Frustrated, confused or irritated by bicyclist behaviors on the streets of Colorado Springs? Why did they just blow the stop sign? How do I pass on a single lane road with a bicyclist on one side and a double line on the other? Why do they ride in the streets when they have perfectly good trails to use?
We talk with a Colorado Springs Police Officer and local cycling advocates to understand the rules and rights of motorists and cyclists on the roads in Colorado. It’s all in the interest of safety for bicyclists, motorists and pedestrians alike.
Host: Torie Giffin, Buffalo Lodge Bicycle Resort Owner
Officer Sid Santos, Gold Hill Division Crime Prevention Officer, Colorado Springs Police Department
Allen Beauchamp, Community Engagement, Trails & Open Space Coalition (TOSC)
Joan Stang, Advocacy, Pedestrian & Cycle Manitou Springs (PaC-MAN)
Links to show Topics:
Bicycle Friendly Driver Laws Handout, Auto Friendly Bicyclist Laws Handout, and All About the Colorado Safety Stop:
Bicycle Friendly Driver Course:
Shift – Free Online Training Course:
Smart Cycling Course:
Bike Colorado Springs
Bicycle Colorado:
League of American Cyclists
Additional Notes:
1) The Safety Stop (SS) is an option for bicyclists---not a requirement. It's about safety and allowing cyclists to get through an intersection faster so that crash risk is minimized, since intersections are the most dangerous road infrastructure for people on bicycles. Young riders under the age of 15 may perform the SS but MUST have a parent or legal guardian accompany them.
2) Sharrows simply indicate and remind motorists to expect bicyclists on the roadway. They do not delineate where the bicyclist should ride but merely communicate with motorists to expect bicyclists taking the lane. As Allen mentioned, sharrows have been shown to not be effective Source:
3) CDOT and Bicycle Colorado both tell us that bicyclists in Colorado have all the rights and responsibilities applicable to the driver of any other vehicle. This means that bicyclists are treated as motor vehicles in Colorado.
Pedal the Springs is produced and presented by the Buffalo Lodge Bicycle Resort, the only bicycle-themed lodging and must-stay for cyclists coming to Colorado. Check us out at for more information.
Episodes are recorded in the Studio 809 Podcasts community podcast studio at The Next Us.
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