being here,


and we hope that you'll come back next week and watch or listen,


and I'll do my best to be there on time.


No, that's okay. It's how


the world works. We always have to be prepared for


the unexpected. That's right. Look, put the


banner up,


show you how to do that.


So thank you so much. Have a great week, everybody.


Okay, here we go.


And yeah. Bye bye.


Thank you for joining the Women Conquer Business podcast, hosted by


Shelley Carney and Jen McFarland. Please subscribe and leave


a comment or question regarding your most challenging content creation or business


problem. Then share this podcast with family


and friends so they can find the support they need to expand their


brand and share their message with the world. Check the show


notes for links to value valuable resources and come back again next week.



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