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What in the World is Happening Now – Tom Donnan pt 1
Episode 14655th March 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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What in the World is Happening Now

Tom Donnan pt 1

Tom Donnan is back with us today as we discuss Bible prophecy in relation to current events – and do we have some current events happening right now that definitely relate to Bible Prophecy. Amen!

Lab Grown Brain Connected to a Microchip Recognized Human Voices

Let’s talk about Neuromorphic Engineering.  Where one company, “Brain Chip” is actually commercially selling brain tissue that is connected to a computer chip.  I have to ask, how did this get on your radar?  What motivated you to research brain tissue computer chips? - Brian tissue connect computer architecture. It is connected with input and output signals. - connected to a supercomputer preform 200 trillion functions per second. - computer needs a lot of energy to operate; human minds require low energy and preform for decades. - Brainowave, and high density computer electrode. - it begins to identify human voices - turning into a brain chip. Lab Grown Brain Connected to a Microchip Recognized Human Voices (

You also have an update for us about the “Red Heffers” that are, right now, in Israel, correct?

Red Heffer Update:  2024 - The Red Heifer Sacrifice ( This lines up with a lot of things happening in Israel right now. And the United Nations is organizing a coalition of countries condemning Israel for their continued response to the attacks on October 7th.  Which goes right along with what the Bible says will happen… Israel is alone in the world. We can even see the United States starting to waiver in our support of Israel – at least at the government level. Not good… not good at all. Did you see the uptick in “jellyfish UFO’s being spotted?”   Tom has done some research and there are some VFX artists that were able to debunk this video and some other videos people have been posting. The link to the video is below:

Folks, our discussion today was not to instill fear – but Faith. Faith in the Name of Jesus. Faith in the Bible. Faith in Biblical Prophecy. Faith that NONE OF THIS is happening by happenstance. None of this is taking God by surprise.

But ALL OF THIS is leading to what are called, “The End Times.”

CONTACT INFORMATION:  Six free books can be found at: Home | Zoe Healing Center 

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