Do you want to understand how to pay your medical bills without getting taken advantage of by the US Healthcare System? Learn from Dr. Virgie Bright Ellington! In this episode, she will give you three simple steps to ensure you pay only the fair/lowest retail price for your medical services - all as per HIPAA federal law!
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About Our Guest
Dr. Virgie Bright Ellington is an internal medicine physician and medical billing expert. A determined patient advocate, Dr. Virgie practiced more than 20 years in primary care and psychiatric settings and as a health insurance executive. Dr. Virgie now helps patients understand complex medical procedures, communicate effectively with their healthcare providers, and avoid financial devastation from crushing medical bills through her "What Your Doctor Wants You to Know" series. She is the author of What Your Doctor Wants You to Know to CRUSH MEDICAL DEBT and the host of the weekly "HEALTH, WELLNESS & MEDICAL BILLS" show on the VoiceAmerica radio network.
Connect with Dr. Virgie
Twitter: therealdrvirgie
Instagram: therealdrvirgie
Facebook: therealdrvirgie
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